How to improve your English1.ppt

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《How to improve your English1.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《How to improve your English1.ppt(16页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、How to improve your English,Special focus on the spoken English,31.03.2013,1,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,Learning a language,VocabularyGrammar Sentence structurePronunciationSpellingQuestion:Why are you studying English?To speak English,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,2,Learning a language,The most i

2、mportant point if you learn a language is to speak it!Dont get scared and nervous!Dont be afraid!What you need is courage 勇气,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,3,Chinglish,Manglish,Engarin,.,Different alphabet Different pronunciationTranslation system of similar soundsCoffee 咖啡Ambulance 我不能死Bus 爸死Us

3、e this system for remembering words,but dont use it for pronunciation purposes!,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,4,Pronunciation,Dont use speed to cover up for mistakes and mispronunciation!If you dont know the correct pronunciation Use the dictionary and look it up!www.m-Th Problem something some

4、singthis sis,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,5,Pronunciation,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,6,Try to familiarise yourself with the phonetic symbols of your dictionary,Tips to improve your spoken English,Read childrens poemsTongue twisterTalk with someoneSing a songWatch a movie or TV seriesRe

5、ad books,newspaper or read onlineDaily expressions,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,7,Tongue Twister,Is there a pleasant peasant present?Is this your sisters sixth zither,sir?I thought a thought,but the thought I thought wasnt the thought I thought I thought.If Stu chews shoes,should Stu choose th

6、e shoes he chews?If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing.,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,8,Read childrens poems,“There are no happy endingsEndings are the saddest partSo just give me the happy middleAnd very happy start.”Shel SilversteinFocus on pronuncia

7、tion&rhythm,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,9,Talk with someone,Try to find someone to practice oral English togetherEnglish CornerExchange study experiencesBroadening your view,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,10,Sing a song,Listen to English songs(of a native English singer)Search a slow song

8、 on the internet&download itSing the song out loud!While singing use exactly the same pronunciation like in the songLater on search the lyrics and look what you were singing about,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,11,Watch a movie or TV series,Watch films with English subtitlesOr watch channels lik

9、e CNN&BBCObserve the mouth movements of the speakers well Try to imitate intonation and rhythm of their speech,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,12,Read books,newspaper or read online,Read what interests youBooksBuy books also on tapeRecord yourself reading some sections of the book.Compare the sou

10、nd of your English with that of the person reading the book on thetape.While reading a book,underline all the words you do not know.Look them up in the dictionary.International newspaper or read onlineWell-written magazines(e.g.The Economist)Pretend you are a newscaster and read out the newspaper to

11、 your mirror,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,13,Daily Expressions,Wait a minute GreatAwful TerribleI dont think so.Is something wrong?Go ahead,tell me more.Sorry,I apologiseForget it.Ill miss you.Come back soon.Times up!I have to go.What a shame!Can you repeat please?What a pity!Lets go!Have fun.

12、Im all right.Its up to you.I am sick.Can we meet in an hour?Make yourself at home.Ill pick you up at I am fed up with it.Dont worry.You must be kidding.,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,14,Summary,Have fun studying English Even though you have a heavy Chinese accent,dont be afraid to talk!Dont be scared or nervousBe patient,everything takes timeMost important,make an effort to speak or read aloud in English everyday(for 15-20 minutes),31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,15,Sources,http:/,31.03.2013,凯丽君 Theresa Sophie Kast,16,


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