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1、托福听力笔记技巧 托福听力考试中尤其是Lecture部分是需要大家快速记录信息的,因为Lecture部分听力一般长达5-6分钟,单凭临时记忆很难记录下来所有的重点内容,下面就和大家分享托福听力笔记技巧如何快速记下有用信息,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力笔记技巧如何快速记下有用信息一.为什么托福听力需要记笔记1. 听力材料长度增加,每类*的长度都在600字以上2. 总题目数量减少,老托福听力题目为50道,新托福为34道3. 听力题型简化为两大类:长对话(2个),课堂讲座(4个)4. 出现三种新的考试题目类型:表格题、重复题、多选题5. 听完之后才可以看题目6. 考生可以做笔记通过对新

2、托福听力特点的分析,我们不难看出记笔记是听力高分突破的关键。二.如何快速记下关键信息1.抓核心IBT听力正式开始之前会有一个简短的内容介绍,之后屏幕上会出现一些和听力内容相关的,这些可以帮助我们确定下面所要听部分的核心话题。例如, listen to a conversation between a professor and student in a professor and student. 从这个介绍我们可以知道下面对话内容的场景:biology class,结下来会出现一个图片,里面文字为:Friends of the Earth, Biology class。后面还会出现一个对话内

3、容的图片。通过这些文字和图片,我们可以推断这个对话的主题为与人类地球有关的一个结构,这样机构主要会负责环保事宜。确定主题可以让考生悬着的新慢慢落地。后面的长对话给出的文字和图片提示与对话类似。2.核心相关细节确定核心话题之后,我们需要做的就是记录与其相关的细节,主要的细节为what , when, where , who , why和 how等。注意记录对话和演讲中信息引导词和信息引导句后面的信息,例如, First , lets look at the , Now, Lets move on to , in the nest part of lecture ,I d like to talk

4、 about 3.笔记记录方法1)主要记录实词:名词,动词,形容词。这次词语所包含的信息量大,也是重读和重复的核心词汇。2)采用简写、符号和缩写的速记法方法记录,例如:Q.=question,ltd.=limited, +=and/plus , ?=question ,/=or。此外,还可以用一些其它只有自己熟悉的速记符号来记录重要信息。读完上文,相信大家已经明白为什么托福听力需要记笔记。希望大家在练习听力的时候能够把握听力材料的核心内容,掌握一些速记方法。新托福听力备考:单句练习1. Well probably be late for the concert, wont we?我们大概听音乐

5、会要迟到了吧?2. Id better not go to bed because I havent finished my chemistry assignment.我最好不去睡觉,因为我还没有做完化学作业。3. I always forget peoples names at parties.我在参加晚会时总是忘记人们的名字。4. You gave me the right address for Bills apartment, didnt you?你给我比尔的公寓的地址是对的吧?5. Just down the street is a nice little gift shop.就在这

6、条街道的那头有一家小礼品店。6. The snack bar has fresh fruit, right?快餐店有新鲜水果,对吧?7. There are big sales going on in the department stores downtown this week according to Charlie.据查理说,这个星期街里的百货商店进行大拍卖。8. Theres not a single cloud in the sky this afternoon.今天下午天空没有一丝云。9. Not one student in my class has studied paint

7、ing before.我的班上没有一个学生以前学过绘画。10. Behind the lecture hall is a small parking lot.在讲堂的后面是一个小停车场。11. Lucy was offered a scholarship by the university that was her first choice.路西被她首选的那所大学提供了一笔奖学金。12. Roberts discovered she was ineligible for the song contest.罗伯兹发现她不够参加歌咏比赛的条件。(ineligible:不合适的,无资格的。)13.

8、Ted once worked there but no longer does.泰德以前在那儿干过,但现在不再干了。14. She replaced the broken pane of glass.她换掉了那块被打碎的玻璃。15. I guessed the right answer.我猜对了答案。16. Ive promised to take Cathy some of this delicious tea.我答应带给凯茜一些这种香茶。17. Mary Ann, thats who makes the best soup.马利安,她就是那个汤做得最好喝的人。18. The last p

9、erson I want to see is Jeff.我最不想见的人就是杰夫。19. Sara used to teach psychology, but now shes a corporate statistician.塞拉过去教心理学,而现在她是一个公司的统计员。20. The bank granted her a loan to cover her school expenses.银行给予她一笔贷款支付她的学费。新托福听力备考:单句练习1. Bill, thanks for picking up the books for me.比尔,谢谢你把我的书拾了起来。2. She said

10、the demonstration begins at 8 oclock, didnt she?她说表演于8点开始,对吧?3. Linda took night classes for ten years and eventually got her degree.琳达读了十年晚间课程,终于拿到了学位。4. Automobile pollution is a far greater problem than industrial waste.汽车污染是一个比工业废物严重得多的问题。5. Im used to getting up early.我习惯于早起。6. Mary said she wa

11、nted to live by herself.马利说她想独自生活。7. Red lettering on signs is much more noticeable than blue.招牌上使用红色字体比蓝色更加醒目。8. He stood up for what he thought was right.他坚持他认为是正确的事。(stand up for:坚持,维持。)9. Id like to skip the meeting, but I cant just not go.我想逃过这次会议,但我又不能就这样不去。10. I couldnt get David to tell me w

12、here he is going on vacation.我无法让戴维告诉我他假期去哪儿。11. The radio is too loud only for Ben.只有本觉得收音机太响。12. Lets leave the car at home and walk into town for a change.我们把汽车放在家里走着进城吧。(for a change:换个花样,换个口味。)13. Cavin raced through the station, afraid hed miss the train.凯文飞速跑入火车站,担心会耽误了火车。14. If we hadnt made

13、 a wrong turn, wed been on time.如果不是我们转错了弯的话,我们会准时的。15. Better than half the class was absent.一半多的学生缺席了。16. People from the television station have requested that viewers send in their suggestions.电视台的人要求观众寄来他们的建议。17. Although John will never believe it, I did try to return his telephone call.尽管约翰永远不会相信,我的确给他回了电话。18. Lunch wasnt at all appealing today.今天的午饭一点也引不起食欲。19. Robert tends to keep his opinions to himself.罗伯特一向保留自己的意见。20. Lets all try to keep quiet.咱们都尽量小点声。托福听力


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