1、.m值测量中的不确定度的估算Uncertainties in molar linear absorption coefficient of Fe3不确定度分量ComponentA类%A Type%B类%B Type%浓度Concentration杯长pathlength温度Temperature光吸收Measurement of optical absorbance波长(0.1nm)wavelength线性(比尔定律)Fit for Bill law制备程序Preparation of solution试剂纯度Pureness of reagent指数非线性Fit for standard c
2、urve0.类B类分量方根和Both components combined in quadrature at one standard deviation0.32扩展不确定度UExpanded uncertaninty U0.69 (k=2)Frick剂量计测量水井贮源式辐照装置吸收剂量值的不确定度Uncertainties in absorbed dose values in water for a pool type facility by Fricke dosimetry Table 1 U
3、ncertainties in absored dose measuremed by Fricke dosimetry ComponentType A %Type B%G(Fe3+)=1.61(molJ-1)(F3+) 25C to Radiation spectrum(辐射能谱)Variation in spectrophotometer Abs(吸光度测量)Other(其他)-0.27-0.33-0.650. A and Type B combined inquadrature separately(A类B类分量方根和)0.430.84Both
4、components combined in quadrature at one standard deviation(合成标准不确定度)0.94Expanded uncertaninty U(扩展不确定度)1.88(k=2)水井贮源式辐照装置中用Frick国家标准校准传递标准剂量计的不确定度Uncertainties in calibration of transfer standard dosimeters in a pool type facility by Fricke dosimetryTable 3 Uncertainties in calirration of dosimeter
5、 in the pool type facility by Fricke ComponentType A %Type B%Response of Fricke dosimeterFricke剂量计响应)Source position repeatability(源到位重复性)Irradiation time(辐照时间)Decay corrections(半衰期修正)The beam uniformity over dosimeter(射线束在剂量计体积内的均匀性)non-uniforties in standard radiation(标准辐射的不均匀性)-0.500.100.010.500.
6、250.94-0.03-Type A and Type B combined inquadrature separately(A类B类分量方根和)0.760.94Both components combined in quadrature at one standard deviation(合成标准不确定度)1.21Expanded uncertaninty U(扩展不确定度)2.42(k=2)工业辐照装置中用两个为一组的Fricke剂量计 测量吸收剂量值的不确定度评定 Table 4. Uncertainties in absorbed dose values measured in a p
7、roduction irradiator using sets of two Fricke dosimeters不确定度分量component of uncertatintyA类(%)Type AB类(%)type BFricke剂量计的响应Response of Fricke dosimeters 1.00Fricke剂量计响应(2个一组)Response of Fricke dosimeters(set of two dosimeters)0.30温度修正Temperature correction0.50射线能谱差别的影响Effects due to differences in pho
8、ton energy spectra of sources0.50A类与B类分量分别用方和根的方法合成Type A and Type B combined in quadrature separately0.301.22合成标准不确定度Both components combined in quadrature at one standard deviation1.26扩展不确定度Expanded uncertaninty U 2.5%(k=2)备注:重铬酸盐剂量计测量系统校准的不确定度评定Table 1. Uncertainties in calibration of dichromate
9、transfer standard dosimetry system ComponentType A %Type B%1.The values of G and Calibration(使用Fricke校准G值和的校准)2. Component of dosimetry system(剂量计组成) 3. Temperature of dosimetry system(剂量计温度修正)4. Irradiation time (辐照时间)5. Dosimeter response (mean of five dosimeters)(剂量计重复性)6. Polynomiial fit for cal
10、ibration curve (校准曲线的拟合)7. Non-uniforties in standard radiation(标准辐射的不均匀)8. Dose rate and effects due to differences in phonton energy spectra of source(剂量率响应)9. Measurement of specific absorbance (吸光度测量)-0.10.311.00.25-0.301.00.500.50-0.750.20Type A and Type B combined inquadrature separately(A类B类分
11、量方根和)1.121.45Both components combined in quadrature at one standard deviation(合成标准不确定度)1.84Expanded uncertaninty U(扩展不确定度)3.7(k=2) 工业辐照装置中用两个为一组的重铬酸盐剂量计 测量吸收剂量值的不确定度评定 Table 2. Uncertainties in absorbed dose values measured in a production irradiator using sets of two dichromate dosimeters不确定度分量comp
12、onent of uncertatintyA类(%)Type AB类(%)type B重铬酸盐剂量计系统Dichromate dosimetry system 1.121.45重铬酸盐剂量计响应(2个一组)Response of dichromate dosimeters(set of two dosimeters)0.30温度修正Temperature correction0.50射线能谱差别的影响Effects due to differences in photon energy spectra of sources0.50A类与B类分量分别用方和根的方法合成Type A and Typ
13、e B combined in quadrature separately1.161.61合成标准不确定度Both components combined in quadrature at one standard deviation1.99扩展不确定度Expanded uncertaninty U 4.0 %(k=2)备注:电子束装置水中吸收剂量的不确定度评定 Table 1. The uncertainty in absorbed dose in water measured for EB irradiator for radiation processing不确定度分量component
14、 of uncertatintyA类(%)Type AB类(%)type B重铬酸盐剂量计系统Dichromate dosimetry system -1.84辐照稳定度Stability after irradiation0.50辐照条件的影响(不均匀性与减弱)Influence of irradiation condition (Non-uniformity and attenuatiion)0.501.0A类与B类分量分别用方和根的方法合成Type A and Type B combined in quadrature separately0.712.1合成标准不确定度Both comp
15、onents combined in quadrature at one standard deviation2.21扩展不确定度Expanded uncertaninty U 4.5%(k=2)备注:在电子束装置水中用重铬酸盐传递标准剂量计校准FWT-60剂量计的不确定度评定 Table 2. The uncertainty in calibration of FWT-60 dosimeters in EB irradiator using the dichromaters transfer standard 不确定度分量component of uncertatintyA类(%)Type
16、AB类(%)type B重铬酸盐剂量计系统Dichromate dosimetry system -1.84辐照稳定度Stability after irradiation0.50辐照条件的影响(不均匀性与减弱)Influence of irradiation condition (Non-uniformity and attenuatiion)0.501.0FWT-60剂量计的响应Film dosimeter response (set of three dosimeters)0.6-校准曲线的多项拟合polynomial fit for calibration cure 1.0-A类与B类
17、分量分别用方和根的方法合成Type A and Type B combined in quadrature separately1.362.1合成标准不确定度Both components combined in quadrature at one standard deviation2.5扩展不确定度Expanded uncertaninty U 5.0 %(k=2)备注:用FWT-60薄膜剂量计校准EB辐射加工装置吸收剂量的不确定度评定 Table 3. The uncertainty in absorbed dose values in water for EB irradiator f
18、or radiation processing calibrated by FWT-60 radio-chromic film dosimetry不确定度分量component of uncertatintyA类(%)Type AB类(%)type B重铬酸盐剂量计系统Dichromate dosimetry system -1.84比吸光度的测量Measurement specific absorbance 0.501.0剂量计响应的测量重复性Measured repeatability for response of dosimeter0.501.0辐照期间的温度修正Temperature
19、 correction during irradiation 0.51.0湿度的修正Humidity correction-1.0校准曲线的多项拟合Polynomial fit for calibration cure1.0-A类与B类分量分别用方和根的方法合成Type A and Type B combined in quadrature separately1.322.72合成标准不确定度Both components combined in quadrature at one standard deviation3.0扩展不确定度Expanded uncertaninty U 6.0(k=2)备注: