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1、,1,非谓语动词,2,非谓语动词,不定式 to do,动名词 v-ing,分词,现在分词v-ing,过去分词v-ed,非谓语动词的句法功能:,非谓语动词的句法功能:,5,不定式和动名词,1.作主语,不定式作主语一般表示具体的、一次性的或者将来的动作一般将it作形式主语,将不定式短语后置。To protect the environment is everyones duty._ _everyones duty to protect the environment.动名词作主语一般表示抽象的,习惯性的动作。_ _ _(晚饭后散步)is good for both the young and th

2、e old.,6,Walking after supper,It is,【高考链接】,(2014 山东卷)Its standard practice for a company like this one_ a security officer.A.employed B.being employed C.to employ D.employs(2014湖南卷)_ your own needs and styles of communication is as important as learning to convey your affection and emotions.A.Unders

3、tandingB.To be understood C.Being understoodD.Having understood,7,C,A,2.作宾语,常见的接不定式作宾语的动词主要有:afford,agree,arrange,ask,beg,choose,decide,demand,determine,expect,fear,afford,wait,threaten,attempt,help,hope,learn,hesitate,manage,offer,plan,promise,intend,prepare,pretend,promise,refuse,want,wish,aim,fai

4、l,happen,hesitate,struggle.当我经过的时候她假装没有看见我。She _me when I passed by.我们同意在这儿见面,但是到现在她还没有出现。We _ but so far she hasnt turned up yet.,8,pretended not to see,agreed to meet here,常见的接动名词作宾语的动词以及短语主要有:admit,advise,allow,appreciate,enjoy,avoid,consider,delay,deny,delay,discuss,dislike,enjoy,escape,finish,f

5、orbid,forgive,imagine,keep,mention,mind,miss,permit,practice,prevent,report,risk,suggest,give up,put off,look forward to,be used to,lead to,devote to,pay attention to,get down to,stick to,feel like,insist on,when it comes to.He _the money of his roommate.(他承认偷了室友的钱)He _solving the problem.(他开始着手处理这个

6、问题),9,admitted stealing,got down to,某些动词后既可以接不定式也可以接动名词这些词主要有:_,10,(2013上海卷)Young people may risk _ deaf if they are exposed to very loud music every day.Ato go Bto have goneCgoing Dhaving gone(2014陕西卷)12.Its quite hot today.Do you feel like _ for a swim?A.to go B.going C go D.having gone,【高考链接】,C,B

7、,stop,forget,remember,try,regret,mean,cant help,go on.,3.作表语,说明主语的内容.不定式一般表示的是具体的、一次性的或者将来的动作.动名词一般表示抽象的,习惯性的动作。What I can do is to_.(给你一些合理的建议)His job is _.(教英语),11,teaching English,give you some reasonable advice,4.作定语,不定式作定语:1.表将来。Do you have anything to do tonight?_is for his sister.(将要买的车)2.中心词

8、是序数词,形容词最高级,the only,the last 或者被该类词修饰时。He was the best man to do the job.She was the first woman _.(获得奥运会金牌的人)3.被修饰的词是抽象名词时用不定式,常见的有:ability,chance,opportunity,way,answer等.He has the ability_(说几种外语的能力),12,he car to be bought,to win the gold medal in the Olympics,to speak several foreign languages.,

9、动名词作定语:表示被修饰词的用途。There is a big _(游泳池)behind our houseHe cant walk without a walking stick.,13,(2014北京卷)There are still many problems _ before we are ready for a long stay on the Moon.A.solvingB.solved C.being solvedD.to be solved【2013北京】21.Volunteering gives you a chance lives,including your own.A.

10、change B.changingC.changedD.to change,【高考链接】,D,D,swimming pool,5.作状语,1.目的状语Helen had to shout_(使她被听见)above the sound of music.为了表示强调可以用so as to(不能置于句首),in order to 2.结果状语:表示出人意料的结果。He hurried to the station,_(却发现火车已经开走了)3.原因状语:在某些形容词后,表示喜怒哀乐等原因。I am sorry _(听说你考试的失败),14,to make herself heard,only to

11、 find that the train had left.,to hear about your failure in exams.,【高考链接】,(2014湖南卷)_ ourselves from the physical and mental tensions,we each need deep thought and inner quietness.A.Having freed B.Freed C.To freeD.Freeing(2014天津卷)Anxiously,she took the dress out of the package and tried it on,only _

12、 it didnt fit.A.to find B.found C.finding D.having found,15,C,A,6.作补语,1.常见的接不定式作宾补的词有:advise,allow,ask,beg,encourage,expect,forbid,force,intend,order,persuade,remind,require,teach,tell,want,warn,wish.医生警告他不能吃的太多。_2.感官动词后接不定式作宾补。如:see,watch,observe,hear,notice,fear.等。我刚刚听见他在唱一首英语歌_3.have,make,let.后接不

13、定式作宾补。老师让他放学后打扫卫生。_,16,The doctor warned him not to eat too much.,I heard her sing an English song just now.,The teacher had Mary clean the classroom after school.,4.某些句子中用不定式作主补常见的有:sb+be+said/reported/believed/known/considered/thought+to do/to have done sth.He is said to be a teacher in university

14、.=It is said that_He is said to _.(据说他已经去国外了)=It is said that_.【高考链接】(2014江西卷)34.He is thought _ foolishly.Now he has no one but himself to blame for losing the job.A.to act B.to have acted C.acting D.having acted,17,B,have gone abroad,he is a teacher in university,He has gone abroad,18,现在分词和过去分词,1.

15、作表语 现在分词作表语表明主语具有的性质和特征。过去分词作表语表明主语的心理状态或感受。这类作表语的分词大多已看作形容词。The argument is very_(令人信服的)The teacher was _(满意的)with her answer.,19,convincing,satisfied,2.作定语,1.V-ing 作定语 被修饰的名词与分词之间是主动或正在进行的关系。2.V-ing 形式的被动式being done作定语 被修饰的名词与分词之间是被动关系,且表示正在进行。3,V-ed作定语别修饰的名词与分词之间为被动或完成的关系_(正在睡觉的孩子)is my sisters s

16、on._(坐在我旁边的女孩)is Mary._(正在建造的房子)are for the students._(史密斯写的小说)is worth reading._(落叶)covered the whole road.,20,The sleeping baby,The girl sitting next to me,The house being built,The novel written by Smith,The fallen leaves,to be done v-ed being done 作定语的区别,to be done:表被动,将来being done 表被动,正在进行done:

17、表被动,完成The meeting _now is of great importance.The meeting _ yesterday was of great importance.The meeting _ tomorrow is of great importance.,21,being held,held,to be held,【高考链接】,(2014全国大纲卷)Toady there are more airplanes _ more people than ever before in the skies.A.carry B.carrying C.carried D.to be

18、 carrying(2014重庆卷)The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras _ to our shop for quality problems.A.returningB.returned C.to returnD.to be returned,22,B,B,3.作状语1.分词在句中作状语,修饰谓语动词或整个句子,表示动作发生的原因、时间、方式、结果、条件、伴随等。分词作状语时,分词的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语保持一致。,Having finished,Not knowing,reading a newspaper,Given an

19、other chance,Having been told,falling ill,作时间状语,作原因状语,作伴随状语,作条件状语,作让步状语,作结果状语,2.分词作状语形式的选择,_(听到铃声),the students began to enter the classroom.听_(完成工作),he went home._(被他父亲打了),the boy cried._(被带领参观博物馆),the students know more about history._(收到父母的鼓励),he still have no confidence in overcoming difficultie

20、s.,Hearing the bell,Having done the work,Being beaten by his father,Having been shown around the museum,Encouraged by his parents,26,【高考链接】,(2014湖南卷)There is no greater pleasure than lying on my back in the middle of the grassland,_ at the night sky.A.to stare B.staring C.stared D.having stared,(201

21、4江西卷)_ nearly all our money,we couldnt afford to stay at a hotel.A.Having spent B.To spent C.Spent D.To have spent,(2014天津卷)Clearly and thoughtfully_,the book inspires confidence in students who wish to seek their own answers.A.writing B.to write C.written D.being written,B,A,C,3.独立主格结构,独立主格结构的模式是:逻

22、辑主语+非谓语动词(不定式,现在分词,过去分词),1.The question settled,we went home.,2.Time permitting,we will go out for a walk.,3.A lot of work to do,the mother has no time to look after her children.,28,(2014江苏卷)His lecture_,a lively question-and-answer session followed.being given B.having given C.to be given D.having

23、 been given,【高考链接】,D,29,do have/make/let+sth./sb.doing done to do get/leave+sth./sb.doing done doing keep sb./sth done,1.使 役 动 词,4.作补语,The workers had the machine running for 10 hours.I will have my bike repaired tomorrow.Please keep me informed of the latest news.,30,see watch do hear+sb./sth.+doin

24、g feel done notice,2.感 官 动 词,I heard her singing an English song when I passed her room yesterday.Id like to see the plan carried out.,【高考链接】(2014四川卷)The manager was satisfied to see many new products _ after great effort.A.having developedB.to developC.developedD.develop(2013陕西卷)Let those in need t

25、hat we will go all out to help them.A.to understand B.understand C.understanding D.understood,31,C,B,总结:(红色为13,14年全国高考频率),1.作主语5不定式和动名词作主语的区别。2.作宾语41)只跟不定式作宾语的词语2)只跟动名词作宾语的单词以及短语3)既可以跟不定式又可以跟动名词作宾语的词3.作表语1)不定式和动名词作表语的区别。2)分词作表语。4.作定语21)不定式作定语的三种情况。42)动名词作定语的作用。3)分词作定语的三种形式。124)To be done,being done,done作定语的区别。,5.作状语1)不定式作状语的三种情况72)分词作状语的形式以及意义153)分词的否定形式24)独立主格结构16.作补语 41)接不定式作补语常见的词2)不定式作宾语补语3)感官动词作补语的不同形式3)使役动词作补语的不同形式,34,Thank you!,


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