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1、本次作业是本门课程本学期的第3次作业,注释如下:大学英语IV 第3单元 作业题 一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. How long will it take to get well? _正确答案:C (A) It started 3 days ago. (B) I have waited for almost 30 minutes. (C) If you stop smoking, youll recover soon. (D) Its nothing but the flu. 2. Id like to make an appointment with Dr. Broo

2、ks. _正确答案:D (A) You may come 10 oclock Thursday morning if you like. (B) Dr Brooks can see you in about 15 minutes. (C) Thank you very much for calling and making an appointment. (D) Is 10 oclock Thursday morning fine with you? 3. How often should I take the medicine? _正确答案:C (A) You should drink mo

3、re water. (B) Youd better lie in bed. (C) Three times a day after meals. (D) You should keep warm. 4. When did your symptoms begin? _正确答案:D (A) I didnt sleep. (B) I have an upset stomach. (C) I dont feel well. (D) They began last night. 5. _. Can I help you? 正确答案:A Hello. My wife is Dr Turners patie

4、nt, and she is not feeling well this morning. (A) Dr Turners office (B) This is Mary (C) Welcome to Dr Turners office (D) Thank you for calling 6. Doctor, will this medicine have any side effects? _正确答案:D (A) This medicine is very good. (B) This medicine is so expensive. (C) This medicine is useful.

5、 (D) It will probably make you sleepy 7. Where is the doctors office? _正确答案:B (A) You are the 14th patient today. (B) Hell see you in Room 3. (C) You cant miss it. (D) You will probably wait for a while. 8. How long have you been feeling uncomfortable? _正确答案:C (A) I feel dizzy. (B) I have a poor app

6、etite. (C) For almost 3 days. (D) I feel better today. 9. Doctor, I strained my back the other day working in the garden. _正确答案:B (A) Why so careless? (B) Well. You need an X-ray. (C) When did it start? (D) Well, go and stay in bed. 10. Im Doctor House. What seems to be the problem? _正确答案:B (A) I ca

7、nt bear the strain at work. (B) I strained my back at work. (C) The work bores me. (D) Its killing me. 11. Adam is a man for _ I have the greatest respect. 本题1分 正确答案:C (A) that (B) who (C) whom (D) which 12. He tried to stand on his hands for five minutes, _ is rather a difficult thing to do. 本题1分 正

8、确答案:B (A) that (B) which (C) whose (D) / 13. his is the best instrument _ we have in our laboratory. 本题1分 正确答案:C (A) which (B) what (C) that (D) where 14. This is the only English-Chinese dictionary _ I have. 本题1分 正确答案:B (A) what (B) that (C) whom (D) which 15. We have bought some new machines, _正确答

9、案:D _ work very well. 本题1分 (A) what (B) that (C) who (D) which 16. She has everything _ a good wife should have. 本题1分 正确答案:A (A) that (B) which (C) whom (D) what 17. The four travelers_ I shared the room were kind people. 本题1分 正确答案:D (A) who (B) whom (C) from which (D) with whom 18. _ the numbers in

10、 employment, the hotel industry was the second largest industry in this country last year. 本题1分 (A) in line with (B) in terms of (C) in accordance with (D) in proportion to 正确答案:B 19. Last year, Mary _ her second child. 本题1分 正确答案:C (A) produced (B) born (C) gave birth to (D) created 20. He_ to climb

11、 the steep cliff but after only a few minutes found it would be too dangerous. 本题1分 正确答案:C (A) risked (B) dared (C) attempted (D) practiced 21. The article has proved _. 本题1分 正确答案:A (A) useful (B) is useful (C) been useful (D) use 22. Happiness doesnt always _ money. 本题1分 正确答案:D (A) go for (B) go th

12、rough (C) go back (D) go with 23. While nuclear weapons have_ dangers, some countries are still trying their best to develop them today. 本题1分 (A) unseen (B) constant (C) obvious (D) potential 正确答案:D 24. You must give this matter_. 本题1分 正确答案:A (A) priority (B) advantage (C) right (D) quality 25. Succ

13、ess in school _much hard work. 本题1分 正确答案:A (A) calls for (B) calls off (C) calls up (D) calls back 26. An assembly line makes it impossible for a worker to do anything _ work. 本题1分 正确答案:A (A) other than (B) rather than (C) more than (D) better than 27. _ yourself to the job in hand, and youll soon f

14、inish it. 本题1分 正确答案:C (A) reply (B) imply (C) apply (D) supply 28. Almost everything a manager does_ decisions; indeed, some suggest that the management process is decision making. 本题1分 正确答案:C (A) imposes (B) improvises (C) involves (D) indicates 29. Many people like white color as it is a _ of puri

15、ty. 本题1分 正确答案:A (A) symbol (B) sign (C) signal (D) symptom 30. The doctor told Penny that too much _ to the sun is bad for the skin. 本题1分 确答案:D (A) expansion (B) extension (C) exhibition (D) exposure 正 31. Dogs are often regarded _ the friends of human beings. 本题1分 正确答案:C (A) being (B) be (C) as (D)

16、 of 32. Air _ when heated. 本题1分 正确答案:B (A) extends (B) expands (C) enlarges (D) increases 33. The car went _ and crashed. 本题1分 正确答案:B (A) in control (B) out of control (C) under control (D) off control 34. What he did will put him _ risk . 本题1分 正确答案:A (A) at (B) in (C) to (D) for 35. As a little boy

17、, he has _ too much responsibility. 本题1分 正确答案:B (A) taken in (B) taken on (C) taken out (D) taken off 36. Suppose the people of the earth are using _ the oil resources soon. What will happen to our life? 本题1分 (A) off (B) of (C) up (D) at 正确答案:C 37. We _ China _ the Great Wall. 本题1分 正确答案:A (A) associ

18、atewith (B) connect in (C) combine with (D) relatewith 38. These products have been created to _ the requirements of the market. 本题1分 正确答案:C (A) reach (B) answer (C) meet (D) suit 39. Its _ that this city has a population of more than 1,000,000. 本题1分 正确答案:D (A) estimated (B) judged (C) appreciated (

19、D) evaluate 40. Its very difficult to _ the meaning of a word without a context. 本题1分 正确答案:B (A) describe (B) define (C) determine (D) decide 二、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题) 41. Mars is the obvious first choice for travel to other planets. Of all the other planets in the Solar System, Mars even with its present

20、 cold, hostile environment is the most like Earth. About half Earths diameter with one-third the gravity and only 1 percent of the atmosphere, spacecrafts have found that Mars nonetheless harbors the important asset of water beneath its surface and in its frozen poles. Every two years its orbit draw

21、s it closer to Earth, and its presence in the night sky is a constant reminder of what might be. Last summer, it came within 34.6 million miles of Earth, its nearest approach in almost 60,000 years. Only Venus is closer, and with an average temperature of about 850 degrees, it is not welcoming. In c

22、ontrast, Mars is pleasantly cool, from about 200 degrees below zero right up to freezing. From the presence of water and relatively temperate climate comes another powerful attraction. “The fascination with Mars centers around the issue of life,” Dr. Zubrin said. “Mars is key to answering that criti

23、cal question, is there life somewhere other than Earth?” Dr. Louis D. Friedman, executive director of the Planetary Society, said, “The fundamental question people want answered is Where am I from and where am I going?” He added, “Mars can tell us about the origin of life and the destiny of life. Fi

24、nding evidence of past or present life, even if only primitive microbes, would mean that life did not occur only on Earth”, he said. “And”, he said, “Mars is the only planet we know of that humans have a chance of colonizing to prove they will not be forever Earth-bound.” “Mars becomes the experimen

25、t,” Dr. Friedman said. “If we cant make it on Mars, then Earth is our limit and we are going to have to re-examine our relationship to our home planet.” (1)Mars is the obvious first choice for travel to other planets, because_. 本题2分 正确答案:B (A) Mars is cold and hostile (B) The environment of Mars is

26、most similar to that of Earth. (C) Mars has about half Earths diameter, one-third the gravity and 1 percent of the atmosphere (D) Spacecrafts have found water on Mars. (2)According to the passage, which of the following statement is true? 本题2分 正确答案:D (A) Earth is cold and hostile, just like Mars. (B

27、) Mars is much bigger than Earth. (C) Mars is closest to Earth of all the other planets in the solar system. (D) Venus isnt an ideal choice for man to travel because of its high temperature. (3)According to Dr. Zubrin, people are fascinated with Mars because _. 本题2分 正确答案:C (A) Mars has water beneath

28、 its surface and in its frozen poles. (B) Mars has a relatively temperate climate. (C) Mars is key to answering “Is there life somewhere besides Earth?” (D) Mars is very beautiful. (4)Which is NOT mentioned by Dr. Louis D. Friedman? 本题2分 正确答案:C (A) Finding evidence of past or present life on Mars wo

29、uld mean that life did not occur only on Earth. (B) Mars can tell us about the origin of life and the destiny of life. (C) Mars is the only star that humans have a chance of reaching. (D) If we cant make it on Mars, Earth has to be our limit. (5)We may describe this passage as _. 本题2分 正确答案:C (A) ent

30、ertaining (B) imaginative (C) scientific (D) humorous 42. For over a decade, the technique of distraction has been researched and successfully applied in clinical practice in order to reduce pain associated with certain medical procedures. Distraction techniques are based on the patients limited cap

31、acity for attention, resulting in a reduction in the patients attention to the stimulus and therefore a reduction in the stimulus itself. It was assumed that the ideal distracter would require an optimum amount of attention involving various senses (visual, auditory and kinesthetic), an active emoti

32、onal involvement, and participation from the patient to compete with the signals of the harmful stimuli. The advanced distraction techniques (ADTs) recently developed use 3D images combined with dynamic audio stimuli, making the techniques more likely to meet the requirements of an ideal distracter

33、than the traditional distraction methods such as watching a film or playing a simple computer game. The ADTs simulate real-life situations, and the possibilities are infinite. For example, until now users could choose between taking a flight, driving, downhill skiing, exploring buildings and many mo

34、re activities. In this study, peer-reviewed publications on ADTs and pain have been reviewed to determine the clinical effectiveness and importance of using these techniques as an analgesic. The results suggest that the ADTs can significantly reduce the pain associated with medical treatment. The us

35、e of such analgesia was clinically revealed in most cases, especially in patients with very high or unbearable levels of pain. It was found that levels of anxiety were reduced during the exposure, and the side effects, such as simulator sickness, were hardly observed at all. We can conclude that ADT

36、s are very useful as analgesia, and can reduce the amount of analgesic administered. This new field of study can begin to move forward beyond its current initial phase by placing more emphasis on methodology and psychological aspects. (1)Which is NOT the reason why distraction techniques can reduce

37、the patients pain? 本题2分 正确答案:A (A) Because distraction techniques can remove the pain out of the patients body. (B) Because distraction techniques are based on the patients limited capacity for attention. (C) Because distraction techniques can cause a reduction in the patients attention to the stimu

38、lus and therefore a reduction in the stimulus itself. (D) Because distraction techniques would require various senses, an active emotional involvement, and participation from the patient to compete with the signals of the harmful stimuli. (2)That ADTs is better than the traditional distraction metho

39、ds because _. 本题2分 正确答案:C (A) ADTs include watching a film or playing a simple computer game. (B) ADTs require people to take a flight, driving , downhill skiing, exploring buildings, etc. (C) ADTs use 3Dimages combined with dynamic audio stimuli. (D) ADTs are used in real-life situations. (3)Accord

40、ing to Para. 4, when ADTs are used, which of the following will NOT happen? 本题2分 正确答案:A (A) The pain associated with medical treatment has completely gone. (B) Levels of anxiety were reduced during the exposure. (C) The side effects, such as simulator sickness, were hardly observed at all. (D) ADTs

41、can significantly reduce the pain relevant to medical treatment. (4)From the last paragraph, we know that_. 本题2分 正确答案:B (A) The effect of ADTs are the same as that of analgesia. (B) We can reduce the amount of analgesia with the help of ADTs. (C) We can replace analgesia with ADTs. (D) We have alrea

42、dy achieved success in the study of distraction techniques. (5)This passage mainly talks about_ 本题2分 正确答案:A (A) distraction techniques that help ease pain during medical treatment. (B) the relation between ADTs and traditional distraction methods. (C) the advantages of using ADTs over analgesic. (D)

43、 the difference between ADTs and traditional distraction methods. 43. How can we get rid of garbage (垃圾)? Do we have enough energy sources to meet out future energy needs? These are two important questions that many people are asking today. Some people think that we might be able to solve both problems at the same time. They suggest using garbage as an energy


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