1、The Chinese animal zodiac,十二生肖,In ancient times,in order to make people easily remember the years,our ancestors came up with an idea using the animals to represent the years.,Origin,A popular folk method which reflected the cyclical method of recording years are the Twelve Animal Signs.Every year is
2、 assigned an animal name or sign according to a repeating cycle:Rat,Ox,Tiger,Rabbit,Dragon,Snake,Horse,Sheep,Monkey,Rooster,Dog,and Boar.,The Chinese animal signs are a 12-year cycle used for dating the years.They represent a cyclical concept of time,rather than the Western linear concept of time.,R
3、at,People born in the Year of the Rat are noted for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex.They work hard to achieve their goals,acquire possessions,and are likely to be perfectionists.They are basically thrifty with money.Rat people are easily angered and love to gossip.Their ambitions are
4、 big,and they are usually very successful.They are most compatible with people born in the years of the Dragon,Monkey,and Ox.,1912,1924,1936,1948,1960,1972,1984,1996,在鼠年出生的人都注意到自己的魅力和对异性的吸引力。他们努力实现自己的目标,获得的财产,都可能是完美主义者。他们基本上都是用钱节俭。鼠人很容易被激怒,爱八卦。他们的野心是很大的,他们通常是非常成功的。与龙,猴,牛的年出生的人是最兼容。,smell a rat 觉得可疑t
5、he rat race 激烈的竞争play cat and mouse with sb.欲擒故纵,(像猫抓耗子似地)欺负(折磨、虐待)某人,People born in the Year of the Ox are patient,speak little,and inspire confidence in others.They tend,however,to be eccentric,and bigoted,and they anger easily.They have fierce tempers and although they speak little,when they do t
6、hey are quite eloquent.Ox people are mentally and physically alert.Generally easy-going,they can be remarkably stubborn,and they hate to fail or be opposed.They are most compatible with Snake,Rooster,and Rat people.,1913年,1925年,1937年,1949年,1961年,1973年,1985年,1997年,OX,在牛年出生的人有足够的耐心,少说话,启发别人的信任。然而,他们往往
7、是偏心,偏执,他们愤怒容易。他们有激烈的脾气,虽然他们很少说话,当他们这样做时,他们是有相当雄辩的。属牛的人是精神上和肉体上的警报。一般随和,他们可以是非常顽固的,他们讨厌失败或反对。他们与数蛇,鸡,鼠的人是最兼容。,a bull in a china shop 经常闯祸的人,笨手笨脚的人take the bull by the horns 不畏艰险like a red rag to a bull 使愤怒till the cows come home 永远地,无限期地kill the fatted calf 热情款待,设宴欢迎,Tiger people are sensitive,given
8、to deep thinking,capable of great sympathy.They can be extremely short-tempered,however.Other people have great respect for them,but sometimes tiger people come into conflict with older people or those in authority.sometimes Tiger people cannot make up their minds,which can result in a poor,hasty de
9、cision or a sound decision arrived at too late.They are suspicious of others,but they are courageous and powerful.Tigers are most compatible with Horses,Dragons,and Dogs.,Tiger,属虎的人是敏感的,深入思考,能够极大的同情。他们可以是脾气极好的。但是,其他人都对他们非常尊重,但有时虎人老年人会与当权者发生冲突。有时属虎的人不能下定决心,这可能会导致在一个贫穷的,草率的决定,或为时已晚抵达健全决策。他们怀疑别人,但他们是勇敢
10、和强大。老虎最兼容的是马,龙,狗。,paper tiger 貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人ride the tiger表示以非常不 确定或危险的方式生活,1914,1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998,Hare,People born in the Year of the Rabbit are articulate,talented,and ambitious.They are virtuous,reserved,and have excellent taste.Rabbit people are admired,trusted,and are often finan
11、cially lucky.They are fond of gossip but are tactful and generally kind.Rabbit people seldom lose their temper.,They are clever at business and being conscientious,never back out of a contract.They would make good gamblers for they have the uncanny gift of choosing the right thing.However,they seldo
12、m gamble,as they are conservative and wise.They are most compatible with those born in the years of the Sheep,Pig,and Dog.,在兔年出生的人能言善道,才华横溢,雄心勃勃。他们是良性的,保留,口感极佳。数兔的人值得钦佩,信任,往往是财政幸运。他们是喜欢八卦,但委婉和一般样。很少发脾气。他们非常聪明和业务兢兢业业,从来没有回合同。他们将做好的赌徒,他们选择正确的事情不可思议的礼物。然而,他们很少赌博,因为他们是保守的和明智的。他们与那些出生在多年的羊,猪,狗是最兼容。,start
13、 a hare 在讨论中提出枝节问题 make a hare of sb.愚弄某人 First catch your hare.勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)。You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hound.不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)。,People born in the Year of the Dragon are healthy,energetic,excitable,short-tempered,and stubborn.They are also honest,sensitive,brave,and they inspire
14、 confidence and trust.Dragon people are the most eccentric of any in the eastern zodiac.They neither borrow money nor make flowery speeches,but they tend to be soft-hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them.They are compatible with Rats,Snakes,Monkeys,and Roosters.,Dragon,在龙年出生的人的健
15、康,精力充沛,脾气好,倔强。他们也诚实,敏感,勇敢,值得信任。他们既不借钱也不花言巧语,但他们往往是心软,有时给别人超出他们自己的优势。他们与老鼠,蛇,猴子,雄鸡兼容。,dragons teeth:相互争斗的根源;排列或多层的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障碍物。the old Dragon:魔鬼,但在外国语言中,赞扬龙的词语非常之少,且含有贬义。如“dragon”指凶暴的人,严厉的人,凶恶严格的监护人,凶恶的老妇人等。以dragon组成的词组也多含贬义,Snake,People born in the Year of the Snake are deep.They say little and pos
16、sess great wisdom.They never have to worry about money;they are financially fortunate.Snake people are often quite vain,selfish,and a bit stingy.Yet they have tremendous sympathy for others and try to help those less fortunate.Snake people tend to overdo,since they have doubts about other peoples ju
17、dgment and prefer to rely on themselves.,They are determined in whatever they do and hate to fail.Although calm on the surface,they are intense and passionate.Snake people are usually good-looking and sometimes have marital problems because they are fickle.They are most compatible with the Ox and Ro
18、oster.,在蛇年出生的人都深沉,拥有大智慧,不会为钱发愁;但是属蛇的人往往很虚荣,自私,有点小气。然而,他们有巨大的同情心、尽力帮助那些不幸的人。有时会过头,因为他们对其他人的的判断有疑虑,宁愿靠自己。会下定决心做任何想做的事,讨厌失败。虽然表面上的平静,实质是激烈的,充满激情。与他们最兼容的是牛和鸡。,to warm a snake in ones bosom.养虎贻患,姑息坏人Johns behavior should him to be a snake.约翰的行为表明他是一个冷酷阴险的人。Take heed of the snake in the grass.草里防蛇。,People
19、 born in the Year of the Horse are popular.They are cheerful,skillful with money,and perceptive,although they sometimes talk too much.The are wise,talented,good with their hands,and sometimes have a weakness for members of the opposite sex.They are impatient and hot-blooded about everything except t
20、heir daily work.They like entertainment and large crowds.They are very independent and rarely listen to advice.They are most compatible with Tigers,Dogs,and Sheep.,Horse,1918,1930,1942,1954,1966,1978,1990,2002,get on the high horse.摆架子,目空一切。2.work like a horse.辛苦的干活。3.horse doctor.兽医、庸医。4.dark horse
21、.黑马,竞争中出人意料的获胜者。,属马的人很受欢迎。虽然他们有时说得太多,但他们性格开朗,善于理财,头脑敏捷。他们聪慧,有才华,善于用双手创造,但不太有异性缘。他们平时暴躁易怒,除了在面对日常工作时。他们喜欢娱乐和热闹。他们独立但很少听劝告。配对生肖有:老虎,狗,羊。,Ram,People born in the Year of Ram are elegant and highly accomplished in the arts.They seem to be,at first glance,better off than those born in the zodiacs other ye
22、ars.But ram year people are often shy,pessimistic,and puzzled about life.They are usually deeply religious,yet timid by nature.Sometimes clumsy in speech,they are always passionate about what they do and what they believe in.Ram people never have to worry about having the best in life for their abil
23、ities make money for them,and they are able to enjoy the creature comforts that they like.Ram people are wise,gentle,and compassionate.They are compatible with Rabbits,Pigs,and Horses.,属羊的人,优雅且具有较高的艺术成就。乍看之下,他们似乎比在其他生肖年出生的人更优秀。但属羊的人往往害羞,悲观,对生活感到困惑。他们虔诚,但生性怯懦。在讲话中,有时笨拙,他们总是对所做的事或者所相信的事物充满热情,属羊的人从来没有担
24、心生活中怎样让自己做到最好因为他们挣钱能力很强,他们随遇而安。属羊的人聪明,温柔,富有同情心。最匹配生肖为兔,猪,马。,As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.偷羊偷羔都是绞(死);偷大偷小统是贼(意指:一不做,二不休)。2.He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.甘心做绵羊,早晚喂豹狼(人弱受人欺)。,People born in the Year of the Monkey are the erratic geniuses of the cycle.Clever,skillfu
25、l,and flexible,they are remarkably inventive and original and can solve the most difficult problems with ease.There are few fields in which Monkey people wouldnt be successful but they have a disconcerting habit of being too agreeable.They want to do things now,and if they cannot get started immedia
26、tely,they become discouraged and sometimes leave their projects.Although good at making decisions,they tend to look down on others.Having common sense,Monkey people have a deep desire for knowledge and have excellent memories.Monkey people are strong willed and their anger cools quickly.They are mos
27、t compatible with the Dragon and Rat.,Monkey,在猴年出生的人往往天赋发挥周期不稳定。他们聪明,娴熟,灵活。他们拥有显著的创造性,并能轻松解决难题。猴的人在某几个领域属难以是成功,但他们有一个令人担心的的习性就是太顺从。他们想到便做,如果他们不能立即上手,他们就会灰心,有时会放弃。虽然善于决策,他们却往往小看别人。猴人有求知欲强烈,记忆力好。猴子的人意志坚强,并且他们容易息怒。是最搭配生肖为龙和鼠。,1.put sbs monkey up.使某人生气,激怒某人2.make a monkey of愚弄3.a monkey with a long tail
28、.抵押;4.get the monkey off.戒除吸毒恶习;5.have a monkey on ones back.毒瘾很深。,Rooster,People born in the Year of the Rooster are deep thinkers,capable,and talented.They like to be busy and are devoted beyond their capabilities and are deeply disappointed if they fail.People born in the Rooster Year are often a
29、 bit eccentric,and often have rather difficult relationship with others.They always think they are right and usually are!They frequently are loners and though they give the outward impression of being adventurous,they are timid.Rooster peoples emotions like their fortunes,swing very high to very low
30、.They can be selfish and too outspoken,but are always interesting and can be extremely brave.They are most compatible with Ox,Snake,and Dragon.,属鸡的人是深刻的思想家,能力强,具有天赋。他们喜好忙碌,喜欢超越自己的能力范围的事,如果失败,他们会深感失望。属鸡的人往往有点古怪,往往与他人的关系紧张。他们总是认为自己是正确的!他们经常是独来独往。虽然他们常常给人以激进冒险的印象但他们非常胆小。属鸡的人的情绪易变,就和他们的跌宕起伏的命运一样。它们有的自私,
31、心直口快,但总是很有趣,而有的非常勇敢的。最搭配生肖为牛,蛇,龙。,1.Cock of the walk/school.支配别人的人;2.a cock of the loft/dunghill.在小天地中称王称霸的人3.Live like fighting cocke.生活很好,尤指吃得好;4.Cock-and-bull story.荒诞的故事,无稽之谈。5.It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.牝鸡司晨,家之不祥(意指:丈夫软弱而一切由妻子作主的家庭是不会幸福的,当然这是一种夫权思想)。,Dog,People b
32、orn in the Year of the Dog possess the best traits of human nature.They have a deep sense of loyalty,are honest,and inspire other people,somewhat selfish,terribly stubborn,and eccentric.They care little for wealth,yet somehow always seem to have confidence because they know how to keep secrets.But D
33、og People are money.They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties.They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues.Dog people make good leaders.They are compatible with those born in the Years of the Horse,Tiger,and Rabbit.,1.Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人2.
34、Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。3.Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残;同室不操戈。,属狗的人具有人性的最佳特点。他们忠诚,诚实,并能鼓励他人,他们知道如何守秘。但属狗的人都有点自私,固执且偏心。他们很少关心钱财,但不知何故,似乎总是有钱。他们情绪冷静但有时在聚会上会显得格格不入。他们能找到事物的缺点,并尖锐地指出来。属狗的人,通常成为优秀的领导者。最般配生肖为马,虎,兔。,Boar,People born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant.Whateve
35、r they do,they do with all their strength.For Boar Year people,there is no left or right and there is no retreat.They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty.They dont make many friends but they make them for life,and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal.The
36、y dont talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge.They study a great deal and are generally well informed.Boar people are quick tempered,yet they hate arguments and quarreling.They are kind to their loved ones.No matter how bad problems seem to be,Boar people try to work them out,honestly if so
37、metimes impulsively.They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep.,属猪的人勇武和英勇。不管他们做什么,他们都全力以赴。对于猪年的人,没有或左或右,也没有退路。他们充满毅力,为人诚实。他们朋友不多,但他们都肝胆相照,有属猪的朋友的人是幸运的,因为他们都很忠诚。他们不多谈,但有强烈的求知欲。他们爱学习,博学广才。属猪的人是急性子,但他们讨厌争论与吵架。他们善待所爱的人。无论问题多么棘手,他们都会试图去解决。最搭配的生肖是兔和羊。,What sign were you born under?你的生肖属什么?I was born in the year of pig.我属猪。,What sign were you born under?,