Development of an individual professional development plan.ppt

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《Development of an individual professional development plan.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Development of an individual professional development plan.ppt(30页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Development ofan individualprofessional development plan,Facilitators:Robert Gerber&Elsa Lombard,Centre for Teaching,Learning and Media,Issues to be addressed,What is an individual professional development plan(IPDP)?What are the components/categories of an IPDP?Steps for developing an IPDPPossible

2、uses for an IPDP,Group Exercise,Focus:Individual professional development plan(IPDP)Grouping:GroupsPurpose:To reflect on your understanding of the nature of an individual professional development plan(IPDP)What to do:Individually formulate what you understand under the concept“individual professiona

3、l development plan(IPDP)”.In your groups share your understanding of an individual professional development plan(IPDP)and come to a consensus on a group definition for an individual professional development plan(IPDP).Feedback to the big group.,What is an individual professional development plan(IPD

4、P)?,A professional development plan is an individualized document that is used to record an employees current training needs or desires and short and long term career goals.It is a written plan for developing knowledge,skills,and competencies that support both the organizations objectives and the em

5、ployees needs and goals.,THUS!,Professional Development Planning is a structured process by which a person reflects upon and plans their own current and future learning and development;either personal development or professional development.This will include developing their employability skills.“Th

6、ere is a crucial difference between declarative knowledge,knowing a concept and its technical skills,and procedural knowledge,being able to put those concepts and details into action.Knowing does not equal doing,whether playing the piano,managing a team,or acting on essential advice at the right mom

7、ent”.(Daniel Goleman,Emotional Intelligence,1997).PDP helps develop both procedural knowledge and declarative knowledge.,Group Exercise,Focus:The purpose of an IPDPGrouping:GroupsPurpose:To reflect on he purpose of IPDPsWhat to do:In your groups Formulate your understanding of the purpose of IPDPs o

8、n the flipchart sheet provided and pin it on the felt board at the back of the seminar room.Feedback to the big group via walk about.,What is the purpose of an IPDP?,To improve performance in current work assignments,acquire or sharpen professional competencies and prepare the employee for positions

9、 of changing or greater responsibilities.,Who should have an IPDP?,All full-time employees are strongly encouraged to have an annual professional development plan.The IPDP is optional for non-permanent employees.,Group Exercise,Focus:The benefits of an IPDPGrouping:GroupsPurpose:To reflect on the be

10、nefits of an IPDPWhat to do:In your groups List the benefits of an IPDP on the post-it notes provided.Feedback to the big group by placing your post-it benefit notes on the poster sheets on the wall.,What are the benefits of an IPDP?,As a planning device,the IPDP helps supervisors and employees to b

11、e clear on individual goals and is the basis for input into the organizations training needs assessment and training plans.For budget purposes,the IPDP is used as a tool to determine training needs and financial resource needs.As a communication tool,supervisors and employees can discuss career goal

12、s and ways to maintain high levels of productivity.,Steps in the development of the IPDP,Assessment of current skills and knowledge to establish professional needsPlanning the learning Recording the learningReflecting on the learning Evaluate the learning,1.Establish professional development needs,S

13、wot analysisSWOT analysis provides a structure for analysing your own strengths and weaknesses,and the opportunities and threats you face.SWOT analyses are not ends in themselves but a step before some action planning.SWOT analyses usually benefit from discussion,get other peoples perspectives.Remem

14、ber to be realistic and focused on what really happens.So SWOT is about making a structured analysis of yourself,an activity,an organisation,a company or event as a prelude to action planning.,Strengths:,What are your personal strengths?What does the NMMU do well?What do you do well?What is the good

15、 track record?What do other people see as your strengths?,Weaknesses:,What can be developed What could you improve?What is working less optimally than you wish?What is being done badly?What is the competition doing better?What should you avoid doing?,Opportunities:,If there were no constraints what

16、would you like to do?What might be possible?What will happen in the next few years?Where do you organisation want to be in five years time?Who might you want to work with?What could be a win win situation?How may new technologies change your practices?What financial/govenmental/legislative changes c

17、an benefit you in the near future?,Threats:,What are the barriers to your development?What sort of obstacles do you face?Who else might move in a take over your tasks/job?What are rival organisations doing?Can you fund the short and long term?Will new technologies/developments change you roles?What

18、change is coming?,Areas of possible professional needs,Subject Matter ExpertiseOrganisational Effectiveness Develop and Involve OthersCommunicationsAction Orientation Personal Effectiveness,Subject Matter Expertise,A thorough knowledge and skills in the performance of a given task or subject matter

19、area.Demonstrate subject matter expertiseProvide Education&InstructionSolve ProblemsIntegrate Technology,Organisational effectiveness,Accomplishes the mission of NMMU through program development and evaluation efforts,as well as the ability to build relationships and act with accountability.Lead thr

20、ough programme developmentBuilds Relationships Display Organisational Savvy Display Cultural Competence Use Marketing And Public RelationsManage&Acquire ResourcesAct With Accountability Conduct&Use Evaluation,Develop and Involve Others,Maintains healthy relationships with other people in order to me

21、et the needs of clientele(students).Focus On Student(Client)NeedsDelegate Tasks Facilitate GroupsMentor&Coach OthersFoster TeamworkProvide Direction For Volunteers,Communications,The ability to communicate effectively in interpersonal and group situations,whether through written or oral means.Delive

22、r PresentationsSpeak Effectively Prepare Written Communication Manage Conflict Display Interpersonal Understanding,Action Orientation,Shows strong initiative,acts as a champion for change,creates a vision and working diligently toward that goal.Set And Achieve GoalsChampion ChangeThink ConceptuallyS

23、how InitiativeDisplay Vision&Purpose,Personal Effectiveness,A commitment to the profession as well as the flexibility to balance all aspects of personal and professional like in order to work effectively.Balance Professional&Personal LifeShow FlexibilityDevelop OneselfWork Effectively,2.Planning the

24、 learning,Possible approaches for addressing needs:Experiences CoursesReadingMentoringResearching Training,3.Recording the learning,IPDP template,4.Reflecting on the learning,Reflective questions by Phil Race,5.Evaluate the process/plan,Characteristics of good IPDPs,Flexible and can change as job re

25、quirements and aspirations change.Realistic but with foresight and some planning you can find challenge,variety and interest in your job and career.Structured to suit you and your careerEvidence of learning and transfer instead of attending a course and getting a certificate.,Possible uses for an IPDP,Teaching PortfolioYearly appraisalsPersonal growth and developmentAsking for funding,Conclusion,An individual Professional development Plan is not the end in it self-it is a vehicle for planning,capturing and acknowledging real learning.Thank you for attending!,


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