新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第三册Unit 10 Section BThe Meeting of Two Old Friends1.ppt

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1、Contents,Reading Skills,Test Yourself,Reading Comprehension,外语教学与研究出版社,空军工程大学,Like the other skills for your use,the skill introduced in this unit does render you better able in reading.,This practice is designed to help you get a deeper insight into the skill for this unit.,Denotation and Connotati

2、on,Reading Skills:,Introduction,阅读实践,随 笔,Denotation and Connotation,We talked about Denotation and Connotation in Unit 10,Book 2.Here is a brief review about the reading skills.Both denotation and connotation refer to the meanings of words.Denotation is the literal meaning of a word what you find in

3、 a dictionary.Connotation,on the other hand,is the implied meaning of a word what a word suggests to you,or what it makes you feel or think.For the word“die”,for example,阅读实践,随 笔,the denotation is“stop living”.But in the sentence“Some die at 30 but are not buried until theyre 70”,the word“die”connot

4、es“stop living spiritually”or“stop growing intellectually”.In order to fully understand the connotation of a word,we need to be aware of the context in which the word appears.Generally speaking,the more we perceive the connotations of a word,the more we can understand how a writer wants us to feel o

5、r think.Read the following sentences taken from Text A carefully,paying close,阅读实践,随 笔,attention to the underlined words.These words all have clear denotations,but each has a number of connotations.,but it is true to say that he did more to shape my life than any other person,and is largely responsi

6、ble for the shyness which has been a handicap to me.(Para.1),?,阅读实践,随 笔,Denotation:a disability of the body or mind that causes a person serious difficulty,Connotation(s):weakness.By using the word“handicap”,the writers shyness is compared to a disability of the body or mind.In other words,the write

7、r is“handicapped”by John Bullyer.,?,阅读实践,随 笔,I realized that my stories were an extension of my own desires to rise to higher and higher altitudes.(Para.6),Denotation:an added or extended partConnotation(s):a reflection of my own desires.It is implied that the writer thought that his stories actuall

8、y reflected his strong desires to be more successful than John Bullyer in the competition.,Practice,阅读技巧,随 笔,Read the following sentences taken from Text B,paying close attention to the underlined parts which all have clear denotations,but each has a number of connotations.Write the denotation of th

9、e word and its connotation in the context.,Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,阅读技巧,随 笔,1.Now and then,if you did a loop of the area,you might see the lights of an emergency dental office or something of the sort.(Para.2),the curved or circular shape,the act of going around somewhere.The implied meaning is

10、 that the policeman was going around the area,trying doors and consequently seeing now and then the lights of an emergency dental office or something of the sort.,Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,阅读技巧,随 笔,2.There were no bars with music booming into the streets.(Para.2),make a deep hollow sound,loudly s

11、pread to the streets.The implied meaning is that the streets were quiet,and that even bars were careful not to get their loud music into the streets.,Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,阅读技巧,随 笔,3.The West,on the other hand,prescribes a harsh pill that makes a man strong of mind.(Para.9),say what medicine

12、a sick person should or must have,The West is tough enough to make a man strong.Here the West is compared to a doctor.,Denotation:_ _Connotation(s):_,阅读技巧,随 笔,4.There was then a hard rain falling,and the wind had risen into a steady blow that laid siege to the city streets.(Para.12),(of an army or t

13、he police)surround a place and try to gain control of it or force someone to come out of it,blow hard on the city streets.The implied meaning of the sentence is that the wind was very strong and blew hard on the city streets like an army making a fierce attack on its enemy.,Denotation:_Connotation(s

14、):_,阅读技巧,随 笔,5.The man from the West,his feelings of self enlarged by success,was beginning to outline the history of his career,describing his output.(Para.15),production,his achievements.The implied meaning of the sentence is that the man from the West was boasting about how he made his“achieve-me

15、nts”:rising to the top by means legal or illegal,etc.,Denotation:_Connotation(s):_,阅读技巧,随 笔,6.“It sometimes twists a good man into a bad one,”said the tall man,drawing his weapon.(Para.19),(cause to)change shape,the true or intended meaning,or direction,change a good man into a bad one.The use of th

16、e word“twist”suggests that the man was not only changed in appearance but also in nature.,Reading Comprehension,New Words,问题预览,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,问题预览,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,Questions Previewing,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,Introduction,For you to be better condition

17、ed for reading as fast as 100 words per minute,as required in the new type of examination“Fast Reading”,Text B can serve to be your fast-reading material.But,for this purpose,the best course of action is to know what to scan for in your skimming.Thus,the trick is to keep in your mind the key words o

18、f each question before you start off.That is where the“Question Previewing”comes in.,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,Q.1 While walking up the avenue,the policeman thought that _.Q.2 The policeman performed his usual routine in the quiet neighborhood _.Q.3 The policeman suddenly slowed his walk because _.Q.4 When

19、 the man spoke to the policeman,_.,词汇学习,课文阅读,随 笔,阅读理解,Q.5 The policeman did not recognize the man until _.Q.6 Which of the following is not true?_Q.7 From the conversation between Bob and Jimmy we know that _.Q.8 Bob knew that the tall man was not Jimmy Wells when_.,Passage Reading,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理

20、解,Chinese,The Meeting of Two Old Friends,Para 1a The policeman on the beat moved up the avenue.The time was just 10 oclock at night,but the chilly wind,with a taste of rain,had left the streets almost entirely free of inhabitants.Hardly a sound was emitted from this lonely avenue.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解

21、,Para 1b And the policeman who walked up the avenue thought it was unlikely that he would run into any trouble,let alone have to remove his gun from the strap that held it to his waist,as the night was so quiet.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 2 Trying doors as he went,as was his usual routine,the o

22、fficer made his way through the quiet neighborhood.At this time of night,the area was especially quiet.Now and then,if you did a loop of the area,you might see the lights of an emergency dental office or something of the sort;but the majority of the doors belonged to business places that had long si

23、nce been closed.There were no bars with music booming into the streets.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 3 When about midway of a certain block,the policeman suddenly slowed his walk.An ordinary man might have needed a telescope to see what was visible to the officer from such a distance.But this off

24、icer was not an ordinary man.In getting his police certificate almost two decades ago,he was praised for his excellent eyesight.Just then he saw,in the doorway of a darkened hardware store,a man.As the policeman walked up to him the man spoke up quickly.,Chinese,Para 4“Its all right,officer,”the man

25、 said,reassuringly.“Im just waiting for a friend.Its an appointment made twenty years ago.Sounds funny,doesnt it?Well,Ill explain if youd like to make certain its all straight.About that long ago there used to be a restaurant where this store standsBig Joe Bradys Restaurant.”,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Chin

26、ese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 5“Until five years ago,”said the policeman.“It was torn down then.”Para 6 The man in the doorway struck a match and lit his cigar.He sucked on the end,and the cigar burned brightly.The light showed a pale face with sharp eyes.His trousers were black with thin,white stripe

27、s.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 7“Twenty years ago tonight,”said the man,“I dined here at Big Joe Bradys with Jimmy Wells,my best friend.He and I were raised here in New York.We were poor mechanics,toying with turbine engines and installing generators.But that wasnt for me.The next morning I was

28、to start for the West to make my fortune.You couldnt have dragged Jimmy out of New York,not by any vehicle,no matter the horsepower.Well,we agreed that night to meet here again exactly twenty years from that date and time.”,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 8“You fared pretty well out West,didnt you?”

29、asked the policeman.Para 9“You bet!I hope Jimmy has done half as well.He wasnt the smartest man,though,good fellow as he was.Ive had to compete with some of the sharpest wits going to get my pile.A man gets lazy in New York;he gets soft.The West,on the other hand,prescribes a harsh pill that makes a

30、 man strong of mind.I started working on a steamer.And by means legal and illegal,I managed to rise to the top.”,Chinese,句型,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 10 The policeman took a step or two.Para 11“Ill be on my way.The station will deduct money from my pay if I standaround chatting all night.Good night,si

31、r,”said the policeman,as he left.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 12 There was then a hard rain falling,and the wind had risen into a steady blow that laid siege to the city streets.And in the door of the hardware store the man who had come a thousand miles to fill an appointment smoked his cigar an

32、d waited.Para 13 About twenty minutes he waited,and then a tall man in a long overcoat hurried across from the opposite side of the street.He went directly to the waiting man.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 14“Is that you,Bob?”he asked.Para 15 Bob,the man from the West,smiled and nodded.The two men

33、 greeted each other and then started up the street,arm in arm.The man from the West,his feelings of self enlarged by success,was beginning to outline the history of his career,describing his output.The other,submerged in his overcoat,listened with interest.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 16 At the

34、corner stood a grocery store,brilliant with electric lights.When they came into the light,each simultaneously turned to gaze upon the others face.,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 17 Bob,the man from the West,then noticed something odd.His friends face wasnt right,not the same face he remembered from

35、 so long ago.And there was a small microphone on the mans shirt,under his jacket.Para 18“Youre not Jimmy Wells,”he snapped.“Time doesnt change a man so much!”,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 19“It sometimes twists a good man into a bad one,”said the tall man,drawing his weapon.“Youve been under arre

36、st for ten minutes,you lousy,no-ood rat.Going quietly,are you?Thats smart.Now,before we go on to the station heres a note I was asked to hand you.You may read it here at the window.Its from Officer Wells.”,Chinese,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,阅读理解,Para 20“Bob:I was at the appointed place on time.When you struck th

37、e match to light your cigar,I could see you clearly.You look very different,Bob,and I could hardly recognize you as my friend.I could,however,recognize you as a criminal wanted in Chicago.Somehow I couldnt arrest you myself,so I went around and got another officer to do the job.JIMMY.”,Chinese,Choic

38、e Making,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,While walking up the avenue,the policeman thought that _.A.he had to be on the beat late at night,which was dangerous B.he had to walk up the avenue when the wind blew hard C.he should not use his gun because the night was so quiet D.he might not use his gun because troub

39、le was unlikely,Refer to Para.1b.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,2.The policeman performed his usual routine in the quiet neighborhood _.A.carefully B.easily C.quickly D.happily,Refer to Para.2.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,3.The policeman suddenly slowed his walk because _.A.he needed to have a telescope to see into the

40、 distance B.he needed excellent eyesight to see into the distance C.he saw a man in the doorway of a darkened hardware store D.he saw an officer standing in the distance in front of a store,Refer to Para.3.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,4.When the man spoke to the policeman,_.A.he seemed to be a person who was

41、 confident B.he sounded like someone who was sad C.he sounded very funny D.he wanted to know where the old restaurant was,Refer to Para.4.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,5.The policeman did not recognize the man until _.A.the man explained himself B.he had a talk with the man C.the cigar burned brightly D.the m

42、an said he was waiting for someone,Refer to Para.6.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,6.Which of the following is not true?A.Twenty years ago the man and the policeman were workmates.B.The man was not happy with the life in New York.C.The man and the policeman made an appointment at the restaurant.D.Both the man a

43、nd the policeman liked to work as a mechanic.,Refer to Para.7.,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,7.From the conversation between Bob and Jimmy we know that _.A.Jimmy preferred the West B.Bob preferred the West C.Bob had to compete with Jimmy D.Jimmy got lazy and soft in New York,Refer to Paras.7-9,Return to Para.9

44、,词汇学习,问题预览,随 笔,课文阅读,8.Bob knew that the tall man was not Jimmy Wells when_.A.he noticed the small microphone on the mans shirt B.he saw that time changed a man so much C.the tall man told Bob the truth D.Bob read the note written by Jimmy,Refer to Paras.17,18.,Test Yourself,Compound Dictation,In-Dep

45、th Reading,Compound Dictation,You will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the secondtime,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S8 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered S9 to S11 you are required tofill in missing information.For these

46、blanks,you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in yourown words.Now listen to the passage.,Directions:,阅读填空,随 笔,Were now witnessing the emergence of an advanced economy based on information and knowledge.Physical S1 _,raw materials,and capital are no long

47、er the key S2 _ in the creation of wealth.Now,the S3 _ raw material in our economy is knowledge.Tomorrows wealth depends on the development and exchange of knowledge.,labor,ingredients,vital,阅读填空,随 笔,And S4 _ entering the workforce offer their knowledge,not their muscles.Knowledge workers get paid f

48、or their education and their ability to learn.Knowledge workers S5 _ in mind work.They deal with symbols:words,S6 _,and data.What does all this mean for you?As a future knowledge worker,you can expect to be S7 _,processing,as well as exchanging information.,engage,figures,generating,阅读填空,随 笔,individ

49、uals,S8 _,three out of four jobs involve some form of mind work,and that number will increase sharply in the future.S9 _ _.In the new world of work,you can look forward to S10 _.,Management and employees alike will be making decisions in such areas as product development,quality control and customer

50、s satisfaction,being in constant training to acquire new skills that will help you keep up with improved technologies and procedures,阅读填空,随 笔,Currently,You can also expect to be taking greater control of your career.Gone are the nine-to-five jobs,lifetime security,predictable promotions,and even the


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