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1、2020雅思写作应该怎么分配时间 雅思写作时间如何安排,既要顾及小作文又要写大作文,感觉时间来不及,怎么办,好慌哦。初步接触雅思写作是不是就是这种感觉?下面就和大家分享雅思写作应该怎么分配时间,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作应该怎么分配时间1、雅思小作文时间安排:雅思小作文时间为20分钟,同样按照雅思小作文解题步骤来安排时间。第一步:审题。时间不要超过2分钟,这一步中考生要找出题目的要求,topic、time以及place等。此外考生也要阅读图表的标题,横纵轴的文字信息,尤其注意纵轴单位,图标内的对象所包含的文字信息。第二步:观察数据然后找出主要特征和能证明这些特征的关键点。时间不要超过3分钟。这是非


3、没有想清楚之前就动笔写,那么不仅会造成*逻辑结构不清晰,也会导致不断的擦掉重写,也在一定程度上浪费了时间。第二步:正文的撰写,时间在22-26分钟为宜。在这一步中考生要注重对段落的不同部分给予不同的重视,比如主题句,因为主题句可以使读者更清晰地明白段落的中心思想。第三步:检查这一步一定要留出时间来,时间为1-3分钟,通过这一步考生可以发现自己是否有标点或是拼写错误,但是不要做过大的改动。雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Compare the co

4、ntributions of artists to society with the contributions of scientists to society. Which type of contribution do you think is valued more by your society? Give specific reasons to support your answer.Model Answer:From my everyday experience and observation I think that artists as well as scientists

5、bring many benefits to society. It is a controversial question weather the contributions of artists are more or less then the contributions of scientists to the society. For several reasons, which I will mention bellow, I think that both types are valuable, priceless and irreplaceable for every soci

6、ety.The contributions of artists to the society are very essential. Art can form persons spiritual sense, their views and personalities. People learn history, the traditions of their country trough the art. We also watch movies that entertain and at the same time extend our range of interests. Anoth

7、er important aspect of this is that art is an ancient means of communication. In old times people depicted the herds of mammoths on the walls of their caves. They performed different rituals around the fireplace asking their gods for health, good harvest and weather. Our language is a result of peop

8、les need to communicate.From the other side, the contribution of scientists is could not be exaggerated. All humankind is indebted to the scientists because of their work and achievements. Scientists make our life easier. We have cars and airplanes to move fast from one place to another. We have mic

9、rowaves and a bunch of preprocessed food to make the cooking much easier. We have different devices that simplify all we do. Finally, scientists are making great achievements in medicine that make our life longer and happier. Nowadays people have a great opportunity to do many things faster by use o

10、f computers.To sup up, I believe that artists nourish our souls when scientists and technology feed our minds. So, we can not eliminate or underestimate one of them.雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文You have the opportunity to visit a foreign country for two weeks.Which country would you like to visit?Model Answer:I

11、am a person who likes to travel. I think traveling is a great opportunity to meet new people, gain more knowledge and experience, and learn new customs and traditions. I did not travel a lot yet, but I am sure I will have a chance to do it. So, if I had the opportunity to visit a foreign country I w

12、ould visit Egypt. I think it is a great and very interesting country with marvellous history. In the following paragraphs I will give some reasons to support my choice.First of all, I always dreamed to visit Egypt pyramids. My aunt visited Egypt a few years ago. She was very excited after that trip

13、and said that she would return there one more time at any cost. She said that Egypt had impressed her very much with its glorious pyramids and ancient buildings. Second of all, I think that in that country one can touch history, feel the hard breath of workers building a pyramid under the parching s

14、un, and see the chain of camels walking in the desert with the huge trunks full of presents for Cleopatra on their humps. Finally, I want to see a real dessert and ride the camel. All my friends who rode the camel say that it is an unforgettable experience.I believe that I will have a chance to visi

15、t this beautiful country someday. Unfortunately, now I have plenty of plans and things to do, so, I am afraid that I will not be able to travel for the next two years. I want to finish my education and then find a job, and these things have higher priority then traveling. My husband wants to visit this country too and we made an agreement to make our trip to Egypt on our five years anniversary which is in two years.In conclusion, I want to add that after my trip to Egypt I will definitely visit Australia. This country is the second one on my list the most wanted to see.英语写作


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