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1、雅思大神7+的口语技巧 很多考生在备考雅思口语的道路上是比较迷茫的,也是在雅思中最头痛的问题。每次考试差不多都会被口语拉低分数,那你知道口语大神的7.5分、8分是怎么样炼成的吗?下面就和大家分享雅思大神7+的口语,来欣赏一下吧。雅思大神7+的口语一、雅思口语的逻辑与表达我们先来看看一道Part1话题中的案例及解析:Which do you prefer, e-books or paper books?这是有关于雅思口语考试Part 1的经典选择类题目,此题的解题关键是给出明确的选择并给出2-3个合适的理由即可,需要有明确的答题结构,即topic sentence- supporting det

2、ails- conclusion.重点在于supporting details的有层次性的解释。学生回答的时候需要在逻辑性方面与表达方面注意。其次,有关流利度与语音语调,也是同学们需要注意的问题,就是注意流利的前提是吐字清楚和语调有起伏,才能不给考官背诵的印象和使信息不至于造成缺失。二、雅思口语的语调:注重情感有了情感,就有轻重缓急和停顿强调,才不至于听起来像一个机器人一样。在雅思考试里,考官就坐在你对面,你的回答如果生动而具有感染力,这无疑会增加回答的趣味和说服力,听起来真诚而又令人信服。在各种模板范文到处飞的今天,如果你做到了真诚,那无疑就向7分迈出了坚实的一步。【如何做到有情感】适度地使

3、用程度副词(尽量避免通篇very),在程度副词上有一定气息的延长,听起来就非常地convincing,比如I really hate politics. Its extremely boring and absolutely useless. 考试的时候尽量用一些生活化的词汇,考官听到后会觉得这是你真实想法的流露,即使用词很简单,也不会影响分数,因为这就是生活啊。三、雅思口语素材的积累考生要注意累积不同话题的素材,要想在考场上快速反应而不会无话可说,平时就得根据自己身边的所见所闻积累有创意的特别的观点。例如遇到的有趣的事、认识的敬佩的人、买到的新东西、觉得好看的电视节目和广告等,都在生活当中可

4、以发现并记录。要获得雅思口语7分,需要准备一些常用的slang(俚语)以及proverb(俗语),例如There is no accounting for tastes(萝卜青菜各有所爱), Once bitten, twice shy(一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳)。只要在考试的时候能够适当用上一些slang or proverb,考官定会对你刮目相看。以上就是为大家带来的一些大神备考雅思口语的方法。口语的练习关键在于多听,多看,多收集素材和多开口练习等,这是个长期累积的过程,没有一日速成的捷径。希望此文对大家有所帮助,如果烤鸭们还在为学习效率低、不会学习方法而发愁,那就持续关注我们的雅思频道吧。雅

5、思口语part2范文:感兴趣的名人P2Describe a famous person that you are interested in.You should say:Who this person isHow you got to know this personWhat sort of life he/she had before he/she became famousHow this person became famousAnd explain why you like this personP3How do people become famous?What qualities

6、 do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?Do you think people are famous as a result of their real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?2020年9-12月雅思口语题:Perfume1.What does perfume mean to you?Well, for me, I think perfume is a special decoration and is also a signal of ones p

7、ersonality andhobbies. For instance, if a lady wears a perfume that has a roses flavor, it might indicate that she is romantic and tends to date with romantic men.2.Do you give perfume as a gift?Yes, I do give perfume as a gift. Last winter, I traveled to Egypt, a country famous for its perfume.When

8、 I was in its capital Cairo, I found a very special perfume and I bought it for my mom. My mom was very delighted and fascinated by my gift, and she now often wears it when going out.3.Do you use perfume?I do use perfume sometimes, but I do not use it on daily basis. When attending some important ev

9、ents, such as weddings, ceremonies or formal dinners, I would use some perfume on my suit.However, I am not a fan of perfume in daily life, and do not use it frequently.4.What kind of perfume do you like?Personally speaking, in comparison to those perfumes with very strong flavors, I prefer those with lighter flavors. For example, I enjoy perfumes with natural flavors such as flowers or woods,as I consider it is more suitable for a boy, and is also more acceptable for others.雅思


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