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1、雅思写作备考复习避开这些误区 雅思作文写了又写,各种技巧全都用上,还是不见高分降临?雅思写作备考的6个误区你犯了吗?雅思写作备考复习,下面就和大家分享雅思写作备考复习避开这六个误区,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作备考复习避开这六个误区雅思写作备考误区1:作文字数越多越好事实:雅思没有安慰分和奖励分一说。*的质量决定分数。如果字数未达到要求数量,反应的分数肯定不可观,但“字数越多,分数越高”这一理论一定是无稽之谈。作为老师,小站雅思君的建议是字数的话,小作文不能少于150,大作文不能少于250,至于具体要写多少,其实真的没有硬性要求,只要内容完整连贯就可以了。雅思写作备考误区2:熟练

2、运用高级词汇单词事实:作文不是单词比赛,而是交流。用词不是为了长而生僻,而是为了准确。好的作文中,选词适当到位是非常重要的。雅思考试中最大的一个误区就是大量背单词。背单词不能盲目,小站雅思君的经验是:把单词放到句子里去记效果会更好。这样你记住的不仅仅是这个单词,还知道这个单词的用法,举一反三,这个单词便是你的了。盲目的背单词,不仅见到了不认识,就算认识一样不会使用还是相当于白费功夫。举例说,“fire”这个词许多学生不屑一用,但是新闻上非常常见。比如:“Governor Rick Snyder is under fire forthe states slow response to the w

3、arnings” 也就是被指责,被攻击的意思。另外一个例子是“cut”,所有国外的知名经济报道每天都在用这个单词, 在价格上或者经费上的“cut”,表示说削减,很多学生用“decrease”, 托福 常见的“diminish”, 乃至GRE常见的“dwindle”,都难以表达“cut”干脆利落,毫不留情的感觉。雅思写作备考误区3:随意替换词汇事实:考官会看学生是否能够用不同方式去表达一个事情,也就是表达的变化是写作能力的一个体现。但是前提是你的表达变化是准确的,地道的。否则,考官只会扣分。因此,相较于换词,更好的替换方法是整个句式的变换,即突破原有句子格式和内容的限制,真正在理解的基础上用自己

4、的话paraphrase,而不仅仅是机械地单词替换。举个小站雅思君写作课遇到的学员例子:原文:The graph below shows the changes in the number of West Indians and Pakistanis immigration to Britain between 1940 and 1970.如果单纯字对字替换(这样的情况还很普遍),学员的范文如下:The chart indicates changes of the figure for West Indians and Pakistanis immigration to the U.K. fr

5、om 1940 to 1970.这种开头段的替换是最没有技术含量也就是单纯的字对字替换,考生甚至在没有读懂题干的时候一样可以写出这样的开头段。但是,其实这句话的意思无非就是两地移民到英国的人口数的比较。因此,换句话把内容说出来就好了:The population of immigrants to Britain from West India and Pakistan over the 30 years is indicated in the line graph.并不能说第二句一定是更好地改写,但是第二句相较第一句突破了句式的限制,因此学生在平时的练习中可以更多地尝试突破句式限制的parap

6、hrase。雅思写作备考误区4:忽略语法的重要性事实:雅思考试评分标准中,task response确实很重要,但这并不代表语法不重要。试问一篇全是语法错误多到让人看不懂的*,内容怎么可能完整,主题怎么可能鲜明?很多考生说语法错误并不影响理解,比如昨天我的学生写道:China is one of the countries with longest histories, and to be honest, I cant remember all the dynasties in China.这句话看似没有问题,但是最后一句“坦白讲,我记不清中国所有的朝代”,翻译过来似乎行得通,但是在英文中却没

7、有表达出中文的意思。其实这个句子很简单,就是 China is a country with long history and to be honest, there are so many dynasties in ancient China that I cannot even recall all of them.句子结构不对,语法错误一多,哪怕是你用多高端的词,多好的内容都是万年5.5。 因此,好的语法基础就如同地基,基础扎实了,*写起来才能更好的展开。雅思写作备考误区5:全篇复杂句事实:句子变换可以体现考生的写作功底,而复杂句是从小到大英语老师们都强烈推荐的句型,从定语从句到宾语从句

8、到主语从句,考生拼了老命在考场上造句,但是并不是说简单句不能写,也不是说全都是复杂句就一定能拿高分,个别时候复杂句过多还显得冗杂。现在的考生写复杂句个个都是能手,所以小站雅思君下面提供给大家一些可以把啰嗦的复杂句改为简单句的技巧: 用“及物动词+不定式”结构可以将含有that引导的某些宾语从句的复合句转换成简单句。例如:He decided that he would buy a digital camera online.He decided to buy a digital camera online. 用“疑问词+不定式”结构可以将某些含有连接代词或连接副词引导的宾语从句转换简单句。例如

9、:Could you please teach me how I can search the Internet?Could you please teach me how to search the Internet? 用“tooto”结构可以将含有sothat引导的结果语从句(否定)的复合句转成简单句。例如The boy is so young that he cant look after himself.The boy is too young to look after himself. 用“enough +不定式”结构可以将含有so that 引导的结果状语从句(肯定)的复合句转变

10、为简单句。例如:This hall is so large that it can hold 2000 people.This hall is large enough to hold 2000 people. 用“happen + 不定式”或“seem+不定式”结构可以分别将“It happens that”和“It seems that ”等含有主语从句的复合句转换为简单句。例如:It seemed that this camera offered the most at the best price.This camera seemed to offer the most at the

11、best price. 用“in order +不定式”或“so as +不定式”结构可以将含有so that 引导的目的状语从句的复合句转换为简单句。如:I went over my composition again and again so that I couldnt make any mistakes.I went over my composition again and again in order not to make any mistakes.I went over my composition again and again so as not to make any m

12、istakes. 在某些作表语的形容词后面加不定式可以将某些含有状语从句的复合句转变成简单句。例如:I was glad when I heard the good news.I was glad to hear the good news.雅思写作备考误区6:背范文事实:背范文可以帮到你积累词汇和思路,但绝对不能帮助你拿高分。第一,如果被考官发现是背出来的*,那么你的作文可能会被判为模板卷,那么可能你的分数直接从5分起了。第二,严重来讲这算是抄袭,背的过多考生在考场上只想着怎么能把自己背过的*靠近考试的题目,但不会那么完美契合不是基于题目本身出发,而是基于脑中存货发散,往往不够贴合题目要求,

13、不能够完成task response的评分标准。这样的作文不仅不受考官欢迎,还有可能会拉低自己原本的水平,所以小站雅思君不建议背范文。虽然不建议背范文,但是阅读和研究范文和评语是非常好的学习方法。对此,小站雅思君建议,比较好的的提高写作的流程是这样的:(1) 计时完成题目(2) 找老师批改(3)看范文和评语(4) 修改作文(5)发还给老师,老师再次批改这一个流程,缺一不可。第一步,计时完成题目的必要性在于,考试是计时进行,所以一定每一次写作都是要计时完成,这样不仅能够培养自己短时写作的能力,又能培养自己在短时写作中心理压力的承受能力。第二步,找老师修改,作文和写作非常需要一名老师的指导,因为自


15、可以直接带去考场的水平,如果对于分数的追求比较高,那么要做到如果考题不是第一次见,要有把握上7分的水平才可以。第五步,再发给老师修改,精益求精,让老师提出建议。雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文Some people insist that senior workers 65 or over should retire but others believe that they should continue working.What is you opinion?Model Answer:Over the past few decades In the past, there have been

16、 many advances in medical technology. Because of this, senior citizens are healthier and more active than before and may choose to work beyond the age of 65. Nowadays, however, there has been a growing debate as to whether or not these people should retire in order to create jobs for the younger gen

17、eration. Despite the advantages of early retirement, I strongly believe that it is better for senior workers to continue working as long as they are physically and mentally capable.Those who believe that senior workers need to retire for younger generation base their case on the following arguments.

18、 First, the unemployment rate, especially for college graduates, has never been so high so it is today. This is largely due to the slow economy. Therefore, firing some elderly workers who are well-paid would allow those unemployed young people to have good opportunities to get a job. In addition, re

19、placing older workers with young people would bring greater benefits to companies =employers. This is because youngsters are better at adapting themselves to fast changing information based society. They are generally better at computers and speaking foreign languages than their older counterparts.N

20、evertheless, people should not ignore the fact that senior citizens have been playing vital roles both at home and at work for their entire lives. To begin with, a young persons need for a job is no more important than an older persons. Both have a responsibility to support their families. Sadly, fe

21、w seniors can afford early retirement. Besides, senior workers provide the wisdom and experience that young employees cannot offer. There is strong =acute possibility of situations arising that require the knowledge of skilled senior employees.In summary, the advantages of keeping seasoned workers f

22、ar outweigh its disadvantages. There are high hopes that employers exercise wisdom =caution in dealing with this issue.雅思写作Task2社会类考官范文Childrens lives these days are quite different from our generations. Describe what are the biggest changes in younger generation and explain some factors of this phe

23、nomenon.Model Answer:Over the past few decades, the world has significantly changed. Nowadays, many have begun to wonder what the reasons behind =for these changes are. Two major factors contributing to this phenomenon are advances in media and change family dynamics =organization.First, advances in

24、 media, such as the Internet and TV, have meant that children spend a large portion of their leisure time in front of a screen. Consequently, they are not getting proper amounts of exercise, which results in an increase in the number of children who are overweight and obese. In addition, fast food r

25、estaurants have become increasingly popular, which has also contributed to childrens health problemsMoreover, another leading force of this trend is changes in the family unit. Compared with a half century ago, nuclear families have become way more common in modern society. People tend to have only

26、one child, which has caused personality disorders such as depression, loneliness, and selfishness. This is mainly because parents with one child have tendency to put all their focus and money into their only son or daughter. Studies have indicated that over 65% of children who are brought up without siblings show self-centered behavior find it difficult cooperating with their peers.In summary, there are many factors that have caused children to live very differently from the generation before them. There are high hopes that parents exercise(s) wisdom in treating their children.英语写作


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