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1、,Wild China(Tasting Notes),第二集 香格里拉 Shangri-La Part 3 Beneath the clouds,New words&Expressions,1.versatile vstal adj.多才多艺的;通用的,万能的;多面手的eg:The moreversatilethetool,the lessyoucanpredicthow peoplewilluseit.这个工具越多才多艺,你越难以预计人们可以用它来做些什么。2.exclusively ksklusvl adv.唯一地;专有地;排外地eg:These are not involved as e

2、xclusively as ministers in“soul-work”,but they certainlycultivate the innerlifemore thanthe thirdgroup.他们虽不像牧师那样专门做“灵魂方面的工作”,但是肯定比第三群体更注重于建造人类的生命。,New words&Expressions,3.burrow br vi.探索,寻找;挖地洞,挖通道;住入洞,躲藏起来;钻进某处;偎依著 vt.挖掘,挖出;在挖洞(或通道);使躲入洞穴 n.(兔、狐等的)洞穴,地道;藏身处,住处eg:To get the deeper truth we need to b

3、urrow deeper into the hobbit holeand.The Oxford English Dictionary is the place to do that.为了获得进一步的事实,我们需要更加深入地挖进霍比特人的洞穴,而牛津英语词典正是一个挖掘之处。,predator predt n.动 捕食者;动 食肉动物;掠夺者eg:Anotherexampleisthegradualcollapseoflifeoncoral reefs once the primary predator is removed from the balance.另一个例子是,一旦鲨鱼这个主要捕食者

4、从生态平衡中消失,珊瑚礁上的生命就会逐渐崩溃。5.betray btre vt.背叛;出卖;泄露(秘密);露出迹象eg:Someofusbetrayourselvesbytheneed to seekapprovalfromothers.有些人背叛自我,只因需要从别人那得到认可。,6.ingenuity,ndnjut n.心灵手巧,独创性;精巧;精巧的装置eg:And as the president said last week,no one should bet against the American worker,American business and American ingen

5、uity.此外,正如总统上周所言,任何人都不应该小看美国的工人、美国的企业和美国的独创性。7.noxious nks adj.有害的;有毒的;败坏道德的;eg:Regulators must put an end to the noxious combination of privileged status and conditions of interest.监管当局必须终止这种特权地位和利益冲突的有害组合。,8.sinister snst adj.阴险的;凶兆的;灾难性的;左边的eg:ButIthinktheactualexplanationislesssinister.但我认为实际上并没

6、有那么阴险。9.offspring fspr n.后代,子孙;产物eg:WearetheoffspringofoneofHermanykingdoms.我们是她众多王国中某一个的后裔。10.juveniles dvnln.少年(juvenile的复数形式);稚气eg:Results show that,regardless of race,juveniles with unpopular names are more likely to engage in criminal activity.结果表明,不考虑种族因素,有着不常用的名字的少年更容易从事犯罪活动。,11.infrastructur

7、e nfrstrkt n.基础设施;公共建设;下部构造eg:However the riverbed mesh is not an isolated infrastructure.然而,河床网不是一个孤立的基础设施。12.treacherous tret()rs adj.奸诈的,叛逆的,背叛的;危险的;不牢靠的eg:Histreacherousactionsbrought downruinon himself.他的背叛行径使他身败名裂。,13.deceptive dseptv adj.欺诈的;迷惑的;虚伪的eg:Wemay choose to keep personal information

8、 from other people,not to be deceptive but simply because its none of their business.我们在和他人接触时有时会对自己的个人信息有所保留,这不是欺骗,只是说这跟他们没有关系。14.intricate ntrkt adj.复杂的;错综的,缠结的eg:Inthisarticle,you learned about some of the more intricate problems that can occur in class loading.在这篇文章中,学习了一些在类装入中可能发生的更复杂的问题。,Key E

9、xpressions,bring light to 给带来光明 open up打开;开发;开始;展示;揭露 a range of 一系列;一些;一套 pay off 付清;取得成功;贿赂;报复 be confined to 受限于 natural defence 天然屏障 tear up 撕毁;撕碎;拉掉,1.Bamboos tough reputation is such,that another bamboo specialist was known by the Chinese as,The Iron Eating Animal.结构分析:此句中such为代词,be known as 以

10、而著称,以而闻名;specialist 专家;其形容词是special。参考译文:竹子坚硬的名声是如此的显赫,另一个食竹高手被认为是中国的“攻坚专家”。,Key points:难句小case,In a matter of minutes,the flowers precious golden pollen squeezes from the stamens and begins to fall,showering onto the captive beetles below.结构分析:In a matter of 大约,左右;pollen vt.传授花粉给 n.花粉;stamens n.雄蕊;

11、showering onto为结果状语。参考译文:一会儿,花朵珍贵的金色花粉从雄蕊中挣扎而出并下坠,阵阵洒落在被俘获的甲虫身上。,3.Seduced by the irresistible perfume,the beetles are sure to pay a visit,so ensuring pollination,and another generation of incredibly big,smelly flowers.结构分析:Seduced by 受诱惑,主语为the beetles;irresistible不可抗拒的,其反义词为resistible;be sure to d

12、o 确定做某事;pay a visit 造访;pollination授粉;参考译文:无法抗拒的味道引诱甲虫再次造访,保证了授粉得以施行,也因此保证了这种硕大的、发出难闻气味的花得以传宗接代。,4.When the tree bark is scored刻痕,it yields copious sticky sap,so bitter and tacky that nothing can feed on it.结构分析:When 引导时间状语从句;yield vt.屈服;出产;放弃 vi.屈服,投降 n.产量;收益;copious adj.丰富的;很多的;多产的;tacky adj.俗气的;发黏

13、的;缺乏教养或风度的;feed on v.以.为食;以.为能源参考译文:当树皮被刮开便流出了丰沛的粘液,没有任何动物能够以这种又苦又粘的液体为食。,Exercises,Answer the following questions according to the passage.What are elephants favorite foods?and what do they do while moving through forests?Are hornets大黄蜂predators?What do they hunt for food?How is the relationship be

14、tween the forest animals and the people who live here?What happened to the beetles when they are in search of foods?5.Have hunters come Wuliangshan to see the black-crested gibbons 长臂猿?Why or why not?6.What will happen if a baby gibbon survives its infancy?What is one of the most important materials

15、 for China in the 50s?And how is it made?Whats the function of mountains?,What are elephants favorite foods?and what do they do while moving through forests?_and grasses are their favourite food.As they move through the forest,the elephants open up clearings空地,bringing light to the forest floor.Are

16、hornets predators?What do they hunt for food?Yes,they are.They hunt other _and carry them back to their nest.,Bamboos,insects,monster,ethnic groups,monsoon,insects,Bamboos,sap,gibbons,close-knit,3.How is the relationship between the forest animals and the people who live here?The relationship betwee

17、n the forest animals and the people who live here was never one of harmony.Yet the fact that the Dai and other _ considered these forests to be sacred,has ensured their survival and now many have been given extra protection as nature reserves.4.What happens to the beetles when they are in search of

18、foods?Theyve been tricked.Slippery sides ensure they tumble摔倒straight into the centre of the _flower.,ethnic groups,monster,monster,ethnic groups,monsoon,insects,Bamboos,sap,gibbons,close-knit,5.Have hunters come Wuliangshan to see the black-crested gibbons?Why or why not?No,they havent.Because blac

19、k-crested _ are confined to these forest mountains,so remote and steep that few hunters ever come here.6.What will happen if a baby gibbon survives its infancy?If it survives infancy,then it has a promising future in these few valleys with its _紧密的family.What is one of the most important materials f

20、or China in the 50s?And how is it made?Rubber is one of the most important materials.Firstly,The sticky _is collected daily,bowl by bowl.Then it will be boiled and processed into rubber.,gibbons,close-knit,sap,monster,ethnic groups,monsoon,insects,Bamboos,sap,gibbons,close-knit,8.Whats the function

21、of mountains?The same mountains which guide the _季风rains north and which made Joseph Rocks journeys so treacherous危险的,also guarded Yunnans forests and its wildlife.,monsoon,monster,ethnic groups,monsoon,insects,Bamboos,sap,gibbons,close-knit,But now,new,strangely quiet _ have come to Yunnan.These tr

22、ees are here to produce an important and _ crop.When the tree bark is scored,it _ copious sticky sap,so bitter and tacky that nothing can feed on it.Its the trees _ defence against attack.Its _ daily,bowl by bowl.It will be boiled and _ into one of the most important _ to a fast developing nation-ru

23、bber.The _ of the rubber forests began in the 50s when China,under a world _ embargo禁令,had to become self-sufficient in this _ product.,Please fill in the blanks with words and expressions youve heard from the video clip.You can take some notes if possible.,forests,valuable,yields,natural,collected,

24、processed,materials,expansion,rubber,vital,yields,expansion,vital,forests,natural,valuable,processed,rubber,collected,materials,Translation,森林动物与当地人之间的关系几乎就没有和睦的时候,傣族与其他的族群认为森林是神圣不可侵犯的,并且能够为他们的生存提够保障。现在很多森林通过自然保护区的形式被特别地保护起来。译文:The relationship between the forest animals and the people who live here

25、 was never one of harmony.Yet the fact that the Dai and other ethnic groups considered these forests to be sacred,has ensured their survival and now many have been given extra protection as nature reserves.,Writing,Please write a composition with the topic“Animals need protecting”.Tips:Why should we

26、 protect animals?What can we do to protect them?How can we protect animals from being endangered?,Animals Need Protecting Animals are natural resources that people have wasted all through our history.Animals have been killed for their fur and feathers,for food,for sport,and simply because they were

27、in the way.Thousands of kinds of animals have disappeared from the earth forever.Hundreds more are on the danger list today.About 170 kinds in the United States alone are considered in danger.Why should people care?Because we need animals,and because once they are gone,there will never be any more.A

28、nimals are more than just beautiful or interesting.They are more than just a source of food.Every animal has its place in the balance of nature.Destroying one kind of animal can create many problems.For example,when farmers killed large numbers of hawks,the farmers stores of corn and grain were dest

29、royed by rats and mice.Why?Because hawks eat rats and mice,with no hawks to keep down their numbers,the rats and mice multiplied quickly.,例文:,Luckily,some people are working to help save the animals.Some groups raise money to let people know about the problem.And they try to get the governments to pass laws protecting animals in danger.Quite a few countries have passed laws.These laws forbid the killing of any animal or plant on the danger list.Slowly,the number of some animals in danger is growing.,Thank you,


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