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《The APA System of Documentation.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The APA System of Documentation.ppt(39页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、The APA System of Documentation,9810003M Zooey Lee9810004M Lydia Wei,Outline,10a Parenthetical documentation:Author-date(APA)10b Format for”References”(APA)10c Writing the abstract10d Finished form of the paper,APA,The American Psychological Associations styleThe social sciences,business,anthropolog

2、y,&some of the life sciences,10a Parenthetical documentation:Author-date(APA),Mention the author(last name only)&the date of the cited publicationPollock(1994)has shown that a disturbance in the mothers initial contact with the infant can affect her decision or capacity to breast-geed her infant.OrO

3、ne study has shown that a disturbance in the mothers initial contact with the infant can affect her decision or capacity to breast-geed her infant(Pollock,1994).,Not the author&page numberNo page numberThe psychological response to defeat was often more dramatically expressed by the women of the Sou

4、th than by the men,as Mary Chestnut documents in her Civil War diary(Vann Woodward,1981).ButPage number necessary because of direct quoteThe psychological response to defeat was often more dramatically expressed by the women of the South than by the men.Evidence of that comes from Mary Chestnut,who

5、in her diary tells the story of a woman who“raved and dashed herself finally on the ground”when she heard about the fall of New Orleans(Vann Woodward 1981,p.640).Note:pp.if more than one page is cited.(Vann Woodward,1981,pp.640-641).,10a-1 Examples of APA in-text citations to books,a.One work by a s

6、ingle authorLeakey(2001)speculates that perhaps we have not yet found the perfect link between humans and apes.OrIn a recent study(Leakey,2001),paleoanthropologist focused on Kenya Man,a possible early hominid and ancestor of humankind.OrIn a study published in 2001,Leakey described finding a skull

7、in the Kenya desert that turned out to be a candidate for humankinds ancestor.,b.Subsequent referencesIn a more-recent study,Johnson(2002)found that children were more susceptible.Johnson also found that c.One work by two authorsMuch earlier,Grant and Change(1958)had discovered ButIn a previous stud

8、y of caged rats(Grant&Change,1958),the surprising element was,d.One work by three to five authorsFirst citation:Holland,Holt,Levi,and Beckett(1983)indicated thatSubsequent citation:Holland et al.(1983)also found,e.Work by six or more authorsName only the surname of the first author followed by et al

9、.Holland et al.(1983)If two separate references would shorten to the same form,list as many authors as are necessary to distinguish between two references.Verska,Sage,Finley,et al.(2006)andVerska,Sage,Bradley,et al.(2006)Note:A comma precedes et al.following more than one name,but not following a si

10、ngle name.,f.Corporate authora committee,an institution,a corporation,or government agencyFirst citation in the text:(National Institute of Mental Health NIMH,2005)Subsequent citations:(NIMH,2005)Note:When using an acronym be sure that you spell out the full name the first time you use the acronym u

11、nless it is commonly known,like TV,PC,IQThe Federal Emergency Management Administration(FEMA)was encouraged to give money to victims of the fire.,g.Works by an anonymous author or no authorThe author of a work is listed as“Anonymous”(Anonymous,2004)In the text,no author information.To obtain the tax

12、 benefits of a property exchange,the parties who started the exchange must complete it(“First guarantee exchange,”2002).One study shows that the number of women in their forties returning to college continues to grow(“New educational horizons,”2002)-especially in urban areas.,Citations of statutes a

13、nd other legal materials are treated like citation of works without authors,you cite the first few words of reference and the year.(Baker v.Carr,1962)-court cases must be in italic(National Environmental Protection Act,1970)(Civil Rights Act,1964),h.Authors with the same surnameD.L.Shang(1965)and H.

14、F.Shang(2002)studied both aspects of,i.Two or more works in the same parenthesesList two or more works by the same author(s)by year of publication.If one work is in the process of being published,cite it last,using the words in press.Research in the past two years(Ford&Beckham,2000,2002)has revealed

15、 many potential.OrPast studies(Murphy,2005,2006,in press)reveal,Identify different works by the same author that have the same publication date by a,b,c,and so on,added after the year in the“References”entries.According to these studies(Sturgis,2001a,2001b,in press)the prevalent attitude isList two

16、or more works by different authors alphabetically according to the first authors surnames.Using semicolons(;).Three separate studies(Delaney Zunz,1980)tried to build on the same theory,but,j.references to specific parts of a sourceIf you refer to a specific quotation,figure,or table,you must supply

17、the appropriate page,figure number,or table number.(Spetch&Wilkie,1983,pp.15-25)(Halpern,1982.Fig.2)(Table 4.8,p.2)Note:the words page,pages,and figure are abbreviated.,k.Personal communicationsLetters,memos,e-mail and telephone conversations(A.Sorensen,personal communication,November 19,2001)OrA.So

18、rensen(personal communication,November 19,2001)quickly approved the entire research project.OrIn two separate e-mails,Dr.Kazanijian approved the protocol for this significant autism research project(personal communication,November 19,2005),l.Citation as part of a parenthetical comment(See Appendix A

19、 of Jenkins,1983,for additional proof.),10a-2 Avoiding clutter in the text,The protocol itself was faulty(Jacobson,1995);thus the resulting research also was seriously flawed(Lester,1961;Masters,1961;Zimmerman,1960),and millions of dollars in time and equipment were wasted(Smith,1999).clutter orderl

20、inessIn 1995 Jacobson acknowledged that the original protocol was faulty,so that when Zimmerman(1960),Lester(1961),and Masters(1961)performed their experiments,these,too,were flawed.The consequent loss of millions of dollars in time and equipment has been well documented(Smith,1999).,Format for“Refe

21、rence”,Start on a new page.The page number continue on from the text.Center the title“Reference”.Double-space throughout the list.Cite sources you actually use.List titles by the same author chronologically.Indent the subsequent lines of each entry five space.Place a period followed by one space bet

22、ween all of the elements in each entry.Italicize the titles of books,periodicals,and the volume numbers.p.267,13ReferencesJones,E.(1931).On the nightmare.London:Hogarth.Phillips,J.M.,&Gully,S.M.(1997).Role of goal orientation,ability,and need for achievement,and focus on control in the self-efficacy

23、 and goal-setting process.Journal of Applied Psychology,82(5),792-802.,10b-1 General order for books in“Reference”,1.Use only the initials of the first and middle names.2.The year of publication in parentheses,followed by a period.3.The title of the book in italic with only initial letter of the fir

24、st word and proper noun capitalized.4.The place of publication,followed by a colon.5.The name of the publisher,followed by a period.Ex:Jones,E.(1931).On the nightmare:Ghost.London:Hogarth.,Book by two or more authors:1.Less than 6:use“&”before the last name and use commas to separate the names.(Bowe

25、n,B.M.,Poople,K.J.,&Gorky,A.)2.more than six:use et indicate the seventh and subsequent authors.(Bowen,B.M.,Poople,K.J.,Gorky,A.Castuera,I.O.,Nassiman,P.,White,P.R.,et al.),Edited book:1.Give the surname and initials of all editors up to six.2.Insert Ed.or Eds.In parentheses after the name or

26、names.3.The period after the closing parenthesis.Ex:Friedman,R.J.,&Katz,M.M.(Eds.).(1974).The psychology of depression:Contemporary theory and research.New York:Wiley.Ex:Waxer,P.(1979).Therapist training in nonverbal.In A.Wolfgang(Ed.),Nonverbal behavior:Applications and culture implications(pp.221-

27、240).New York:Academic Press.,Translated book:1.Place the name of the translator after the book title.2.It is followed by a comma and Trans.EX:Rank,O.(1932).Psychology and the soul(W.Turner,Trans.).Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press.Book in foreign language:1.The title is given in the for

28、eign language with an English translation provide in brackets without italic.Ex:Saint-Exupery, des hommes Earth of men.Paris:Gallimard.,Revised edition of a book:Ex:Boulding,K.(1955).Economic analysis(3rd ed.).New York:Harper.Book by a corporate author:Ex:Commission on Intergovernme

29、ntal Relations.(1955).Report to the president.Washington,DC:Author.,Multivolume book:Ex:Reusch,J.(1980).Communication and psychology.In H.I.Kaplan,A.M.Freedman,&B.J.Sadock(Eds.).Comprehensive textbook of psychiatry:Vol.1.Baltimore:Williams&Wilkins.Unpublished manuscript:Ex:Lopez,M.R.(2006).Health pr

30、oblems of immigrations in San Bernardino County.Unpublished manuscript.,10b-3 General order for periodical in“References”name.+the year of publication.+title of article with first word and proper noun capitalized.(no quotation marks or italics)+Name of Journal in Italic+volume number in italics+incl

31、usive page numbers Ex:Phillips,J.M.,&Gully,S.M.(1997).Role of goal orientation,ability,and need for achievement,and focus on control in the self-efficacy and goal-setting process.Journal of Applied Psychology,82(5),792-802.,Magazine article,magazine issued monthlyEX:Kernan,M.(2001,October).Heads up:

32、From a computer-generated model,sculptors cast a bronze triceratops that looks like the real thing.Smithsonian,34-36.Newspaper article:Ex:Goodman,E.(1983,December 23).Bouvia case crosses the“rights”line.Los Angeles Times,p.B5.EditorialEx:Guion,R.M.(1983).Comments from the new editor Editorial.Journa

33、l of Applied Psychology,68,547.,10b-5 sample references to electronic sourcesName+date(year-month-day with no abbreviation).+title of article(no quotation marks,use italic for titles of books periodicals and microfilm).+the source with italic.+Retrieved+date.+from+URLEx:Peterson,S.(2001,December 18)

34、.Business:The smaller the better.ZDNet News.Retrieved January 5,2002,from http:/online:add the word Abstract before retrieved.,E-mail:E-mail and personal communications can not by readers should be cited in the text,not list in the reference.FTP source GopherGovernment website Online bookOnline data

35、base Online dictionaryOnline encyclopedia Online magazine article(pp.208-209)They almost use the same way to the electronic sources.If the article you are citing has been published in print,but youve only consulted the electronic version,put Eletronic version after the title.,10b-6 sample references

36、 to nonprint materialsMotion pictureEx:Cotton,D.H.(Producer),&Correll,J.B.(Director).(1980).The management of hypertension in pregnancies Motion picture.Houston:University of Texas.Audio recording(cassette,record,tape,compact disc)p.21210b-7 Sample references to special items 1.person or organizatio

37、n responsible for the work.2.year the work was published.3.title of the work.4.identifying of origin.6.publisher.,10c Writing the abstract,A summary of the major ideas Use no more one page,about 120-200 wordsAlways falls on page 2Contain a running head&page number.Center the title“Abstr

38、act”one inch from the top.The abstract should meetThe purpose,central issue,most important points,major sources,and conclusionsCoherence&objectivity,Vitamins 2AbstractUntil recently,the official view on healthful eating was that anyone who ate a normally balanced diet did not need vitamin supplement

39、s.However,recent research by a team at Trinity College in England and at Brigham and Womens Hospital in Boston concludes that certain Vitamin,especially the vitamins A,B,C,D,and E(also called antioxidants),can help prevent such serious diseases as heart failure,diabetes,depression,flu,and eye proble

40、ms.The conclusion of this research is that although vitamins cannot substitute for good eating habits,plenty of exercise,and not smoking,the findings findings do strengthen the argument for adding vitamins as a nutritional supplement.(e.g.p.215,&p.256),10d Finished form of the paper,10d-1 Two kinds

41、of APA papers:The theoretical paper-the one most students in the college will write.The empirical paper-it consists of original research,and it will be used more in graduate studies or in professional writing.,Requirements of the Empirical PaperThe introduction should establish the subject to be exa

42、mined,including a rationale and hypotheses that serve as the launching pad for the study.The body of the paper should contain the following two headings:(1)Methods,(2)Results.The conclusion of the paper should interpret the results and findings of the paper and relate them to the papers thesis.,10d-

43、2 Appearance of the final copy(e.g.pp.255-268),Margins&spacingOne-inch margins all aroundDouble-space everything in the paperFont:Times New Roman in a 12 points sizePage numbers&headersUpper right-hand corner of paperUse Arabic numerals(1,2,3).Paragraphing&indentsTo indent 5 spaces or half-inch at t

44、he start of the new paragraph,a.Outlineb.Title page(e.g.p.217)Page header&numberRunning headTitle of the paperName&academic affiliation of the writerc.AbstractIn the second paged.TextBeginning on page 3e.Content notes&endnotes(e.g.p.179)f.Illustrations:Tables&figures(e.g.pp.219-223),g.Use of numbers

45、Using Arabic numerals in the text But,using words Numbers less than ten not used in measurementsCommon fractionsAny number beginning a sentence0&1 when used aloneh.Using the right tense(Past or present tense)Literature review:past tenseMethodology:past tenseResults:present tenseDiscussions&conclusio

46、n:present tense i.Bibliography(titled“References”)(e.g.pp.267-268),Page head&number檢視 頁首頁尾 flush right key the title 5 spaces 插入頁碼Running headBe positioned flush left at the left marginNot exceed 50 charactersAll-capital letters,Drug Babies 1 Running head:DRUG BABIES Narcotic Drugs and Pregnant Women:The Drug Babies TragedyPhyllis V.CartwrightGlendale Community College,Thanks for your attention!,


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