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1、 关于J.J Rousseau 里面的可以值得借鉴的话:爱弥尔中:我们所有的智慧,都摆脱不了奴隶的偏见。我们所有的习惯都在奴役我们,束缚我们,压制我们。 -用于批判思维的issue,或者是创新意识之类的。奢侈或者是财富的结果,或者是使财富成为必需, 领导人处理危机的能力Different levels of leadership calls for different action of a strong leader in different situations. In other words, whether or not the society is stable or prosper

2、ity, a necessary requirement for an able political leader is the ability to address emergency including economic, credit or environmental crisis. When times are in harmony, it maybe easier to follow along with popular opinion as long as it does not appear to be particularly disruptive. However, when

3、 economic index continuously drops or commodity price keeps rising, or even worse a military conflict between nations exists, a leader that can make the difficult decisions to stay with certain principles and objectives is required. Every so often, although the strategies executed may be against the

4、 vast majority of public opinions, they may still be the best ones for the overall wellbeing of the country or company. In sum, the standard of effective is largely judged by whether a leader can determine which approach will most likely lead to the accomplishment of the overall mission.关于教育的方向:Cons

5、idering us human being finally as social animal, we should never ignore the significance of fundamental knowledge and skills which are needed and necessary in social life. Therefore, at any level, the most basic task of education may be the target of developing the personality of the individual and

6、the significance of his life to people around. Speaking more specifically, it can be described as “life skills” including rational thinking, critical thinking, and the ability to analyze, all of which are conducive to dispose whatever difficulties life may present in their later lives. In addition,

7、the schools should wake up to their status as incubators of virtue to stress the qualities of humanity and transmit sound moral values. Of all the areas of learning the most important is the development of attitudes. Emotional reactions as well as logical thought processes affect the behavior of mos

8、t people. Current wisdom holds that attitudes come from either direct impressive experience, such as “those burnt fears the fire”, or indirect cumulative experience, as books impart to us.Educators must evaluate their own attitudes and value systems on a regular basis in that the influence can be de

9、leterious if educators have personal prejudices, especially when it comes to controversial issues and questions on which children should be encouraged to quest for their own judgement as a result of objective analysis of all the facts.多媒体:Multimedia has important applications for consumer products a

10、nd for business needs. Video scenes that are captured by camcorders can be combined with text, sound, and data and can be viewed on television sets in homes, schools, or offices. These multimedia presentations are becoming useful educational and communication tools. For example, there are available

11、encyclopedias that contain video programs depicting animal behaviors, geomorphic process, and other natural phenomena. Automobile mechanics can watch videos that demonstrate how to repair new models. In business applications, documents can be annotated with voice or video. New consumer products can

12、be more effectively marketed by demonstrating how they can be used, enhancing the effectiveness of sale.法律:Through institution of law the nation can control the violence within a society by restrictions in various forms. The more developed a legal system becomes, the more society takes responsibilit

13、y for the discovery, control, and punishment of violence acts.科学:Science is viewed as a universal and rational enterprise, based on factual affirmation and analytical coherence.关于科技专与泛:It cannot be denied that rapidly developing science and technology is pervading every aspect of our lives at an unp

14、recedented speed. Thanks for advanced technology we have the power to create almost everything based on wants. Along with the requirement of top technology is the fact that discipline ceaselessly shapes its own narrower branches gradually and specifically. After a recollection of great minds, it see

15、ms to be obvious that neither would generalist like Aristotle reappear nowadays, nor the future. Indeed, only by great efforts made in particular field with a professional knowledge can one embrace better chance to achieve success. Admittedly, a talent who is versatile may absorb knowledge in variou

16、s domains providing a multidimensional angle from which a better mastery can be developed. However, just consider how limited the time can be devoted in academic research, it is not beyond comprehension that if all energy is focused on single realm one will surely gain narrower but deeper achievemen

17、t, an achievement standing for the direction of advanced technology. 既定思维和创新 跨学科Since one begins to explore in some realm, no matter humanities or sciences, ideology is doomed to be restricted and form a fixed one after a period of time, at least to some extent. On this occasion, scholars are prone

18、to resolve problems involuntarily in an established perspective where contains some kind of principle. Consequently, they will be trapped into a deadend circle and have to struggle for a way out at the cost of enormous time that could be spent on further exploration. Although this scenario is an ine

19、vitable result caused by a particular stage to which ones ken or discipline develops, we still should depend on subjective initiative to avoid this corner. Isadora Duncan, known as the mother of “modern dance”, has been one of the most enduring influences on 20th century culture. Her teaching and pe

20、rformances helped free ballet from its conservative restrictions and foresaw the development of modern expressive dance. She was among the first to raise interpretive dance to the status of creative art, blending together poetry, music and the rhythms of nature. She did not believe in the formality

21、of conventional ballet and gave birth to a more free form of dance, dancing barefoot and in simple Greek apparel. Her repudiation of artificial technical restrictions and reliance on the grace of natural movement helped to liberate the dance from its dependence on rigid formulas and on displays of b

22、rilliant but empty technical virtuosity, paving the way for the later acceptance of modern dance.浅层意义的跨学科The world around us intertwines with each other and form a complicated web interacting in ways that cannot be comprehended without a mastery of knowledge of several fields. In fact, the diverse d

23、isciplines nowadays are evolved from few main domainsphilosophy, mathematics and the like, so almost all branches can find themselves to some extent in the central disciplines. These specific branches in turn function together to accelerate the pace of advancement in different realms A case in point

24、 is Archaeology, a discipline requiring a variety of other human endeavors involving geography, biology, history and linguistics. Since it is science itself that gestate most subjects as branches inextricably related, it is not beyond comprehension that to advance our awareness in one area demands s

25、ufficient concerns to the interplay among them.Another possibility may be a slow and monotone progress without creative breakthrough, namely, merely different expressions of form意见相同与相悖的价值After a retrospect about how our ideologies have come into being in daily life, it is not beyond comprehension t

26、hat besides reading various books from science to literature, we never cease to communicate with and learn from others including parents, friends and the like. Among them not only exist disagreements contradicting with our ideas but also involve resonances sharing our minds, both of which, are not s

27、o much diverged in content as different in ways to improve ones knowledge.It is true that disagreement always arouses pressure and hostility, especially when two persons hold totally different opinions like zenith and nadir. Since they cannot achieve agreement on some subject, finally the communicat

28、ion evolves into endless dispute sticking to separate point of view rather than a rational analyze objectively. In this scenario, emotional outlet instead of dispassionate reflect plays a dominant role in the process of exchanging ideas, therefore, either side gains little. However, if we merely lea

29、rn from those whose views in accord with ours, what we may encounter is narrower and narrower thoughts deviated from those who embrace different views, and those dissimilarities may exactly correct while we neglect. This act cannot be better described as a blind self-confidence, which hampers our pr

30、ogress in study rather than be conducive to us. Generally speaking, a comprehensive view historically will reveal that anyone who accomplish a lot must be equipped with an excellent qualityan open mind, namely, the ability to absorb views from others, especially those far away from ours so that we h

31、ave more chance to explore a new area with inspiring thoughts. Avoid a deadend or narrower paths of thoughts.竞争与合作的利与弊What cannot be neglected is that the rapidly increasing quality of people possessing higher degrees has been urging competition more violently than what we thought it should be. Anyo

32、ne, in any walk of life, should be aware of the potential threat to be thrown out of the tide of society and should try best to bring skills into full play.Competition is indispensable in any democratic society in that it not only provides an equal opportunity to make the best of talented persons bu

33、t also prevents the phenomenon of nepotism, at least to some extent. Talents nowadays are able to present their versatility and specialization so that many higher achievements which were inaccessible due to fewer chances can be gained, as long as their knowledge is professional adequately. Moreover,

34、 drastic competition serves to expedite the development and modernization of society than ever before as well. So in this sense, it is undoubtedly that competition play a significant role in benefiting our society. However, too much emphasis on the positive role of competition will surely obscure th

35、e drawbacks it might hold, such as some phenomenon caused by ill competition. How would it be if there is no sound institution system, just let the market economics be a totally free one? All of us can imagine what the real conditions would be without governments interference: Illegality, adulterati

36、on, even commotion caused by trivial conflicts. To prevent such negative influences, the government should take part into the economic activities and exert a direct control in macro level rather than stand by.Actually, there exists an inseparable relationship between cooperation and competition. If

37、the concepts of cooperation and competition are extended to a social level and are analyzed in economic perspective, more often than not, competition can best illustrate itself in diverse ways when it comes to the level of individuals or companies, the former focus on personal development through in

38、tense competition against other rivals, while the latter aim at the most possible financial profits among the other homogeneous enterprises. However, in a group with similar target, things are different. The priority becomes efficiency as a whole that both individuals and companies will soon thrive.

39、 Therefore, we cooperate with others to be more competitive, while we compete for a better environment for cooperation, thus continuous improvement can be obtained.艺术:Any masterpiece of any style with any technique shares two cardinal features, the power of arousing the resonance of the reader by a

40、faithful adherence to the truth of nature, and the power of giving the interest of novelty by the modifying colors of imagination.艺术的功能:Through art works we can not only observe the political values of a people, but also psychological conditions and emotions. Information about the daily activities o

41、f that time can be provided vividly by art. In short, art expresses the essential qualities of a time and a place in particular, and a study of it clearly offers us a profound understanding of the political life of a country than objective information without opinions that can be found in most histo

42、ry books. So, arts subjectivity reflecting emotions and opinions serves as a supplement. Many paintings depict and embody artists deep sorrow, depression and sadness about social problem such as war, political reform or tyranny. Consider, for example, Francisco Goya, a great Spanish painter, critici

43、zed the governments abuse of power over people in his famous painting: The Third of May.In another perspective, every so often religious belief predominate the subject of art, although in different forms. For instance, as almost the only one art type for expressing emotions for hundreds of years in

44、Europe, religious art always favors the subjects of people and stories from the Bible and all religious buildings, mainly churches, were full of those colorful paintings, from which we can abstract some mainstream ideas of that time. On the contrary, the Islamic belief that statues are unholy can al

45、so be elicited by characteristics of art in the Islamic churches even nowadays, for its lack of human images.追求兴趣爱好的作用It is inherent in the human spirit to be more effective and productive when they are in pursuit of something that is of interest to personal level. Only by inner motivation can one p

46、erform various abilities to most extent, no matter in which human endeavor. In the endless monotone process of accumulating knowledge, someone sticks to while someone gives up, someone succeeds while someone fails, the reason lies in that the former perceives the process meaningful with a high spiri

47、t while the latter feels anguished and bored. Therefore, scholars and researchers should be given the freedom to choose their own areas, no matter how unusual or seemingly useless those fields may be. Consider, for example, 实用主义As for those who leave their youthful fantasies to some forgotten area i

48、n their minds, whatever the reason, it is a sad fact of reality that people seems to be doomed to give up their dreams and surrender to the limitations of the society. It is true that most of us cherish a career propensity when we grow up from a very young age, whether the target is in scientific, c

49、ommercial, or political realm. However, the problem is that as we mature we gather enough experience and profound cognition rendering our dream naive. Somewhere along the way between childhood and adulthood, people are incline to lose an ability to stick to original thought and seek employment by weighing how lucrative a job is or even, by the vacancies available in the place where they live. Finally, what an individual


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