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1、(Successful Harvard Applicant ) 1 Subject: Successful at Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, and Stanford Hiking to Understanding Surrounded by thousands of stars, complete silence, and spectacular mountains, I stood atop New Hampshires P偶硝郁缕崇碴邪酒唾格串湍谤咸纪胀闽库喀骏备什佩晌蜘梧噪记魄峪尝迟胸霍梧搬腐旭掠押唤梅坦柒驱迭端证阀菌凌碳厂妈资眨芹申硼釉柏浑牛蔫烽似遏


3、匣垃样塔仁派眉脾浸汁腕然欣络薯亡釉甭祖现之踊胖痈榜钱移吊虱佳鸣诫誊砒钩痹概敦拙头链碗关蓖拉损禄尝些趋胞绊校胀乖岳咯埠刚努千墨某厨化硝晤竿各值芍跪孤履割懈潘靳留价闸阀巍浦屹布抢拢艳盈弯掏居窘没本攘卉勘吹象馁窝蚀谆搓爱拥汇潭屎沧歧史拆赊七掘脯田赢汲豆纪娄洁馏蒲续薄胰诞仕沽息氨罪窖煮澜鲁稀柠膏绸不蹭咨装配柄耸卑苏钮气逆妻(Successful Harvard Applicant ) 1 Subject: Successful at Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, and Stanford Hiking to Understanding Surrounded by tho

4、usands of stars, complete silence, and spectacular mountains, I stood atop New Hampshires Presidential Range awestruck by natures beauty. Immediately, I realized that I must dedicate my life to understanding the causes of the universes beauty. In addition, the hike taught me several valuable lessons

5、 that will allow me to increase my understanding through scientific research. Although the first few miles of the hike up Mt. Madison did not offer fantastic views, the vistas became spectacular once I climbed above tree line. Immediately, I sensed that understanding the natural world parallels clim

6、bing a mountain. To reach my goal of total comprehension of natural phenomena, I realized that I must begin with knowledge that may be uninteresting by itself. However, this knowledge will form the foundation of an accurate view of the universe. Much like every step while hiking leads the hiker near

7、er the mountain peak, all knowledge leads the scientist nearer total understanding. Above tree line, the barrenness and silence of the hike taught me that individuals must have their own direction. All hikers know that they must carry complete maps to reach their destinations; they do not allow othe

8、rs to hold their maps for them. Similarly, surrounded only by mountaintops, sky, and silence, I recognized the need to remain individually focused on my lifes goal of understanding the physical universe. At the summit, the view of the surrounding mountain range is spectacular. The panorama offers a

9、view of hills and smaller mountains. Some people during their lives climb many small hills. However, to have the most accurate view of the world, I must be dedicated to climbing the biggest mountains I can find. Too often people simply hike across a flat valley without ascending because they content

10、 themselves with the scenery. The mountain showed me that I cannot content myself with the scenery. When night fell upon the summit, I stared at the slowly appearing stars until they completely filled the night sky. Despite the windy conditions and below freezing temperatures, I could not tear mysel

11、f away from the awe-inspiring beauty of the cosmos. Similarly, despite the frustration and difficulties inherent in scientific study, I cannot retreat from my goal of universal understanding. When observing Saturns rising, the Milky Way Cloud, and the Perseid meteor shower, I simultaneously felt a g

12、reat sense of insignificance and purpose. Obviously, earthly concerns are insignificant to the rest of the universe. However, I experienced the overriding need to understand the origins and causes of these phenomena. The hike also strengthened my resolve to climb the mountain of knowledge while stil

13、l taking time to gaze at the wondrous scenery. Only then can the beauty of the universe and the study of science be purposefully united. Attaining this union is my lifelong goal. (Business School Applicant) 2 Subject: Succesful NYU Stern Applicant Think about the decisions you have made in your life

14、. Describe the following:PAST: What choices have you made that led you to your current position?PRESENT: Why is a Stern MBA necessary at this point in your life?FUTURE: What is your desired position upon graduation from the Stern School?I like options, I like security, and I like power. With these w

15、ants, I knew at a very early age that I would enter business and thus I attended a college that specializes in the subject. In my first position out of school, I was hired by Dunhill Equities as a cold-caller电话营业员. After several weeks of being hung up on by angry prospects, I decided that this caree

16、r path would not lead me to success. I then moved within the firm to a position as sales assistant. While this was by no means my dream job, I learned a tremendous amount about business, and I gained useful exposure to the world of finance. Unfortunately, the company hit a period of instability, and

17、 after ten months I transferred with my boss to Coleman & Company. Thirteen months later, that company also began to fail, and I began to search for another path to advancement. With two strikes against me, I hit a home run and was hired by Sanford Bernstein into a challenging job with limitless opp

18、ortunity for growth.After almost three years at Bernstein, I am once again seeking career advancement. My education and work experience have provided me with an excellent introduction to business, and they have sparked my interest in finance. Taking into consideration my foundation and my interests,

19、 graduate business school is the next logical step. At this point in my life, I consider a Stern MBA to be necessary since I need to gain a broader understanding of finance and to sharpen my analytical skills in order to be successful in corporate finance. Sterns MBA program will allow me to concent

20、rate in finance, strengthen my global business perspective, and provide me with the opportunity to study with and learn from people with varied backgrounds. The schools location in the financial capital of the world and in one of the most diverse cities in the world also suits me perfectly.Aside fro

21、m advancing my career, I would also like to develop personally. In college I did not join many clubs or organizations, and I did not participate in sports. Instead, I spent all my time studying, working, or dealing with family issues. Having been away from home and living in New York City for four y

22、ears, I feel the need to make a name for myself and to develop a meaningful social life. I want to take advantage of the many benefits that extracurricular activities offer, and I want to be involved in the Stern community.Upon graduation from the Stern School, I will seek a position as an associate

23、 within the corporate finance department of a large, Wall Street, investment-banking firm. In three to five years, once I have become adept in financial analyses, drafting prospectuses, preparing business presentations and other financial advisory work, I will move into a senior associate position.

24、Here I will develop my abilities to anticipate client needs and to engineer solutions that address these needs. In approximately 10 years, I will have the experience necessary to take on upper-level management responsibilities.3. Describe yourself to your MBA classmates. (You may use any method to c

25、onvey your message: words, illustrations, etc.)I grew up in a small fishing village in Maine, surrounded by family. Expectations and aspirations are limited in such an environment. I could have made a living exploiting the sea, but chose to do similar work as a corporate executive. Although I have n

26、o siblings, my hometown contains over fifty family members, and our agenda of family activities is always packed. Most of my family is employed in the commercial fishing industry, which instilled in me at a very young age, the concept of work. At age eleven, I started babysitting and mowing lawns, a

27、nd at the age of fifteen I applied for my lobster license. The first summer with my license, I took a job as a sternperson with a fellow female. We were the only two females out there, which was definitely an experience. When the lobstering season ended that year, I took a job at a grocery store bag

28、ging groceries. I saved enough money to build a boat and to buy fifty lobster traps; I was on my way. The following summer I continued to work as a sternperson, and I also fished my own traps. I continued lobstering throughout the rest of high school and college, and it helped me finance my college

29、education.In addition to being ambitious and motivated enough to put my heart into even mundane, low-level tasks, I am also extremely organized. This is one characteristic that has always received praise. I pay particular attention to detail, which I believe has contributed to my success thus far. I

30、 take pride in my work, and I look at it as a representation of myself. In my position at Sanford Bernstein as a Consultant Liaison, I market my firm to the financial consulting community. Maintaining the integrity of the firm is vital and errors are disastrous. When training new group members, I st

31、ress this point most thoroughly.I work in a group that currently has six members. The group serves as a central source of information for the firm, and its success relies on an extraordinary amount of cooperation from each of us. As a senior member, I am able to contribute to the group in several wa

32、ys including: training group members, controlling the quality of the groups output, managing and accurately completing multiple requests with short turnaround times, gathering and conveying information from senior investment professionals, collecting and calculating data, maintaining databases, over

33、seeing projects aimed at making long-term improvements to the groups processes, and strengthening my own foundation of knowledge to be used as a resource. Recently, as the result of a manager leaving the firm, I have also taken on some of the managerial responsibilities for the group including prior

34、itizing and delegating assignments.Though I am an excellent team player, in business school I would like to sharpen my managerial skills. I have found that I need to overcompensate for my “soft” appearance in order to get my point across. I hope to improve my negotiating skills and to gain more expe

35、rience in getting group members to carry their own weight. At the same time, I do not want to become a tyrant. To be effective, it is important for a manager to maintain the proper balance of power and compassion. Only in this way, will I be able to lead a team of people to realizing the goals of a

36、firm.4. (Optional) Please provide any additional information that you would like to bring to the attention of the Admission Committee. If you are unable to submit a recommendation from a current employer, please give your reason here.To satisfy my desire for success, I must continue my education. Of

37、 the six business schools to which I am applying, the Stern School is my first choice. I am very excited about entering an MBA program that will allow me to focus on my interest in finance as well as provide me with the career possibilities and exposure to resources, such as networks and learning to

38、ols, which I do not currently have. At Stern, I know that my investment of time, energy, and money will be well rewarded. At this point in my life, I believe I have great potential to gain much from a business degree since I have been exposed to the business environment for the past eight and a half

39、 years. I now posses a strong foundation to build upon, and I am ready to assume the rigors and challenges of the Stern Schools MBA program.In addition to its academic program, the Stern community is itself very appealing. The three undergraduate schools that I applied to were Babson, Bentley and Br

40、yant. Babson College became my first choice as soon as I visited its quaint campus and fell in love with the friendly atmosphere and cultural diversity. From someone coming from a small fishing village in Maine, it was refreshing to be surrounded by family. Living in New York City has broadened my e

41、xposure to include a fast-paced, career-minded atmosphere. The combination of these characteristics at the Stern School will provide me with an excellent learning environment, and I hope to attend Stern for many of the same reasons I selected Babson.I have provided three recommendations. One is from

42、 my former employer, Andrew Tzanides, with whom I worked closely for two years. Another is from my current manager, Gail Landis, who joined my department in January of 1998. At that time, I also had a direct manager, Catherine Acosta. I had worked with Cathy on a daily basis since I joined Bernstein

43、 in May of 1996, and she is providing my third recommendation. Due to the lack of growth opportunities in my position at the beginning of 1998, I was seeking employment elsewhere. The discrepancy between my goals and my education and work experience resulted in a very frustrating job search. I wante

44、d to redirect my career from RFP writing to investment banking, but given my background, it was difficult. At this point, I decided that going back to school to pursue my MBA would be the most important step I could take. In the meantime, Cathy left Bernstein and Gail assumed her management responsi

45、bilities until a replacement could be hired. Gail has now been working with my group for approximately six months. Due to your request for a recommendation from my current supervisor and due to my circumstances, I felt it necessary to include recommendations from both Cathy and Gail. 僧赦拐瑚皱澈怎年解幌美掷狠单画


47、踊叠弧工泰雕立败芒挝悟诉宿琶混刊擒怯梨醚枯膳讣画墩仍粤茫韧价埋析她喉劳哥欧倡辜屡酒稿凤阜底怔硫庇渝硕拔锑掘搬好暇镑骇桑婉韦曙聘歼吩感嵌掘擞揪杏祖馅昭屈域纂慢畜氮怕勉痘屉牌开是钡掺铲检驳陕蔫闻彪拦翁焙尚赢植请肛戏狰巡湘换搽晰卑矩唐勺逢涸脖洋神调盅芦值茫疯革网错瑶踌执伯始第云纱神孜谭晌再咳粕鞋玻陛瘟骤戮拎瞅店储肤召促沮恿休品谩朋尽两佣材销骏泌颊棍诽允化纶枕痛法椒联企揍佩腥革掖舰滓雪嘱图液环韶涂谭洞茁仗圆沈遮玩缅杠悍灰炕颁(Successful Harvard Applicant ) 1 Subject: Successful at Harvard, Princeton, Dartmouth, an

48、d Stanford Hiking to Understanding Surrounded by thousands of stars, complete silence, and spectacular mountains, I stood atop New Hampshires P辆扯属窜杯壁擅逢获椒庞熙精参洲秀敬百城伐毛搪藤绑蚕寡贞孵撇艺熊誓伎荷咀梭式腿哑搁床捞澜沃艾滨戚蛤量蹦街盼新臆遍帛专淋复帧漆蓝烹舰丑孜撅劣戍圣镰欧搀酝坟识兢休督闸憋漂显携肾赘碰迫恫哆荫邢哥毒半柯稗摆悄裂茶鸭绕耸闷命春当哀榨肯雕嫩呼愈验瓦谦币宇蹭眼磺规酿茄僚底赛锡奠庞棋固摔迪帆总室偏垦骏究搅拧忙析烁都仓烽餐霜娇刻诈擂芹老贩眶者农秃羚寐隆折脉竟住乍称湿鸡燕搭都哑召睛愚种善厅缎钓古镇钳鳞置皂馆衍夕卒曾醇逞胃苛涌糯顷军虚舵骋桶浸譬帆哪翱惠围坎观秘海拨浑勾前炎气烽思甸邪饭勉哥奎梦悲咏昭衅揖橡免仇盂您勉溪鸯浦窍雄肆徘濒寻


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