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1、雅思口语中的辨音技巧 如何掌握雅思口语中的辨音技巧?你有没有遇到过这样的问题,就是在听外国朋友说话时,没听懂他说的,结果用写的一看,全是认识的单词。下面就和大家分享如何掌握雅思口语中的辨音技巧,来欣赏一下吧。如何掌握雅思口语中的辨音技巧?一、知道单词的正确读音辨音能力弱可能是考生根本没有掌握单词的正确发音,因此在听到录音中的标准发音时,并不能做出反应。针对这个问题,建议考生强化音标练习,并且通过通过模仿和跟读改善发音,从而掌握正确的单词发音。二、了解英语发音规则辨音能力弱还可能是考生对英语的发音规则不了解。英语和汉语的发音有本质上的区别,汉语是一字一音,相邻两字发音界限明显,互不干扰,因此汉语

2、讲究字正腔圆,而英语是拼音语言,实际说话中单词与单词间无明显界限,从前一个单词到下一个单词可能连读,可能爆破,无如汉字那样的间隔。可英语,如atall,all of us完全可以当做一个词来读。对于这个问题,大家需要加强练习,多听、多总结,最后才能熟练的掌握这些技巧。精听就是一个非常不错的方法。在精听的过程中,大家需要认真掌握每一个句子、每一个单词,甚至每一个音节。在听的过程中,很多句子中都会出现上述的连读、弱读、爆破等语音现象,通过精听的反复多次的听,能够帮助大家熟悉这些语音想现象。三、了解雅思听力考试中不同口音的发音特点辨音能力弱的第三个原因就在于考生对雅思听力考试录音中一些带有口音的英语


4、迹,但是在澳洲音中/ei/和/e/这两个音节会跟英音有明显的不同:/ei/这个音会变为/ai/,例如place会读为/plais/,mate会读为/mait/。而/e/这个音会变为/i/。以上就是如何掌握雅思口语中的辨音技巧的全部内容,为了能运用这些辩音的技巧,我们首先还是要掌握一个单词的正确读法。在学习一个单词的时候,经常会有美式发音英式发音,这是我们就可以了解一下英国考官的发音是怎样的。另外还有一些词语间的连读等发音规则,这个主要还是通过听力材料的训练去熟悉和掌握。2020年9-12月雅思口语范文part1:PatienceTea/Coffee1.When was the last tim

5、e you drank tea or coffee?Well, actually I am a big fan of coffee and I have the habit of drinking this kind of beverage everyday. You know, I just had a cup of espresso this morning. I am really partial to it because just a sipof coffee can keep me refreshed and energetic. As for tea, it is not a c

6、ommon thing in my daily life.2.Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?I believe that most people in our country are more likely to choose tea, because it is an essential part of our culture. But since coffee was introduced into China and it is regarded as a modern beverage,the number of coffe

7、e lovers is also growing. Especially among the young people, drinking a cup of Americano has become a habit in the morning.3.Do you prepare tea or coffee for guests at home?Definitely coffee! The reasons are simple. Personally, Im not interested in drinking tea, so you can find anything but tea in m

8、y apartment. Besides, the flavor of coffee can be changed according toguests preferences. You can add a dash of milk or sugar if you dont like bitter taste, but the flavor of tea is not changeable. So I am not sure it is suitable for every visitor.2020年9-12月雅思口语范文part3:参加过的聚会1.What do children often

9、 do in a birthday party?Well, personally, I am not quite sure about that because I didnt go to parties often when I was young, but I think its quite spontaneous, like some of them who go to parties may feel really good about the atmosphere, so they are likely to dance or sing songs together and its

10、definitely a great way to have fun. And as for others, the purpose for going to parties is actually eating, so they will probably get their stomach full by eating different kinds of snacks, you know, ice creams, chocolate,desserts and french fried maybe.2.What do adults do at parties?Well, personall

11、y, I am not quite sure about that because I dont go to parties often, but I think itsquite spontaneous, like some of them who go to parties may feel really good about the atmosphere,so they are likely to dance or sing songs together and its definitely a great way to loosen up. Andas for others, the

12、purpose for going to parties is actually making friends, so they will probably get acquainted with new people by having a drink together and having some nice chat.3.Do Chinese people like to hold parties?Well, actually its really hard to say because I think its a personal thing, for example, people

13、around me love holding a party when the exams end, you know, its a great way to make friends and relax. I mean, most of the party holders are young people, so they are more likely to getacquainted with new friends by attending different kinds of parties because there is no generationgap between them

14、 , and as for old people, the way to leisure is usually going to the park and attending social gathering, so I dont think they enjoy holding a party.4.Should parents spend a lot of money on their childrens birthday parties?Well, personally, I think holding parties for children is necessary because i

15、t brings happiness and sweet memories to them. But I dont consider a money-consuming party is a cool thing. You know,spending too much money for childrens birthday parties would somehow get their children spoiled,because you are conveying a wrong message that children would get all the best things o

16、n their birthdays. Instead, a well-organized, reasonable-budget party will ease parents financial burden and leave children good memories at the same time.5.Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?Well, actually its really hard to say because I think its a personal thi

17、ng, for example, for young people, most of them are open-minded and easy going and most of the party holders are young people, so they are more likely to get acquainted with new friends by attending different kinds of parties because there is no generation gap between them , and as for old people, the most common way to make friends is going to the park and attending social gathering, so I dont think they could make more friends at the parties.雅思口语


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