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1、GR92-1 part 1Section 2 填充1. Though some of the information the author reveals about Russian life might surprise Americans, her major themes are - enough.看到开头的though + 看完整句话后直接选 (A) familiar2. In the early twentieth century, the discovery of radium - the popular imagination; not only was its discover

2、er, Marie Curie, idolized, but its market value - that of the rarest gemstone.看完整句话注意到;与not only, but (also)两个point,决定先从后面空格下手,某样东西不但发现者崇拜,其市场价值比起宝石来如何如何,想也知道当然不可能比较低,可直接删掉答案(A)(B)(C)(E),选(D) enflamed . exceeded3. The presidents secretary and his chief aide adored him, and both wrote obsessively - p

3、ersonal memoirs about him; unfortunately, however, - does not make for true intimacy.看完整句话注意到有;,显示前后两句话的意思有相反的味道,前一句话总统的秘书等人敬重他,且两者都如何关于他的个人回忆,而后段的出现unfortunately,显示后面空格需填入与总统有点关系的人,可删除答案(A)(C)(D),而将答案(E)的rancorous (恨意很深的)带入棉厌的空格发现解释不通,故选(B)devoted . . idolatry4. Despite claims that his philosophy c

4、an be traced to - source, the philosophy in fact draws liberally on several traditions and methodologies and so could justifiably be termed -.这题我其实是看完题目与答案后直接选(E)a single . eclectic,因为其它答案解释不通5. Due Bois foreign trips were the highlight, not the -, of his travels; he was habitually on the go across

5、and around the United States.空格出现在两个逗号之间,显示与highlight有同意关系,但注意到两个逗号之间有一个not,所以前段句意应为某人旅程的最明显地方,但不是如何,带入答案后发现只有(E)解释的通,故选(E)totality6. Business forecasts usually prove reasonably accurate when the assumption that the future will be much like the past is -; in terms of major - in the business environm

6、ent, however, forecasts can be dangerously wrong.首先注意到整题有一个;,显示前后两段的意思有相反的意味,先看后段的题目,题意为商业的环境在一段时间的怎样之后,原先的预测可能有危险的错误,带入五个答案后发现只有(E)satisfied . shifts才解释的通,时间不可能discontinuities(答案A),也不可能risk(答案D),其它更不对7. It is almost always desirable to increase the yield of a crop if - increases are not also necess

7、ary in energy, labor, and other inputs of crop production.看完题目到注意到desirable,显示这题说的是不可能发生的事情,或是实现机率极低的事情,题意为增加crop的产量几乎是不可能的,因为能源等的增加没有如何,带入答案后可直接选(B)commensurateSection 2 模拟8. Miser:Stingy (某人具某性质)Miser - one who is extremely stingy with money只有(E)loner:solitary才有关系,其余答案两者均无关系loner - one that avoids

8、 otherssolitary - being, living, or going alone or without companions9. Aqueduct:Water (某物品的功能有关某物)Aqueduct - a conduit for water其实看答案就可直接选(B)artery : bloodartery - any of the tubular branching muscular- and elastic-walled vessels that carry blood from the heart through the body答案(E)的tanker是装油的,不是装f

9、luids10. Enzyme:Catalyst (某物是某物的一种)答案中只有(B)bacterium : microbe才有此关系,应该不需解释吧11. Lien:Claim (某物具有某性质)lien - a charge upon real or personal property for the satisfaction of some debt or duty ordinarily arising by operation of lawclaim - a right to something答案(E) subpoena : commandsubpoena - a writ comm

10、anding a person designated in it to appear in court under a penalty for failure12. Verbosity:Words (某名词的性质与某名词有关系)Verbosity - containing more words than necessary答案(B)floridness : embellishmentsfloridness - elaborately decoratedembellishment - the act or process of embellishing13. Quixotic:Idealisti

11、c (程度模拟)quixotic - foolishly impractical especially in the pursuit of ideals答案(B)whimsical:steady的关系为相反关系,答案(D) touchy : sensitivetouchy - acutely sensitive or irritable14. Preempt:Precedence (某动词具有某性质)preempt - to acquire (as land) by preemptionprecedence - the fact of preceding in time答案(D) acquir

12、e : possesionacquire - to come into possession or control of often by unspecified means15. Malinger:Ailmalinger - to pretend incapacity (as illness) so as to avoid duty or workail - to suffer ill health答案(D) flatter : appreciateflatter - to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest

13、appreciate - to value or admire highly16. Arboreal:Treesarboreal - inhabiting or frequenting trees答案(E) sidereal : stars sidereal - of, relating to, or expressed in relation to stars or constellations标题=Notes for GR92-1 part 2内容=Section 4 填充1. Job failure means being fired from a job, being asked to

14、 resign, or leaving - to protect yourself because you had very strong evidence that one of the first two was -.代入每个答案即可知(A)voluntarily . impending最合适2. The tone of Jane Carlyles letter is guarded, and her feelings are always - by the wit and pride that made - plea for sympathy impossible for her.根据句

15、意,第一个空格应该选负面的动词,且与情绪有关,看来看去只有答案(A)masked .adirect最适合3. French folktales almost always take place within the basic - that correspond to the -setting of peasant life: on the other hand, the household and village and on the other, the open road.根据句意,法国的民间传说总是与什么咚咚一起发生,这个咚咚又与农夫生活的什么背景一致,而之后又接:,显示后面的句子要来

16、补充说明农夫生活的什么背景,:后说了两件事,所以后面的空格应该选跟二有关的答案,看来看去只有答案(C)的dual是最确定跟二有关的答案,最后将整组答案代入,发现最为适合4. Nurturing the Royal Ballets artistic growth while preserving its institutional stability has been difficult, because the claims of the latter seem inescapably to - development; apparently, attaining artistic succe

17、ss is simpler than - it.根据句意,Royal Ballet的艺术发展是很困难因为后来的要求无可避免的如何了发展,第一个空格明显要我们选负面的动词,所以(A)(D)(E)删除,句子后半段有一个;符号,显示前后句意有相反的意思,而代入答案(B)(C)后发现(B)的perpetuating (使永存不朽)比(C)的resurrecting (使活跃)更能解释整句,所以选(B)inhibit . perpetuating5. Inspired interim responses to hitherto unknown problems, New Deal economic st

18、ratagems became - as a result of bureaucratization, their flexibility and adaptability destroyed by their transformation into rigid policies.新的经济变成什么是因为官僚化(bureaucratization)的结果,它们的弹性与适应性都因为被转变成僵化的政策而被摧毁,所以空格应该选负面的形容词,很明显的答案只有(C)ossified (已经硬化的)比较适合6. Biologist - isolated oceanic islands like the Ga

19、lapagos, because, in such small, laboratory-like settings, the rich hurly-burly of continental plant and animal communities is reduced to a scientifically - complexity.首先生物学家要如何处理isolated oceanic islands,第一个空格就可以把(A)(B)(D)删掉,因为动词使用不对,而后半据的句意显示一个丰富的动植物可以被简化成一个如何的科学的复杂体,代入答案(C)intimidating (恐吓的)发现与题意不

20、合,故选(E) prize.tractable7. The startling finding that variations in the rate of the Earths rotation depend to an - degree on the weather has necessitated a complete - of the worlds time-keeping methods.句意显示地球速率的变异会决定气候的某种程度变化,代入答案这项发现完全的如何了地球的计时方法,后面的选项可以删掉(C)(D)(E),因为说不通,而我觉得前面空格中选(A)比选(B)要恰当,所以我选(A

21、)unexpected . overhaulSection 4 模拟8. orchestra : instrumental (某物具有某性质)orchestra(交响乐)是由乐器合奏而成的答案(A)choir(唱出来的诗)是由vocal (声音)组成的9. trophy : contestantcontestant之中生利的人可以得到trophy答案(E)honors是学生的 “奖”10. listener : eavesdropper (偷偷模拟) eavesdropper - to listen secretly to what is said in private答案(C)spy : o

22、bserve是一个偷偷的观察者11. fidget : nervousness (动词具有形容词的特性)fidget - to cause to move or act nervously答案(A) cringe . dreadcringe - to shrink in fear or servilitydread - causing great fear or anxiety12. dormant : inactivity (同义关系)dormant - ASLEEP, INACTIVE答案(B) malleable . plasticitymalleable - capable of be

23、ing extended or shaped 13. waft : plummet (反义模拟)waft - to move or go lightly on or as if on a buoyant mediumplummet - to fall perpendicularly答案(E) meander : dashmeander - to wander aimlessly or casually without urgent destination : RAMBLEdash - to break by striking or knocking14. prudish : propriety

24、 (程度模拟)prudish - marked by prudery : PRIGGISHpropriety - the quality or state of being proper答案(C) finicky : qualityfinicky - extremely or excessively nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards 15. poseur : sincerity (左边没有右边的性质)poseur - a person who pretends to be what he or she is not 答案(D)recluse : gregariousness是常背的模拟16. moralistic : principled (程度模拟)moralistic - characterized by or expressive of a concern with morality答案(B) pedantic : learned pedantic - narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned


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