新视野大学英语Face to Face with GunsUnit 7,Book 1.ppt

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1、Face to Face with Guns,English Proverbs-Tasks,By studying the old one learns something new.(New words Textbook)Well begun is half done.(Warming up)Two heads are better than one.(Ex.1 Q&A Textbook)Where there is a will,there is a way.(Understanding)Many hands make light work.(A Mini-test)Practice mak

2、es perfect.(Useful expressions Ss:Blackboard)Strike while the iron is hot.(Focus Study)No cross,no crown.(Words and expressions)All is well that ends well.(Structure&Summary CAI)No pains,no gains.(Assignment),UNIT 7,Skip,UNIT 7,Skip,Section A,Face to Face with Guns,Skip,Section B,Skip,II.Warming-up,

3、Answer the following questions by relating to your own experiences:,1.What scares you most on your way home at night?Why?,2.How would you behave in case of an armed robbery?Why?,II.Warming-up,1)Follow or resist the robbers commands?2)Stay where you are or run away as fast as possible?3)Keep cool and

4、 observe or shout for help?4)Act in a cooperative way or use weapons against them?5)Call the police at once or chase the robbers?6)Protect the scene or run away from the spot in no time?,Tips,III.Answer the following questions,1 He looked at the street and pathway carefully to make sure nothing unus

5、ual was there.(Para 1)2 He managed to throw his house keys into a bush.(Para 3)3 They focus their attention on the guns rather than on the users of the guns during the encounter.(Para 15)4 He paid careful attention to the appearances of them.(Para 15),5 They might have committed a number of robberie

6、s in the area over the past few months.(Para 30)6 A river(the Thames).(Para 32)7 They are gradually destroying the basic ideas we hold dear:our freedom to move about;the fruits of our labor;our lives and those of people we value.(Para 33)8 He means that some day we will have to deal with these young

7、 men and try to find out the cause of their discontent.(Para 33),Text StudyUnderstanding,1.Put the Actions in Sequence,1)speed away 2)note details of their faces3)toss my house keys into a bush4)take a description of the robbers5)pull into the garage6)look through mug shots7)rip the watch from my wr

8、ist8)put his pistol between my eyes,IV.Understanding,(1),(3),(2),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),He wanted to make sure that nothing was unusual and no one would attack or rob him.,Question Answering,Why did the writer scan the street and pathways before pulling into the garage that night?,wallet,watch,KFC chic

9、ken,2.What did the two robbers take away from the writer?,Ask one or several students to the front to act out the following expressions.Other students guess what they are in English.,Act and Tell,Words and ExpressionsAct and Tell,Scan the street and pathways.Put the pistol between ones eyes.Search t

10、he trouser pockets.Extend the left arm sideways.Rip the watch from the wrist.Roll the head to the right.Pour a drink.Cut something.Hands up(raise the hands).Laugh crazily.,Words and ExpressionsAct and Tell,Act and Tell,V.Active Expressions,-,-,-,-,|-|O+-|_,-,_|/XXXXXX/|/XXXXXX/XXXXXX/_(/XXXXXX/XXXXX

11、X/(_(-,Active Expressions,我们在街上当面遇到了他。(face to face with)L0We came face to face with him on the street.咱们停在路边饭馆吃点东西吧。(pull into)L4Lets pull into the roadside restaurant for something to eat.没有什么不同,英语也难学。(with no exception)L5With no exception,English is also difficult to learn.太阳从云彩后面出来了。(emerge from

12、)L9The sun emerged from behind the clouds.,Active Expressions,我看见一个人面朝下趴在地上。(flat on ones face)L56I saw a man flat on his face on the ground.她看见他乘坐吉普车迅速离开了。(speed away)L74She saw him speed away in his jeep.那个女孩一直在哭,好像很悲伤。(as if)L39The girl kept crying as if(she was)very sad.给每件行李上都加上标签。(attach to)L3

13、9Attach a label to each piece of luggage.没有人会可怜你。(have mercy on)L64Nobody will have mercy on you.,Active Expressions,中国人民站起来了。(get on ones feet)L80The Chinese people have got on their feet.交卷前请仔细检查卷子。(look through)L96Please look through your papers before you hand them in.火势完全失控了。(out of control)L10

14、8The fire was completely out of control.河水迅速侵蚀着河岸。(eat away at)L109The river is eating away at the banks rapidly.你失败时还能坚持梦想吗?(stick to)Can you stick to your dream when you fail?,He criticized me as though he were an expert.The little girl cried as if she were in great pain.The woman kept on weeping

15、as if she was very sad.He stretched out his hand as if he were trying to seize something.His arms and legs moved suddenly as if they were connected to hidden wires.,as though an expert.,as if in great pain.,Notes to the TextFocus Study,VI.Focus Study,与面对面地穿着深色尼龙夹克停车处极速开走犯多起抢劫案犯罪/谋杀罪珍视,face to face w

16、ith sb./sth.in a dark nylon jacketparking padspeed awaycommit a number of robberiescommit a crime/murderhold dear,VII.Chinese to English,Words and ExpressionsC to E,English Equivalents of Chinese,be cautious of,to scan the street for,to emerge from the shrub,to contrive to do sth.,to toss my keys in

17、to a bush,criminal trial,victims of the armed attack,to focus(ones attention)on,to note details of their faces,to rip the watch from my wrist,English Equivalents of Chinese,be flat on ones face,(footsteps)fade down the street,(the car)speed away,to pour a stiff drink,to look through mug shots,to flo

18、w on a sad current,to hold dear,our freedom to move about,the fruits of labor,to seek the depth of discontent,1.A CD was _the front of the magazine to encourage people to buy it.A.attached to B.contributed to C.applied to D.accustomed to2._a magazine in the doctors waiting room,I found a photograph

19、of my own daughters wedding on Page 41.A.looking for B.looking through C.looking out D.looking over3.This is a cause all of us _because many people have given up their lives for it.A.hold back B.hold off C.hold on D.hold dear4.The train is just _the station,so we shall be in time to meet her.A.pulli

20、ng into B.pulling down C.pulling off D.pulling back,Words and ExpressionsMini-test,VIII.A Mini-Test,5.He turned the corner and found himself _a policeman.A.face to face to B.face to face at C.face to face with D.face to face on6.His poor performance may be due to lack of motivation _to reading diffi

21、culties.A.instead B.rather than C.rather D.instead off7.The car moved sideways on the ice and went_,hitting an oncoming truck head on.A.under control B.in control C.out of control D.without control8.Inflation has _the value of their assets.A.eaten up B.eaten out C.eaten into D.eaten away at,9.Take m

22、y word_the player and give him plenty of rest;he is exhausted,out of breath,and out of strength.A.have mercy on B.have mercy to C.have mercy with D.have mercy at10.The three policemen _quickly and threw themselves at the bank robber with all their strength.A.got to their feet B.was on their feet C.k

23、ept their feet D.stood on their own feet,Task Point out the stylistic devices of the following sentences of Unit 7.,IX.WritingStylistic Devices(修辞格),-,-,-,-,|-|O+-|_,-,_|/XXXXXX/|/XXXXXX/XXXXXX/_(/XXXXXX/XXXXXX/(_(-,2.His dark eyes shone like polished glass;his arms and legs moved unexpectedly,as if

24、 attached to unseen wires.,1.“Give it up,mother,”he threatened.“Give it up.”,Repetition(重复),Simile(明喻),WritingStylistic Devices,4.But why is he a black man?Why is he a Negro male with a worn T-shirt and shining eyes?Why is he not a white man?,3.Together,these young men are a kind of river one that i

25、s out of control,eating at the foundations of things we hold dear.,Metaphor(暗喻),Rhetoric Question(设问),Parallelism(排比),WritingStylistic Devices,6.I wonder if he noticed us doing so.I wonder how it feels when people lock their doors at the sight of you.,5.I saw eternity;they saw food.,Antithesis(对偶),P

26、arallelism(排比),Repetition(重复),WritingStylistic Devices,II.Develop a Paragraph of Sequential Actions,X.WritingParagraph Writing,To narrate a story,it is common to make use of the action sequence and the time sequence.Action sequence emphasizes a series of actions,while time sequence stresses the time

27、 orderusing time signals.,In action sequence,we need to note:1.Actions are usually set up in order of importance,and the last one is usually most important;2.Actions should be carefully chosen and arranged in order so as to bring out the idea.,WritingParagraph Writing,XI.Summary,One night,when walki

28、ng out of the garage with some KFC in hand,I _ by a young man with a gun.The robber robbed me of my wallet and watch.Later _ appeared,ordering me not to look at them and forcing me to the ground,their guns at my head.I thought I was about to _.However,they took my KFC instead and _.,was attacked une

29、xpectedly,the robbers partner,be shot to death,speeded away in the darkened night,Text StudySummary,Back at home,I phoned the police and reported _.Later I went to the police station to look through a large number of photos to _ _.To my great surprise,a river of youngfaces flew by not with sunny smile but _ _.I _ the riverthe young generation.,the robbery,was deeply concerned about,Text StudySummary,Assignment,Finish all the exercises in this unit.Recite all the new words.Online learning.Bye-bye,


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