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1、unit 7,The Monster,Deems Taylor,Pre-reading questions:,1.What is a monster?Have you ever met or heard of anyone who is eccentric?Decribe him/her.2.what kind of man is comparable to a monster?3.How should we look at those monsters?,Background information:1.About the text:This text first appeared as a

2、 radio talk,entitled A Monster.Later it was published with the title Of Men and Music in the United States in 1937.2.about the author:Deems Taylor,American musician and critic.,Richard(wilhelm)Wagner(1813-1883)is a German composer,conductor,and essayist,one of the most influential cultural figures o

3、f the 19th century.Throught his creative works and his theoretical writings,Wagner revolutionized the concept and structure of oprera.He radically altered the way in which opera was composed.Wagner believed that drama and music were equally important,and wrote operas that reflected this thinking.Wag

4、ner was not only a composer and conductor,but also a playwright,philosopher,critic and social activist.Therefore,he not only occupies an important position in the history of European music,but also great influence in the history of European literature and the history of philosophy.,Wilhelm Richard W

5、agner,威廉理查德瓦格纳(Wilhelm Richard Wagner,1813年5月22日1883年2月13日)德国作曲家。他是德国歌剧史上一位举足轻重的人物。前面承接莫扎特、贝多芬的歌剧传统,后面开启了后浪漫主义歌剧作曲潮流,理查德施特劳斯紧随其后。同时,因为他在政治、宗教方面思想的复杂性,成为欧洲音乐史上最具争议的人物。理查德瓦格纳,德国著名的作曲家、指挥家,生于莱比锡。曾入莱比锡大学学习音乐与哲学。20岁时已写过几部管弦乐。后在维尔茨堡、马格德堡、哥尼希斯堡和里加等歌剧院当指挥。l842年他的歌剧黎恩齐演出成功,使他当上德累斯顿皇家歌剧院指挥。他是大型管弦乐的创始者,对歌剧艺术有重

6、大改革,首先,他建议一个歌剧作曲家要参与剧本创作,作整部歌剧的总导演;其次,他强调预先确定的和弦是歌剧艺术的基础;第三,他作品中的内核就是连续旋律的发展,利用翻来复去的旋律产生柔顺悦耳的音乐效果,乐曲内部很少出现正常的终止式。,the Mans physical appearance:,http:/BBC 理查德瓦格纳(BBC Richard Wagner)PDTVTVRip http:/http:/.hk/search?q=richard+wagner+music&hl=zh-CN&newwindow=1&safe=strict&client=aff-1616dh&hs=nww&affdom

7、=&channel=1616&prmd=ivns&source=univ&tbm=vid&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=BFnHTYz5NYqmvQPR_MWXAQ&ved=0CEIQqwQ&biw=1263&bih=609,Wilhelm Richard Wagner,Words and Expressions:,nerve n:v n.神经;勇气;植 叶脉vt.鼓起勇气nerve oneself 鼓起勇气;振作 peripheral nerve 末梢神经,外周神经 facial nerve 面神经;颜面神经,eg:1.Its the notion of knowing exactly wha

8、t needs to be done,but lacking the nerve to do it;the apprehension to your aspirations.从概念上讲,我们知道我们必须要做什么,但是却没有勇气去做;这就是对你的志向的忧虑。2.Doctors can cure some infections,but only by using toxic drugs that can cause nerve and kidney damage.医生可以治疗部分传染者,但只能通过使用会损害神经和肾脏的有毒药剂。,delude dilu:d vt.迷惑;逃避;使失望,delude

9、myself误会delude to使欺骗成delude oneself自欺;自欺欺人,eg:1.He was not a rake that made a trade to delude women.他并不是那样一个色棍以欺骗女人为生。2.Neither side should delude itself that it can avoid the harm caused by an increased mutual antagonism;任何一方都不应迷惑他自己,认为增长的相互对立所带来的伤害是可以避免;,conceive knsi:v vt.怀孕;构思;以为;持有vi.怀孕;设想;考虑Co

10、nceive elegance气质自造conceive as认为elementary conceive初步设想,eg:1.We cant conceive of living without a telephone.我们简直设想不出没有电话人怎么活下去。2.The doctor told her that she couldnt conceive again.医生告诉她不能再怀孕了。,burlesque b:lesk n.作戏;滑稽戏adj.滑稽的;可笑的Hollywood Burlesque好莱坞闹剧Burlesque Performer职业burlesque dancer脱衣舞娘,eg:1

11、.He has played in several films,including Twilight,for which he was nominated for the Best Villain Award at the 2009 Scream Awards,Burlesque,and Priest.他曾出演过多部电影,其中有暮色,此片让他获得了2009年“尖叫奖”的最佳反派奖提名,滑稽表演,还有圣徒。,compromise kmprmaiz vt.妥协;危害vi.妥协;让步n.妥协,和解;折reach a compromise 达成妥协 make a compromise 妥协;折衷;做出

12、让步 missouri compromise 密苏里妥协案,eg:1.Compromise makes for success in negotiations.妥协有助于谈判的成功。2.I am prepared to make some concession on minor details,but I cannot compromise on fundamentals.在一些细节上我可以作些让步,但在基本原则上我是不会妥协的。,downright daunrait adj.明白的;直率的;显明的adv.完全,彻底;全然downright distrust不信任的传统;完全不信任Downri

13、ght Upright唱片名downright noticeable显明的,eg:1.Those whose claims look downright fraudulent should stand down immediately.那些声称看起来完全被欺骗应该立即下台。2.Mostly they tell you to“relax”and to“be yourself”which is downright irresponsible.它们多半会告诉你,要“放松”,“做你自己”这是完全不负责任的说法。,torment t:ment,t:m-vt.折磨,使痛苦;纠缠,作弄n.痛苦,苦恼;痛苦的

14、根源Twisted Torment扭曲刑罚Dire Torment镇魂钩镰sweet torment甜蜜的折磨,eg:1.Besides,is it just to torment one man for the crime of another?再说,因为一个人的罪过而折磨另一个人,这正当么?2.For I have five brethren;that he may testify unto them,lest they also come into this place of torment.因为我还有五个弟兄。他可以对他们作见证,免得他们也来到这痛苦的地方。,vegetarianism

15、,veditrinizm n.素食主义Deep Vegetarianism深层素食主义Jewish Vegetarianism犹太素食主义Lactoovopesco vegetarianism鱼素者,eg:1.But as I said at the outset,vegetarianism has lasted.不过正如我一开始所说,素食主义却流传下来。2.And what are these healthful benefits of vegetarianism.那这些素食主义的健康的益处是什么呢?,shudder d n.发抖;战栗;震动vi.发抖;战栗shudder at 不寒而栗;由

16、于恐惧而发抖clutch shudder离合器颤振shudder n战栗Nausea Shudder恶心和不寒而栗,eg:1.As we stood there staring at each other,a shudder passed through me.我们站在那里对望着彼此,突如其来地,我感到一阵战栗。2.Montaigne gives a similar example,saying that if you put a sage on the edge of a precipice,he must shudder like a child.蒙田举了个类似的例子,说如果你把一个圣人放

17、在悬崖边上,“他一定像个孩子一样发抖”。,mistress mistris n.情妇;女主人;主妇;女教师;女能人The Mistress迷失森林;迷失丛林games mistress体育女教师Mistress Frankenstein迷失森林,eg:1.Go now and tell your mistress.现在去告诉你的女主人。2.Naturally,each of them had his mistress.自然每个人都有他的情妇。3.The mistress of the house reluctantly installed the two refugees in a spare

18、 room.女主人很不情愿地把两个难民安置在一个空闲的房间里。,volubility,vljubiliti n.流利;健谈eloquence volubility谈锋Excessive volubility多言癖volubility eloquence言谈的劲头,eg:As Tannen(1985)suggests,silence in itself is not necessarily a sign of powerlessness,just as volubility in itself is not necessarily a sign of domination.如Tannen(198

19、5年)提出,沉默本身不一定是无能的标志,就像健谈本身也不一定是支配的标志。,Structure Analysis,Part OnePre-reading questions:1.In what way was Wagner physically odd?2.Why did he always take himself tom be the center of his conversations?3.How would he respond to disagreement?4.What emotional features did he possess?,Answers:1.He was ver

20、y short,with a head too big for his body and he had skin trouble.2.He was full of conceit.He believed himself to be one of the greatest dramatists,thinkers and composers.He cared nothing but himself.Therefore,he had only one topic of conversation:himself.,3.If anyone showed slight disagreement on an

21、y trivial point,he would make a lengthy speech for hours to prove himself right until the person was dazed and deafened and agreed with him in the end.4.He was emotionally unstable like a six-year-old child.He was quite moody,sometimes extremely happy,sometimes pessimistic enough to think of committ

22、ing suicide.Both kindness and heartlessness are shown in his behavior on different occasions.,Never for one minute did he look at the world or at people,except in relation to himself.This is a inversion sentence.当否定词位于句首时,句子应借助助动词进行半倒装。In relation to:relate to 关于;涉及Paraphrase:He had never cared abou

23、t the things that happened on earth and the other people,unless the things were related to himself.,Roll into one:集于一身e.g.Many of the outstanding figures of the past were exceptionally versatile.Leonardo Da Vinci,for instance,was a painter and an inventor,rolled into one.,Have a mania for(doing)sth.

24、对有欲望e.g.He had a mania for being in the right.For the sake of:为了好 e.g.For the sake of your family,you should look before you leap and not venture so much.,The slightest hint of disagreement,from anyone,on the most trivial point,was enough to set him off on a harangue that might last for hours,in whi

25、ch he proved himself right in so many way,and with such exhausting volubility,that in the end his hearer,stunned and deafened,would agree with him,for the sake of peace.Paraphrase:If anyone disagreed with him on the most unimportant thing in the slightest way,he would begin to give a loud and long s

26、peech and prove himself right in many ways.His speech would be very long and fluent,so finally,his hearer would have no other choice but to agree with him.,Thousands upon thousands of words,hundreds and hundreds of pages 连篇累牍,好几百页At sbs expense 某人支付开销At the expense of 以为代价e.g.at the expense of the h

27、ealth 以健康为代价,When he left out of sorts,he would rave and stamp,or sink into suicidal gloom and talk darkly of going to the East to end his days as a Buddhist monk.,Paraphrase,When he felt unhappy,he would roar and stamp,or become very gloomy and even talk in low spirit of going to the East to be a B

28、uddhist monk till death.,out of sorts 不高兴,e.g.“My lads,”said he,”we ve had a hot day and are all tired and out of sorts.”,sink into 情绪低落,e.g.If you borrow beyond your capacity to repay,you might sink into a debt trap.,pull wires 拉关系,e.g.His father pulled wires and got him out of jail.,He could be gr

29、iefstricken over the death of a pet dog,and could be callous and heartless to a degree that would have made a Roman emperor shudder.,Paraphrase,He could be very sad because a pet dog died,but he could also so cruel and merciless that a Roman emperor would have trembled before him.,Stricken 在这里用作构成合成

30、形容词的词尾,意思是“受打击的,为所苦的”如:crisis-stricken 危机深重的;grief-stricken悲痛欲绝的。Over 的意思是“涉及;关于”,e.g.It was an argument over methods.那是一场关于方法的争论。,He wrote begging letters by the score,sometimes groveling without shame,at others loftily offering his intended benefactor the privilege of contributing to his support,a

31、nd being mortally offended if the recipient declined the honor.,Paraphrase,He wrote many many letters to beg for money.In some of these letters,he was very humble,while in some others,he was very arrogant as if it was generous of him to give others an opportunity to help him,and once his favor was r

32、efused,he would be extremely offended.,“to+ones+情感类名词”结构在句中常用做插入语,表示说话人的态度、观点等。一般位于句首,并用逗号将其与句中的主干部分隔开,起作用相当于结果状语,句子的主干部分是引起这一结果的原因。,What money he could lay his hand on he spent like an Indian rajah.,Paraphrase,However much money he got,he spent it all immediately.,What 引导名词性从句,意为“所的事”,相当于“the thing

33、 that;all that;everything that”等。这里引导一个宾语从句,宾语前置,如:What he wanted to see was an end to all the armies of the world.,An endless procession of women marched through his life.,I n his whole life,he had never stopped having affairs with women,who had come and gone like the marching of an army.A lot of w

34、omen came into his life as a result of his pursuit,and were abandoned by him in the end.,Paraphrase,Rhetorical:,MetaphorHe had the emotional stability of a six-year-old child.,Be content with:feel happy or satisfied withJohn was content with two glasses of beer even though he could have had more.Bur

35、lesque:v.cause to appear absurd by parodying or copying in a magnified form.假装滑稽或滑稽地模仿adj:滑稽地,可笑的,嘲弄的,讽刺的n.speech,acting,or writing in which a serious subject is made to seem silly.滑稽讽刺表演(或作品)。A burlesque of literary life 对文学生活的戏谑,Part TwoParaphrase:and the curious thing about this record Is that it

36、 doesnt matter in the least.what makes us feel surprised is that all the bad And startling record about Richard Wagner doesnt Damage his reputation at all.,read between the lines of his autobiograph.find hidden meanings暗示,言外之意 e.g.if you read between the lines,it is really a request for money.Read b

37、etween the lines,you can know whats back His mind.,Part Threethe joke is on us.(informal)sb who tried to make some else look Foolish now looks ridiculous instead.原想耍弄别人,自己反倒成为笑料。e.g.the joke is against you.the joke is on you.,What if?what will happen if what is the difference if 如果 将会怎么样e.g.what if

38、no one had been there?What if the boys parents should die?,Whats the implication of the last sentence?it implies that the monster have made great influence on people after his generation.,he had one mistress to whom he was faithful to the day of his death.,mistress music personification,Paraphrase:n

39、ever for a single moment did he everCompromise with what he believed,with what he Dreamed.as for his belief and dream,he had never Lowered his aim and cease his persistent effort To make them come true.,there is not a line of his music that could have Been conceived by a little mind.A little mind an

40、 ordinary man Metonymy,In others words:Richard Wagners music is greatAnd that can never be composed by an ordinary Man.,Be dumb with 对目瞪口呆Be struck dumb with horror/fear/amazement.ect.under the torment of 在遭受多年折磨之后,他终于自杀了。He finally killed himself under the torment of Insomnia for years.,Paraphrase:

41、it is a matter of being dumb with Wonder that his poor brain and body didnt burstUnder the torment of the demon of creative energyThat lived inside him.it must be a surprise that inside his sickly little body there lived a strong force of creativity which is so eager to burst out of his body that it would be have been a torture for him not towrite music.,Paraphrase:is it any wonder he had no time to be A man?it is reasonable that he act like a monster in Other aspects because he was wholly engaged inComposing music.,


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