1、外文翻译:企业失败的原因和症状原文来源:Jaroslaw Ropega ,Published online: 20 July 2011 ,International Atlantic Economic Society 2011 译文正文:摘要在分析企业失败的原因以及过程的时候,我们可以看到一种模式,即管理层没有及时注意到危机局势,造成应对措施的延误或失败,最终导致公司倒闭。公司发展的临界值出现于公司成长和发展的过程中,同时往往与危机相互关联。在许多情况下,未来危机的症状先于危机出现。所以企业家对这些症状及时进行分析和理解,可能有助于降低中小企业部门发生危机以及经营失败的概率。【关键词】中小企业
2、生意失败失败的原因失败的症状绪论事实表明大约只有50的小型企业在初步建立(Watson 2003)前3年之后仍然持续贸易。虽然经营失败发生于各种规模的企业,但是小企业面临更大的威胁,因为他们根本就没有额外的资金,也不像规模较大的公司那样通常会有自己的资源支持,原因是他们从银行业金融机构的融资能力极差。经营失败并不总是由于公司自身的业务问题,也可能发生的连锁效应,受到其他相关企业的商业活动的影响,例如,供应商和客户。因此,重要的是在问题没有发展到难以解决之前,意识到到经营失败的早期迹象。企业家制定和执行公司的政策,它涵盖有战略和投资,营销和销售,财务和人力资源等方面。企业家/经理缺乏进取心或者相
3、关领域的管理技能和个人技能,会带来一些意想不到但可能会降低公司生存机会的问题。生意失败的定义正如许多学者所指出的,文献中并不存在生意失败了明确的定义(Sharma 和 Mahajan 1980)。对于组织的失败是什么,它如何发生,其后果并没有明确的共识(Cameron等1988;Weitzel 和 Jonsson 1989),更不用说学科之间单独协议。已用于文献中一些定义包括:组织死亡,退出或死亡(Swaminathan 1996),组织崩溃(Argenti 1976),Laitinen(莱蒂宁1991),下降(howdhury 和 Lang 1993)。我们可以在文献中找到失败的两个极端定义
4、:因任何理由终止业务或以正式破产程序而终止业务。(Watson 2003)这两个极端之间,还有一些进一步的定义,例如,终止业务以防止更多的损失(Ulmer和Nielsen 1947),以及未能走出亏损(Cochran 1981)。应当指出,由研究人员使用的失败定义一般取决于可用的数据的性质。为了更好地理解失败的根源,并为今后的预防,重要的是理解企业为什么失败和如何失败,因为企业的失败是不是一个突然的事件,而是一个动态的过程。失败是一个过程研究的过程中失败非常重要的两个原因(Crutzen和Van Caillie 007):(1)试着去了解和达到失败的根源,因为只有纠正措施才能够解决危机的根本和
5、真正导致公司倒闭的原因,从而防止危机再生;(2)失败过程显示了种种重要的因素(原因,后果,症状)是如何组成的。最早的被人知晓的失败过程是被Argenti(1976)揭露的。他用三个不同的失败轨迹描述了非金融破产的原因和他的财务影响之间的关系。在各自的发展轨迹,有不同的序列的事件,每一个不同的组合来描述原因和症状的给定轨迹的特点。后续的研究人员发现提出了分类,类似Argenti轨迹,通过增加类型或扩大现有分类为更详细的说明原因和症状。(Ooghe和De Prijcker 2006,Richardson等人1994)。根据上面介绍的作者作品的分析,我们可以区分五个有关小型和中小型企业的失败轨迹的一
9、。中小企业失败的原因本文的题目给出了两个类似的条件:企业失败(危机)的症状和原因。原因是指直接或间接地引发的现象的一个因素。而症状是消极现象、未来或已经存在的危机的标志(2005 Korol和Prusak)。在理论和实践,它往往是很难区分的。有些作者不区分症状和原因,也不区分那些但可能导致小企业的清算的偶然外部事件(1995 Jennings 和Beaver )。来自于环境或组织自身的失败因素,并不是只有一个,因素之间也不是完全相互独立的。他们被视为在环境发生变化响应背景下,多方面因素之间的综合的结果。中小企业中最重要的似乎是企业和以及企业所有者之间的关系,即是指公司各领域之间的相互影响,特别
10、是在发展的初期阶段。 argenti(1976)将其定义为内在缺陷因素。Jennings和Beaver(1995)提出了类似的观点。他们研究了许多小企业失败关键,因为他们往往侧重于症状或失败原因,而不是失败的根源。Jennings和Beaver认为有三个层次的原因,首先,有内在的规模小或一般性问题,其次是在大多数情况下,关键原因是公司对唯一所有者经理的依赖。也有失败的根本原因,可以发现个别公司,比如缺乏资金或管理不善。此外,有症状的问题或失败总是混淆多种原因的。一些症状经营者不能无法识别,因其缺乏专业知识或正确的信息。在文章中,企业家被认为是小企业经营失败的关键因素。首先,管理者的管理激励、技
11、能和能力影响商业的管理机制。在美国小企业破产的原因研究证实了这一论断(2000 Bradley和Moore)。他们发现,这两个最常见的小企业失败的原因是:(1)管理者技能不足或不佳的业务知识(2)资本金不足,研究显示主要是由于缺乏规划和对投资资金回报率的过度乐观。笔者在波兰进行的研究也表明了类似的的原因。在内部组织背景下,已确定在以下几个方面:管理质量和经营者的特点或态度,金融领域,营销和分销领域,人力资源领域,以及技术和创新领域。现有文献已经对每个指定的区域的失败因素有了基础的区分。从分析研究导致失败的原因,很明显我们必须重视的一个重要的因素的存在经营者自身的因素。其错误可能是由于缺乏管理知
15、,财务和非财务的症状能够观察到大体趋势。公司财务状况恶化的主要症状是:销售利润减少,流动性降低(Ooghe 和De Prijcker 2006, Koksal & Arditi 2004, Korol 和 Prusak 2005; Bednarski 2001; Argenti 1976; Sharma和 Mahajan 1980),市场占有率降低(Crutzen 和Van Caillie 2007; Zelek 2003),运营成本的增加(Ooghe 和 De Prijcker 2006, Koksal & Arditi 2004),高资产负债率(Koksal & Arditi 2004,
16、Korol and Prusak 2005; Argenti 1976),和大量的产能过剩(Ooghe 和 De Prijcker 2006; Zelek 2003; Bednarski 2001)。笔者的研究证实了财务症状在预测经营失败时的重要性。现金不足在是影响公司持续经营的主导因素。这里要强调的是过去的错误所导致的销售额和利润的下降不能通过增加成本弥补。超过40%的症状反映了这一事实。许多研究报告都将销售损失作为公司衰退最具代表性的症状。然而,这也并不意味着企业负责人会将它作为重要的症状,一些公司怀疑它是引起了财务状况进一步恶化的原因,另一些公司则忽略了它。财务症状自然是比较容易捕捉的,
17、而非财务状况的识别就要难得多。在文献中,将以下迹象作为非财务症状:经营范围(Bednarski 2001),组织和行为的范围(Zelek and Gwarek 2000)。通过笔者的研究,小企业的主要非财务症状是:缺乏内部控制(24.2%),业主的决策缺乏商业计划(21.7%),对合作伙伴的不信任(25.3%),市场分配有问题(23.1%),生产效率下降(20.6%),人力资源方面缺乏员工发展计划(20.4%),由于技术和革新造成的产品质量和服务的下降(34.5%)。结论从目前的状况来看,研究结果证明,导致失败的原因是多方面的,既有公司内部原因,也有外部原因。企业必须明确,一个或两个原因发生时
19、的识别危机,避免破产时非常重要的。今天的公司不仅应该发现并减少危机,而且应该提前预防它们。为了做到这一点,必须有方法确定哪些症状代表了公司经营状况的恶化。原文正文:The Reasons and Symptoms of Failure in SME Jaroslaw Ropega Published online: 20 July 2011 # International Atlantic Economic Society 2011 Abstract In analyzing the sources and processes of failure, one can see a certain
20、 pattern. Namely, management does not notice the critical situation in time, which due to delayed or incompetently carried out repair actions, ends in company collapse. Development thresholds are occurring in the process of the growth and development of the company. They are often tied with crisis i
21、n the company. Their occurrence is preceded with symptoms of future crises in many cases. The analysis and understanding of these symptoms by entrepreneurs may help reduce the number of crises in companies of the SME sector and unintentional economic failure. Keywords SMEs . Business failure . Reaso
22、ns of failure . Symptoms of failure Introduction It is a fact that only about 50 percent of small businesses are still trading after the first three years from initial set up (Watson 2003). Although business failure happens to businesses of all sizes, small businesses are exposed to bigger threats b
23、ecause they simply do not have the support of extra finance or resources that larger companies typically possess, and because of their extremely poor ability to source financing from banking institutions. Business failure does not always occur because of problems in ones own business, but can happen
24、 as a knock-on effect from actions made by other businesses, suppliers, and customers. Therefore, it is important to recognize the early signs of business failure before it is too late for the situation to be resolved. The company policy is prepared and implemented by the entrepreneur and it covers
25、aspects such as strategy and investment, marketing and sales, and finances and human resources. The lack of enterprising or managerial skills in any of these areas and personal skills of entrepreneurs/managers may lead to unexpected problems that will decrease the companys chances of survival. The D
26、efinition of Business Failure As noted by many authors, a clear definition of business failure does not exist in the literature (Sharma and Mahajan 1980). There is no clear consensus within disciplines as to what organizational failure is, how it occurs, and its consequences (Cameron et al. 1988; We
27、itzel and Jonsson 1989), let alone agreement between disciplines. Several terms have been used in the literatures: organization mortality, exit or death (Swaminathan 1996), organizational collapse (Argenti 1976), bankruptcy (Laitinen 1991), and decline (Chowdhury and Lang 1993). In the literature, w
28、e can find the extreme definitions of failure: the discontinuance of a business for any reason and formal bankruptcy proceedings (Watson 2003). Between these two extremes, there have been proposed further definitions, for example, termination to prevent further losses (Ulmer and Nielsen 1947), and f
29、ailure to make a go of it (Cochran 1981). It should be noted that the definition of failure used by researchers generally has depended on the nature of the data available. To better understand the origins of failure and for future prevention, it is important to understand why and how firms fail, as
30、business failure is not a sudden event, but a dynamic process. Failure as a Process The study of the process failures is important for two reasons (Crutzen and Van Caillie 2007): (1) to try to understand and reach the origins of failure, because only the corrective actions that address the fundament
31、al and true causes of the crisis could lead to regeneration and prevent collapse of the company, and (2) the failure of a process shows how important factors (causes, consequences, symptoms) are combined in time. The oldest and most well-known failure processes were developed by Argenti (1976). He d
32、escribes the relation between non-financial causes of bankruptcy and their financial effects within three different failure trajectories. In each of the trajectories, there are different sequences of events, each described by different combinations of causes and symptoms characteristic of a given tr
33、ajectory. Subsequent investigators have proposed their classification, similar to the Argenties trajectories by adding their own types, or expanding existing classifications for more detailed descriptions of the causes and symptoms (Ooghe and De Prijcker 2006, Richardson et al. 1994). Based on the a
34、nalysis of authors presented above, we can distinguish five general types of trajectories of failures relating to small and medium-sized enterprises: -An Unsuccessful Start-up: A typical failure process of start-ups in which companies have no chance of survival due to management errors committed in
35、the establishment of the business. Inappropriate management leads to insufficient control mechanisms and operational inefficiencies. Errors in the companys policy are the visible result of errors made by management. Within a short period, the company has major problems surviving, and the fall of the
36、 company most likely appears shortly after its foundation. A Dazzled Growth Company: The initial shortcoming of the leaders of this company is their reaction to the first successes of the company. Management becomes dazzled and dangerously overoptimistic. Capital expenditures increase together with
37、financial leverage. Issues and pitfalls that could take the company down are ignored and management and organizational structure remains almost unchanged. This leads to loss of control and an unawareness of possible problems that may affect the effectiveness of business. In the longer term, this sit
38、uation leads to the loss of good financial health and negative signals are ignored and interpreted as the effect of the external factors. An Apathetic Established Company: A company existing more or less successfully for several years. Lack of motivation and commitment of the companys leaders is typ
39、ical of these companies. Entrepreneurs keep promoting strategies that were successful in the past. Due to apathy, they are not aware of gradual changes in the environment and the losses of its strategic advantage. This continues until a serious disturbance in the capital structure of the company hap
40、pens. Attempts to restructure do not bring improvement due to the rigidity and lack of commitment of managers. An Ambitious Growth Company: The management or the entrepreneur leading an ambitious growth company has the objective of making their organization an important company in the industry. Thes
41、e companies have a high propensity for risk and some of them are also overly optimistic. They do not attach importance to long-term plans. Their initial shortcoming is the large overestimation of the demand for the companys products despite the inexperience and capabilities of management. This overe
42、stimation can be the consequence of over-optimism or misinformation about the market size or about the speed by which possible clients switch over from competitors. As a result of this situation, there are not enough sales to cover expenses and there is large overcapacity, which means the loss of li
43、quidity and solvency problems. Excessive Internal Consumption: In such companies, the owner shows off his/ her wealth using company resources to realize his/her personal ideas and to improve his/her social status through external signs. He/she values his/her short term needs over the needs of the co
44、mpany. He/she often uses creative accounting to hide his/her behavior and deception. Characteristically, the symptoms that preceded the financial collapse of the companies appear very late. Through analyzing the sources and process of failure, a certain pattern is noticeable. Namely, the management
45、does not notice a critical situation in time, which due to the delayed or incompetently carried out repair actions, ends in the companys collapse. One should pay attention to the fact that in todays times of insecurity and risk, crisis becomes an inherent element of the organizations functioning. Th
46、e Reasons of SME Failure The literature of the subject gives two similar terms: symptom and reason (cause) for business failure (crisis). Reason means a factor which directly or indirectly evokes a phenomenon. Symptom is the sign of negative phenomenon, coming, or already existing crisis (Korol and
47、Prusak 2005). In theory and practice, it is often difficult to differentiate symptoms from reasons. Some authors do not distinguish between symptoms and reasons, as well as occasional external events that may lead to the liquidation of small enterprises (Jennings and Beaver 1995). The reasons for fa
48、ilures cannot be treated as only one or a few separate factors entirely coming from the environment or from the inside of the organization.1 They have to be considered as relations between these areas, especially in the context of a response to changes taking place in the environment. The most impor
49、tant factor for small firms seems to be a very strong relationship between the company and its owner, which entails the consequences in all areas of the company, especially in the early stages of development. Argenti (1976) defines these factors as inherent defects. Jennings and Beaver (1995) present a similar view. They are critical of many studies of small business failure b