The brief history of English1.early days.ppt

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1、Tasks for today,The brief history of EnglishThe early years of modern language teaching(Middle Age)I.Beginning II Uprising of EnglishIII.Language teaching development(Latin,French,English)IV.Teaching English as a foreign language,The brief history of English,Three periods Three invasionsEnglishs est

2、ablishing,Three periods,Old English(450 to 1150).Middle English(1150 to 1500)Modern English(1500 to present),Old English,from 450 to 1150 is known as the Old English.It is described as the period of full inflections(词尾变化),since during most of this period the case ending变格词尾of the noun,the adjective

3、and the conjugation(结合)of the verb were not weakened.Old English was a highly inflected language屈折语言.It had a complete system of declensions(变格)with four case格 and conjugations.So Old English grammar differs from Modern English grammar in these aspects.,Middle English,The period from 1150 is known a

4、s the Middle English period.It is know as the period inflections英语词尾屈折变化.This period was marked by important changes in the English language.The Norman Conquest was the cause of these changes.The change of this period had a great effect on both grammar and vocabulary.In this period many Old English

5、words were lost,but thousands of words borrowed from French and Latin appeared in the English vocabulary.In the Middle English period grammatical gender disappeared,grammatical gender(性)was completely replaced by the natural gender.,Modern English,Modern English period extends from 1500 to the prese

6、nt day.The Early modern English period extends from 1500 to 1700.The chief influence of this time was great humanistic movement of the Renaissance.The influence of Latin and Greek on English was great.The nineteenth and twentieth centuries are a period of rapid expansion for the English vocabulary i

7、n the history of the English language.,Three Invasions,公元6世纪末基督教会来到不列颠岛,这是英语史上的一件大事,标志着英语开始受到拉丁语Latin的影响。英语原本是Anglo-Saxon,属于日耳曼语Germanic的一种。拉丁语的传入是它受到的第一次文化入侵,以后这样的“侵略”还发生过两次。,Three Invasions,从公元793年开始,北欧的维京人(Viking)开始入侵不列颠岛。到了9世纪中期,几乎半个英格兰都落入了维京人手里。北欧海盗的到来,使得英语受到了北欧语的强烈影响。最重大的一个变化是,英语的词尾变化逐渐消失,不再像其

8、他欧洲语言那样,有着复杂的词尾变化。因为日耳曼语毕竟也属于北欧语的一种,它与英语的词干基本是相同的,所以英国人如果想同北欧人交流,只有放弃词尾变化了。另外,英语中以“sk”开头的词,大部分都来自北欧语,比如sky(天空)、skein(一团纱线)、skirt(裙子)、skill(技能)、skin(皮肤)等等。这是英语受到第二次文化入侵。,Three Invasions,1066年,法国的诺曼底公爵入侵不列颠岛,最终成功得控制了英国全国,成为威廉一世。他清洗了英国的朝廷和教会,所有重要的职位都由法国人担任,上层所有的交流都用法语。威廉一世本人就不会说英语。用一个学者的话说,法国人入侵这件事“对英语

9、的影响比英语史上任何其他事件都更大”。从此,法语对英语产生了极其巨大的影响,这就是英语受到的第三次文化入侵。此后的200多年中,英国社会的语言状况是这样的:政府和贵族说法语,宗教和文化事业用拉丁语,底层的老百姓继续用英语。直到今天,英国人说一点法语,都是时髦的表现。,Englishs establishing,我们看到1066年法国的诺曼底公爵占领了不列颠岛,英国的国家机器都被法国人控制了。当时的情况是,法语是官方语言,英语成了二等语言,很有可能从此就消失了。在社会上层都讲法语和拉丁语的情况下,英语还能生存下来,并最终取代法语的位置,有这样几个原因:,首先,在诺曼征服之前,古英语的书面语和口语



12、面。,The early years(Middle Age),I.the beginning of modern vernacular language teachingFrom the Plantagenet dynasty to Tudors(bilingualmonolingual).John Trevisas complain on the language changesP3-1(the greatest of middle English prose translators of Latin text into English,was almost a contemporary o

13、f Geoffrey Chaucer),The earliest extant manual for teaching of French 1396 by an unknown east Anglican author(P3-2)It is a collection of useful everyday dialogues for travellers to France and was the forerunners of the situational language teaching textbooks of the Tudor period.,II.Uprising English

14、Richard II order were read in English Henry IV use English in claiming the crown and acceptance speechHenry V accept English as royal language,first council record written in English,publish his will in English P4-1.2By the end of the 15thc,the statues(法案)and affairs of state were conducted in Engli

15、sh.The dialect of the East-Central Midlands established as standard pronunciation and Orthographical standardization was well advanced.To Tudors(都铎王朝1485-1603)P4-3,To Tudors(都铎王朝1485-1603),English was the language of the nation,spoken by all from the King himself downwards.French was seen as a prest

16、igious accomplishment necessary for anyone with ambitions towards culture or advancement in high places,and Latin remained secure as the mark of a properly educated man or woman.Going to school meant learning Latin grammar and Latin was the only language that had a grammar.,Latin teaching materials

17、relied mainly on texts and dialogues beginning from 11thC.The text is accompanied by an interliner translation in Anglo-Saxon,and it consists of Q&A relating to daily rural life.P5-2Latin was the only language that had a grammar.verbatim learning(逐字学习)catechistic teaching(盘问式检查)digestible remember,I

18、II Language teaching development(Latin,French,English),First modern French manual was published in 1530,written by John Palsgrave.Similar manual was written by William of Kingsmill,a noted teacher of French in 15thC P6-1.The modern language teaching(French,and following English)grew out of the same

19、traditional procedure of Latin.The learners had to do all the memorization and the teaching merely had to prompt them with questions.(students-oriented,teachers supervisor),The first textbooks designed solely to teach English as a foreign language appeared in 1570s-1580s(refugee).Double manuals aimi

20、ng to teach English to French started to appear at the end of 15thC.The first printed double-manual was written by William Caxton in 1483.P7It was a bilingual manual written in columns containing customary greetings then useful vocabulary for household equipment,shopping dialogues and then an alphab

21、etically arranged series of portraits mainly of trades-people.It ends with a short prayer that will enlighten the hearts of its readers.In Renaissance times,English was included in the Dictionary alongside the more widely-known language like French,Dutch,Italian,Iv.Teaching English as a foreign lang

22、uage,The first teacher of English as a foreign language was a French man called Gabriel Meurier A trestise for to learn to speak French and English(1553)P8-4This book contains a form of making letters,indentures(契约)mercial documents for all Merchants.Another notable handbooks for the teaching of Eng

23、lish was A very profitable Book to learn the manner of reading,writing,and speaking English and Spanish(1554)P9-1it was a rush work translated from other languages for the Spanish visitors to England for the wedding of Philip II and Mary I.It mainly contains everyday conversation and commercial affairs.,To be continued,The next stage of English teaching after these humble beginning was determined by major events in the mainstream of late 16thC religious politics-Reformation(宗教改革),


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