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1、基本信息姓 名性别:_ 民族:_身高:_ 籍贯:_出生日期:_政治面貌:_移动电话:_电子邮件:_主修专业:_个人照片教育背景 某年某月至今 西安外国语大学 某某学院 英语专业主修课程:基础英语、高级英语、英语听力、英语口语、英汉翻译、汉英翻译、口译、英语泛读、英语中高级写作、语言学、计算机基础选修课程:英语词汇学、文学导论、中国翻译史、圣经文学、英国社会与文化、英语国家概况、交际学概论、学习策略、英国文学选读、跨文化交际、女性修养个人能力 外语能力:英 语:(1)全国高等学校英语专业四级(TEM-4)证书。(2)英国剑桥商务英语中级证书(BECvantage)。(3)西安普菲特翻译公司口译培

2、训(共100课时)。 其他能力:(1)熟练使用复印机、传真机和个人电脑;(2)熟练使用常用办公软件编辑业务文档,熟练运用MICROSOFT OFFICE(WORD、EXCEL、PowerPoint);(3) 熟悉网络知识,能够熟练运用网络信息;奖励荣誉2010.10 西安外国语大学校级“三等奖学金”2008.11 西安外国语大学校级“三等奖学金”2008.10 西安外国语大学英文学院“优秀团学干部”20085 西安外国语大学“优秀志愿者”称号实践经历校园经历 2008.3-今 西安外国语大学英文学院“分享爱”青年志愿者队 队员参加2008年北京奥运会火炬传递西安站小雁塔誓师大会协助西安外国语大

3、学2008年北京奥运会小语种志愿者招募工作组织参加西安外国语大学校运会教职工比赛裁判团组织参加为汶川地震灾区募捐活动 2009.5今 西安外国语大学英文学院学习部参与组织年级英语角,演讲比赛,辩论赛等活动 2009.9-今 西安外国语大学英文学院 团支部书记组织邓论小组及一系列相关先进思想学习活动,班级获得“优秀团支部”称号在校期间成功主办小型圣诞晚会,鼓励同学们展现自己,促进班级团结工作经历2010.4.7-2010.4.12 西安曲江国际会展中心 陕西省贸易促进委员会 第十四届中国东西部合作与投资贸易洽谈会 第九届中国西部国际经济合作洽谈会前期参与洽谈会的组织与筹备工作接待外宾并全程陪同翻

4、译协助外商布置展台,展销产品协助中外商人进行贸易洽谈与合作2009.4.5-2009.4.10 西安曲江国际会展中心 第十三届中国东西部合作与投资贸易洽谈会接待外宾协助陕西省贸促会筹备会议会议期间接待来宾,发放相关资料在中外贸易洽谈会上进行翻译工作2008.6 - 2008.7 西安启航假期补习班前期进行宣传工作,包括发放传单、设置多个咨询点协助组织者招募教师针对不同年级的英语小班授课自我评价具有较强的学习能力有激情,有进取精神,工作认真踏实 诚实守信,做事认真负责,具有团队合作精神PERSONAL INFORMATIONName: _ Tel: _ E-mail: _EDUCATION 20

5、07/09 Present Xian International Studies University ( XISU ) major: EnglishLEADERSHIP AND CAMPUS ACTIVITIES 2008/03now Volunteered as a member of “Sharing Love” in School of English Studiesl Participated in the motivation meeting of the Olympic Torch Relay. l Worked for the recruitment of volunteers

6、 for Beijing Olympic Games.2009/05now Acted as a team leader in the Study Department of the Student Unionl Planned and organized various activities to enrich students part-time life in college, such as English Speech Contest, English Song Contest, Drama Show, Tea Party, etc.2009/09now Worked as Leag

7、ue Branch SecretaryWORKING EXPERIENCE 2010.04.072010.04.12 China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Shaanxi sub-council l Made preparations for the 14th Investment and Trade Forum between East and West China.l Interpreted for foreign guests and Chinese entrepreneurs. l Assisted foreig

8、n guests to sell products at expositions. 2009.04.052009.04.10 Worked for Shaanxi government l Made preparations for the meetings held in the 13th Investment and Trade Forum between East and West China.l Received foreign guests and providing information of the meetings for them.l Interpreted in the

9、forum.2008.062008.07 English teacher in “Qi Hang” English training schooll Enrolled students in Xian and recruited teachers on campus. l Gave classes to students of different grades. RELEVENT SKILLS Languages English TEM-4 (Passed) TEM-8 (To Be Tested) The Certificate of BEC-Vantagel Capable of gras

10、ping 85 information in BBC or VOA News and understanding 80% dialogues in English-speaking films without Chinese subtitles.l Speaking standard and fluent Oral English.l Capable of dealing with business communication.Computer skills l Capable of operating Microsoft WORD, EXCEL and POWERPOINT.HONORS & AWARDS 2010/09 Third Prize Scholarship 2008/11 Third Prize Scholarship2008/10 Outstanding League Cadres of School of English Studies2008/05 Outstanding Volunteer of XISU


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