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1、Inversion 倒 装 句,倒装的概念:,在英语中,主语和谓语的语序通常是主语在前,谓语在后。但有时由于语法结构的需要,或者为了强调,谓语的全部或一部分要提到主语的前面,这种语序叫做倒装。,倒装的种类:,全部倒装,把全部谓语放在主语之前In came the headmaster.,部分倒装,把助动词放在主语之前Seldom does he go to the cinema.,助动词包括:be、have、do 和情态动词,全 部 倒 装,1、there be句型,(1)be与其后紧接着的主语保持数的一致。There is a pen and some books on the desk.T

2、here are some books and a pen on the desk.,(2)there be 的变体形式:there live,there stand,there lie,there exist,there seem to(happens to/used to)be 等。Once upon a time,there lived an old fisherman by the sea.There stands a temple on the top of the mountain.There used to be a school over there.,2.以方位(方向和位置)

3、副词,up,down,in,out,downstairs,away,upstairs,here,there,now,then,等前置+谓语是位移的不及物动词come,go,leave,start,dash,rush或等+非代词主语。Look,there comes the bus.Out rushed the children.The door opened and in came Black 注意:如果主语是代词就不倒装。如:There he comes.Here it is.Away it flew3.介词短语放句首时的全倒装。In the front of the hall sits a

4、 professor.Between the two buildings stands a tall treeIn the front of the room was a table,and behind it stood a beautiful lady.,4.表语置于句首时的倒装结构为“表语+连系动词+主语”1)形容词+连系动词+主语 Present at the meeting were Professor White,Professor Smith and many other guests.2)分词+连系动词+主语 Going along with the teacher were

5、the boy students.Hanging on the wall was a splendid painting.Gone are the days when we used foreign oil.Seated in front are the leaders of the school.,5.直接引语的全部或一部分放在句首时,引述动词和他的主语有时倒装“Youhavemadegreatprogressthisterm.”saidourteacher.,部分倒装一。否定词前置句首的主句半倒装 1。否定意义的副词not,never,hardly,seldom,little,scarce

6、ly,neither,nor,nowhere,等前置句首时,Never shall I forget the days when we lived together.Little did I expect to get such a warm welcome.Never before has our country been so beautiful as it is today.Seldom does he have a holiday.Hardly can they believe it.,2.否定形式的句型(1).No soonerthan,Hardly/Scarcelywhen表示“一

7、就时,从句用过去完成时半倒装,主句用过去时。(一过完半就+主句过去时)No sooner had I got home than it began to rain.Scarcely had we arrived home when the phone rang.No sooner had they entered the house than it began to rain.Hardly had we got on the train when the train left.,Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situ

8、ation.(We will not be able to improve the situation until we know more)Not until I began to study did I realize how much time I had wasted.(I did not realize how much time I had wasted until I began to study)Not until he saw the present did he feel happy.*比较强调句句型It is/was+not until that+陈述语序It is no

9、t until we know more that we to improve the situation.,will be able,(2)Not until 引导时间状语或从句前提句首时,主句半倒装。一般结构 I did not go to bed until my father came back.Joe did not stop crying until his mother met his needs.I did not know the truth until I was told.Not until+状语从句前置句首,主句半倒装 I did not know the truth

10、until I was told.Not until I was told did I know the truth.I didnt go to bed until my father came back.Not until my father came back did I go to bed.直到做完作业他才吃饭。Not until he finished his homework did he have dinner.,直到六岁,他才上学。Not until he was six did he go to school.强调句结构 It was not until+状语(从句)that+

11、主句 注意:对not until+状语(从句)句型强调时,not 要移到until 前,主句谓语变为肯定。It was not until my father came back that I went to bed.It was not until his mother met his needs that Joe stopped crying.It was not until I was told that I knew the truth.,(3)not onlybut(also).前倒后不倒 neither nor 前后全倒 Neither will he study nor will

12、 he go to work.Not only does he write the words to the songs but also he composes the music.Not only am I interested in photography,but I(also)took a course at university.Not only is he a pop singer,but(also)he is a famous film star.3.否定意义的短语 in no way,at no time,in no case,by no means,under/in no c

13、ircumstances,on no account,等位于句首时。At no time will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.By no means shall we forget the film.,二。Only+状语(副词、介词短语、状语从句)放在句首时,主句半倒装 注意:只“状”才倒,不“状”不倒 1.Only+介词短语+主句半倒装Only in this way can you make progress in English.Only through hard work/by working hard can you make

14、 more progress.Only at that time did I realize the importance of leaning English well.Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting.Only by changing the way we live can we protect the earth.,(2)only+状语从句+主句半倒装 Only when one is homeless does one realize how nice home is.Only after the

15、 war was over in 1949 was he able to go back to work.Only when he is seriously ill does he know the importance of keeping healthy.(3)only+副词+主句半倒装 Only then did I realize she is my real friend.*only 对主语/宾语强调时不倒装 Only I realized the importance of the task then.Only him the teacher praised.,三。So前提句首引导

16、的倒装 1.在 sothat 结果状语从句中把 So的整体部分前提置句首时,该从句半倒装。So easy was the task that they finished it within half an hour.(The task was so easy that they finished it within half an hour.)So difficult was the mathematics exam in our school that more than a half of the students failed to pass it.So carelessly did h

17、e drive that he almost killed himself.(He drove so carelessly that he almost killed himself.)So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.So angry was he that he declined to answer my questions.,2.So 表示“也”时 So+助动词+主语(上述事实对另一人/事也适应)I like music;so does my sister.He has b

18、een to Beijing,and so have I.I have been to Beijing,and so has he.比较:1)So+主语+助动词(重复事实,强调)-John studies very hard.-So he does.2)主语+助动词+so(按照要求做了)Mother told him to water the flowers after school and he did so.,3)当用 so或 neither/nor 不能完全表达时,应用so it is/was with 或 it is/was the same with来表达。John studies

19、hard and his English is very good,and so it is the same with Jack.John studies hard but he doesnt do well in English,and it is the same with Jack.,四。as 引导的倒装 1。as(though)(虽然然而;尽管但是.)引导让步状语从句时,只须把表语,状语,或动词原形提到as前,(作表语的单数可数名词提到主语前时不带冠词)。Tired as he felt,he kept on working.Child as he was,he could work

20、 out the problem.Much as he likes English,he is not good at it.Try as we might,we could not bring him around to accept our view.主系表,表前提;主谓状,状前提;主谓结构,动词前提。2。as 表示“也”相当于so A better understanding of the environment is necessary,as/so is the willingness to act.She worked hard,so/as did her husband.,五。Su

21、ch,neither/nor 引导的倒装 1。在 suchthat 句型中Such great progress did he make that we were all proud of him.(He made such great progress that we were all proud of him.)2.Such 前置句首以保持句子的平衡 Such was the story he told me.Such was what Peter spoke at the meeting.Such is our teacher,who loves his students very mu

22、ch.3.nor,neither 开头的句子,表示“也不”I didnt read the notice on the board,nor(neither)did he.I wont go there;neither/nor will my sister.,六.有时把频度副词及短语提前,以强调.often,once,now and then,always,every other day,many a timeAlways does she ask me questions like that.Often did we go for a walk.Many a time has he given

23、 me a hand.,七.虚拟条件状语从句省略if 时。Were+主语+其他,+主句 Should+主语+其他,+主句/Were+主语+to do sth,+主句 Had+主语+其他,+主句 Were I you,I would take the position in that company.(If I were you,I would take the position in that company)Had he been given some information,he could have answered the question.(If he had been given

24、some information,he could have answered the question.)Should It rain tomorrow,the crop would be saved.(If it should rain tomorrow,the crop would be saved.),Were they to visit us tomorrow,we would welcome them warmly.(If they were to visit us tomorrow,we would welcome them warmly.)八。用在一些表示祝愿的句子中Longl

25、ivethefriendshipbetween China and America!LongliveChairman Mao!May you succeed!,1.Out _.,A.rushed the children B.did the children rushC.the children rushed D.rushed the children did,A,2.On the bed _.,A.lay a poor old lady B.a poor old lady layC.did a poor old lady lie D.a poor old lady did lie,A,3.R

26、ound the corner _.,A.a large policeman walked B.walked a large policemanC.did a large policeman walk D.did walk a large policeman,B,4.Only after the New China_ to go to school.A.was founded;he was able B.was found;was he ableC.was founded;was he able D.was found;he was able,C,5.Only when you practic

27、e a few hours every day _ be able to master the language.,A.you can B.can you C.you will D.will you,D,A.neither he will B.neither does he C.neither will he D.he wont neither,6.If Bobs wife doesnt agree to sign the paper,_.,C,A.so doesnt Molly B.neither will Molly C.neither does Molly D.so Molly does

28、nt,7.Barry never eats potatoes and _.,C,A.we returned;and B.did we return;whenC.after we returned;and D.had we returned;than,8.We are lucky,for no sooner _home_it rained.,D,A.had the plane landed when B.had the plane landed than C.the plane had landed when D.the plane was landing than,9.Hardly _the

29、police ran towards it.,A,10._got on the train when it started to move.,A.Scarcely I had B.Scarcely had I C.No sooner I had D.No sooner had I,B,11.So loudly _their lessons that people could hear them out in the street.,A.the students read B.the students did readC.read the students D.did the students

30、read,D,12._can you expect to get a pay rise.A.With hard work B.Only working hard C.Only through hard work D.Only you work hard13._,mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A.However late is heB.However he is late C.However is he late D.However late he is14.Not until all the fish died in the

31、river_ how serious the pollution was.A.did the villagers realize B.the villagers realizedC.the villagers did realize D.didnt the villagers realize,D,A,C,.15._ he realized it was too late to return home.A.No sooner it grew dark than B.Hardly did it grow dark when C.It was not until dark that D.It was

32、 until dark that 16.In no means _ the same mistake again.A.shall we make B.we shall forget C.we can forget D.shall we not forget,C,A,17.So much _ by the poem that he burst into tears.,Did he move B.he movedC.Was he moved D.he was moved,18._,he doesnt study well,A.As he is clever B.He is as cleverC.C

33、lever as he is D.As clever he is,C,C,19.In hardly any situation _find her sad.A.that you can B.can you C.you can D.that can you,20._snacks and drinks,but they also brought cards for entertainment when they had a picnic in the forest.A.Not only they brought B.Not only did they bring C.Not only brough

34、t they D.Not only they did bring,B,B,21.Little _ abut his own safety,thought he was in great danger himself.A.does he care B.did he care C.he cares D.he cared,22.Only after supper _ for a walk.he goes out B.will he go out C.he go out D.can he be able to go out,B,B,23._ got into the room _ the teleph

35、one rang.A.He hardly had;then B.Hardly had he;when C.He had not;than D.Not had he;when,24.Only when your identity has been checked _.A.you are allowed in B.you will be allowed in C.will you allow in D.will you be allowed in,B,B,D,25.So difficult _ it to live in an English-speaking country that I det

36、ermined to learn English well.A.I have felt B.have I felt C.I did feel D.did I feel,26.Not a singe song _ at yesterdays party.A.she sang B.sang she C.did she sing D.she did sang,D,C,27.-David has made great progress recently.-_,and _.A.So he has;so you have B.so he has;so have you C.So has he;so hav

37、e you D.so has he;so you have,28.Look!In front of the stadium _.stands a high towerB.does a high tower standC.a high tower standsD.a high tower does stand,B,B,A,29._ when she heard the sound.Out rushed the woman B.Out the woman rushedC.Out did the woman rush D.Out the woman did rush30._,I have never

38、 seen anyone whos as capable as John.As long as I have traveled Now that I have traveled so much Much as I have traveled As I have traveled so much,C,A,31.What would have happened,_ as far as the river bank?Bob had walked farther if Bob should walk farther had Bob walked farther if Bob walked farthe

39、r,C,S,32.After that we never saw her again,nor_ from her.A.did we hear B.we heard C.have we heard D.we have heard33.Not until I began to work_how much time I had wasted.A.didnt I realize B.did I realize C.I didnt realize D.I realized34.Little_ about his own safety,though he was in great danger.A.doe

40、s he care B.did he care C.he cares D.he cared 35At no time _ his personal interest first.A a communist should placeB.should a communist placeC a communist placeD does a communist place,A,B,B,B,36.-It was careless of you to have left your clothes outside all night.-My god!_.A.So did I B.So I did C.So

41、 were you D.So did you37.-Marx was born in Germany,and German was his native language.-_.A.So it was with Engels B.So was Engels C.So Engels was D.Was Engels so38.Be quick!_.A.The bus comes here B.The bus here comes C.Here comes the bus D.Here is coming the bus39.So busy _ that he has no time to spa

42、re.A.he was B.was he C.he is D.is he,B,A,C,D,40.No sooner_than he fell asleep.A.his head had touched the pillow B.had his head touched the pillow C.touched the pillow his head had D.had touched his head the pillow41.Seldom_.A.Lili her feelings showed B.did show Lili her feelings C.Lili showed her fe

43、elings D.did Lili show her feelings.42.Only when_ his homework _to play with his friends.A.has he finished;is he able B.he has finished;is he able C.has he finished;he is able D.he has finished;he is able,B,D,B,43._so hard,they wouldnt have won such great success A.Hasnt they trained B.If they hasnt

44、 trained C.Hadnt they trained D.If they didnt train 44.Next door to us _.A.lives an old man B.does an old man live C.an old man lives D.does live an old man 45.-I dont think I can walk any further.-_.Lets stop here for a rest.A.Neither do I B.Neither can I C.I think so D.I dont think so 46.I finally

45、 got the job I dreamed about.Never in my life _so happy!A.did I feel B.I felt C.I had felt D.had I felt,C,A,B,D,47.Not only _painting but also _interested in singing.A.she likes;she is B.she likes;is she C.does she like;she is D.does she like;is she48._with a bunch of flowers in her hand.A.A girl in

46、 came B.Came in a girl C.In came a girl D.Came a girl in49.-Do you know Jim quarreled with his wife?-I dont know,_ A.nor dont I care B.nor do I care C.I dont care too D.nor I do care 50._lucky.A.May you be B.You may be C.Be you may D.May be you,C,C,B,A,1.我刚合上眼,电话铃就响了.(No sooner),2.我不但去过南京,我还是在那里出生的.

47、(Not only.),3.我永远忘不了我入团的那一天.(Never),4.只有不断地练习,我们才能学好英语口语.(Only),No sooner had I closed my eyes than the phone rang.,Not only have I been to Nanjing,but also I was born there.,Never will I forget the day when I joined the League.,Only by practicing constantly can we learn spoken English well.,5.直到她摘下

48、墨镜我才认出她来.(Not.until),6.门后跑出个猫.(Out),7.他从没去过北京,我也是.(neither),Not until she took off her sunglasses did I recognize her.,Out ran a cat from behind the door.,He has never been to Beijing.Neither(Nor)have I.,8.直到醒来,他才发现躺在草地上.Not until he woke up did he find himself lying on the grassland.It was not unti

49、l he woke up that he found himself lying on the grassland.9.他以前从没去过这么漂亮的学校(Never)Never before has he been to so beautiful a school.10.他会议一结束回家了(when)Hardly/Scarcely had the meeting was over when he gent home.,11.他很兴奋,无法静下来(So)So excited was he that he could hardly calm down.12.只有努力我们才能成功(Only)Only b

50、y working hard can we succeed.Only through hard work can we succeed.13.天气太好了,我们想出去散步。(So/Such)So fine a day is it that we want to go out for a walk.Such a fine day is it that we want to go out for a walk.,14.测验中他一个错误也没犯。(Not)Not a single mistake did he make in the test.15.直到母亲来这女孩才停止哭。(Not)Not until


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