新视野大学英语读写教程(第二版)第一册Unit 9 Section ACollege Success Made Easy.ppt

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1、1,1,Text Study,Idea Sharing,Notes to the Text,Words and Expressions,Writing,Understanding,Reproduction,Structure Analysis,I.Understanding,Text StudyUnderstanding,Group the information in Paras.13 under the three titles.,1.A top student.,2.Other students reaction to top students.,3.Writers attitude t

2、oward top students.,Know the answer to difficult questions.Be able to turn in his assignment on time without a single error.,1.A top student.,Feel anger.Ask“Why cant I be the special one?”,2.Other students reaction to top students.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Be interested in what factors separate outst

3、anding students from poor ones.Make it his mission to investigate the mysterious causes of top students greatness.,3.Writers attitude toward top students.,Text StudyUnderstanding,Respond to the tips in the text with your way to deal with the same situation:,Text StudyUnderstanding,Tip1:Dont get behi

4、nd.,Tip2:Always do whats most difficult first.For everything equally easy/hard,leave what-ever you like best until the end.,Your way:,Your way:,Tip3:Read the whole test quickly,focus your attention to finish the easier parts before handling hard questions.,Your way:,II.Structure Analysis,Lead-in+Maj

5、or Points+Conclusion,As a lead-in to the major part,the writer tells readers whats special for successful students and the response to them from their peers.And then in the major part,three tips are introduced about how to get college success.For the conclusion,the writer invites readers to listmore

6、 such tips.,A.The Writing Model of the Passage:,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Lead-in(Paras.13),1.Whats special for a top student?2.What do other students feel about the top student?3.What is the writers attitude toward top-student phenomenon?,(Para.1),Text StudyStructure Analysis,(Para.2),(Para.3),“

7、Lead-in”gives answers to the questions below:,Major points(Paras.46),Text StudyStructure Analysis,Tip1:Dont get behind.,Tip2:Always do whats most difficult first.For everything equally easy/hard,leave what-ever you like best until the end.,Tip3:Read the whole test quickly,focus your attention to fin

8、ish the easier parts before handling hard questions.,(Para.4),(Para.5),(Para.6),Conclusion(Para.7),Discover more tips.Learn from others,and employ their methods to alter your ownstudying,and you are sure to improve yourperformance at school.One day,you mayfind that you are the“special one”.,Text Stu

9、dyStructure Analysis,B.The way to develop paragraphs:,Topic sentence+Details+Conclusion,To write a complete paragraph,you can start with a topic sentence.Then supporting details follow before a concluding sentence.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,Your turn to find the three elements for Para.4.,Text St

10、udyStructure Analysis,Topic sentence:,Dont get behind,Details about why you should avoid getting behind:,3._ _.,2._ _.,_.,_.,Study becomes almost impossible,The teacher will probably not give you full credit.,Sometimes he may not accept it at all,Teachers expect you to take it seriously to do,work a

11、ccording to a reasonable plan,Conclusion:,_.,Students should learn to manage their work and time,Paragraphs 5&6 are also developed in this way.Now pick out the topic sentence,supporting sentences and conclusion in these two paragraphs.,Text StudyStructure Analysis,IV.Reproduction,You are to give a s

12、peech to a group of freshmen this Sunday afternoon.The given topic is How to Be a Top Student.Now work with your partner to create a draft for your speech.Remember to add more to the tips available in the text.,A sample beginning,Text StudyReproduction,Good afternoon,everyone.Very nice to be withyou

13、.Have you ever thought of becoming a topstudent?I bet every one has since top studentsare much appreciated by teachers,parents andthemselves.How come can they succeed or work,Text StudyReproduction,wonders?To find the answer,I have observedthem constantly.Heres how:To begin with,topstudents,Active E

14、xpressions,Focus Study,In English,you may find some expressions formed by very common words,but they are active and powerful.,Whats on at the cinema tonight?今晚电影院上演什么?Whats he up to?他忙什么呢?,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,I.Active Expressions,1.one student from the group that stands out as being

15、special,fantastic pleting schoolwork with such ease,feelings of anger build and build.3.And if you do it first,you can put more energy into it.4.a necessary task that strikes you as pretty dull.5.The best test takers dont plow through their tests without cease,Find the powerful verbs in the sentence

16、s below:,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,Powerful Verbs,1.build:become greater,more numerous,3.put energy into:pay attention to,2.stand out:be noticeable;continue to resist,4.strike:hit sharply,5.plow through:make progress slowly;force a way through sth.,Practice,Notes to the TextActive Expressi

17、ons,We stand out against all attempts to close the company down.The nurses stand out for a pay rise.His work stands out from the rest.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,What do they mean in the following sentences?,And if you do it first,you can put more energy into it.,Tension built up as the cri

18、sis approached.,站出来反对,坚持要,突出,优秀,投入精力,变得更(紧张),I was struck by their enthusiasm for the work.,They are plowing through mountains of work.,What do they mean in the following sentences?,打动,觉得,费力处理,How does the idea strike you?,More Practice,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1.他工作三心二意。2.我在工作上已经竭尽全力了。,3

19、.车子在路上越积越多。4.我觉得这个计划很完美。,5.爱尔兰人涉险过关赢得了比赛。,6.他顿时哑口无言。,Keys,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,1.He doesnt put his energy into the work.2.I have put all my energy into my work.,3.Traffic is building up on roads.,5.The Irish plowed through the sloppy conditions to win.,4.The plan strikes me as perfect

20、.,6.He was struck dumb.,Notes to the TextActive Expressions,II.Focus Study,No matter how difficult a professors question is,that one special student seems to know the answer.,no matter how+adj./adv+subject+verb 无论/不管多么的,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Practice,Or:however+adj./adv+subject+verb,We have t

21、o face that possibility however unlikely it may sound.However difficult a professors question is,that one special student seems to know the answer.He will never succeed however hard he tries.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Translate the sentences,using“no matter how”and“however”respectively.,1.有时候不管多么

22、小心,你总会出错。,No matter how careful you are,sometimes youll make mistakes.However careful you are,sometimes youll make mistakes.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,2.不管航程多么短,这一班飞机上都提供吃的。,No matter how short the journey is,you can always get something to eat on this airline.However short the journey is,you can

23、 always get something to eat on this airline.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,but since its not you who is doing so well,posting remarkable grades and completing schoolwork with such ease,feelings of anger build and build.,逗号经常用于分割主句或将主句与其他从属部分分开,注意逗号前后的内容常有助于快速确定句子主干。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,a.An

24、d the fruit of my analysis,after speaking to many top students and their professors,is a group of tips that anyone can use to awaken greatness up within himself and reach new peaks of excellence.,Find the main clause with the help of thecommas.Then translate the sentences.,我与许多尖子生和他们的教授谈过话,经过分析后,我得出

25、的成果是一些窍门。这些窍门人人皆可用来唤醒潜能,使自己达到一个个新的高度。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,b.The problem of studying,hard enough to start with,becomes almost impossible when you are trying to do three weeks work in one weekend.,当你想要在一个周末内把三周的工作完成,学习就变成几乎不可能的事,你根本不知道从哪里下手。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,There will be more des

26、ire at half past eleven to read a political science article that sounded really interesting than to begin trying to study French irregular verbs,a necessary task that strikes you as pretty dull.,较长的比较句型翻译时有时将主句和从句分开并列译常常更容易理解,不一定要译为“比.更”。,Notes to the TextFocus Study,There will be more desire at hal

27、f past eleven to read a political science articlethan(there will be less desire)to begin trying to study French irregular verbs,十一点半的时候你更想去读一篇似乎真的有趣的政治文章,而不愿去开始学习你认为枯燥无味却又不得不学的法语不规则动词。,More,Notes to the TextFocus Study,However this is not so much a weakness in her work as it is the inevitable result

28、 of scholars neglect of this period.,However this is not so much a weakness in her work.(然而,这不是她作品中的弱点。)as it is the inevitable result of scholars neglect of this period.(这是学者们对这一时期研究的忽略。),Translation,Notes to the TextFocus Study,However this is not so much a weakness in her work as it is the inevit

29、able result of scholars neglect of this period.,然而,与其说这是她作品中的弱点,倒不如说这是学者们对这一时期研究的忽略。,Translation,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Should you ask successful students around you,you will discover more tips.,倒装:Should+subject+verb=If+subject+verb,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Rewrite the following sentences

30、 by using an inversion structure.,If a serious crisis should arise,the public would have to be informed of it.If your car should break down,change to a bus.If you should change your mind,no one will be upset.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Key,Should a serious crisis arise,the public would have to be

31、informed of it.Should your car break down,change to a bus.Should you change your mind,no one will be upset.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,Word Using,Matching Game,There can be no doubt whatsoever about it.Are there any signs of improvement?None whatsoever.,I.Word Using,1.whatsoever(not)at all,Words a

32、nd ExpressionsWord Using,arise v.appearA storm arose during the night.,The odd sight aroused our curiosity.She was aroused from her nap by the doorbell.,2.arouse v.awake from,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,at ease free from worry Her mind was at ease knowing that the children were safe.,She practic

33、ed until she could play the sonata with ease.He passed the test with ease.,with ease easily,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Have you got an alternative suggestion?,The alternative book to study for examination is“War and Peace”.,4.alternative adj.其他可以替代的,另一个的,你有没有其他的建议?,Words and ExpressionsWord Usi

34、ng,One of the alternatives open to you is to quit your job.,You have the alternative of marrying or remaining single.,4.alternative n.另外的选择,你辞职也是个办法。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,What I am doing now has nothing to do with you.,5.have to do with 与有关,Her job has something to do with computers.,她的成功

35、是和努力分不开的。,Her success has a lot to do with her hard work.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,英国和法国之间隔着英吉利海峡。,6.separate v.把分开,This patient should be separated from the others.,England is separated from France by theEnglish Channel.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,我们公司将工作重点集中在欧洲市场。,7.concentrate on 专注于;

36、集中于,We concentrated on the task before us.,Our firm concentrates on the European market.,We must concentrate our effort on improving education.,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Our eyes slowly adapted to the dark.,This machine has been specially adapted for use underwater.,8.adapt v.改变;(使)适应,The nove

37、l has been adapted for radio.,这部小说已经被改编成电台节目。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Red flags stand out brightly against the blue sky.,Our daughter is a great dancer,she stands out above the rest.,9.stand out v.突出;出色改变;,Jane stands out in the crowd,for she is two meters in height.,简在人群中显得很突出,因为她身高两米。,Word

38、s and ExpressionsWord Using,The aircraft plowed through the snow,on its main wheels,until it struck a house nearby.,Weve plowed through all the documents related to the case.,10.plow through 艰难地完成,I plowed my way through the crowd.,我费力穿过人群。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,We were struck dumb with ho

39、rror.,On hearing the soft footsteps outside her room,she was struck with a panic.,11.strike sb.as sth.给某人某种感觉或印象,That play struck me as something silly.,那出戏我觉得很无聊。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Sit back and enjoy your flight.,He believes he has the right to sit back while others do the hard work.,

40、12.sit back 闲坐着;不作努力,Sit back,relax and enjoy a beer.Its good for you!,坐下来,放松一下,喝杯啤酒对你有好处。,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,II.Matching Game,granterror factormission cease weird alter accomplish,_complete _mistake_give _cause _important task _stop _very strange _change,c,f,e,g,h,b,a,d,Words and Expre

41、ssionsWord Using,Practice,He is very capable and can a_ every task you assign him.We did an a _ of the way that government money has been spent in the past.Everything depends on how the country a_ itself to using information technology.But once you know what has happened so far in the story,its quit

42、e easy to s _ the good from the bad.,ccomplish,nalysis,dapts,eparate,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,What s_me as interesting is how much we judge other people by their appearances.Unemployment has come down slightly but this does not a_the fact that it is still a major problem.Having children is a

43、big r_ and Im not sure Im ready for that yet.Its that kind of courage and determination that makes him a most r_ person.,truck,lter,esponsibility,emarkable,Words and ExpressionsWord Using,Group Discussion,Group Discussion,Are there any differences on the standards of judging an outstanding student b

44、etween China and western countries?Watch the video clip and tell what Mr.Kitting values.,Idea Sharing,A Foreign Teacher,Tips,Idea Sharing,Go on.Make a clear tear.I want nothing left of it.Keep ripping,gentlemen.This is a battle,a war.Now,my class,you will learn to think for yourself again.Youll lear

45、n to savor words and language.I have a little secret for you.We dont read and write poetry because its cute,but because we are members of the human race.,More,Idea Sharing,And the human race is filled with passion.Poetry,beauty,romance,love,these are what we stay alive for.Of cities filled with the

46、foolish.What good amid these O me,O life?That life exists and identity.That the powerful play goes on,and you may contribute a verse.,Other tips,Idea Sharing,1.Ways to call the outstanding students,top,excellent,straight A,In western countries:,brainy,students,an Einstein,a walking encyclopedia,meri

47、t,Idea Sharing,Ways to call the outstanding students,In China:,“Three-good”studentsgood in study,attitude and health,students of all round development of moral,intellectual,physical,aesthetics and labor education,Idea Sharing,2.What are the differences,Class performance;Capability;Grades/test score;

48、Creativity;Rule obedience;,Idea Sharing,Paragraphs of a Topic Supported by Details,Practical Writing,Variety of Sentence Structure,According to the structure,sentences can be divided into four types:,WritingVariety of Sentence Structure,I.Variety of Sentence Structure,simple sentence(简单句),compound s

49、entence(并列句),complex sentence(复合句),compound-complex sentence(并列复合句).,WritingVariety of Sentence Structure,Variety of sentence structure is powerful.Short simple sentences are often used to make emphatic or important statements,such as thefirst or last sentence of a paragraph.Long complex sentences e

50、xpress complex ideas clearly and accurately.They have roomfor different modifiers.,WritingVariety of Sentence Structure,A simple sentence has only one subject and one predicate verb.Short simple sentences usually give emphasis;they provide special clarity and variety,when used with longersentences.,


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