1、文献检索课综合检索试题一:Scifinder Scholar数据库是什么类型的数据库?简述Scifinder Scholar数据库的基本检索方法。CA网络版(SciFinder Scholar)在充分吸收原书本式CA精华的基础上,利用现代机检技术,进一步提高了化学化工文献的可检性和速检性,更整合了Medline医学数据库、欧洲和美国等50几家专利机构的全文专利资料、以及化学文摘1907年至今的所有内容。它涵盖的学科包括应用化学、化学工程、普通化学、物理、生物学、生命科学、医学、聚合体学、材料学、地质学、食品科学和农学等诸多领域。它可以透过网络直接查看“化学文摘”1907年以来的所有期刊文献和专
2、利摘要;以及八千多万的化学物质记录和CAS注册号。SciFinder Scholar可检索数据库包括:CAPLUSSM(2600万条参考书目记录,每天更新3000条以上,始自1907年)CAS REGISTRYSM(8700万条物质记录,每天更新约4000条,每种化学物质有唯一对应的CAS注册号,始自1957年)CASREACT(1100万条反应记录,每周更新约700-1300条,始自1840年)CHEMCATS(1100万条商业化学物质记录,来自800多家供应商的900多种目录)CHMLIST(24万种管制品化合物的详细清单,来自19个国家和国际性组织)MEDLINE(National Li
3、brary of Medicine数据库,1600万参考书目记录,来自3900多种期刊,始自1951年)它有多种先进的检索方式,比如化学结构式(其中的亚结构模组对研发工作极具帮助)和化学反应式检索等。它还可以通过Chemport链接到全文资料库以及进行引文链接。其强大的检索和服务功能,可以让你了解最新的科研动态,帮助你确认最佳的资源投入和研究方向。根据统计,全球95%以上的科学家们对SciFinder给予了高度评价,认为它加快了他们的研究进程,并在使用过程中得到了很多启示和创意。试题二:在美国专利数据库的检索界面(http:/patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/PTO/searc
4、h-adv.htm)中,有哪些检索字段?并分别写出这些字段的中文含义。Field CodeField NameField CodeField NamePN Patent Number 专利号IN Inventor Name 发明人姓名ISD Issue Date 发布日期IC Inventor City 发明人城市TTL Title 标题IS Inventor State 发明人所在州ABST Abstract 摘要ICN Inventor Country 发明人所在国ACLM Claim(s) 声明LREP Attorney or Agent 律师或代理人SPEC Description/S
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7、草剂,请检索该物质的英文名称、结构式、分子式(Hill系统),化学物质登记号(CAS-)、物化性质(密度、熔点、水溶性等)及主要制备方法和用途。IUPAC英文全称: 2-(phosphonomethylamino)acetic acid结构式:HILL系统分子式:C5H10NO7PCAS-登记号:1071-83-6 物化性质: 外观【白色结晶】密度【1.705 g/cm3】熔点【230(分解)】溶解度(水)【12 g/L (25)】1、以氯乙酸铵为原料,先与氢氧化钙反应得到亚氨基二乙酸钙盐,在硫酸钠作用下生成亚氨基二乙酸。然后用三氯化磷、甲醛与亚氨基二乙酸反应,得到双甘膦,最后用浓硫酸或过氧化
8、氢氧化双甘膦,得到草甘膦。2、自产亚磷酸三甲酯的企业采用亚磷酸三甲酯生产工艺生产草甘膦。3、采用亚磷酸二甲酯(膦酸二甲酯)生产工艺生产:亚磷酸二甲酯与甲醛、甘氨酸反应生成草甘膦二甲酯,然后水解得草甘膦。此法有收率高,纯度高的优点,是目前中国生产草甘膦的主要方法。作用机制草甘膦主要是阻碍芳香氨基酸的生物合成,即苯丙氨酸、色氨酸及酪氨酸通过莽草酸途径的合成。它对5-烯醇丙酮酰莽草酸-3-磷酸合酶(EPSP合酶)有抑制作用,该酶可以催化莽草酸-3-磷酸和烯醇丙酮磷酸向5-烯醇丙酮酰莽草酸-3-磷酸(EPSP)的转化,因此草甘膦干扰这一生物合成的酶促反应,导致莽草酸在生物体内的积累。4 此外草甘膦也可
9、以抑制其他植物酶56和动物酶7的活性。试题四:根据所学专业,结合自己的兴趣,自己拟定检索课题,课题必须包含主题词和副主题词,就同一个课题,按下列要求进行检索: 1、检索课题(中文名称) _光触媒在空气净化中的应用_ (英文名称)_ Photocatalyst Application in Air Purify _2、课题背景及检索目的:随着城市化进程的逐步演变和机动车辆的大量普及,城市空气质量日益恶化,现代人也越来越重视居家生活中的空气质量,各种空气净化装置层出不穷。而这之中,光触媒作为行之有效的催化剂以其温和作用条件及高效的处理效率备受瞩目。本课题旨在检索和光触媒在净化中的应用。3、检索词:
10、主题词:(中文)_光触媒_ (英文)_Photocatalyst_相关词:(中文)_催化剂_ (英文)_catalyst_副主题词:(中文)_空气净化_ (英文)_ Air Purify _4、检索过程:分别写出篇名、作者、文献来源(期刊指刊名、年、卷期;专利指专利号;学位论文指授予单位,标准指标准号等文摘形式)及摘要(不要原文),所有数据库均检索近五年的文献。若该课题没有相关的专利或标准,请找一篇与课题相近的专利或标准。中文期刊(找5篇):说明使用的数据库(万方数据库)光触媒TiO2催化机理及空气净化方法探悉Discussions on the Catalyzing Principle of
11、 the Photocatalyst of TiO2 and Air Cleaning Methods摘要:研究了光触媒TiO2催化净化方法和具有光催化TiO2装置的中央空调系统.提出了光催化TiO2净化装置在中央空调系统中应用的技术方案.对光催化TiO2装置的催化作用机理、反应过程以及对环境的净化功能和净化效率进行了论述.作者:曾红Author:ZENG Hong作者单位:重庆科技学院,冶金与材料工程学院,重庆,400050期 刊:重庆工学院学报 ISTICJournal:JOURNAL OF CHONGQING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY年,卷(期):2007,20(8
12、)分类号:TQ425 TQ422关键词:光触媒TiO2 光催化净化 空调系统机标分类号:TU8 TQ0光触媒在空气净化消毒的研究Application of photocatalyst in air sterilization 摘要:光触媒技术在消毒杀菌、防污除臭、净化空气以及分解水中有机污染物等方面都显示了良好的应用前景,是近年来国内外研究的热点领域之一.本文就光触媒催化反应原理、消毒杀菌作用机理、特点、影响光触媒作用的因素以及控制医院感染的研究与应用,综述如下作者:刘德新1张博2王跃1邢荣琦2王庭祥3 作者单位:1. 霸州市疾病预防控制中心,河北,霸州,0657032. 河北省卫生厅卫生监
13、督局,河北,石家庄,0500713. 保定市第三医院,河北,保定,071000期 刊:中国热带医学 ISTIC Journal:CHINA TROPICAL MEDICINE 年,卷(期):2009,9(8)分类号:R187关键词:光触媒技术 消毒杀菌 净化空气机标分类号:TU8 TQ4光触媒空气净化器净化效果评价Evaluation on purification effectiveness of photocatalyst air purifier 摘要:光触媒(Photo catalyst)也称为光催化剂(Light catalyst),是具有催化功能的半导体材料的总称.在光源照射下,它
14、能够利用特定波长光源的能量产生催化作用(氧化还原反应),使周围的氧气及水分 子激发成具活性的OH-及O2-等自由离子基,这些自由基几乎可分解所有对人体或环境有害的有机物质及部分无机物质.目前的GB/T 18801-2002中仅限于过滤式和静电式空气净化器,或者两者的组合,没有光触媒产品的国家标准.作者:石峰 张红 李丽 江媛媛 黄东海作者单位:山东省疾病预防控制中心,济南,250014 期 刊:中国卫生工程学 Journal:CHINESE JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEERING 年,卷(期):2008,4(1)分类号:R1机标分类号:TU8 O44一种光触媒
15、高效空气净化器的实验研究Experimental Study on Efficient Photocatalysis Air Cleaning Device 摘要:为了达到高效净化 空气的目的,从物理方法入手,利用二氧化钛光触媒的光催化作用、短波紫外线和臭氧的生物效应原理,通过多波段谐振光源和导流回旋风道的设计,研制 出一款光触媒高效空气净化器,具有净化空气能力强、效果持久稳定、无二次公害和维持费用低、操作简便、适用范围广等优点.细菌的去除效率在90.9%以 上,甲醛去除效率为63.9%,氨去除效率为86.2%.作者:闫其年刘志强杨景发张子生 Author:YAN Qi-nianLIU Zhi
16、-qiangYANG Jing-faZHANG Zi-sheng 作者单位:河北大学,物理科学与技术学院,河北,保定,071002 期 刊:河北大学学报(自然科学版) ISTICPKU Journal:JOURNAL OF HEBEI UNIVERSITY(NATURAL SCIENCE EDITION) 年,卷(期):2011,31(1)分类号:X505关键词:光触媒 二氧化钛 导流回旋风道 空气净化器机标分类号:TQ4 O64TiO2光触媒担载多孔陶瓷室内空气净化元件的研究Study on TiO2 Photocatalyst Carrying Porous Ceramics for Ga
17、s Purification Indoor摘要:采用Sol-gel法在多孔陶瓷载体上担载TiO2光触媒的方法制备室内空气净化元件,并且结合空气净化性能检测结果,对溶胶浸渍次数和热处理温度对其室内空气净化性能的影响因素进行了分析.作者:孟宪谦 薛友祥 吕华 崔海波 秦金海 李宪景 作者单位:山东工业陶瓷研究设计院,淄博,255031 期 刊:现代技术陶瓷 Journal:ADVANCED CERAMICS 年,卷(期):2007,25(2)分类号:TQ174关键词:TiO2光触媒 多孔陶瓷 空气净化机标分类号:TQ4 TQ2外文期刊(找3篇):说明使用的数据库(Ei Village 2)1.Ro
18、om-light-induced indoor air purification using an efficient Pt/N-TiO2 photocatalystSun, Hongqi1; Ullah, Ruh1; Chong, Siewhui1; Ang, Hua Ming1; Tad, Moses O.1; Wang, Shaobin1 Source: Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, v 108-109, p 127-133, October 11, 2011; ISSN: 09263373; DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2011
19、.08.017;Publisher: ElsevierAuthor affiliation:Dept. of Chemical Engg., and CRC for Contamination Assessment, Remediation of the Environment, Curtin University, GPO Box U1987, Perth, WA 6845, AustraliaAbstract: A conceptual air purifier harvesting fluorescent room lights was tested in this study. Vis
20、ible photocatalysis was applied to facilitate the degradation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) on a highly efficient visible light photocatalyst, Pt/N-TiO2 synthesised via a sol-gel process. The as-prepared photocatalyst was characterised by many techniques, such as XRD, XPS, UV-vis DRS, N2 adso
21、rption and SEM, etc. XPS spectra revealed that platinum was at a chemical state of 2+, while nitrogen existed as NOx species. The unique chemical compositions made the photocatalyst respond to visible light with a band gap of 2.69eV, and present a broad absorption shoulder extended further into infr
22、ared region. The photocatalytic activities under irradiations of 387, 430 and 490nm were evaluated by photodegradation of phenol solutions. Under UV-vis light, the Pt/N-TiO2 exhibited 5.5 times higher activity than Degussa P25. Various gaseous pollutants were degraded by employing the Pt/N-TiO2 in a
23、 batch reactor. The capability of photodegradation of VOCs under room lights was also proven by the decomposition of gaseous toluene in a continuous reactor using fluorescent lamps (610W). The mechanism of the enhanced activity in degradation of VOCs and potential application were discussed. ? 2011
24、Elsevier B.V. (41 refs.)Database: Compendex2.Titanium dioxide coated cementitious materials for air purifying purposes: Preparation, characterization and toluene removal potentialRamirez, Anibal Maury1; Demeestere, Kristof2; De Belie, Nele1; Mntyl, Tapio3; Levnen, Erkki3Source: Building and Environm
25、ent, v 45, n 4, p 832-838, April 2010; ISSN: 03601323; DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2009.09.003; Publisher: Elsevier LtdAuthor affiliation: 1 Magnel Laboratory for Concrete Research, Department of Structural Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Technologiepark Zwijnaarde 904, B-9052 Ghent, Belgium2 Research
26、 Group EnVOC, Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Coupure Links 653, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium3 Department of Materials Science, Tampere University of Technology, Korkeakoulunkatu 6, FIN-33720 Tampere, FinlandAbstract: This work presents promising results for air purifica
27、tion by heterogeneous photocatalysis on new titanium dioxide loaded cementitious materials. A set of eight concretes and plasters is enriched with TiO2 photocatalyst by dip-coating and/or sol-gel methods. First, the macro-structural features of the cementitious materials have been studied in terms o
28、f porosity and roughness. The first parameter has been determined using mercury intrusion porosimetry or by vacuum saturation, and ranged between 9 and 75%, with the highest values obtained for autoclaved aerated white concrete. Surface roughness, determined by laser profilometry, has been character
29、ized by the Ra factor. This expresses the mean deviation of the profile from the centre line and ranged between 0.7 and 252 m, with the highest value obtained for conventional grey concrete finished with surface brush. Secondly, the weathering resistance of the TiO2 coatings has been determined by e
30、xposing them to different abrasive conditions and by performing SEM-Edax analyses to measure quantitatively the coatings titanium content. Hereby, it is shown that high porosity and roughness are favourable for TiO2 particles retention. Finally, the preliminary air purification potential of both dip
31、-coated and sol-gel coated TiO2 enriched concrete samples has been investigated on lab-scale using toluene as a model pollutant. High removal efficiencies (up to 86%) were obtained with the dip-coated samples, indicating their attractive photocatalytic properties for future application as air purify
32、ing building materials. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (32 refs.)Database: Compendex3.Experimental study of photocatalytic concrete products for air purificationHsken, G.1; Hunger, M.1; Brouwers, H.J.H.1Source: Building and Environment, v 44, n 12, p 2463-2474, December 2009; ISSN: 03601323
33、; DOI: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2009.04.010;Publisher: Elsevier LtdAuthor affiliation: 1 Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, NetherlandsAbstract: Air quality in inner-city areas is a topic which receives much attention n
34、owadays but in the coming years, the overall interest on this topic will become even bigger. One major concern is caused by the reduction of the limiting values given by the European Council Directive 1999/30/EC Relating to limit values for sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxides of nitrogen, p
35、articulate matter and lead in ambient air. Official Journal of the European Communities 1999, L 163/41-60 and increasing traffic rates especially for diesel powered passenger cars and freight vehicles. A promising approach for solving the problem of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is the photochemical convers
36、ion of nitrogen oxides to low concentrated nitrates due to heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) using titanium dioxide (TiO2) as photocatalyst. A variety of products containing TiO2 are already available on the European market and their working mechanism under laboratory conditions is proven
37、. However, there is still a lack of transforming the experimental results obtained under laboratory conditions to practical applications considering real world conditions. This paper presents the research conducted on photocatalytic concrete products with respect to the evaluation of air-purifying p
38、roperties. The degradation process of nitric oxide (NO) under laboratory conditions is studied using a test setup for measuring the performance of photocatalytic active concrete products. The test setup uses the UV-A induced degradation of NO and is oriented on the ISO standard ISO 22197-1:2007. Bes
39、ides the introduction of the test setup, a uniform measuring procedure is presented to the reader which allows for an evaluation and direct comparison of the performance of photocatalytic active concrete products. This kind of direct comparison was not possible so far. Furthermore, the results of a
40、comparative study on varying photocatalytic concrete products of the European market will be discussed. 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (26 refs.)Database: Compendex学位论文(找1篇):说明使用的数据库(中国知网)光触媒净化中央空调系统内有害微生物的研究Research of Photocatalysts Purifying Harmful Microorganisms in Central Air Conditio
41、ng System【作者】 朱宇; 【导师】 冯国会【作者基本信息】 沈阳建筑大学, 供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程, 2011, 硕士【摘要】 近年来,随着经济的快速发展,越来越 多的城市建筑物,特别是公共场所安装中央空调系统用于改善室内空气质量。中央空调系统犹如人的动脉血管,如果设计、运行、管理不善,一旦被污染将迅速扩 散,成为室内空气污染源,直接危害建筑物内人们的健康和生命安全。室内空气质量状况越来越受到人们重视,研究有效治理室内空气污染物的净化技术十分必要, 提高室内空气质量、消除室内空气污染已经成为全球的战略任务,并已引起社会各方面的广泛关注。光触媒净化技术是一种极具发展潜力的净化手段
42、,针对目前室内 空气净化不尽人意的现状,本文主要研究光触媒对于中央空调系统内有害微生物的杀灭效果,新兴光触媒净化技术将是室内空气净化中最具前景的技术之一。本实验 主要研究光触媒对于中央空调系统内有害细菌的净化效果,采用无纺布擦拭法,对沈阳市百家乐超市内中央空调回风口风管表面及过滤网表面的积尘进行采集并带回 实验室进行检测,检测地点为沈阳建筑大学微生物实验室。通过对风管表面积尘检测,依照公共建筑集中空调系统卫生规范,判断中央空调系统的污染情况。通 过对过滤网表面积尘的检测,找出积尘中细菌的优势菌种。通过光触媒涂液对两种优势菌种抑菌性能的实验,分析光触.【Abstract】 In recent y
43、ears, with the rapid development of economy, more and more city buildings, especially the public central air-conditioning system is used for improving indoor air quality. The central air-conditioning system is like the arteries, so if its not well designed, operationed or managed and once be pollute
44、d, it will become indoor air pollutant source, which directly damages peoples health and life safety. People are pay more attention to the indoor air quality, so it is necessary to do res.【关键词】 光触媒; 中央空调; 微生物; 【Key words】 Photo-catalytic; central air conditioning; microbial; 【网络出版投稿人】 沈阳建筑大学【网络出版年期】
45、2011年 10期 标准文献(找1篇):说明使用的网站或数据库(中国知网)光催化空气净化材料性能测试方法 【英文标准名称】 Test method of photocatalytic materials for air purification【原文标准名称】 光催化空气净化材料性能测试方法【标准号】 GB/T 23761-2009【标准状态】 现行【国别】 中国【发布日期】 2009-05-13【实施或试行日期】 2010-01-01【发布单位】 国家质检总局(CN-GB)【起草单位】 福州大学光催化研究所;中国化工学会新材料委员会光催化材料及应用分会【中文主题词】 材料;材料性;材料性能;
47、ERFORMANCE TESTING;【摘要】 本标准规定了空气净化用光催化材料的定义、原理、材料、测试装置、分析步骤、结果计算和试验报告。本标准适用于在气相环境中使用的具有空气净化能力材料的光催化性能的测试。本标准不适用于液相中使用的光催化净化材料。【中国标准分类号】 G10【国际标准分类号】 71_060_01【页数】 9P.;A4【正文语种】 汉语专利文献(找1篇):说明使用的网站或数据库(SIPO)申请号: 02135244.5 申请日: 2002.06.27名称: 自行再生光触媒空调器公开(公告)号: CN1392373 公开(公告)日: 2003.01.22主分类号: F24F3/16 分类号: F24F3/16申请(专利权)人: 海尔集团公司;青岛海尔空调器有限总公司地址: 266101山东省青岛市海尔路1号海尔工业园发明(设计)人: 楚人震;谷东照;丁大伟;陈启明 专利代理