1、 口腔临床英语会话集一 At the registration (挂号)1我能为您做什么?(您有什么事吗?) What can I do for you? May I help you? Is there any thing we can do for you? What is it? How can we help you?2您哪里不舒服? What is your problem? Whats wrong with you today? Whats troubling you? Whats bothering you?What seems to be the problem? Whats
2、the matter with you? Whats your complaint? What are you suffering from?3您要看牙病吗? Do you want to see a dentist?4您要挂哪个专业的号? Which speciality do you want to register with?5您要拔牙(补牙)吗? Do you want to have your tooth pulled (tooth filled)?6补牙?镶牙(做义齿)?还是洗牙(洁牙)? For a filling? A denture? Or a cleaning?7您以前来过
3、这儿吗? Have you been here before?8这是您第一次到口腔门诊吗? Is this you first visit to this dental clinic?9您是初诊病人吗? Are you a new patient?10谁介绍您来这里的? Who introduced this clinic to you?11您会说英语吗? Do you speak English?12您明白我说的话吗? Do you understand what Im saying? Is there anything else you would like me to explain t
4、o you? Should I explain it again?13下次请带翻译来。 Please come with your interpreter next time。14可以把您的名字告诉我吗? May I have your name?15请拼写您的名字。 Could you spell your name, please?16请告诉我您的住址、电话号码、年龄和职业。 May I have your address, telephone number, age and occupation? Whats you address, telephone number, age and
5、occupation, please?17请告诉我您的电话。 Your telephone number, please.18您在这里做什么工作? What is your work here?19您的年龄? How old are you/20您是哪年出生的? When were you born?21请把您的姓名和出生日写在这张卡上。 Please write your name and date of birth on this card.22请写上您的全名。 Please write down your full name.23请填写这张记录卡。 Please fill out thi
6、s record card.24您有挂号证吗? Do you have a registration card?25您记得您的挂号证号吗? Do you remember your card number?26上次您什么时候来的? When did you come last?27您打算在中国逗留一段时间吗? Are you going to stay in China for a while?28您将在中国呆多久? How long will you live in China?29您准备在这里呆多久? How long do you intend to stay here?30你有中国的健
7、康保险吗? Do you have a Chinese health insurance?31请出示您的健康卡。 Please show me your health insurance card.32您预约了吗? Do you have an appointment?33今天已经预约满了。 We are fully booked today.34您愿意等一会儿吗? Could you wait for a while、35请稍等。 7Wait a moment, please.36您愿意等几分钟吗? Would you wait a few minutes? May I be excused
8、 for a while?37我很快回来。 Ill come back right away.38请把卡放在桌子上等我叫您。 Please put your card on the desk and wait until we call you.39每次您来挂号时,请出示这张卡。 Please show this card at the registration desk every time you come.40谁替您付款? Who is paying?41单位给您报销吗? Can you charge it to your organization?42他们给你报销吗? Will the
9、y reimburse you?43请交挂号费。 Please pay for the registration.44这是收据和找回的钱。 Here is your receipt and change.45您有零钱吗? Do you have any small change?46这是您的挂号证。请不要遗失,每次来时带着它。 This is your registration card. Please dont lose it and bring it here whenever you come.47请在候诊室等待。 Please wait in the waiting room.48请坐
10、。 Please have a seat. Please sit down. Would you take a seat?49医生很快就会给您看了。 The doctor will see you soon.50医生现在正在看病人。 The doctor is now with a patient.51该您看病了。 Its your turn now.52下一个就轮到您了。 Your turn is next.53在您前面还有两个病人。 There are two more patients before you.54我们比预约表慢了些。 We are running a little beh
11、ind the schedule.55您能等二十分钟吗? Can you wait for twenty minutes?56您前面那个病人情况较复杂。对不起,你至少还得等半个小时。 The patient before you is a rather complicated case. Im sorry you will have to wait at least half an hour.57很抱歉,让您等了这么久。 Im sorry to have kept you waiting. so long.58请跟我来。 Please come (in) this way. Please co
12、me with me.59请您进治疗室。 Please come into the treatment room, will you?二Directions for the position, manner and action(椅位,方式和行为的指导)1请您坐这个牙椅。Please sit down in this chair.2我把牙椅向后倾斜点。 I will lean the chair back.3我将抬高牙椅。 I will bring the chair up.4请您向上些。 Please slide up the chair.5请您向下些。 Please slide down
13、the chair.6这种椅位,您感觉舒服吗? Are you comfortable in this position?7我给您系上胸巾。 Ill place an apron on you.8我给您解下胸巾。 Ill take your apron.9请抬起头。 Please lift your head.10请把头向后靠。 Please put your head back.11请把头向右转。 Please turn your head to the right.12请把头向左转。 Please turn your head to the left.13请保持头直立。 Please ke
14、ep your head straight.14请向后仰头。 Please tilt your head back.15请收下颌。 Please tuck your chin.16请张嘴。 Please open your mouth.17请把嘴张大些。 Please open your mouth a little wider.18尽可能张大嘴。 Open your mouth as wide as possible.19请保持张嘴状态。 Please keep your mouth open.20请闭些嘴。 Please close your mouth a little.21请闭嘴。 P
15、lease close your mouth.22请咬合。 Bite down, please.23请咬后牙。 Tap your back teeth together.24请左右错(牙合)。 Move your jaw to the right and left.25向前伸下颌。 Slide your lower jaw forward.26请保持咬合状态。 Please keep the teeth together.27放松自己,使自己感觉舒服。 Relax and make yourself comfortable.28请放松舌头。 Please relax your tongue.2
16、9请放松下颌。 Please relax your jaw.30请放松肩膀。 Please relax your shoulders.31如果疼痛,请举起您的左手。 Please raise your left hand if you feel pain.32请漱口。 Rinse your mouth, please.三Questions about medical history(既往史的询问)1首先,我需要了解您的全身健康状况和过敏史。 First, I will ask you about your general health and al-lergies.2您现在身体状况如何? Ar
17、e you in good health now? How are your health conditions now? (Excellent, Average, Poor) How is your general health condition at present?3您现在看医生了吗? Are you under a doctors care now?4您现在接受治疗了吗? Are you receiving medical treatment now?5你有什么慢性病? Do you have any chronic disease?6我想了解您的既往史。 I want to ask
18、 you about your medical history. How have you been? How have you been feeling in general? How is your general health? Have you ever had a serious illness? Have you suffered from any previous illness?7您有手术史吗? Have you ever had an operation? Have you had any operations in the past?8您受过外伤吗? Have you ha
19、d any serious accidents or injuries?9您输过血吗? Have you ever had a blood transfusion?10您有心脏病、肝病和肾病吗? Do you have or have you ever had the disease of heart, liver and kidney?11您有高血压病史吗? Are you suffering from hypertension? Have you ever had high blood pressure?12您有糖尿病吗? Have you had diabetes?13您还有其他疾病吗?
20、 Have you had any other illness? Is there anything else that bothers you?14您发烧了吗? Do you have a fever?15您的食欲怎样? How is your appetite? What is your appetite like?16您有吞咽困难的现象吗? Do you have any trouble in swallowing food?17您目前服用药物吗? Are you taking any form of medication regularly? Are you taking any me
21、dicines or drugs? Do you take any medication regularly?18您怀孕了吗? Are you pregnant?19您的月经规律吗? Is your menstrual cycle regular? How are your periods?20您末次月经是哪天? When did your last period begin?21您有过敏史吗? Do you have an allergy? Are you allergic (sensitive) to anything? Are you allergic (sensitive) to an
22、y particular medicine? Are there any medications you cannot take? Have you ever had any reactions to a medicine or a shot?22您用过麻醉药吗? Have you ever had an injection for anesthesia?23您有过伤口或拔牙创口出血不止的经历吗? Have you ever had abnormal bleeding from an injury or a tooth extraction?24您有过与治牙相关的并发症吗? Have you
23、ever had complications from dental treatment?四Questions about general symptoms(一般症状的询问)1您哪里不舒服? What is your trouble (problem)? What is the matter? What is wrong with you?2. 能描述一下您的症状吗? Would you describe your symptoms? Tell me what symptoms you have? Can you tell me more about it?3. 您第一次发现这种情况是什么时候
24、? When did you first notice such conditions? When did the symptom start? When did you first notice anything wrong? How and when did you illness begin?4您在其他医院看过吗? Have you already attended another hospital with your problem?5请告诉我医院的名字、治疗方法和时间。 Please tell me the name of the hospital, the period and t
25、he type of treatment you received.6您什么时候接受治疗的?告诉我您的症状。 When were you under the care of the doctor recently, tell me the symptoms you hed.7您什么时候肿成这样的? When did you become swollen up like this?8出血多长时间了? How long did it bleed?9您最后一次治牙是什么时候? When did the tooth last have dental treatment? When was the la
26、st time you went to a dental treatment?10最后一次做口腔检查是什么时候? When was your last dental check-up?五Questions about pain(疼痛的询问)1您哪颗牙痛? Where is the pain? Where does it hurt? Which tooth is painful?2这颗牙什么时候开始痛的? When did the tooth start to hurt?3牙痛多长时间了? How long have you been with pain? How long does the p
27、ain last?4您能感觉出它是怎么痛的吗? What kind of pain did you feel?5您曾有过这样的疼痛吗? Have you ever had a pain like this before?6您现在感觉它是怎么痛的? What kind of pain do you feel now?7您能描述一下您的疼痛吗? Can you describe the pain?8哪里最痛? Where exactly is your pain? Where do you feel the pain most?9疼痛向其他地方放射吗? Does it spread anywher
28、e else? Does the pain go anywhere else? Does the pain stay in one place?10它是哪种疼痛? What kind of pain is it? What is the pain like?11它是钝痛吗? Would you describe the pain as a dull pain? Is it a dull pain?12是锐痛吗? Is it a sharp pain?13是跳痛吗? Is it a throbbing pain?14是间断疼痛吗? Does it come and go?15是突发的疼痛吗? D
29、id the pain come on suddenly?16什么时候开始痛的? When did it hurt?17对冷水敏感吗? Was it sensitive to cold water?18对甜食敏感吗? Was it sensitive to sweet food?19吃饭和喝水时痛吗? Did it hurt after eating and drinking?20当您吃热的食物时痛吗? Did it hurt when you eat hot food?21夜间疼痛会加重吗? Did it hurt more at night? Did the pain interfere
30、with sleep?22疼痛使您不能入睡吗? Did the pain keep you awake at night?23怎么能缓解疼痛呢? What can make the pain relieved? Did anything make the pain relieved?24镇痛药能减轻疼痛吗? Did a painkiller help to relieve the pain?25您经常服用哪种镇痛药?服用的频率? What sort of painkiller and how often did you take?26您有咀嚼痛吗? Did pressure make it h
31、urt?27当我叩您的牙时有痛感吗? Do you feel pain when I tap on this tooth?28当您感觉疼痛时请告诉我。 Let me know if you feel pain.29现在疼吗?Are you in pain now?30以前有过这样的疼痛吗? Have you ever had a pain like this before? Did it ever hurt before?31您有特别痛的地方吗? Do you have a special pain anywhere?六Questions about periodontal disease(牙
32、周病的询问)1您的牙龈曾出过血吗? Did you have any bleeding from your gums?2刷牙时牙龈出血吗? Did your gums bleed when you brush your teeth?3吃硬食物时,比如说吃苹果,牙龈出血吗? Did your gums bleed when you eat hard food, like an apple?4这种情况持续多长时间了? How long have you had this condition?5是不明原因的出血吗? Did the gums bleed for no apparent reason
33、at all?6您皮肤上有出血点吗? Have you noticed any bleeding spots on your skin?7您喜欢硬食物还是软食物? Which do you like better, hard or soft food?8您偏好什么食物? Do you have any particular food preferences?9您有过牙龈不舒服的情况吗? Did your gums ever feel uncomfortable?10您的牙龈肿胀过吗? Did your gums sometimes swell?11您塞牙吗? Did food get caug
34、ht between your teeth?12您感觉哪颗牙松动了? Do you feel any of your teeth loose?13您感觉牙正在变得松动吗? Do you feel tooth is getting loose?14您注意到您是否有口呼吸吗? Do you notice that you breathe through your mouth?15您打呼噜吗?Do you snore?16您有夜间磨牙的习惯吗? Do you have a habit of grinding your teeth at night?17您有紧咬牙的习惯吗? Do you have a
35、 habit of clenching your teeth?18您的家人有患牙龈病的吗? Do you have anyone in your family who had serious gum disease?19有医生告诉过您,您患有牙龈炎或牙周炎吗? Has a dentist ever told you that you have gingivitis or periodontitis?20您针对牙龈炎或牙周炎治疗过吗? Have you ever been treated for gingivitis or periodontitis?七Questions about tempo
36、romandibular joint dysfunction(关节功能紊乱的询问)1您有以下什么症状:关节弹响,头痛,肩膀僵直或失眠? Do you have any of the following symptoms: noise in the joints, headache, a stiff shoulder, or sleepless at night?2什么症状最严重? What is the worst condition now?3什么时候发现下颌有问题的? When did you find the jaw problem? Since when have you had th
37、is condition?4最初的症状和现在的一样吗? Were the symptoms you had initially the same as they are now?5当你发现下颌有问题时,您还注意到了其他问题吗? Did you notice any special occasion when you experienced the jaw problem?6现在您感觉张口困难吗? Do you feel that it is difficult to open your mouth now?7您什么时候发现张口困难的? When did you feel it difficul
38、t to open your mouth?8当您张口时,关节有弹响吗? Do your joint sound strange when you open your mouth?9我按压的部位痛吗? Do you feel sore here when I press this place?10现在关节区疼痛吗? Do you feel any pain now?11您的咬(牙合)力量总是很大吗? Do you always bite strongly?12您曾被告知有磨牙症吗? Have you ever been told that you grind your teeth?13您通常用哪
39、一侧咀嚼食物? On which side of your mouth do you chew most often when you eat food?14直到出现症状时,您通常用哪侧咀嚼食物? On which side of your mouth did you chew until you felt the symptoms?八Questions about oral mucosa disease(口腔粘膜病的问诊)1您有过反复口腔溃疡的历史吗? Do you have the history of recurrent ulceration?2您多长时间出现一次口腔溃疡? How of
40、ten does the ulceration flare up?3每次口腔溃疡大约持续多长时间? How long does the ulceration usually last?4除了反复口腔溃疡外,您全身还有哪些不舒服? Do you have any other malaise except for oral recurrent ulceration?5您的疼痛感是像被开水烫过那样的灼烧痛吗? Is the pain like the feeling scalded by the hot water?6您颊粘膜上的白色斑块出现多长时间了? How long have you had
41、the white plaque on the buccal membrane?7您颊粘膜上的糜烂面出现多长时间了?When did you find the erosion area on your buccal membrane?8您舌头痛吗?Did you feel any pain on your tongue?9您的嘴唇什么时候肿的? When did your lip swell?10您的嘴唇总是反复干燥脱屑吗? Is your lip always desquamative?11您的嘴唇痒吗? Did you feel itching on your lip?12您感觉口干吗?
42、Did you have dry mouth?13您口干的现象有多长时间了? How long have you felt mouth dryness?14您吞咽干性食物需要同时饮水吗? Did you need drink water to swallow dry food?九X-ray(X线检查)1我将给您的牙齿拍个X线片看看牙内情况。 I will take an X-ray to check inside the tooth.2我将给您的颌骨拍个X线片以了解颌骨内的情况。 Ill take an X-ray to confirm the condition of your jaw bo
43、ne.3我想通过X线片来看看这颗牙齿的一些细节情况。 I want to examine the tooth in detail by an X-ray.4我将给您的牙齿拍个X线片来测量牙根的长度。 Ill take an X-ray to measure the length of the root.5最后一次拍X线片是什么时候? When was the last time you had an X-ray?6请摘下眼镜,取出义齿,把它们放到这儿。 Please take off your glasses, take out your denture, and place them her
44、e.7我将给您围上铅围裙。 Ill place a lead apron on you.8我将在您的嘴里放一张感光胶片。 Ill put a film for a little while.9请按住胶片。 Please press the film for a little while.10您可能感觉有点痛,请坚持。 You may feel a little pain, but please be patient.11请用您的示指抵住胶片。 Please hold the X-ray film with your index finger.12请用您的拇指抵住胶片。 Please use y
45、our thumb to hold it.13请别动,坚持一下。Dont move for a while, please.14请坚持一下。 Please stay still for a moment.15现在,我要照了。 Now, Im taking an X-ray.16我将取出胶片。 Ill take the film out.17我将拿掉围裙。 Ill take your apron off.18谢谢您的合作。 Thank you for your help.19别忘了您的眼镜和义齿。 Dont forget your glasses and denture.20X线片会几分钟后洗出来。 The X-ray will be developed in a few minutes.21. 我将阅读您的X线片。 Ill examine your X-ray.22请看这张X线片。 Please look at this X-ray film.23这张X线片显示有个龋洞。 The X-ray shows a cavity.24. 黑色地方就是