Proposal Template-Chinese.ppt

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《Proposal Template-Chinese.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Proposal Template-Chinese.ppt(75页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、建议书旨在:面对准确的企业组织评估战略选择;制定一份为执行管理层的战略商务计划;准备一份全面的企业运行评估。,2002年2月21日,插入企业名称,内容,本文件是对您提出的工作内容作出的回应,并且代表了我们对您的正式建议。,本部分总结了我们独特定位的原因,和完成这个重要项目的资格证明。,我们是唯一有能力做这项工作的人.,我们有对列在本项目下的事项有深入的理解。卡耐基咨询公司是一家专精于为小型到中型家庭所有制企业提供战略和绩效服务的专业咨询公司。,理 解,我们提供独特领域的技能,包括由有效的咨询方法、有力的分析工具和我们的项目管理能力所支持的商业、财务和市场营销专长。,技 能,选出的咨询团队代表了

2、对本工作所需技能和经验的平衡。团队具有与客户共同工作和通过实用解决方案为客户带来增值效应的共同理念,团 队,我们对于该领域有着丰富的经验,并有着与该行业、类似客户一起工作的丰富经验。,经 验,我们的理念,我们将我们在战略、财务和经营咨询的技能相结合,以为贵公司的问题提供低成本、高质量的解决方案。,战略,财务,经营,家庭中小企业,本部分说明了我们对该项目背景的理解并突出了需要述及的重要事宜。,导言背景和主要事宜我们的方法和建议的工作方案TOR1时间、资源估算和费用我们的公司和经验我们的团队,我们需要提出的一些事项,我们的初始EOI已在工作范围1中提交本建议书提供了本项目工作计划的详细资料我们也希










12、顾问小时而产生的专业人员时间总费用为$11,240,工作范围1的费用是.,阶段4会需要16个咨询顾问小时而产生的专业人员时间总费用为$2,820阶段5会需要78个咨询顾问小时而产生的专业人员时间总费用为$12,660因此总共是$59,450包括 VAT,整个项目建议的时间安排表.,在每个项目里程碑处,会有一个阶段性报告、演示或筹划指导委员会会议。在开始之前的项目规划阶段会与贵方达成关于准确细节的共识。,项目里程碑,提交成果,导致变化发生的因素清单对企业模式失败原因的理解各种选择的清单确定最佳选择提出一个如何前进的建议,结束方向企业模式定义经营计划财务预测,重点改进领域清单节约领域清单为获得利润

13、的方案清单10个主要业绩领域,整个项目的费用是.,我们确认如果贵方希望我们继续完成所有三个项目,我们会对工作范围1给予20%的折扣,即为$47,500如果贵方选择我们进行工作范围2和3的话(另外地),您投入到工作范围2中的会是$36,000,而且工作范围3的费用也将是$36,000。如果该费用对企业来说难以承受,我们很乐于与贵方讨论缩减需要的工作范围。例如,这可以通过使用贵方员工在我们监督下进行项目的方式来达到要求。,我们团队由极具相关经验的高素质人员组成.,准确企业结构,Jenny Wheatley合伙人主管,Anthea Moffat团队领导,Brenton Siviour,David F


15、5年。自那时起至今,战略咨询和企业发展团队已经在中小企业战略咨询和规划方面赢得了卓越的信誉。卡耐基咨询已经帮助过超过500家企业并且已协助客户获得超过$1,000,000 的政府基金。,卡耐基咨询公司的导言 近期项目合同,公司为领域广泛的问题和行业提供咨询业务。在过去12个月中进行过的主要任务包括:为一个产值为1500万美元的物流企业制定公司重组;为一家希望建立特许经营体系的印刷企业制定战略计划;为一家出版社进行多元化经营的战略分析;一家意欲多元化经营并扩张业务的文具企业进行财务分析。,此部分描述了咨询团队参与此项目所具备的优势和技能。卡耐基咨询拥有在印刷行业的宝贵经验,这将在本项目得以运用。

16、,我们乐于提供一支拥有与您要求直接相关的经验丰富的高素质团队.,姓名:Brenton Siviour职位:咨询顾问公司:卡耐基咨询项目职责:咨询顾问和财务分析员,专业技能:商务计划企业风险评估 公司战略管理会计,行业:纸浆、纸张和卡纸制造厂印刷和相关支持活动,资历和协会会员:注册会计师协会会员管理顾问协会会员企业学学士(公司法和会计专业),Brenton先生是受训于“五大”事务所的企业顾问。他已在过去12年内为国内和国际性公司提供过领域广泛的咨询服务,包括公司重组、企业多元化、战略规划和企业康复,其中他在过去12个月里做过的主要项目包括:为一家物流企业做重组可行性分析;为一家产值为1500万美

17、元的清洁承包商制定战略计划;为一家意欲多元化经营其企业的食品生产商提供财务分析;为一个印刷特许连锁经营商做行业分析和评估。,姓名:David Foster职位:高级战略咨询顾问公司:卡耐基咨询项目职责:高级战略咨询顾问,专业技能:商务计划企业风险评估 公司管理公司战略,行业:印刷和相关支持活动信息服务,资历和协会会员:工商管理硕士注册会计师协会会员商务学士,David在咨询行业有超过15年的经验。他专长于战略制定、行业部门分析和现金流量资助以及预测战略。过去5年中他担任着卡耐基咨询的高级咨询顾问。在过去几年中他完成过的主要项目包括:为印刷行业做行业部门分析;为一家产值为1400万美元的数码印刷

18、企业做融资分析;为一家希望在国内扩张的物流企业做战略咨询;为一个希望进行特许经营的印刷连锁商做企业战略。,我们乐于提供一支拥有与您要求直接相关的经验丰富的高素质团队.,姓名:Jenny Wheatley职位:合伙人公司:卡耐基咨询职责:合伙人主管,专业技能:并购和兼并企业风险评估 公司康复 包括公司救援公司战略,行业:印刷和相关支持活动 计算机和外设生产,资历和协会会员:注册会计师协会理事工商管理硕士管理顾问协会理事,Jenny 在咨询行业有15年经验。她在1998年被任命为卡耐基咨询的合伙人。Jenny 是一位在咨询行业倍受尊敬的人物,并担任数家企业的董事。她的专业领域包括公司康复和战略规划

19、。她拥有一个行业经验深厚的基础并且在近年里专攻的有如下行业:印刷;信息技术软件开发;物流;零售,我们乐于提供一支拥有与您要求直接相关的经验丰富的高素质团队.,姓名:Anthea Moffat职位:高级咨询顾问公司:卡耐基咨询职位:团队领导,专业技能:商务计划企业流程改进 企业风险评估 公司战略,行业:印刷和相关支持活动报纸、期刊、图书、数据库出版商,资历和协会会员:工商管理硕士(高级的,市场营销专业)会计高等证书;澳大利亚特许经营理事会执行委员会成员,Anthea 在会计和企业管理中有逾12年经验。其间,她先后做过会计、企业发展和企业咨询职位。Anthea 于2001年3月加入卡耐基咨询。在过

20、去12月里,她参与了以下几个行业的主要项目:印刷;特许经营;专业服务;物流管理,我们乐于提供一支拥有与您要求直接相关的经验丰富的高素质团队.,insert business name,A Proposal to:Assess the strategic options facing Precise Business Forms;Develop a Strategic Business Plan for Print Management;andPrepare a full Operational Review of the business.,21 February,2002,Contents,

21、IntroductionBackground and Key IssuesOur Approach and Suggested Work Program TOR 1Timing,Resource Estimates and FeesOur Firm and ExperienceOur Team,This document is in response to your terms of reference and represents our formal proposal to you.,IntroductionBackground and Key IssuesOur Approach and

22、 Suggested Work Program TOR 1Timing,Resource Estimates and FeesOur Firm and ExperienceOur Team,This section summarizes why we are uniquely positioned and qualified to undertake this important study.,We Are Uniquely Qualified To Undertake This Work.,We have a deep understanding of the issues underlyi

23、ng this study.Carnegie Consulting is a specialist consultancy focusing on strategic and performance issues for small to medium sized family owned businesses.,Understanding,We offer a unique range of skills including business,finance and marketing expertise,supported by proven consulting methodologie

24、s,strong analytical tools and our project management capability.,Skills,The consulting team chosen represents a balance of the skills and experience required for this job.The team shares common philosophies of working with clients and adding value through practical solutions.,Team,We have extensive

25、experience in the areas underlying this study,having worked extensively with clients in your position and in this industry.,Experience,Our Philosophy,We combine our skills in strategy,finance and operations consulting in order to provide cost-effective quality solutions for your business issues.,Fam

26、ily SME,IntroductionBackground and Key IssuesOur Approach and Suggested Work Program TOR 1Timing,Resource Estimates and FeesOur Firm and ExperienceOur Team,This section demonstrates our understanding of the background to the study and highlights key issues that will need to be addressed.,There Are a

27、 Number of Issues We Would Like to Raise,Our original EOI was submitted for Terms of Reference#1This proposal provides a detailed workplan for this projectWe also wish to express our interest in completing the entire project(3 terms of reference)We understand that the entire project must be complete

28、d within 30 days.Our proposal details how we would undertake the project within 21 days,allowing 1 week for review and adjustmentWe have provided an investment summary which details both options for you.A 20%discount will apply if the entire project is awarded to Carnegie Consulting,There Are a Numb

29、er of Key Issues Underlying This Study.,Declining margins and increasing overheadsLoss-making situationRevenue drivers are sub-optimalCompetition within the industry is intenseLarge number of product lines(some products may be unprofitable)Sub-optimal strategic planning systemsSub-optimal management

30、 skillsTechnological advancements that threaten to leave PBF behindFamily issues influencing the business and causing some shareholder discontent,Extremely price sensitive,ManySuperstores with better purchasing power,Industry,Technology,Other Environmental Elements,Family Environment,Customers,Compe

31、titors,Market saturationHighly competitive,low barriers,Your strategy will need to address these,Shareholder discontentFamily relationships impacting the business,Fast pace of changeObsolete technology being used,Economic pressure,Precise Business FormsCash Flow RestraintsSub-Optimal Management Skil

32、lsSub-optimal product line management and stock controlCreditor strain 120 days,Working Through the Study Will Require a thorough Understanding of a Complex Web of Issues,Developments,Trends and Positions,IntroductionBackground and Key IssuesOur Approach and Suggested Work Program TOR 1Timing,Resour

33、ce Estimates and FeesOur Firm and ExperienceOur Team,This section describes our approach to the study,defines the deliverables and provides an overview of the work program.,Our Approach to This Study Satisfies Your Terms of Reference.,Review the external environmental issuesAnalyse the original busi

34、ness model of PBF and identify the reasons for its failure in recent timesPerform an analysis of the three alternate business models proposed by NoelAssess the options for PBF-which strategy,if any,should it pursueProvide a recommendation for the way forward,What are the external environmental facto

35、rs facing PBF?,Why has the original business model failed?,What are the strategic options for PBF?,How should the options be evaluated?,What is the way forward?,This Provides a Logical Structure For Our Workplan.,PHASE,WORKSTEPS,DELIVERABLE,Review the industry,Review the competitive environment,Revi

36、ew the impact of technology,Assess the family circumstances,Review the vision,strategy and structure of PBF,Assess PBFs Marketing strategy,Assess the Products and Services strategy,Determine the profit dynamics of the business,Identify all alternatives,Determine a fallback position if options are no

37、t acceptable,Establish evaluation criteria,Review each option against the prioritised evaluation criteria,Select the preferred option(s),Develop a plan to move forward,Allocate resources and time lines,Communicate,What are the external environmental factors facing PBF?,Why has the original business

38、model failed?,What are the strategic options for PBF?,How should the options be evaluated?,What is the way forward?,A list of the factors causing change,An understanding of the reasons for business model failure.,A list of the options,Identify the preferred option.,A recommendation as to the way for

39、ward.,Phase One:What are the external environmental factors facing PBF?,What are the external environmental factors facing PBF?,Why has the original business model failed?,What are the strategic options for PBF?,How should the options be evaluated?,What is the way forward?,DELIVERABLE,A list of the

40、factors causing change,Review the industry,Facilitate an assessment of the market size by reference to ABS and external information including industry associations,journals,websites(e.g.IBIS)Facilitate an assessment of the industry structure including the value chain,horizontal and vertical integrat

41、ion,regulatory constraints and the level of fragmentation and concentrationReview the industry attractiveness including the current and future profitability and plot PBF against the industry life cycle curveFacilitate a customer profile including age,demographics,income levels,loyalty and lock in.,R

42、eview the competitive environment,Assess the rivalry amongst firms in the industryAssess the relationship of customers and suppliers in the industryAssess any potential product substitutesConsider barriers to entry for new entrants,Review the impact of technology,Assess the impact of technological d

43、evelopments on the products being delivered to the marketDetermine the impact on the market(access to customers,distribution and channels)Assess the impact on business processesReview the impact of informative systems,management information,customer relationships and management,Assess the family cir

44、cumstances,Review the issues surrounding entry and exit of family membersReview the financial position of the family membersReview the succession plans of the family membersReview intentions and goals of family members,Phase Two:Why has the original business model failed?,What are the external envir

45、onmental factors facing PBF?,Why has the original business model failed?,What are the strategic options for PBF?,How should the options be evaluated?,What is the way forward?,DELIVERABLE,An understanding of the reasons for business model failure.,Review or construct the vision,strategy and structure

46、 of PBF,Review the vision(if any)Review the current strategyReview the current structure,Assess PBFs Marketing strategy,Review alignment of Marketing strategy(pricing,branding,distribution and promotional)to business goalsConduct a Pareto analysis of the current customer baseDetermine the customer s

47、election criteria,Assess the Products and Services strategy,Review alignment of Product and Service strategy(life cycles,revenue dependency,supply chain)to business goalsConduct a Pareto analysis on the product lines(profitability)Determine the working capital requirements of each product line,Deter

48、mine the profit dynamics of the business,Assess the cash flow requirements of the businessReview the breakeven point by product and service line and consolidated,Phase Three:What are the strategic options for PBF?,What are the external environmental factors facing PBF?,Why has the original business

49、model failed?,What are the strategic options for PBF?,How should the options be evaluated?,What is the way forward?,DELIVERABLE,A list of the options,Identify all alternatives,Review business model number one-print managementReview business model number two-horizontal consolidation(i.e.purchase comp

50、etitors)Review business model number three-Digital printingConsider other options e.g.exit the industry,Determine a fallback position if options are not acceptable,Consider operational review including eliminate unprofitable products,reduce working capital requirements,implement cost saving strategi


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