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1、Unit 1 Lesson One Body language,Revision,Chinese,English/British,Britain,Japan,Japanese,French,France,Russia,Russian,Tom is from-So he is-And he speaks-,Germany,German,Australia,English/Australian,the US,English/American,Canada,English and French/Canadian,Alice is from-So she is-And she speaks-,1 Ma

2、tch the body language with their meanings.,Pre-reading,While-reading,2.Skim the text,then answer the following question:What is the writers opinion on the importance of body language?,Body language is an important form of communication that is used everywhere,1st reading:,1.What kinds of body langua

3、ge are mentioned in this paragraph?And what are their meanings?,3.Read Para.1 and answer the question.,People nod their heads to show agreement and put their fingers up to their mouths to ask for silence.,2nd reading,How do people in the West show they dont understand?What do the Japanese do when th

4、ey greet each other?,Read Para.2 and answer the questions.,People shrug their shoulders to show they dont understand.,They bow to show respect when they greet each other.,Are many travellers sure how to bow and when to bow while in Japan?How do people greet new friends in Europe?,Read Para.3 and ans

5、wer the questions.,No,they arent.,New friends are often greeted with a kiss on the cheek by Europeans.Two men usually shake hands and put their free hand on each others shoulders.,4 Complete the table according to the text.,agreement,care,understand,put finger up to mouth,western cultures,3rd readin

6、g,respect,Asia/Asian countries,Japan,kiss,shake hands,4th-reading,Listen to the tape,and try to repeat after it.,post-reading,Group work:Work in a group of 4,try to retell the text,the following words can help you,Important form of communication,nod heads,agreement.Ask for silenceis used differently

7、,in western cultures,in Asian countries as important as communicate with,Nod your head 点头Shrug your shoulder 耸肩Kiss sb on the cheek 亲脸Shake hands 握手 put thumbs up 竖大拇指,show agreement show you dont care about something greet each other greet each other Praise others,-ing-is used to-,用be used to do 连接

8、,Talk about the body languages and meanings in the text in pairs,Clap hands 鼓掌Pat shoulders 拍肩膀Cross arms 交叉双臂Put their fingers up to their mouth把手指放在嘴上Bow 鞠躬,encourage others show support show anger ask for silence show respect,-ing-is used to-,Self-assessment,Homework,1听录音大声朗读课文2将复述的课文内容整理在作业本上。,Thank you,


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