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1、湖北省枣阳市白水高中2015年高三三月月考英语试题 出题人:李昌莹 张海鸥 审题人:孙芳 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)1. What does the woman want to do? A. Return her shoes.B. Repair her shoes.C. Buy new shoes.2. Where does the conversation take place? A.At a travel agency.B. At a hotel.C. At an airport.3. Who will probably decide the place to go? A. Th

2、e man.B. The woman.C. Harry.4. What makes the man so happy?A. Tom will tell him the best news. B. Tom will play football with him.C. Toms father will play football with him.5. What does the woman like to watch in her spare time? A. TV plays.B. Advertisements.C. Art shows.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听

3、第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. Which two countries will have a football game tonight?A. Brazil and England. B. China and England. C. Brazil and Japan.10. What is the man busy with recently?A. His final exam. B. His driving test. C. His basketball training.11. When will the game start?A. 11:00 p.m.B. 1:00 p.m. C.

4、 1:00 a.m.听第8段材料,回答第12至13题。12. What is the womans problem?A. Her computer has stopped working. B. Her printer doesnt work. C. Her screen isnt clear.13. What is the cause of the problem?A. The screen is too old. B. The printer has no ink. C. The connector was loose.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Whats the rela

5、tionship between the speakers?A. Landlord and tenant(房客). B. Agent and landlord. C. Agent and tenant. 15. What does the woman want the man to do?A. To cut down the rent. B. To discuss with the landlord. C. To do some repair work.16. What is the mans reply for the request?A. He needs time to consider

6、 it. B. He cant decide it. C.He thinks it is impossible. 17. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman hasnt made the decision yet.B. The man doesnt know how much the rent is.C. The woman doesnt think the house is good.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. How often is the lab class given?A. Once a week.

7、B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.19. What is the result if one misses 3 lab classes?A. He will be dropped.B.He cant graduate. C. He will get a low mark.20. What is forbidden in the lab?A. Washing hands.B. Wearing short hair.C. Wearing large clothes.第二部分:词汇知识运用。第一节:多项选择题。21. Most Australians bel

8、ieve that having people from so many different backgrounds creates _ and respect and makes Australia a stronger nation.A. tension B. threat C. tolerance D. feature 22. In the past if you missed the _ to pay back a credit card debt, it would be recorded in your credit report for a lifetime. A. commit

9、ment B. priority C. compromise D. deadline 23. The Great Barrier Reef, the worlds largest coral reef_ for over 26,000 kilometer in the blue sea, containing countless corals and small islands. A. covers B. measures C. processes D. stretches 24. Although he is strict with students, he answers students

10、 questions patiently, _ students horizon, seldom scolds students and never pretends to know what he doesnt know. A. maintains B. transforms C. expands D. distinguishes 25. Good friends dont what they do for each other; instead they offer help when it is needed.A. made up B. keep upC. add up D. hold

11、up26. The police announced that they had a psychologist to communicate with the criminals in the hope that they could cease fire and reduce the damage. A. appealed to B. arranged for C. brought out D. set aside27. Jane Austens novels still appeal to people because they focus on issues that are as _t

12、oday as they were when she wrote them.A. available B. relevantC. appropriate D. casual28. “One world one Dream” fully reflects the values of the Olympic spirit:friendship, progress, harmony, participation and dream. A. universal B. contemporary C. precise D. influential29. The researches compared Ei

13、nsteins brain with those of about 90 normal people and found that one area of his brain was different from most peoples.A. abundantly B. significantly C. randomly D. sincerely 30. According to the embarrassing situation here, I am afraid that your arrival at present is not quite .A. in place B. in d

14、emand C. in practice D. in turn第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Doctor Gibbs. He didnt look like any doctor Id ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard, but was always very 31 . When Doctor Gibbs wasnt 32 lives, he was planting trees. His

15、 house 33 on ten acres of land, and his lifes 34 was to turn this land into a forest. The good doctor had some 35 theories about planting trees. He believed in the principle:“No pain, no gain”. He never watered his new trees, a(n) 36 which is contrary to 37 wisdom.Once I asked why and he told me tha

16、t watering plants 38 them because it made them grow weaker. He said you have to make things tough for the trees so that only the strongest 39. He talked about how watering trees made them develop 40 roots and how, if they were not watered, trees would grow deep roots 41 moisture(水分).So Doctor Gibbs

17、would plant an oak(橡树)and, instead of watering it every morning, hed beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the trees 42.Doctor Gibbs died a couple of years after I left home. Every now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I

18、d watched him 43 some 25 years ago. They were tall and 44 .I planted a couple of trees myself a few years ago. Two years of coddling(溺爱)these trees meant they grew up weak. Whenever a cold wind blew, their branches 45 .Adversity (逆境)seemed to benefit Doctor Gibbs trees in ways comfort and ease 46 co

19、uld.Every night before I got to bed, I 47 my two sons. I stand over them and watch their little bodies. I often pray that their lives will be easy. But lately Ive been thinking that its time to 48 my prayer. I know my children are going to 49 hardships. Theres always a cold wind blowing somewhere. W

20、hat we need to do is to pray for deep roots so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we wont be 50. 31. A. cruelB. meanC. kindD. grateful32. A. livingB. wastingC. savingD. helping33. A. dependedB. locatedC. existed D. sat34. A. goalB. beliefC. value D. work35. A. abnormal B. complicatedC. funnyD.

21、interesting36. A. ruleB. principleC. trend D. attitude 37. A. currentB. conventionalC. originalD. reasonable38. A. discouraged B. spoiled C. strengthenedD. restored 39. A. supportB. surviveC. insistD. continue40. A. shallowB. strongC. slimD. deep41. A. in need ofB. in spite ofC. in view ofD. in sear

22、ch of 42. A. injury B. interestC. attentionD. improvement43. A. growB. plantC. bringD. destroy44. A. strong B. colorfulC. beautifulD. weak45. A. wavedB. dancedC. swungD. trembled46. A. neverB. alwaysC. sometimesD. almost47. A. look throughB. care for C. check on D. watch out 48. A. improveB. correct

23、C. stopD. change49. A. experienceB. challengeC. beatD. reach50. A. cut downB. torn apart C. taken overD. held up第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2分, 满分40分) AIt is common sense that children who walk or cycle to school have a lower risk of obesity than those by car. But driving your youngsters to the gates could

24、also cause their academic work to suffer.Researchers found children who were driven to school, or who took public transport, had poorer concentration levels than those who took a more active route such as walking or cycling.The joint study by researchers at two Danish universities found the regular

25、exercise could advance a student up to half a year in their studies. Children who were driven to school, or who took public transport, performed less well in a test measuring concentration levels, than those who had walked or cycled.The results surprised the researchers, as their hypothesis(假设) orig

26、inally focused on the effects of eating breakfast and lunch on pupils ability to concentrate.“The exercise one uses to transport oneself to school is reflected in the level of concentration one has about four hours later,” Niels Egelund, a co- author of the report said. “The results showed that havi

27、ng breakfast and lunch has an impact, but not very much compared to having exercise.”“As a third-grade pupil, if you exercise and bike to school, your ability to concentrate increases to the equivalent of someone half a year further in their studies,” he added.In the survey, taken by 19, 527 pupils

28、aged five to 19 years old, participants were asked about their exercise habits and were then given a basic test measuring their concentration.“Most people know the feeling of being refreshed after having exercised, but it is surprising that the effect lasts for so long,” Egelund said.Previous resear

29、ch from the university of Montreal has found that exercise helps our brains make better use of oxygen. It may also reduce mental fatigue(疲劳) and sharpen your thinking in between gym sessions. And last week Swedish researchers said they found that muscular boys will live longer than their weaker frie

30、nds.And even if they are overweight by the time they get to adulthood, those with stronger muscles tend to live longer.51. What is the best title of this passage?A. Exercise Refresh you B. Exercise Look slimC. Exercise Live longer D. Exercise Learn faster52. Which of the following is NOT the result

31、of the research from the University of Montreal? A. Exercise helps our brain make the most of oxygen. B. Exercise can make you sharp- minded. C. Exercise can improve the level of concentration. D. Exercise can decrease mental fatigue.53. According to the passage, which of the following statements is

32、 correct? A. Having breakfast and lunch has a greater impact on concentration than having exercise.B. Children driven to school perform worse in all tests.C. Eating breakfast and lunch can affect childrens ability to focus.D. Having exercise can refresh us but it doesnt last long.54. Children driven

33、 to school performed badly in their academies work because .A. they are too lazy B. they are not healthy C. they are not focused D. they are not smart BThe meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes,to be followed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishesSoup then will be

34、 served (unless in Guangdong style restaurants) to be followed by staple food ranging from rice,noodles to dumplingsIf you wish to have your rice to go with other dishes,you should say so in good time,for most of the Chinese choose to have the staple food at last or have none of them at allPerhaps o

35、ne of the things that surprises a Western visitor most is that some of the Chinese hosts like to put food into the plates of their guestsIn formal dinners,there are always “public” chopsticks and spoons for this purpose,but some hosts may use their own chopsticksThis is a sign of genuine friendship

36、and politenessIt is always polite to eat the foodIf you do not eat it,just leave the food in the platePeople in China tend to over-order food,for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumedWhen you have had enough,just say soOr you will always overeat!55The main difference on dinner t

37、able between China and West is _. Ayou have your own plate of food in West while in China everyone shares the dishes. Bon Chinese dinner table,chopsticks replace knife and fork. Cyoure treated to a formal dinner for the first time. Dthe host will do the best to give you a taste of many different typ

38、es of dishes.56If you have a dinner in a Chinese home,in which order will the food be served in China? aa set of four cold dishes. bstaple food such as rice,noodle or dumplings. cthe main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. dserving soup. Aacbd Bcabd Cacdb Dcadb57According to the passage,we ca

39、n infer that _. AChinese think it impolite for guests to leave food in the plate. BChinese think it polite to put food into the plated of the guests with their own chopsticks. CPeople in China tend to over-order food,for they will find it embarrassing if all the food is consumed. DChinese all think

40、it impolite for guests to ask for a pair of knife and fork.58The sentence,in Paragraph 2,“you should say so in good time” means _. Ayou should say so early Byou should say so happily Cyoud better say so Dyou should say so kindlyCIs carrying a few extra pounds into your senior years healthy? Advice h

41、as been mixed. Now, two studies published this month attempt to better define the ideal weight for fitness and longevity for adults over age 60.The main point is that you dont need to worry about being slightly overweight, as long as that extra weight is maintained at a consistent level. However, be

42、ing very overweight is detrimental to health, and exercising to lose body fat and to gain muscle mass is always beneficial.Determining the ideal weight for older people has been a pursuit, with researchers looking for what weight is not too thin, but not too fat. Studies have suggested that being sl

43、ightly overweight can be protective. For example, a 2001 study by researchers at Yale University found that moderately overweight senior adults with a body mass index (BMI) of 27 two points higher than the BMI of 25 that defines being overweight lived longer than seniors who were either thinner or h

44、eavier. Theres a fine line here, though, because carrying extra pounds is a risk factor for many types of cancer and other diseases. And, according to the researchers behind the two new studies, the general public has misinterpreted the Yale findings to mean that being very overweight is healthy.One

45、 new study, published this month in the American Journal of Epidemiology by researchers at The Ohio State University in Columbus, found that seniors who maintained a stable, slightly overweight status survived most probably over the 16 years surveyed. Those seniors who had a so-called healthy weight

46、 going into the study (a BMI between 18.5 and 25) and who gained weight, but stayed below BMI 25, had a slight possibility of surviving over the study period.People in the obese group, with a BMI higher than 35 and who continued to gain weight, faced the worst among all the groups in the study. But next-to-last were normal-weight people who lost


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