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1、雅思写作背过的词汇拼不出原因 在雅思写作中,不少烤鸭会遇到背过的词汇想不起来或者拼写不出的囧况,可以说是很影响考试的发挥了,那么在平时的备考练习中怎样应对呢?下面就和大家分享雅思写作词汇,来欣赏一下吧。为什么背过的词汇在雅思写作时拼不出一、词到嘴边拼不出1. 忽视词根词缀的作用,看似背了很多单词,其实是把同一词源的单词都混在了一起。英文形容词中常有com、con、dis、im、in、un等开头,名词中常有ment、ival、tion、age、vo等结尾,不少同学只记住了大众化的前缀后缀而忽略了它的本意。觉得大家可以把词根和单词分开进行整理,对容易混淆的词语们进行集中记忆,这样会明晰很多。2.过

2、度依赖app的背词功能,缺乏手写默写的练习。诚然烤鸭们都有自己心仪的背书小程序,而它们也可以使雅思的复习变得有趣起来。但当你利用它们背诵单词时,千万不要忘了自己也得动动手把它们再整理一遍。好记性不如烂笔头,app能提供的记忆方法主要是眼睛和耳朵方面的训练,而书写能帮助你的肌肉记忆单词的字母排列。二、词到笔尖想不起1. 如果你背诵时爱在主词条附近留下标记,或者只喜欢记例句和单词的图示,那么你就得小心“场景记忆效应”的陷阱啦。这种背诵法忽略词义本身,通过关联项提示让你产生自己已经背出来了的错觉,其实离开了图示、标记和例句后你还是想不起它的。2.回想一下,自己背诵时是否有把短期记忆转到长期记忆?很多

3、同学背着背着就乏了,单词都是靠一次性反复默读来记住的,其实过两天就消散了。这样背单词不仅不快乐,还浪费复习时间,不如改用大量多次、反复记忆的方法。雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文Write about the following topic:Illiteracy has traditionally been viewed as largely a third world problem. However it is becoming apparent that in countries such as the USA and Australia, illiteracy is on the in

4、crease.Discuss possible causes for this and its effect on society.Model Answer:It is true that illiteracy is becoming a serious problem in industrialised nations. This is surprising as most people think that this is a problem only in under-developed nations such as in parts of Africa and India. Illi

5、teracy is related to many other problems such as poverty, over-population and governmental corruption. Let us take a more detailed look at the causes of this growing problem in many Western nations.One of the most obvious reasons for the increase in illiteracy is the advent of television. Children n

6、o longer have to read to obtain information. Neither do they have to read to relax. Today children get home from school and go straight to “the box” to watch their favorite program. Watching television is much easier and more exciting than reading.Another reason for the increase in illiteracy is the

7、 fact that so many women work. This means that children are often alone at home and so they are unsupervised. When parents get home they are often too tired to spend quality time whit their children.It is also true that many people blame schools for the decline in illiteracy. In many countries there

8、 has been a move away from teaching basic skills such as reading and writing.There are many effects of this growing illiteracy rate. The most obvious is unemployment. This may in turn lead to alcohol and drug abuse. Ultimately the economy of the country begins to suffer and there is a drop in living

9、 standards.To address this problem, parents need to become more aware of their responsibilities and schools need to consider a change in their teaching methods. If this worsening trend is not reversed, the problem of illiteracy will become very serious.雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文Write about the following topic

10、:Counties such as China, India and Japan have unsustainable population growths. In fact many experts are of the opinion that the population explosion which is now a very worrying concern, is the most serious threat to life on this planet.Give some suggestions to address this problem.Model Answer:It

11、is true that the population explosion which has taken place over the last century, is a very serious problem. One of the main reasons for this unacceptable population growth is a lack of understanding about the environment. Over-population is the major reason for water, soil and air pollution. It is

12、 also often the cause of starvation and even wars. Experts have put forward many suggestions to address this problem. The following are just a few of these.The most important weapon we have to fight population growth is education. This should start at a very early age i.e. before children even go to

13、 school. TV cartoons and childrens programs can be used to educate the very young. At high school level, students can be taught about the problem more directly. At university level, scholarships should be made available to students who wish to study further in this field. International exchange grou

14、ps may also help to increase awareness.Another important means of controlling population growth is to disadvantage people who have more than one or two children. This can be done, as it is in China, by means of a higher tax. Although it is controversial, persons who come forward to be sterilized cou

15、ld be given a sum of money. It may also be possible to make it advantageous for people to have only one child by giving such couples a special tax deduction.It should also be possible to make contraception devices free to the public and easily obtainable.This problem is a very difficult one to address but we should make every effort to do so. There are many other problems which are related to over-population such as increasing crime, illiteracy and pollution. So by addressing one problem we would be addressing the others as well.雅思写作


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