The Political Dimensions of Globalization.ppt

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《The Political Dimensions of Globalization.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《The Political Dimensions of Globalization.ppt(32页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、1,The Political Dimensions of,Teaching Module for theTCC Globalization SeminarApril 2009Presented by Daniel A.StrasserAdjunct Instructor of Political Science Tidewater Community College,VirginiaPortsmouth Campus,2,How to Use this Slide Show,The following PowerPoint presentation on Globalizations pol

2、itical dimensions may be put online for individual student study.It may also be used by an instructor to give a series of lectures covering all of the material for delivery orally and for discussion.In that case,the instructor may wish to reduce the amount of information on each slide and transfer i

3、t to the notes section of the slides.,3,Defining Globalization,A good definition I have found(Levin Institute,SUNY):“Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people,companies,and governments of different nations,a process driven by international trade and investment and ai

4、ded by information technology.This process has effects on the environment,on culture,on political systems,on economic development and prosperity,and on human physical well-being in societies around the world.”(,No universal definition of globalization.Economic definition:tra

5、de,finance and communications Broader definition:Tom Friedman an International System that replaced the Cold War,4,Why Globalization?,Globalization A“smaller world”People are closer togetherA world closer in time and spaceA world without bordersGoods,services and ideas move faster or instantly.Drive

6、n by technologyTransportation Shipping,Containerization Air travelCommunication Television,the Internet,5,GlobalizationsI,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,I Early Man:Globalization is inherent in the human condition;man originated in Ethiopia 200,000+years ago and occupied the entire world 20,000 years ago.II Anc

7、ient Empires:China,Rome,Italian explorers,Arab tradersIII Colonial empires of Spain,Portugal,England,France,Holland MercantilismIV British Empire-Naval Supremacy 18th/mid-19th Century to WWIV Cold War Post WWII-US vs.USSR,the UN,Decolonization,Independence movements,accelerated technological develop

8、ment,space exploration,micro processing,the internetVI American Hegemony Post Cold War,Rise of Islamic Radicalism,Transnationalism,NGOs,Uni-polarityVII Post-Modern:9/11,2008/9 Recession,Multi-polarity,Often speak of Globalization I(Pre-WWI)and II(Post Cold War),with a hiatus in the middle,but one ca

9、n identify 7 phases of Globalization:,6,Types of Globalization,Technological:IT,Biomedical,Green,RoboticsPopulation:Growth,Aging,Youth Bulge,Women,Labor,NigrationEconomic:Commercial,Industrial,Communications,ServicesFinancial:Investments,Banking,Exchange Rates,Black Markets,Money LaunderingCultural:

10、Ideational,Ideological,Educational,Civilization,Pop Culture Political,Democratic,Multinational Organizations,International Law and Regimes,Rule of Law,Civil SocietyMilitary/Security:Nuclear Proliferation,Alliances,Rising PowersEnvironmental:Global Warming,Bio-Diversity,DeforestationHealth:Pandemics,

11、Potable Water,AIDS/HIV,MalariaResources:Water,Food and Agriculture,Energy and Fuels,MineralsTerrorism:Islamist-Extremist,other Religious,Ethnic,National,Crime:Organized Crime,Drug Trafficking,Piracy,Trafficking in Persons,Conflict Diamonds,7,The Political Dimension,The Threats:Sub-national Conflicts

12、 and Failed StatesRadical Islamic Terrorism“Clash of Civilizations”Authoritarianism From Zimbabwe to ChinaInternational Organized Crime Drug TraffickingWidespread CorruptionGlobal Economic/Social Inequality Population PressuresEcological Threats Rising sea levels,HurricanesWeapons of Mass Destructio

13、n(WMD)Resource Wars Fuel,Water,Food,Raw MaterialsHuman Rights Violations,War Crimes and Genocides,8,The Political Dimension,The BenefitsDavid Ricardo and comparative advantageExpansion of trade,industrialization,finance and GDPExpansion of Diplomacy and“Soft Power”as the core of state powerExpansion

14、 of International Law and OrganizationsExpansion of Freedom,Democracy,Civil SocietyExpansion of Development and Foreign AssistanceExpansion of Western Culture and ValuesUS a principal beneficiary of Globalization Empowerment of individuals,women,groups,minorities,9,Global Threats,Fragile,Failing,Fai

15、led States and Ungoverned TerritoriesWeak state is either a result of or allows for internal ethnic or religious conflicts Anarchy results in human suffering,violence,criminal activities and traffickingLack of governance results in non-existent or poor public services,corruptionAllow safehavens for

16、terrorist,extremist and criminal organizationsGlobalization makes negative impact on th Rest of the World(ROW),e.g.terrorism and piracy,10,Global Terrorism,Harvard Political Scientist Samuel Huntington predicted a“Clash of Civilizations”between the West and the EastMain threat is from Radical Islami

17、st Extremism,e.g.Al Qaida and Associated Movements.Driven by a jihadist(religious war)ideology to create a modern Caliphate under sharia(Koranic)law.Al Qaida is“blowback”from war by US-backed Mujahaddin against Soviet aggression in Afghanistan in 1979.Resentment from“Arab Afghans”against resistance

18、by own governments(Saudi Arabia,Egypt,etc.)to give them a political/security role;resentment against US dominance of Middle East;presence of US troops on Holy ground and control of Middle East petroleum and support for Israel.Promoted series of bombingsFirst World Trade Center bombing,USS Cole,US Em

19、bassies in Nairobi and.and finally 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Center.US invasion of Afghanistan Al Qaida leadership flee to Pakistan tribal areasJoined resistance to US invasion/occupation of Iraq.Continue to support Afghan Taliban and fight in AfghanistanContinue to plan and plot further t

20、errorist attacks against Western targetsProblem of terrorist presence on the WWW and of“home grown”terrorists in Europe and the US.First major national security reorganization in US forming the Department of Homeland Security.Other terrorist groups,Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine Gaza St

21、rip,represent state-sponsored groups supported by Iran and Syria,against Israeli and Jewish targets only.,11,Global Authoritarianism,Such states are the greatest threat that there will be future inter-state warfare.Authoritarian states are subject over time to changing international norms and values

22、,but may resist them for a long period of time.Democracy has eroded the number of authoritarian regimes a range of states from one-man/one-party corrupt(Zimbabwe)or military-run(Myanmar)state,to a one-party,bureaucratic authoritarian state such as China(Chinas attachment to Communist ideology is que

23、stionable).“Rogue States,”such as North Korea,Iran,Cuba(and to some extent Syria)present particular destabilizing elements with potential for use of WMD.,Unlike Totalitarianism of former Nazi Germany or USSR,current Islamist Extremism or Anti-Communism(as in Pinochets Chile),authoritarianism today i

24、s non-ideological Pragmatic desire to hold power for political and economic benefit of an elite Historically,the most widespread,diverse and persistent type of political system.,12,International Organized Crime,Takes advantage of borderless world,fast air,sea and land transportation,use of public tr

25、ansportation and“mules”Takes advantage of poverty and inequalityTakes advantage of drug tolerance in all societiesTakes advantage of legal prohibitions in demand countries.Still weak international institutions to coordinate counter-narcotics activities on a global scale to match those of the traffic

26、kersHuman Trafficking takes advantage of poor people seeking improved lives to subvert immigration and promote sweat shops and prostitution.Piracy is an ancient but growing problem that severely affects global shipping,trade and energy supply and is usually associated with failed states and ungovern

27、ed territories.,Biggest crime threat is from organized drug cartels,Colombia,Mexico,Russian Mafia,Italian Mafia and CamorraDrugs create public health and safety issues in source,transit and importing countries.Drug trafficking weakens state institutions through corruption,fear and violence.Takes adv

28、antages of weak,corrupt governmental and law enforcement institutions.,Stratfor Map,13,Corruption,Corruption is a global problem that undermines states and good governance and threatens the rule of lawCorruption undermines free markets causing economic impacts and impact on social and public service

29、sCorruption undermines democratic governance substituting money and influence for the free will of the peopleIt undermines public confidence in the government and bureaucracy which is supposed to operate for the public good not the private good of politicians and public servants.Corruption undermine

30、s the benefits of international economic development assistance which siphons off funds from otherwise good projects.Corruption undermines trust between governmentsCorruption creates inequalities between corrupt and non-corrupt states that lead to spillover effects in neighboring countries.Corruptio

31、n leads to moral and ethical breakdown in societies as it breaks the social contract between a government and its citizens.The opposite of corruption is transparency which can be promoted by government policies and efforts by civil society and the international community,14,Socio-Economic Inequality

32、,Inequality is based on geographic,historical,social and cultural grounds.There is inequality within and between states and world regions.Globalization increases wealth overall,but tends to create winners and losers,thus expanding socio-economic equality.Unequal economic development between the Nort

33、h and the South created the North-South divide.Histories of conquest and colonization resulted in a difference between exploiters and exploited.Within countries,class differences emerged in both the agricultural(masters,slaves and serfs)and industrial(capitalists and workers)ages.Differences in the

34、relative value of industrial and agricultural goods determined the wealth of nations.Marxists believe that the difference between the wealth of nations is part of the system of“capitalist exploitation”and“imperialism.”Socio-economic inequality leads to resentments and other phenomena from crime to“s

35、ocial exclusion”(a term used in Europe)social revolt and rioting,racial,religious and regional tensions and even internal and cross border wars.Such conflicts often get related to global tensions between states,with some states supporting allies within a local conflict while their enemies supporting

36、 the other side.Such alliances can result in regional or even world wars if not controlled by international norms and mediation.Efforts to reduce inequality through economic assistance have proven to be inadequate.Economic development through reform has been more successful.,15,Population,Migration

37、is a constant factor for change in populations,shifting labor and social tensions caused by economic and cultural competition.Migration is caused by wars,economic distress,droughts,racial tensions,ethnic cleansing and by a desire for economic improvement or political or religious freedom.Some popula

38、tions are aging while others have created a“youth bulge.”The former means a burden will be placed on younger generations to support a greater proportion of retirees.In the latter,too many youth mean not enough meaningful employment and resulting social and political unrest.Efforts by some countries

39、to reduce population growth(China)have increased population aging and reduced prospects for future growth.,Over 1 billion people out of 6.2 billion live in abject poverty.Projections for 2050 is 9 billion.Children are the first to suffer from poverty and lack of health care,clean water,adequate food

40、 and educationPopulation growth puts increasing pressure on natural resources,including water,food,fuel,raw materials and on the earths atmosphere.Population growth has been accelerating,creating additional burdens upon the Earths capacity to provide a decent living for all.Population growth means t

41、hat there is constant pressure on per capita GDP growth,16,Environmental Threats,Global warming is one of the largest threats to human welfare today,promising melting ice caps and glaciers,rising sea levels,changes in weather patterns and loss of certain species due to habitat loss.Negative impact o

42、f climate change on biology,health,food and water resources.Deforestation means reduced oxygen and more CO2 resulting in more greenhouse gases that bring climate change.Excessive use of carbon-based fuels creates CO2 emissions that threaten global warming.Growth from globalization,itself worsens cli

43、mate change.Growing population with middle class aspirations,especially cars,lead to greater emission of CO2Destruction of rain forests also threatens bio-diversity,with its potential to find new cures for human illnesses.Pollution of the atmosphere and water supply directly effect human health and

44、safety.The environment is a global issue that needs global solutions or results in“beggar thy neighbor”behavior and potential social and political tensions.Countries arriving late to industrialization and economic development resent that more developed countries now want them to share sacrifice to r

45、everse global problems caused by the latter.The United States failed to provide leadership in the environment over the past decade.Without it,progress on global environment is unlikely.,17,18,Weapons of Mass Destruction,Since WWII,WMD have presented a global existential threat to the survival of lif

46、e on the planet or at a minimum massive loss of life in one or more cities.The Cold War limited the growth of nuclear powers(US,USSR,UK,China,and France,the victorious powers of WWII and the permanent members of the UN Security Council)and limited the threat of nuclear war through Mutual Assured Des

47、truction of the US and USSR.Regional conflicts and insecurity caused a rush to acquire nuclear weapons on the part of some countries(India,Pakistan,China,Israel,North Korea)and efforts by others(Iran and others in the past).Even middle powers developed cheap chemical,biological weaponsBreak-up of th

48、e Soviet Union led to fears that not all nuclear weapons were secure.Fear is that terrorist groups could produce or acquire one or more nuclear devices to destroy major population/governmental/military centers to weaken the US and Western powers or threaten them into concessions.Fear that local tens

49、ions(Israel/Iran or India/Pakistan)could trigger wider wars.,19,Resource Wars,A new“Malthusianism”has emerged from growth of population and environmental impact.Concern that the world will run out of basic resources:clean air and water,food,fuel,minerals,wood,other agricultural/animal productsAvaila

50、bility of resources depend on imperfect markets as well as productionGlobal climate change could reduce the amounts of water,food,wood and other agricultural products.Countries in need of irrigation for agriculture to support growing populations might engage in conflict over water,e.g.the Nile River


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