[英语学习]lesson 6 Life Beyond Earth.ppt

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1、Life Beyond Earth,Joel Achenbach,Joel Achenbach,Joel Achenbach is an American staff writer for The Washington Post and the author of six books,including The Grand Idea,Captured by Aliens,and three compilations of his syndicated newspaper column Why Things Are(now defunct).He wrote a monthly science

2、column for National Geographic magazine and has been a commentator on National Public Radios Morning Edition.His writing has been featured in the 2007 Word-A-Day calendar.He graduated from Princeton University in 1982 with an A.B.degree in politics.He often makes a point of noting that during his fr

3、eshman year,he lived next door to David Duchovny.Achenbach lives in Washington,D.C.,with his wife and three daughters.For more information about Joel Achenbach and his writings,please refer to http:/,Purpose of the article,To show the readers that fantasy after all is fantasy and our first order of

4、business is to improve ourselves and our world.His concern is with the problems of this world.,Organization,Paras.1-2:the emergence of lifePara.3:what else is alive out there?Para.4-10:search for lifePara.11-23:search for intelligencePara.24-42:Mars.Para.43-45:Dysons argumentPara.46-52:conclusion,Pa

5、ragraph 1,The author begins the article in the way of announcing a very important event:“something astonishing has happened in the universe”,which would immediately arouse the readers attention and curiosity.,life,Life,refers to plants and animalsThe difference between life and other forms of matter

6、 is that the former is living thing while the latter is inorganic.,Life has a way of being obvious,.absolute terms.,It is not difficult to determine whether a thing has a life or not,but when it comes to giving a clear,complete,satisfactory definition to“life”,people find it extremely difficult.,In

7、at least one instance,life has become profoundly self-aware.,One instance:human beingsOnly human life can be conscious of its own identity.At least:so far we only know of one instance-human life that can think,but maybe there are more instances elsewhere in the universe.,Para.3,Transition:leading to

8、 life beyond earth.That kind of life:life similar to human life,There may be to an answer.,Tantalizing:arousing desire or expectation for something unattainable or mockingly out of reach,intriguing but elusiveAt the turn of the new millennium,one may not find anything which is scientifically unknown

9、 to human beings so intriguing and yet so difficult to answer as the issue of extraterrestrial life.,scenario,n.(电影、戏剧等的)剧情说明;脚本(行动的)方案,纲要;(对可能出现的情况的)描述,推测,Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.,The fact that we do not have evidence showing there is life beyond Earth does not mean we can co

10、me to the conclusion that there is actually no life beyond Earth.Chiasmus.,Our ideasought-to-bes.,Plausible:好象有道理的,似乎可能的,似乎真实的,似乎可信的嘴巧的,善于花言巧语的Plausibility arguments:reasons which appear to be convincing but which may not be trueRandom out-to-bes:possible things which are chosen without specific aim

11、,plausible,The plausible rogue took George down over that bargain.那个花言巧语的流氓在那笔交易中欺骗了乔治。Such talk,however plausible,is actually specious and groundless.这些话,讲起来好像有道理,实际上是毫无根据、似是而非的空谈。This might be a plausible hypothesis were it not for two factors.假如不存在下面两个因素,这可能是一种合理的假设。He cast about in his mind for

12、some plausible excuse for not turning up at the meeting.他心里在盘算,想找一个什么说得过去的理由来解释他为什么没有到会。,hunch,预感,直觉I have a hunch that something is going to happen.不知道为什么,我总感到要出什么事似的。Such an uncertainty may prevent you from acting on your hunch.这个不明确因素可能阻挠你凭直觉行动。使隆起He sat with his shoulders hunched up.他耸起双肩坐着。,The

13、 enveloping nebula of uncertainties,The cloud of gas and dust obscures things;As a result,it is unclear what has been wrapped up in the cloud of gas and dust,what is inside the enveloping nebula.,infuse,vt.灌输,加入(一种特性)vt.&vi.沏(茶),泡(草药)infuse new blood注入新鲜血液infuse new life into sb.sth.,赋与某人某物以新的生命infu

14、se tea泡沏茶infuse herbs泡制草药infuse sb.with courage鼓起某人的勇气,In the past decade organisms have been found thriving in bizarre,hostile environments.,If organisms could thrive in conditions in this world similar to hostile conditions in other planets,then the possibility of the alien life increases.bizarre奇

15、形怪状的,怪诞的hostile,bizarre,The old people all goggled at the bizarre dresses of the girls at the party.晚会上,老人们个个睁大了眼睛,瞧着女孩子们穿的奇装异服。Because of-or despite-the bizarre training,South Korea dominates international archery.因为或者尽管这种训练异乎寻常,韩国统领着世界射箭运动。The filmmakers seem to see this bizarre relationship as tr

16、ue love.电影的制作者似乎把这种怪异的关系看作是真正的爱。,Mars not so shabby,Shabby:deteriorated,disgracefulThen they would not find Mars a place so unsuitable for existence;in other words,if microbes can survive in places in this world without air or sunlight or in places extremely hot,then they might exist in other planet

17、s with similar conditions,such Mars.,Full-scale invasion,HumorInvestigation is compared to invasionWith one scientific instrument after another landing on Mars,it is like the landing of an invasion army.,harbor,隐匿;窝藏;包庇Harboring criminals is an offense in law.窝藏罪犯是犯法的。心怀,怀有to harbor evil thoughts 心怀

18、恶意We shouldnt harbor any unrealistic notions about the talks on the so-called disarmament.我们不应对所谓的裁军谈判抱有任何不切实际的想法。He harbors a wish to be a world championship.(喻)他内心怀有当一名世界冠军的愿望。,Something large,intelligent,and communicative,Alien intelligence as a sign of civilization,yield,生出,出产;产生That apple tree

19、yields plenty of apples.那棵苹果树结出很多苹果。Yield capacity 生产能力 让给;让渡;放弃(权利,地位等),承认;同意 被迫放弃 交出;投降not yield a step 一步也不让They yielded the fortress to the enemy.他们把要塞放弃给了敌人。,No one knows when-or if-one of.,When:indicates time,showing that it might comeOr if:shows the doubt,What are the reasons that sustain the

20、 search for alien organism?,The universe looks to be a place suitable for the existence of lifeIf that is the case,life will give out signs of its existence and these can be detectedResidue:the matter that remainsImprint:a lasting effectEcho,Epochal and culturally challenging,Epochal:historical,an e

21、ntirely new period in human history,first time to communicate with a civilization from another planet in the universeCulturally challenging:the alien civilization might be totally different and much more superior to our civilization,Settle for,To accept or allow something,especially something not en

22、tirely desirable满足于 Hell settle for any kind of work.Exobiologists would settle for the discovery because that would suggest that life could exist somewhere else in the universe,Extraterrestrial life,According to the believers:Not microbial,not slimy,but intelligent,technological,lurking in our mids

23、tCapable of eluding detection and confirmationETs are not a bogus phenomenon:people who believe in the existence of space aliens would not accept the argument that ets are imitations of human beings for the purpose of deceivingBogus:deceit,fraud,伪造的bogus certificate 伪造的证件bogus government 伪政府,slimy,粘

24、性的,泥浆状的;泥泞的 口谄媚的;可鄙的;讨厌的a slimy road 泥泞的路a slimy manner 奉承的态度,True believers and skeptics rarely go over to the other side.,Neither those who genuinely believe that space aliens are lurking in our midst not those who firmly reject such an idea are likely to change their views and join the other side

25、.,Lack scientific stature,Stature:high level of respect gained by impressive development or achievement才干,高境界,高水平身高,身材Lack scientific stature:people have never really seen the object,the physical shape of aliens;have never reached scientific credibility.,If they insist on being so jumpy natural hist

26、ory museum.,In that way,they lack scientific recognition and their presence has never been verified.So they belong to science fiction or fantasy and cannot be regarded as an object of scientific research.,abduct,The robber abduct the heiress and hold her to ransom.强盗劫持了女继承人并向她索取赎金。The kid was abduct

27、ed at the gate of kindergarten.那小孩在幼儿园大门口被绑架走了。,The aliens arewith human beings.,Starting from modern scientific knowledge people try to use their imagination to create aliens,but people also borrow from ancient stories to imagine that aliens would like to come to this world and meddle with human be

28、ings.In other words aliens are the products of not only modern science and technology but also ancient culture and folk stories.Extrapolation:arriving at the conclusion by hypothesizing from known facts or observations外推法,推断Ancient urgeMess with,concede,vt.(勉强)承认让与,容许;放弃俚【体】失(局)He finally conceded d

29、efeat.他最终承认了失败。After the First World War Germany conceded its neighbors much valuable land.第一次世界大战后,德国让与其邻国许多宝贵的领土。They have conceded us the right to cross their land.他们已容许我们经过他们的土地。concede to(sb.)对(某人)让步,What is the Fermi paradox?,Since space aliens would presumably have the ability to come,why hav

30、ent they?Four possibilities:1.the zoo hypothesis2.they come and go away,leaving behind artifacts.3.interstellar travel proves too expensive and time-consuming.4.we are the most technologically advanced species,at least in this galaxy.,Humans could theoretically colonize the galaxy in a million years

31、 or so,and if,From our points of view,with the development of science and technology,it is possible for us to conquer the galaxy.But it has not been realized.So it is only possible in theory.Humans in the past had been interested in colonizing this world.When they have a chance,they would colonize t

32、he galaxy.The author here is satirizing human greed and desire for power.Older civilization:used to make fun of human pomposity.,Why did Lowell think that the Martians would certainly have to be superior to people on Earth?,A.their globe-spanning engineering projects appeared technologically superio

33、r;B.if they could live harmoniously over the whole of the planet,it would show they had a more advanced characterIt is a criticism of the wars and conflicts among people on Earth.,The Martians,alas,were doomed,except as cultural artifacts.,alas,:used to show the tone of regret in a mocking wayCultur

34、al Artifacts:used to connect the previous paragraph to show that the Martians weapons,their canals do not exist at all,they are only something created by humans mind.,Mars.reminiscent of the moon,Reminiscent:.a forceful colorist whose idiom was reminiscent of Cezanne 一个追求塞尚风格的优秀配色师This hotel is remi

35、niscent of the one we stayed in last year.这家旅馆使我联想起我们去年住过的那一家。A house designed in an architectural style reminiscent of the one prevalent in the American colonies just before and during the Revolution.殖民时代建筑一种房屋,设计类似于北美革命时期流行于北美殖民地的建筑风格,Though the mission.a two-decade funk.,Fantastic triumph vs.two-

36、decade funkThe landing of the Viking landers showed that scientist could build instruments,make surveys and send back information on Mars.All these are great achievements.The survey showed that there was no life on Mars,which wiped out peoples previous expectation and illusion.It was a strong blow t

37、hat for twenty years exobiology could not recover from.,Para.28:what brought about the change of mood?,A.biologists discovered organisms living in difficult environments similar to conditions on other planets.This again interest in looking for life in the rest of the solar system.B.when life began o

38、n Earth,Mars was much more habitable than it is today so perhaps life might have been brought to Earth aboard a meteorite form Mars.Might Civilizations come from Mars to Earth?,Everyone realized the historical gloryof being wrong.,Everyone knew that if what appeared to be microfossils were confirmed

39、 to be such,then the discovery would be of historic significance,but if they proved to be something else,the adverse effect that followed would be equally dramatic.,purport,I find it difficult to understand the purport of his speech.我发现要了解他的演讲主旨是很困难的。The purport of this line is to advise you that we

40、 have completed the building of our new factory.兹通知本公司新建工厂业已落成。In contrast,a shadow director does not claim or purport to act as a director.Indeed,he claims not to be a director.相比之下,影子董事不但不表明自己是董事,他甚至否认自己是董事。Based upon this name,their contemporaries,purported experts in the field of matrimonial eti

41、quette,wrote that it would only be fitting that the wedding ring be worn on this finger.在此名称的基础上,他们的同时代人,那些号称婚姻礼仪方面的专家们写道:结婚戒指只适合戴在这只手指上。,reciprocal,reciprocal trade;reciprocal respect;reciprocal privileges at other clubs 互惠贸易;互相尊重;在其它俱乐部的相互的特权Reciprocal agreements to abolish customs duties;a recipr

42、ocal invitation to lunch.关于取消关税互惠的协定;互邀共进午餐risk is the reciprocal of safety 相反的,tarnish,玷污,败坏His bad behavior has tarnished the good name of the school.他行为不轨,败坏了学校的声誉。n.污点,瑕疵,无光泽Moisture leads to the tarnish of the silverware.湿气使得银器毫无光泽。,dissent,When I asked for agreement there was no dissent.我要求表决通

43、过时,没有人表示异议。I think nobody will dissent from the governments policy.我认为没人会对政府的政策持异议的。,congenial,I met few people congenial to me in that city.我在那个城市没有遇到几个意气相投的。the companionship of individuals in a congenial atmosphere and on equal terms 单独的个人在志趣相投的氛围下和平等的基础上进行的交际The congenial singers laid back demea

44、nor is at odds with his current wired state.他惬意地靠在沙发靠背上的姿势与他目前这种兴奋的状态不怎么一致。,Ive never met anyone.The second time around.,No one I have met believes that if evolution on Earth were to take place a second time,a human being who is genetically similar to us would be the result of such evolution.In othe

45、r words,another evolution would produce something different from the current human beings.,Bioastronomy also has its more down-to-earth side.,Bioastronomy is meant to deal with life in space but here these scientists are discussing matters concerning this earthly world.This idea is expressed in a hu

46、morous way.Down-to-earth is a pun here,meaning both practical and dealing with issues of this world.,inhibit,The singers natural fear of shame tended to inhibit her form singing in public.那位歌手天性的羞怯常常使她不敢在公众场合唱歌。Swishing green tea around the mouth may inhibit cavity-causing bacteria.以绿茶漱口可能抑制导致牙齿空洞的细

47、菌.psychotherapy that seeks to extinguish or inhibit abnormal or maladaptive behavior by reinforcing desired behavior and extinguishing undesired behavior.加强合理行为的训练来抑制变态行为的一种心理治疗。,It is not clear yet that a brain like ours is necessarily a long-term advantage,SarcasticHumans have brains,but with brai

48、ns,there come wars,pollution,man-made disasters.In that case,the world may be better off if humans have not had brains of our kind.A bitter attack on human vices,The author thinks that it would be much better to address problems in this world,to get rid of human defects and to make this world a bett

49、er place to live in.,Further reading,Please read the following articles:1.“Over the Moon?”on http:/“Ethereal yet weighty”on http:/“Lines in the Land”on http:/,Writing assignment:choose one of the following topics/titles and write an essay of at least 400 words,1.“Culture Smart or Science Intelligent?”2.“My Experience of Learning Science”3.“Why Do We Learn Science?”,


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