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1、LSAT考试全真题二SECTION 1Time-35 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions. If may be useful to draw a rough diagram Choose the response that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken th

2、e corresponding space on your answer sheetQuestion 1-6Eight new students-R, S, T, V, W, X, Y, Z-are being divided among exactly three classes-class 1, class 2, and class3. Classes 1 and 2 will gain three new students each: class 3 will gain two new students. The following restrictions apply:R must b

3、e added to class 1.S must be added to class 3.Neither S nor W can be added to the same class as Y.V cannot be added to the same class as Z.If T is added to class 1, Z must also be added to class 1.1.Which one of the following is an acceptable assignment of students to the three classes?123(A) R, T,

4、Y V, W, X S, Z(B) R, T, Z S, V, Y W, X(C) R, W, X V, Y, X S, T(D) R, X, Z T, V, Y S, W(E) R, X, Z V, W, Y S, T2.Which one of the following is a complete and accurate list of classes any one of which could be the class to which V is added?(A) class 1(B) class 3(C) class 1, class 3(D) class 2, class 3

5、(E) class 1, class 2, class 3.3.If X is added to class 1, which one of the following is a student who must be added to class 2?(A) T(B) V(C) W(D) Y(E) Z4.If X is added to class 3, each of the following is a pair of students who can be added to class 1 EXCEPT(A) Y and Z(B) W and Z(C) V and Y(D) V and

6、 W(E) T and z5.If T is added to class 3, which one of the following is a student who must be added to class 2?(A) V(B) W(C) X(D) Y(E) Z6.Which one of the following must be true?(A) If T and X are added to class 2. V is added to class 3.(B) If V and W are added to class 1. V is added to class 3.(C) I

7、f V and W are added to class 1. V is added to class 3.(D) If V and X are added to class 1. V is added to class 3.(E) If Y and Z are added to class 2. V is added to class 2.Question 7-12Four lions-F, G, H, J-and two tigers-K and M-will be assigned to exactly six stalls, one animal per stall. The stal

8、ls are arranged as follows:First Row: 1 2 3Second Row: 4 5 6The only stalls that face each other are stalls 1 and 4, stalls 2 and 5, and stalls 3 and 6. The following conditions apply:The tigers stalls cannot face each other.A lion must be assigned to stall 1H must be assigned to stall 6.J must be a

9、ssigned to a stall numbered one higher than Ks stall.K cannot be assigned to the stall that faces Hs stall.7. Which one of the following must be true?(A) F is assigned to an even-numbered stall(B) F is assigned to stall 1(C) J is assigned to stall 2 or else stall 3(D) J is assigned to stall 3 or els

10、e stall 4(E) K is assigned to stall 2 or else stall 48. Which one of the following could be true?(A) Fs stall is numbered one higher than Js stall(B) Hs stall faces Ms stall(C) J is assigned to stall 4(D) Ks stall faces JS stall(E) Ks stall is in a different row than Js stall9. Which one of the foll

11、owing must be true?(A) A tiger is assigned to stall 2(B) A tiger is assigned to stall 5(C) Ks stall is in a different row from Ms stall(D) Each tiger is assigned to an even-numbered stall(E) Each lion is assigned to a stall that faces a tiger is stall10. If Ks stall is in the same row as Hs stall wh

12、ich one of the following must be true?(A) Fs stall is in the same row as Js stall(B) F is assigned to a lower-numbered stall than G(C) G is assigned to a lower-numbered stall than M(D) Gs stall faces Hs stall(E) Ms stall is in the same row as Gs stall11. If J is assigned to stall 3, which one of the

13、 following could be true?(A) F is assigned to stall 2(B) F is assigned to stall 4(C) G is assigned to stall 1(D) G is assigned to stall 4(E) M is assigned to stall 512. Which one of the following must be true(A) A tiger is assigned to stall 2(B) A tiger is assigned to stall 4(C) A tiger is assigned

14、to stall 5(D) A lion is assigned to stall 3(E) A lion is assigned to stall 4SECTION Time-35 minutes24 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages For some questions more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the q

15、uestion. However, you are to choose the best answer that is the response that most accurately and completely answers the question. You should not make assumptions that are bycommonsense standards implausible superfluous or incompatible with the passage. After you have chosen the best1.The citys cent

16、er for disease control reports that the rabies eoidemic is more serious now than it was two years ago: two years ago less than 25 percent of the local raccoon population was infected, whereas today the infection has spread to more than 50 percent of the raccoon population. However, the newspaper rep

17、orts that whereas two years ago 32 cases of rabid raccoons were confirmed during a 12-month period in the past 12 months only 18 cases of rabid raccoons were confirmed.Which one of the following if true, most helps to resolve the apparent discrepancy between the two reports?(A) The number of cases o

18、f rabies in wild animals other than raccoons has increased in the past 12 months.(B) A significant proportion of the raccoon population succumbed to rabies in the year before last.(C) The symptoms of distemper another disease to which raccoons are susceptible are usually identical to those of rabies

19、.(D) Since the outbreak of the epidemic, raccoons, which are mormally nocturnal have increasingly been seen during daylight hours(E) The number of confirmed cases of rabid raccoons in neighboring cities has also decreased over the past year2.Recently, reviewers of patent applications decided against

20、 granting a patent to a university for a genetically engineered mouse developed for laboratory use in studying cancer. The reviewers argued that the mouse was a new variety of animal and that rules governing the granting of patents specifically disallow patents for new animal varieties.Which one of

21、the following if true most weakens the patent feviewers argument?(A) The restrictions the patent reviewers cited pertain only to domesticated farm animals.(B) The universitys application for a patent for the genetically engineered mouse was the first such patent application made by the university(C)

22、 The patent reviewers had reached the same decision on all previous patent requess for new animal varieties.(D) The patent reviewers had in the past approved patents for genetically engineered plant varieties.(E) The patent reviewers had previously decided against granting patents for new animal var

23、ieties that were developed through conventional breeding programs rather than through genetic engineering.Questions 3-4Although water in deep aquifers does not contain disease-causing bacteria, when public water supplies are arawn from deep aquifers chlorine is often added to the water as a disinfec

24、tant because contamination can occur as a result of flaws in pipes or storage tanks. Of 50 municipalities that all pumped water from the same deep aquifer 30 chlorinated their water and 20 did not. The water in all of the municipalities met the regional governments standards for cleanliness yet the

25、water supplied by the 20 municipalities that did not chlorinated had less bacterial contamination than the water supplied by the municipalities that added chlorine.3.Which one of the following can properly be concluded from theinformationgiven above?(A) A municipalitys initial decision whether or no

26、t to use chlorine is based on the amount of bacterial contamination in the water source(B) Water in deep aquifers does not contain any bacteria of any kind(C) Where accessible deep aquifers are the best choice as a source for a municipal water supply(D) The regional governments standards allow some

27、bacteria in municipal water supplies(E) Chlorine is the least effective disinfecting agent4.Which one of the following, if true, most helps explain the difference in bacterial contamination in the two groups of municipalities?(A) Chlorine is considered by some experts to be dangerous to human health

28、, even in the small concentrations used in municipal water supplies.(B) When municipalities decide not to chlorinate their water supplies, it is usually because their citxens have voiced objections to the taste and smell of chlorine.(C) The municipalities that did not add chlorine to their water sup

29、plies also did not add any of the other available water disinfectants which are more expensive than chlorine.(D) Other agents commonly added to public water supplies such as fluoride and sodium hydroxide were not used by any of the 50 municipalities(E) Municipalities that do not chlorinate their wat

30、er supplies are subject to stricter regulation by the regional government in regard to pipes and water tanks than are municipalities that use chlorine.5.The population of songbirds throughout England has decreased in recent years. Many people explain this decrease as the result of an increase during

31、 the same period in the population of magpies, which eat the eggs and chicks of songbirds.Which one of the following, if true, argues most strongly against the explanation reported in the passage?(A) Official records of the population of birds in England have been kept for only the past 30 years.(B)

32、 The number of eggs laid yearly by a female songbird varies widely according to the songbirds species.(C) Although the overall population of magpies has increased, in most areas of England in which the songbird population has decreased the number of magpies has remained stable.(D) The population of

33、magpies has increased because farmers no longer shoot or trap magpies to any greal extent, though farmers.(E) Although magpies eat the eggs and chicks of songbirds, magpies diets consist of a wide variety of other foods as well.6.The introduction of symbols for numbers is an event lost in prehistory

34、, but the earliest known number symbols, in the form of simple grooves and scratches on bones and stones date back 20,000 years or more. Nevertheless, since it was not until 5,500 years ago that systematic methods for writing numerais were invented, it was only then that any sort of computation beca

35、me possible.Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument relies?(A) Grooves and scratches found on bones and stones were all made by people, and none resulted from natural processes.(B) Some kinds of surfaces upon which numeric symbols could have been made in the period before 5

36、,500 years ago were not used for that purpose.(C) Grooves and scratches inscribed on bones and stones do not date back to the time of the earliest people.(D) Computation of any sort required a systematic method for writing numerals.(E) Systematic methods for writing numerals were invented only becau

37、se the need for computation arose.7.Politician: Now that we are finally cleaning up the industrial pollution in the bay, we must start making the bay more accessible to the public for recreational purposes.Reporter: But if we increase public access to the bay, it will soon become polluted again.Poli

38、tician: Not true. The public did not have access to the bay, and it got polluted. Therefore, if and when the public is given access to the bay, it will not get polluted.Which one of the following most closely parallels the flawed pattern of reasoning in the politicians reply to the reporter?(A) If t

39、here had been a full moon last night, the tide would be higher than usual today. Since the tide is no higher than usual, there must not have been a full moon last night.(B) The detective said that whoever stole the money would be spending it conspicuously by now. Jones is spending money conspicuousl

40、y, so he must be the thief.(C) When prisoners convicted of especially violent crimes were kept in solitary confinement, violence in the prisons increased. Therefore, violence in the prisons will not increase if such prisoners are allowed to mix with fellow prisoners.(D) To get a drivers license, one

41、 must pass a written test. Smith passed the written test, so she must have gotten a drivers license.(E) In order to like abstract art, you have to understand it . therefore, in order to understand abstract art, you have to like it.8.Because learned patterns of behavior, such as the association of a

42、green light with go or the expectation that switches will flip up for on become deeply ingrained designers should make allowances for that fact in order not to produce machines that are inefficient or dangerous.In which one of the following situations is the principle expressed most clearly violated

43、?(A) Manufacturers have refused to change the standard order of letters on the typewriter keyboard even though some people who have over learned to type find this arrangement of letters bewildering(B) Government regulations require that crucial instruments in airplane cockpits-be placed in exactly t

44、he same array in all commercial aircraft(C) Automobile manufacturers generally design for all of their automobiles a square or oblong lgnition key and a round or oval luggage compartment key.(D) The only traffic signs that are triangular in shape are yield signs.(E) On some tape recorders the start

45、button is red and the stop button is yellow.9.From 1973 to 1989 total energy use in this country increased less than 10percent. However, the use of electrical energy in this country during this same period grew by more than 50 percent as did the gross national product-the total value of all goods an

46、d services produced in the nation.If the statements above are true, then which one of the following must also be true?(A) Most of the energy used in this country in 1989 was electrical energy.(B) From 1973 to 1989 there was a decline in the use of energy other than electrical energy in this country.

47、(C) From 1973 to 1989 there was an increase in the proportion of energy use in this country that consisted of electrical energy use(D) In 1989 electrical energy constituted a larger proportion of the energy used to produce the gross national product than did any other form of energy.(E) In 1973 the electrical energy that was produced constituted a smaller proportion of the gross national product than did all other forms of energy combined.10. A fundamental illusion in


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