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1、冲压成型标准及流程stamp formability standard and process,成型分析流程简介formability analysis flow introduction,VVA:虚拟装配 L1:初版数据发放MMR:制造数据发放 P2:终版数据发放TP:调试 ATDS:调试分析表,MMR Buyoff Report,L1-4 AEBOReport,P2 FormabilityPackage,FinalATDS,成型分析软件及参数设置Formability Analysis Software And Setup Parameters,一、分析软件的使用:Formability

2、Analysis Software 1.模具设计前优先使用顺序:AutoformPamstampDynaform Until buyoff to start die design preferential order 2.模具设计时优先使用顺序:PamstampDynaformAutoform After buyoff to start die design preferential order 3.输出文件:Output Document Simulation ReportFormability Report Advanced Engineer ReportTryout Report二、参数

3、设置:Setup Software Parameters 1.材料参数设置根据仿真分析输出报告,规格符合通用标准。Material setup parameters follow to simulation report,specification conform to GM standard.2.软件参数:摩擦系数、压边力、拉延筋 Setup Parameters:friction coefficientsbinder forcedrawbead,成型分析报告模板Model of Formability Analysis Report,成型分析关键控制要素:Key to Success in

4、 Using Formability1.材料力学性能及仿真模拟计算分析。material mechanics and computing analysis technology2.塑性力学原理、接触摩擦运算、成型压力、板料流入量。Plasticity Theory,Contact Algorithm,Friction Law,Forces,and Draw-in Amounts(Metal Flow)3.假定模具工作时无变形、表面光洁、合模到底、料厚间隙准确、真实圆角、理 论摩擦条件、压力分布均匀。Assume the tools are rigid bodies,mirror finishi

5、ng,perfect spotting,exact one metal thickness offset clearance,true radius,and theoretical tangency,press balanced.4.板料机械性能与设置吻合,化学成分和表面粗糙度符合标准。The mechanical properties of blanks are close to typical case.The chemical composition and surface roughness meet the specifications.5.工艺设置符合GM标准 Follow GM

6、Standards(Processing,Layout,Die Design,Press,and Automation)6.利用成型分析报告指导调试。Use Formability Package to guide tryout7.利用平衡块0.1mm间隙使筋控制板料流入。Use 0.1 mm equalizing blocks to let beads control metal flow from binder,成型分析相关标准Formability Analysis Relate Standard,板料:Blank板料要求:Blank Requirement分析调试所使用的板料必须与产品

7、设计材料一致。All material used for tryout will be from the designated production.板料尺寸:Bank size 最大外形尺寸 Maximum shape size buy point 压边圈闭合板料尺寸 Blank size of position at binder closure板料流入量 Draw in map 成型分析时的尺寸用于指导模具调试,调试完成后的板料实际尺寸用于修正模拟尺寸。Simulation blank size can be used for guiding die tryout work,actual

8、 tryout blank size could correct the simulation blank size.,成型分析相关标准Formability Analysis Relate Standard,压料筋标准:Bead Standard压料筋类型:方筋、圆筋、台阶Bead style:rectangle beadround beadstep bead,Forming Limit Diagram(FLD)成型极限图,该图是发生在板料成形时的经验曲线,显示双轴应变水平超过此范围可能发生的缺陷An empirical curve showing the biaxial strain le

9、vels beyond which failure may occur in sheet metal forming.,该图显示的应变为分析网格变形的测量数据显示范围。The strains are given in terms of major and minor strains measured from deformed circle,previously printed on to the un-deformed sheet.,Forming Limit Diagram(CR5 Material),一个合格的分析应变结果是在成型极限范围内A robust Stamping proces

10、s is one in which strains in part lies well with in the forming limit diagram.,成型分析相关标准Formability Analysis Relate Standard,成型分析相关标准Formability Analysis Relate Standard,材料变薄:Thinning板料在拉延过程中受主副应力的作用产生相应的主副应变,板料逐渐变薄,拉延出产品形状。在成型分析时,我们根据材料的等级、厚度、性能对其变薄率进行控制,通用标准根据材料类型对材料的最大变薄率作出了限定,标准如下:There are major

11、 stress and minor stress in drawing operation,so the steel thinning to shape the product curve.In formability analysis operation,according to gradethicknessmechanics of material to control thinning,GM maximum thinning limit standard:,过度变薄会造成制件缩颈、开裂缺陷。Excess thinning will caused neckingcracking.,成型分析

12、相关标准Formability Analysis Relate Standard,起皱:wrinkle在成型过程中,板料在凸凹模之间是自由状态时出现起皱。Material is freed between the punch and the die during forming.在翻边和整形工序中,压料力不足或模具圆角过大导致制件角部出现起皱。Suppressing pressure is not sufficient or the die radius is too large in a cone shape during flange and restrike operation.,通用标

13、准:GM standard在距拉延到底3mm工序件的外表面、密封面、配合面、基准面区域无可视起皱和波浪。No visual wrinkles and waviness on show surfaceseal surfacemating surfacedatum surface in visual check for break down panel of 3 mm off bottom板料增厚5%区域无可视起皱。No visual wrinkles in the area of thicking 5%.,成型分析相关标准Formability Analysis Relate Standard,

14、滑移线和冲击线:skid&impact lines滑移线是由产品的弯曲圆角造成的,冲击线是由模具圆角造成的。Skid line results from bending from product radius,impact line results from die radius.通用标准:GM Standard1.滑移线冲击线控制在弯曲圆角范围内,不可出现在外表面上。Skid and impact lines position must be within bend radius area,no occure on the surface.2.滑移线R角区域的接触压力小于材料屈服强度的15%

15、。Contact pressure of skid line area 15%of yield strength at radius.3.在距到底0.4mm拉延件上不可出现滑移线和冲击线。At 0.4mm breakdown panel,no visual skid&impact ling.,成型分析相关标准Formability Analysis Relate Standard,回弹:springback回弹是一种弯曲成型后弯曲圆角和弯曲角度变大的缺陷。Spring back is a major defect phenomenon in which the bending radius a

16、nd bending angle become larger than that of the die after bending.回弹是由制件内部存在不均匀的应力造成的,制件材料有较大的弹性形变、制件的弯曲角度较小、弯曲圆角半径较大等原因造成制件的局部回弹。This phenomenon is caused by uneven internal stress,and spring back is extensive for materials with greater elastic strain or less bending working with large bending radi

17、us,small bending angle.,通用标准:GM Standard1.零件料厚大于1mm,其自由状态回弹量控制在1mm以内。Part with thickness 1mm must not exceed 1 mm from the nominal in free state.2.零件料厚小于等于1mm,其自由状态回弹量控制在2mm以内。Part with thickness=1mm must not exceed 2 mm from the nominal in free state.3.质量目标:制件轮廓公差在+-0.5mm以内的符合率为80%。Quality target:8

18、0%of PIST are less than or equal to+-0.5 mm of nominal,成型分析相关标准Formability Analysis Relate Standard,模拟成型工序件检查:checking for breakdown panel为了更直观地了解制件成型的各个过程,以及在成型过程中出现的质量缺陷和相应的工艺调整,在成型报告中需体现以下几个关键成型过程:In order to more intuitive understanding of all operation of stamping formability,quality defect and

19、 process compensation,key forming process must be reflected in formability report.1.板料自重状态 Gravity Drape 2.压边圈闭合状态 Binder Wrap3.60mm到底状态 60 mm off bottom 4.20mm到底状态 20 mm off bottom5.6mm到底状态 6 mm off bottom 6.3mm到底状态 3 mm off bottom7.到底状态 0 mm off bottom根据制件的成型深度和结构复杂程度可自行设定成型深度工序件,但1、2、6、7状态的工序件必须在

20、成型报告中体现。According to the forming travel and structure complexity,you can freely setup the breakdown panel,but must retain 1267 condition breakdown panel in formability report.,模具调试关键因素Die Tryout Key Elements,模具调试的关键参数必须符合冲压成形性分析报告中的参数,调试过程检查成型参数,关键参数如下:Die tryout elements must follow up formability

21、package,check parameters in die tryout,for example:一、板料信息核查:Blank Information Checking 1.板料材料 Blank material 2.板料厚度 Blank thickness 3.板料尺寸 Blank size 4.板料涂层 Blank coating 5.板料等级(n-valuer-valueyield strength)二、冲压工艺 Press Process 1.板料流动 Stamping Fluid 2.压边力 Binder Tonnage三、模具结构 Die Construction 1.侧壁间隙 Side Wall Clearence 2.拉延筋 Beads 3.压边圈和筋的硬点 Binder and Bead Spotting 4.模具结构和成型临界位置 Die Geometry vs Critial Forming Sections四、模具设置 Die Set-up 1.板料间隙 Blank Gauging 2.压边圈行程 Ring Travel 3.拉延走料量 Draw-In Amounts,


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