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1、,Section Utopia A Changing World,新课导学自主探究板块,语言点一单词集释板块,语言点二短语荟萃板块,语言点三句型解构板块,课时跟踪检测,Unit 24,Step2,Step3,识记.掌握,理解.拓展,应用.落实,识记.掌握,理解.拓展,应用.落实,识记.掌握,理解.拓展,应用.落实,Step1,Read Lesson 3 quickly and answer the following questions.1What do foreigners want to see in Beijing?_答案:The grand sights of the Great Wa

2、ll,the Forbidden City and the hutongs.,2When were the most of Beijings hutongs built?_答案:The majority of Beijings hutongs were built between the 13th and 19th centuries during the Yuan,Ming and Qing Dynasties.,3What did the government do with the hutongs after 1949?_答案:The government undertook the p

3、reservation of many of the oldest hutongs.4How about the longest and narrowest hutongs?_答案:The longest hutong,Rongxian,is 2 km;the narrowest,Qianshi,is at only 40 cm wide.,Fill in the blanks according to the text.,A根据英文释义和首字母提示写出单词1 to decay by a gradual natural process,or to make something do this2

4、 to make light or a shadow appear somewhere3 to press something firmly together with your fingers or hand4 not to read,mention,or deal with something that would normally come or happen next5 to promise or agree to do something,rot,cast,squeeze,skip,undertake,B根据提示写出单词6virtue n.优点,长处 adj.品行端正的 adv.品行

5、端正地7elect vt.选举,推选 n.选举,推选8merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的 adj.冷酷无情的,残忍的 n仁慈,宽恕9collision n.相撞 v相撞10edition n版本 v编辑 n编辑,virtuously,virtuous,election,merciless,mercy,collide,edit,editor,11preservation n.维护,保存 vt.维护,保护;保持,维持12thirst n口渴 adj.口渴的13relay vt.转达;传送 n.接力赛14surplus n盈余,剩余 adj.过剩的,剩余的15fragrant adj.有香味的

6、 n香味,preserve,thirsty,relay,surplus,fragrance,1elect vt.选举,推选教材原句There is a leader in each area of the town and each town has an elected leader.城里的每一片区域都有一个领导者,每座城有一个推举出来的领袖。The government is made up of men and women elected by the people of the country.政府是由这个国家的人民选出的人员组成的。,Putin was elected preside

7、nt of Russia for the third time in 2012.普京于2012年第三次当选俄罗斯总统。I wonder who they will mayor of our city.我不知道他们会选谁当我们的市长。He elected to become a doctor after graduation.他决定毕业后当一名医生。,elect as,2merciful adj.宽大的,仁慈的He is considered as a merciful man by his neighbours.他的邻居们认为他是一个宽厚的人。Be merciful to me!I daren

8、t do it next time.饶了我吧,下次我不敢了。,She the orphan and gave him some food and clothes.她怜悯那个孤儿,给了他一些食物和衣服。Im not going to put myself others.我不想任由他人摆布。,showed mercy to,at the mercy of,3collision n相撞;冲突The school bus was involved in a collision with a truck.校车与一辆货车相撞了。,His car was in collision with a motorb

9、ike,causing one mans injury.他的车和一辆摩托车撞上了,致使一人受伤。The workers the manager last night.工人们昨晚和经理发生了冲突。,came into collision with,4cast(cast,cast)vt.投下(光、影子等);扔;掷教材原句Towards the end of the Qing Dynasty,the conditions in Beijings hutongs went down as the political situation cast a dark cloud on China econom

10、y.到了清朝末年,中国的经济受到政治动荡的影响,北京胡同的状况也是每况愈下。The fisherman cast his line into the water and waited leisurely for fish.那位渔夫把渔线抛入水中,悠闲地等鱼上钩。,Her fathers illness the wedding celebrations.她父亲的病给婚礼投下了阴影。The latest evidence casts serious doubt on his version of events.最新证据使人们十分怀疑他对事件的说法。She for several days afte

11、r she heard the bad news.听到那个坏消息后,她沮丧了好几天。,cast a shadow over,was cast down,5undertake vt.着手做,从事;承诺,答应教材原句Conditions improved a great deal and the government undertook the preservation of many of the oldest hutongs.情况大为改观,政府对很多早期的胡同进行了修护。To my surprise,she undertook the difficult task willingly.令我吃惊

12、的是,她欣然地承担了那项艰难的任务。,He the money back in six months.他保证六个月内还款。He undertook that he would finish the work by Tuesday.他许诺在星期二之前完成这项工作。,undertook to pay,6squeeze vt.挤;捏;榨教材原句They can walk up Sanmiao Street,which dates back 900 years,wander down Rongxian the longest hutong at 2 km or squeeze through Qian

13、shi the narrowest at only 40 cm wide!他们可以在900年前修建的三庙街散步,或徜徉在最长达2千米的绒线胡同,或侧身挤过最窄处只有40厘米的钱市胡同!He squeezed her hand and smiled at her.他捏了捏她的手,冲她笑笑。,If you move forward a little,I can.你朝前挪一挪,我就可以挤过去。He took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water out.他脱下湿衣服,拧干了水。,squeeze past,.单词拼写1The aim of the pol

14、icy is the(维护)of peace.2The company has announced that it will(从事)a full investigation into the accident.3Honesty is a kind of(美德)which will influence ones values.4He is considered a(仁慈的)man who is always glad to help others.5I drank a cup of tea to relieve my(口渴),preservation,undertake,virtue,merci

15、ful,thirst,6I had to(挤出)my way through the crowd.7The car is completely wrecked by the force of the(相撞)8The meat will(腐烂)if it isnt put into the fridge.9He was the first black to be(选举)as president.10A group of children are playing in the(喷泉)in the park.,squeeze,collision,rot,elected,fountain,.单项填空1

16、Obama was_ as the fortyfourth President of the United States.AgreetedBshotCexposed Delected解析:选。句意:奥巴马被选为美国第44任总统。elect“选举”;be elected as.“被选举为”。greet“问候”;shoot“射击”;expose“暴露”。,D,2The damp weather rotted_the wooden desk.Aon BawayCin Dof解析:选。句意:潮湿的天气使得木质桌子腐烂了。rot away“使腐烂”,是固定搭配。,B,3The death of Mr S

17、mith in a plane crash _ a shadow on his company.Acaused BfellCcast Dset解析:选。句意:史密斯先生在一次飞机失事中丧生,这给他的公司蒙上了一层阴影。cast a shadow on.“给蒙上一层阴影”。cause“导致”;fall“落下”;set“放置”。,C,4Tom _to look after his sisters children while she was away.Asuggested BcontributedCundertook Dassured解析:选。句意:汤姆答应在他姐姐不在时照顾她的孩子们。under

18、take to do sth.表示“答应做某事”。suggest“建议”;contribute“贡献”;assure“确保”,这三个词后面都不跟不定式。,C,5The _king saved the two young officers from death.Amercy BmercifulCmerciless Dmercying解析:选。句意:仁慈的国王把两个年轻的军官从死神手中救了出来。修饰名词应用形容词,根据“救两个军官”可知不是“残忍的”,merciful表示“好心的”。,B,6You will find the shop_between two big office building

19、s.Asqueeze BsqueezingCsqueezed Dbeing squeezed解析:选。句意:你会找到挤在两座办公大楼之间的那家商店。squeeze意为“(使)挤入,(使)塞入”,此处用过去分词作定语。,C,7More and more private cars are running on the road,and as a result,the risk of _can increase.Acollision BdiscoveryCcoincidence Dinvention解析:选。句意:越来越多的私家车在路上行驶,结果,汽车相撞的风险可能会增加。collision“碰撞”

20、;discovery“发现”;coincidence“巧合”;invention“发明”。,A,1show off 2knock into sb.3pick up 4by nature 5refer to,炫耀,夸耀,撞上某人,拾起,天生地,生性,指的是;参考;提到,6 留神照看7 毫无疑问,没问题8 下降,下跌9 始于,追溯到10 转折点,keep an eye on,no doubt,go down,date back,turning point,1show off炫耀,夸耀教材原句Nobody has any desire to show off.没人有炫耀的欲望。Though Char

21、les Kuen Kao won the Nobel Physics Prize,he doesnt like to show off his knowledge in public.虽然高锟获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,但他并不喜欢在公众面前卖弄他的学识。This is your chance to show off your talents to the people interviewing you.这可是你向面试考官展现你才能的好时机。,Let me show you around/round our beautiful school and make a brief introduction

22、 for you.让我带领你参观我们美丽的学校并给你做一下简单介绍。Thank you for your coming to see me;my secretary will.感谢你来看我,我的秘书会送你出去的。,show you out,2knock into sb.撞上某人;偶然遇见教材原句There is a car accident there at least once a week and today I nearly knocked into somebody crossing the road!那里每周至少有一次车祸,我今天差点儿撞上一个正在过马路的人!If you knock

23、 into someone,you should say“sorry”to him.如果你撞在某人身上,你应当向他道歉。I an old friend when I was having a trip in Beijing last week.我上星期在北京旅游时碰见一位老朋友。,knocked into,She by a car yesterday on her way to work.昨天在上班的路上,她被一辆车撞倒在地。It is reported that England has been knocked out of the world cup.据报道英格兰队已被淘汰出世界杯足球赛。

24、,was knocked down/over,3pick up用车去接;拾起教材原句Sometimes my neighbour picks me up in the morning and takes me there in her car.有时我邻居在早晨用车去接我并用车送我到那里。She went over to the crying child and picked her up.她走到啼哭的孩子身边,把她抱了起来。He picked up the phone and dialed the number.他拿起电话,拨了号码。,She Spanish when she was livi

25、ng in Mexico.她旅居墨西哥时,学会了西班牙语。We are able to pick up the BBC World service and help improve our listening.我们能收到英国广播公司国际广播节目帮我们提高听力。,picked up,4date back(to)追溯到,始于(相当于date from)The castle located in the suburb dates back to the ancient Roman days.这座城堡建于古罗马时期。My family has an old vase,which is said to

26、the Ming Dynasty.我家有一个古老的花瓶,据说可追溯到明朝。,date back to,To date,we have received over 200 replies.到目前为止,我们已收回到200多封回信。The style of his hair is out of date,which doesnt go with his fashionable clothes.他的发型过时了,这和他新潮的穿着不匹配。,.选词填空,1In China,the needle treatment ancient times.2Please my house when I am out on

27、 holiday.,dates back to,keep an eye on,3He wants to his new car in the street.4Lost in thought,he almost an old man.5Mary watched other dancers to see if she could any tips.,show off,knocked into,pick up,.单项填空1Sam _ some knowledge of the computer just by watching others working on it.Abrought upBloo

28、ked upCpicked up Dset up解析:选。考查动词短语。句意:山姆在观看他人操作电脑的过程中学了些电脑知识。bring up“养育,抚养;提出(讨论)”;look up“(生意,某人的情况等)好转;查(词典,参考书等)”;pick up“偶尔习得;接某人;接收新闻广播等”;set up“建立”。,C,2The society today offers the young generation more chances to_ their talent and skills.Ahand out Btake inCshow off Dcarry on解析:选。句意:当今社会给年轻的

29、一代人提供了更多展示他们才华和技巧的机会。show off“展示,炫耀”;hand out“分发”;take in“吸收,欺骗”;carry on“继续进行”。,C,3After graduating from college,Joe _ for a year before he went into his fathers company.Aknocked down Bknocked overCknocked about Dknocked off解析:选。考查knock短语在语境中的应用。句意:大学毕业后,Joe闲逛了一年才到父亲的公司去上班。knock about“闲逛,漫游”,符合语境。k

30、nock down“拆除;撞倒”;knock over“打倒,撞倒”;knock off“除掉;停止;减价”。,C,4He helped the police to_an eye_that man who was looking around.Akeep;on Btake;onCkeep;to Dtake;to解析:选。句意:他帮助警察密切注意那个东张西望的男子。keep an eye on“密切注意,照看”,符合句意。,A,5His interest in stamp collecting_his school days.Ais dated fromBdates back toCis dat

31、ed back to Ddates解析:选。句意:他对集邮的兴趣可以追溯到他求学时期。date back to(date from)无被动形式,而date作动词表示“写上日期”,与句意不符,故选B。,B,1句型展示What_if some married people have affairs?一些已婚的人有风流韵事怎么办?典例背诵The situation in Syria is tense.What if war breaks out there?叙利亚的局势很紧张,如果那里爆发战争怎么办?,2句型展示They can also stop under a stone arch and wa

32、tch the hutong world go by while_enjoying a plate of Beijings best“Peking Duck”or satisfying their thirst with a cold Tsingtao beer.他们还可以在石拱门下停留,享受一盘最好的北京烤鸭或一杯解渴的冰镇青岛啤酒的同时,望着这胡同世界缓缓而过。典例背诵I witnessed a terrible car accident while walking in the street.在街上行走时,我目睹了一次可怕的事故。,1What_if some married people

33、 have affairs?一些已婚的人有风流韵事怎么办?what if 是固定句型,意为“如果会怎么样,要是怎么办”,位于句首,引导条件状语从句。“What if.?”可理解为“What will happen if.?”。What if we move the picture over there?Lets have a try.要是我们把画移到那儿会怎么样?让我们试试。I didnt do well in the exam.What if we cant pass the exam?我考试考得不好,要是我们考试不及格怎么办?,She has decided to work part ti

34、me.她决定去做兼职。为什么?Your room is a real mess,Tom.汤姆,你的房间看起来凌乱不堪。So what?那又怎么样?,What for?,2They can also stop under a stone arch and watch the hutong world go by while_enjoying a plate of Beijings best“Peking Duck”or satisfying their thirst with a cold Tsingtao beer.他们还可以在石拱门下停留,享受一盘最好的北京烤鸭或一杯解渴的冰镇青岛啤酒的同时

35、,望着这胡同世界缓缓而过。,(1)句子结构分析:,(2)句中while enjoying.是时间状语从句的省略形式,其完整形式是“while they are enjoying.”。在时间、地点、条件、方式或让步状语从句中,如果主从句的主语一致,且从句谓语中含be,从句主语和be可一同省略;或从句的主语是it,且从句谓语中含有be,it和be可一同省去。,you should work hard.年轻时你应该努力工作。If(it is)necessary,you can refer to your notes.如果有必要,你可以查阅笔记。Even if(I am)invited to,I wo

36、nt go to such a bad lecture.即使邀请我去,我也不想听如此糟糕的报告。助记歌诀巧记状语从句的省略:省略句,真容易,符合两条就可以。从句谓语含有be,两句主语要一致。从句若有it be,照样省去莫迟疑。,When(you are)young,.翻译句子1我忘带雨伞了,要是下雨怎么办呢?(what if)2他的嘴唇动着仿佛要说什么。(用省略句式)3过马路时一定要小心。(用省略句式),I forgot to bring my umbrella.What if it rains?,He moved his lips as if to speak.,Be careful whe

37、n crossing the street.,.单项填空1(2010浙江高考)The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise,if _ regularly,can improve our health.Abeing carried outBcarrying outCcarried out Dto carry out解析:选。考查非谓语动词。逻辑主语exercise与carry out之间构成动宾关系,故用carry out的过去分词形式carried out,此处相当于if the exercise is carried out reg

38、ularly的省略,所以答案选C项。,C,2The plane is due to take off at 7:50 from the airport._we fail to arrive there in time?Try to take another flight there.AWhat if BWhat forCSo what DEven if解析:选。句意:“飞机预计在7:50从机场起飞。要是我们没能及时赶到那里怎么办?”“尽力乘另一航班。”what if“如果怎么办?”;what for“为什么?”;so what“那又怎么样”;even if“即使”。A项符合语境。,A,3Every evening after dinner,if not_from work,I will spend some time walking my dog.Abeing tiredBtiringCtired Dto be tired解析:选。考查省略的用法。在条件、时间、让步等状语从句中,当从句的主语与主句的主语一致,且从句的谓语动词含有be时,从句的主语及谓语动词be可以省略。根据句子意思可知,答案选C。,C,点击下图进入,Section Utopia&A Changing World,


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