1、雅思写作如何举例子 雅思考试作为国际语言考试,其中的写作部分让不少烤鸭头疼,在备考雅思阶段,要注意正确理解词汇语法和逻辑的重要性。下面就和大家分享雅思写作如何看待词汇语法和逻辑,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作如何用举例子的办法使自己的作文高大上1、举例时紧扣*脉络不论你在写作时想到了什么样惊天地泣鬼神的好例子,还是得记住合适才是最后得分的关键。换句话说,例子一般是对上一段论点的展开,也有时是作为下一段批判的靶子,整体需要按照*顺序依次列出,这样考官才能看懂你的举例。2、例子*尽可能丰富,维度多元尽管中国的烤鸭们自熟谙引经据典,但是在雅思考试当中引用的例子却往往受限于亚里士多德、哥白尼等等英文*里常见的
3、分。总之举例这种论证方法虽然好用,本质上还是对逻辑核心的补充,不可能改变论点上欠缺的东西。为了更好地拿分,你应该从论点展开时就开始构思举例论证的因果链,平时也可以多精读些雅思*,利用它们来学习改进。雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文When people move to another country, some of them decide to follow the customs of the new country. Others prefer to keep their own customs.Compare these two choices. Which one do you pr
4、efer?Model Answer:People may choose to keep their old traditions from their native country or to accept new ones. Keeping the old customs will help one to overcome the cultural shock and the change of the environment. From the other side, accepting the new traditions will help one to adapt and make
5、new friends with residents. In this essay I will give different reasons why people decide to follow the customs of the new country or to keep their own customs.If one is from the country with strong and old traditions, I think it will be rather difficult for him to adapt to the new customs and moreo
6、ver to reject his own. That is why some people from the same country try to live together and to create their own community where the old traditions are kept. They can not break the customs that were created by their ancestors. For example, some nations are restricted in certain kinds of food by the
7、ir traditions. So, they do not go to the restaurants unless their traditional food is served there. Some nations according to their customs have to wear certain types of cloth because their religion tells them to do so.From the other side, if one is from the country with traditions similar to ones o
8、f the new country it will be easy for him to adopt and to follow the customs of the new place. He will not feel much difference. Probably, the most difficult part of his relocation will be to accustom to the new climate.I think that people of the new country are friendlier when they see that foreign
9、er follows their customs. I belief that traditions of every country deserve respect, especially, when one lives there. In summary, I think that every country has its own beauty and if one wants to find out more about it he will love it.People may choose to keep their old traditions from their native
10、 country or to accept new ones. Keeping the old customs will help one to overcome the cultural shock and the change of the environment. From the other side, accepting the new traditions will help one to adapt and make new friends with residents. In this essay I will give different reasons why people
11、 decide to follow the customs of the new country or to keep their own customs.If one is from the country with strong and old traditions, I think it will be rather difficult for him to adapt to the new customs and moreover to reject his own. That is why some people from the same country try to live t
12、ogether and to create their own community where the old traditions are kept. They can not break the customs that were created by their ancestors. For example, some nations are restricted in certain kinds of food by their traditions. So, they do not go to the restaurants unless their traditional food
13、 is served there. Some nations according to their customs have to wear certain types of cloth because their religion tells them to do so.From the other side, if one is from the country with traditions similar to ones of the new country it will be easy for him to adopt and to follow the customs of th
14、e new place. He will not feel much difference. Probably, the most difficult part of his relocation will be to accustom to the new climate.I think that people of the new country are friendlier when they see that foreigner follows their customs. I belief that traditions of every country deserve respec
15、t, especially, when one lives there. In summary, I think that every country has its own beauty and if one wants to find out more about it he will love it.雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt.Model Answer:In our modern stressful
16、world we often forget about our customs and traditions. However, I think that people should keep their traditions because they help to remember our forefathers and value the beautiful moments we have in our lives.In my country we have a great custom called Maslenica. It is a holiday, which is celebr
17、ated at the end of the winter. Many people gather on the biggest square of the city and see of the winter. They say to the winter good-bye and ask the spring to change the winter. They celebrate the beginning of the life when everything starts to grow.People at this holiday bake pancakes and treat e
18、ach other with them. Also, many people gathered on the square play different games. For example, the most well-known game pulling a rope subsists in that two teams pull a rope. The winner is the team, witch has a longer rope. Other people draw on the icy pole. People have fun at this holiday even if
19、 they just observe those games and do not participate.In conclusion, I am sure that Maslenica would benefit many countries all over the world. People have the opportunity to relax, leave their troubles and worries behind and have fun. Also, this holiday helps people to find out more about each other, communicate and meet new people. In addition to those practical benefits, Maslenica helps people to slow down their life pace and enjoy the present moments that are irreplaceable and beautiful.雅思写作