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1、Establishment:(工厂名称)Auditor:Est. No:Address:Accompanied by:Phone/Fax #:Date:The auditor shall evaluate biosecurity by review of supplier policy documenting the compliance to expectations as outlined in the audit document and by observation of policy/program execution.(考评人员通过查看供应商文件体系及操作,评价是否与以下项目相符)

2、Critical Program Requirements(关键的方案要求)Yes/No/NA CommentsThere is a biosecurity program in place.农场有生物安全的计划方案The biosecurity program has a documented process in place to address biosecurity based on the threat of disease in the area.(该生物安全方案包含有形成文件化的程序,以控制和预防区域内的禽病的威胁)There is a procedure in place fo

3、r the rapid and verifiable communication of biosecurity status changes to affected growers. Communication and verification shall be complete within 24 hours.(对受感染的禽群有快速的和可证实的联系方式的程序,以及时改变生物安全的控制方式。联系和实施改变的执行的证实应该在24小时内完成。) If poultry is sourced from a third party, the supplier verifies that the thir

4、d party supplier has a fully functional biosecurity program in place.(如果禽只来于第三方供应,供应商需要证实第三方也有完整的执行良好的生物安全方案.)There is a pest control program in place for each poultry house.(每一栋禽舍场有虫害控制方案.)All poultry houses are proofed against wild bird contact. All birds are under roof and in solid buildings to p

5、revent contact with wild birds. If buildings are not constructed of solid materials, there are screens, etc., in place to prevent this contact.(所有禽舍均有防护设施,以防止与野鸟接触的可能性,所有鸡只均在有顶蓬覆盖的坚固的建筑物内,以防止接触野鸟.如果建筑物留有空隙,须要设置有铁网等设施,以防止与野鸟接触.)During hiring of new employees, or training current employees, company ma

6、kes sure that employees in direct contact with poultry do not own or are associated with any non-commercial poultry of avian species.(公司使用新员工或培训现有员工时,应确保直接与禽只接触的员工不会接触到禽场以外其他禽类动物.)General(一般要求)Yes/No/NACommentsSupplier has communicated biosecurity expectations to growers, hatcheries, feed mills, etc

7、.(供应商已知晓肉鸡场、孵化场、饲料场、对他们的生物安全控制的要求.)There is an internal audit in place by which compliance to bio-security requirements are verified as being met. Corrective action are noted and executed. Results are kept on file.(执行生物安全内部考评方案,证实其与生物安全要求的符合性,纠正行动有注明和执行,结果予以存档.)All persons wear clean footwear (dispo

8、sable boots or washable rubber boots) provided by the company, when entering the bird area of the farm. Footwear is left on the farm.(所有员工进入农场饲养区时,应穿干净水鞋,且水鞋留在农场.)All outside personnel wash and sanitize their hands upon entry and before leaving the bird area of the farm.(所有从场外进入的人员在进入前和离开时均要进行登记和签名,

9、并有专人陪同访问.)Non essential visitors to the complex sign-in (log) and are escorted at all times.(下列非必须的来访人员应禁止进入农场)Non-essential visitors are prevented from entering the farm if:1. They have visited another complex within the last 72 hours(在72小时内有访问另一个禽肉加工厂或禽只农场.)2. They have visited another complex fro

10、m a heightened or maximum security area within the last 7 days.(在7天内有到访另一个高危险地区或受感染的疫区.)FarmYes/No/NACommentsFlock management maintains an “all-in, all-out” approach.(农场采用全进全出养殖模式)Where testing is permitted by law, spike males are serologically confirmed as negative for AI prior to introduction to t

11、he flock.(如果政府允许,小公鸡在进入交配前应做血清检测,以确认AI阴性.) Service technicians maintain a record of each farm visit. Bio-security deficiencies are noted with the corrective actions documented on the Field Service Report(技术服务人员保存每一个农场的访问记录,生物安全缺陷被明确记录,并将纠正行动记录在服务报告上.).Service vehicles are clean and free of clutter.

12、Vehicles are washed and disinfected weekly (includes service crew vehicles).后勤服务车辆保持干净整洁,每周进行清洗和消毒(包含后勤服务员的车辆)All equipment used in production is constructed of easily cleanable materials and is in good condition. Cleaning procedures are documented and available for review.(所有生产设备易于清洗及维持良好状态,有文件化的清洗

13、程序和清洗记录.)All reusable equipment on the broiler farm may be cleaned and disinfected.(肉鸡场所有重复使用的设备可以进行清洗和消毒.)Egg truck drivers are not allowed into the poultry house.(运蛋车司机不能进入禽舍)There are designated cages for the breeder operations.(种鸡有专用鸡笼设备.) Hatchery(孵化场)Yes/No/NACommentsHatchery is clean and in g

14、ood repair (孵化设备干净及维持良好状态.) Chick boxes and delivery buses are washed and disinfected weekly.(鸡苗箱及运苗车每周进行清洗和消毒)Footbaths are in place at the entrance to the hatchery.(孵化场入口设有消毒地)Dead Bird Disposal(死鸡处理)Yes/No/NACommentsA post-mortem inspection is performed on any birds showing suspicious signs of il

15、lness.(对发现怀疑有病的所有鸡只进行剖检)Dead bird disposal is in compliance with local ordinance.(死鸡的处理符合政府法规.)Dead bird disposal procedures are monitored.(死鸡处理程序得到良好管理.)Litter Removal(垫料处理)Yes/No/NACommentsLitter removal is in compliance with local ordinance(垫料处理符合地方法规)There is a documented procedure in place for

16、proper litter management.(有执行一个合适的垫料管理的文件程序.)Live Haul(鸡只运输)Yes/No/NACommentsAfter catching, any remaining birds are culled and disposed of properly.(抓鸡后,所有剩余的鸡只被淘汰和合理处置)Feed Mill(饲料厂)Yes/No/NACommentsFeed truck drivers are not allowed to enter the poultry house.(饲料卡车司机不允许进入禽舍)Feed delivery tickets

17、are not left inside the poultry house. (饲料送货单没有留在禽舍内)Pest Control(虫害控制)Yes/No/NACommentsInsect control programs in place.(有虫害控制方案.)Rodent control programs in place (有鼠害控制方案)Heightened Security Requirements(高危险区的生物安全要求)Policy and procedure in place address element of heightened Security(对高危险区执行的政策和程序

18、)Yes/No/NACommentsNon essential personnel are not allowed on the farm without the approval of the Live Production manager没有现场生产经理的同意,非必须人员不允许进入农场.Service and crew vehicles are washed and disinfected daily, with cabs, tires and undercarriages being disinfected after each farm visit within an affected

19、 area每一次对受感染地区的农场进行访问后,.对人员及后勤服务的车辆要每天清洗和消毒车厢,轮胎和底盘.During heightened security, the cab of the egg trucks must be kept clean and orderly and be disinfected between farms. The entire truck should be washed and disinfected as needed, at least weekly.在高危险期间,运蛋车的车厢必须保持干净和整洁,并在任何两个场的运输中间进行消毒(经消毒后才可进入其农场)

20、,整车至少应每周进行清洗和消毒或根据需要来做.During heightened security, live haul equipment used on affected farms is cleaned and disinfected prior to returning to unaffected farms.在高危险期间,装运设备和车辆在由感染农场进入未感染农场之前,应进行清洁和消毒.During heightened security, all truck drivers must put on company supplied coveralls, hairnets, and w

21、ashable or disposable footwear immediately upon arriving at the farm.在高危险期间,所有卡车司机在抵达农场时,必须立即穿戴公司提供的外套,发罩及可洗的或一次性脚套.During heightened security, processing of affected farms is scheduled at the end of the day/week.在高危险期间,受感染的农场应计划在每天或每周的最后阶段安排屠宰.During heightened security, feed trucks must be washed

22、and disinfected weekly. Trucks, cabs, tires, and undercarriages must be sprayed with disinfectant before and after each visit.在高危险期间,饲料运输车必须每周进行清洗和消毒,在每次卸车前后,对卡车车厢,轮胎和底盘都要进行消毒剂的喷雾.Service technician must wear coveralls, boots, hairnets, etc.技术服务人员必须穿外套,水鞋和发套等.Maximum Security Requirements受感染区的生物安全要求

23、Policy and procedure in addition to those identified at heightened securityYes/No/NACommentsDuring maximum security, all non-essential traffic and personnel is prohibited from visiting the farm.在受感染区所有非必须的交通设施和人员禁止访问农场.During maximum security, a minimum of two weeks of downtime between flocks is uti

24、lized on affected farms.在受感染区,执行至少两周的空栏间隙时间(两批鸡之间)During maximum security, dead birds are wet down with soap and water during transportation. Dead birds would not be transported.在受感染区死鸡不能运出场外During maximum security, all live haul equipment is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected upon leaving the farm.

25、在受感染区,所有运输设备在离开农场是时要进行彻底清洗和消毒Monitoring and Testing ActivitiesYes/No/NACommentsThere are practices in place to monitor production parameters, such as increased mortality, reduced feed and water consumption, and a drop in egg production.有执行监控生产数字变化的方案,如死亡率增加,采食量减少,饮水量减少及产蛋量减少等.Where permitted by local law, at least 11 birds per flock or house are sampled before slaughter and tested in an approved laboratory using a serological or virological AI test.如果政府允许,至少每栋宰前,抽取11只样品,送往认可的化验室,进行AI的血清学和病毒学化验.


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