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1、BEC初级听力主讲:高媛媛第一课时听力考试介绍40 分钟 (30+10)4个部分30个题两种题型:选择、填空 (14,23)听力来源:真实、没有偏见,都与商务有关包括访谈、打电话、面对面的交谈、记录片目的:测试听力技巧和策略四个部分:1部分:8段很短的谈话或独白 (15-30秒)2部分:一段简短谈话或独白 (90秒)3部分:一段独白 (2分钟以内)4部分:一篇较长的正文 (3分钟)1部分:选择题 8个 3选项:文字、图片、图表、示意图测试重点:测试学生1 理解口语2 获取事实性信息:名字、时间、地点、图表趋势、地图上/房间中某处位置等2 部分填空题 7个试题:表格、统计表、图表、便条测试重点:

2、数字:日期、价格、百分比、数量、金额3 部分填空题 7个试题:表格、记录测试重点:单词4 部分选择题 8个3选项:文字内容:1. 一个人的独白;2. 两个人对话、访谈、谈话;3. 三个人讨论、会话测试重点:1. 理解主旨的能力 2. 获取具体、详细信息的能力 3. 了解说话人意见的能力试听体验Test 1Part 11 Why does the woman want the job? A to reduce travel time B to learn about the computers C to earn more money2 When is the trade fair?3 What

3、 is the purpose of todays meeting? A to discuss a merger plan B to obtain some advice C to sign a contract4 Which chart shows this years sales?5 How much will Emmas hotel bill be?6 What will the finance company give advice about? A buying shares B setting up a small business C paying less tax7 Which

4、 graph are they looking at?8 Whats the problem with the seminar? A the speakers availability B the size of the room C the low number of bookings听力原文:Listening Test 1This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary 2,Listening Test 1.pausePart One. Questions 1 to 8.For questions 1-8 you will hear

5、 eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A,B or C) for the correct answer.Here is an example: When were the machine parts sent?pauseWoman: Mr Hooper rang. He needs those parts for the packing machine by the third.Man: Well, its already the first today but wait no, its OK. They we

6、re sent out on the thirty-first.Woman: Good. Hell certainly get them by the third, then.pauseThe answer is A.Now we are ready to start.After you have listened once, replay each recording.pauseOne: Why does the woman want the job?pauseWoman: Im applying for that job in the Marketing Department, Im ti

7、red of going all the way to Head Office every day! The Marketing office is just down the road from my house.Man: Mmm, youd save money on train fares But its only the same salary!Woman: I know, but I want to use my computer skills as well.pauseTwo: When is the trade fair?pauseNext years trade fair in

8、 Milan, usually the first week of June, is now on June the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh. Its organizers are not happy they were hoping that the fair would be on the twelfth and thirteenth. However, the situation in pauseThree: What is the purpose of todays meeting?pauseWoman: When are you seeing

9、Munro International about signing the distribution contract?Man: Well, Im meeting two of their directors today for lunch so Ill make a date to do that then.Woman: Fine. Are you going to talk about the merger over lunch?Man: Thats the aim. When I asked our MD for his advice on the next step, he sugge

10、st this lunch meeting.pauseFour: Which chart shows this years sales?pauseMan: Looking at our main markets, Asia now represents fifty per cent of all sales. Europe and the USA are the other two main players, with sales in the USA are the thirty-eight per cent, unlike last year when Europe had the big

11、ger share.pauseFive: How much will Emmas hotel bill be?pauseWoman(1): Hello, its Emma MacDonald here from AB Electronics. Id like to book a single room for the twenty-fifth please.Woman(2): Certainly. Single rooms are seventy-two pounds fifty per night, including breakfast.Woman(1): Oh I see but my

12、company uses the hotel regularly. We normally get a discount.Woman(2): Oh sorry. Thatll be sixty pounds per night then, sixty-five pounds fifty with breakfast.Woman(1): Oh, I wont want breakfast.pauseSix: What will the finance company give advice about?pauseCall Walkers Finance Company now. We are s

13、pecialists in advising successful small businesses on aspects of business finance. So, if you want to attract investment or reduce your companys tax bill, call us on 0207 765 5540pauseSeven: Which graph are they looking at?pauseMan : Look at this graph. There s a real problem with production at this

14、 plant. Over the last two years weve increased our investment in it considerably- here, see?Woman: Mm, thats true.Man: And yet production continues at the same level Woman: Youre right. Theres been no fall in production, but there should be a rise and there isnt.pauseEight: Whats the problem with th

15、e seminar?pauseWoman: Dan.Man: Yes.Woman: Um, slight problem with the time management seminar next week.Man: Dont tell me Andy Norton cant give the introductory talk and Ive got to do it.Woman: Its not that. Theres such a huge demand this time. Ive had over sixty bookings and the venue is only big e

16、nough for forty. Its funny, last time we had so few bookings.pauseThat is the end of Part One.听力中同学们遇到的问题:大家的问题大致分为三类:1. 只能听懂一些词,但是没法连成句子 建议:平常多做一些精读、复述、背诵的练习 原因:语速问题、发音问题、词汇 推荐教材:英语初级听力 (listen to this 1)2. 能听出一句来,但是听不出第二句 建议:扩大阅读量、做适当精读;学会利用标志词猜测3. 大致能听懂,但细节问题还是云里雾里的 建议:扩大阅读的同时加大听力的量

17、co.uk书面材料:listen to this感兴趣的杂志Test 1Part 11 Why does the woman want the job? A to reduce travel time B to learn about the computers C to earn more money2 When is the trade fair?3 What is the purpose of todays meeting? A to discuss a merger plan B to obtain some advice C to sign a contract4 Which cha

18、rt shows this years sales?第二课时5 How much will Emmas hotel bill be?6 What will the finance company give advice about? A buying shares B setting up a small business C paying less tax7 Which graph are they looking at?8 Whats the problem with the seminar? A the speakers availability B the size of the ro

19、om C the low number of bookings讲解1 Why does the woman want the job? A to reduce travel time B to learn about the computers C to earn more money部门的说法:Marketing Department 市场部 Head Office 总部 人事部 Human ResourcesHR,Personnel Department 财务部 Accounting Department,Financing Department 生产部 Production Depart

20、ment 货运部,送货部 Delivery Department 物流部:Dispatch,logistics 销售部: Sales Department 售后部:After Sales 售前部:Presales 研发部:Research and DevelopmentRD 前台接待处:Reception分支机构,办事处,代理商:branch 分部,分公司 office 办事处,联络处; agent 代理商; 代言人 spokesperson重点的小细节:tired of 烦透了,受够了2 When is the trade fair?usually 通常情况下 其后面很可能出现 but 但是

21、这次.were hoping that 过去曾经希望,现在没有实现; I thought 我原以为I had thought 我原以为; was intended to,was supposed to 本来应当日期的三种说法:the 1st of June; June the 1st; June 1st3 What is the purpose of todays meeting? A to discuss a merger plan B to obtain some advice C to sign a contractpurpose aim 目的 target,goal,objective

22、合并 merger; 收购,兼并 acquisition,take over;joint venture 合资公司4 Which chart shows this years sales?unlike 表示前后两者相反5 How much will Emmas hotel bill be?Id like to book a single room for the twenty-fifth please.双人间 twin room; double room 有一张双人床的房间行政间 executive room 套间 suite room豪华间including 包含 打折 get a disc

23、ount,give sb a discount数字:17.506 What will the finance company give advice about? A buying shares B setting up a small business C paying less tax so 所以,同义词 therefore,thus,then,as a result,consequently,accordinglyon aspects of 在哪些方面7 Which graph are they looking at?方向:1. 上升的方向:increase, rise, go up,

24、grow, climb, rocket, sky rocket, soar2. 下降的方向:decrease, reduce, fall, go down, decline, drop3. 保持水平的方向:level, keep level, level off, remain the same, no change at all, hardly changed幅度:slightly, smoothly, sharply, dramatically, constantly, steadily, suddenly, gradually, slowly, rapidlyThe cost of pr

25、oduction decreased slightly last year.It had been going up steadily since Februry, but yestaday it droped sharply to the lowest.There has been a steady increase in sales since 2000.Sales rocketed dramatically by a hundred million dollars to three hundred million dollars in March.8 Whats the problem

26、with the seminar? A the speakers availability B the size of the room C the low number of bookingsonly 强调作用, unique,simply,sole第三课时Test 2Part 11 Why is the man late for the meeting? A The meeting time was changed. B His train was delayed. C There was an emergency in his office.2 Why is Timtex perform

27、ing badly? A Its profit margins are too narrow. B It is targeting the wrong market. C Demand for expensive clothing is low.profit margins 利润边际 边际利润 marginal profit3 Which graph shows the companys sales?4 Where do they decide to hold the seminar? A at a conference centre B at a Trade Club C at a hote

28、l5 What does the successful business produce?6 In which department does Ben work now? A Engineering B Sales C Marketing7 Which chart shows the banks current network of branches?8 What do they still need to put in the hall? 听力原文:Listening Test Two This is the Business English Certificate Preliminary

29、2, Listening Test 2.pausePart One. Questions 1 to 8.For question 1-8, you will hear eight short recordings. For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer.Heres an example: When were the machine parts sent?pauseWoman: Mr Hooper rang. He needs those parts for the packing machin

30、e by the third.Man: Well, its already the first today but wait no, its OK. They were sent out on the thirty-first.Woman: Good. Hell certainly get them by the third, then.pauseThe answer is A.Now we are ready to start.After you have listened once, replay each recording. pauseOne: Why is the man late

31、for the meeting?pauseWoman: Sorry we had to start the meeting without you. What happened train late again?Man: It was, but only by a few minutes. According to my diary, were not starting till eleven.Woman: We were, but Ive got to fly out to the Tokyo office on urgent business this afternoon, so we h

32、ad to bring the meeting forward.Man: Well, no-one told me pauseTwo: Why is Timtex performing badly?pauseWoman: Timtex isnt doing too well, is it? I see profits are right down again.Man: Mm. Well, at the moment the markets sharply divided between those who want fashionable clothing, even though it co

33、sts a lot, and those who want to pay as little as possible. So by aiming at the middle market, Timtex doesnt really please anyone very much.pauseThree: Which graph shows the companys sales?pauseMan: and despite a slight fall early in the year, WP Engineering have in fact done well this year, with a

34、steady rise in sales up to now, which their Managing Director, William Peters, hopes will continue into next year pauseFour: Where do they decide t to hold the seminar?pauseWoman: Where are we holding the seminar this year?Man: How about that new hotel in town?Woman: Its too expensive for our budget

35、 somewhere like the conference center is more suitable its fully booked though.Man: And everyone complained about the Trade Club last year Woman: OK, well maybe we should spend more on the venue this year. Lets go with your idea.pauseFive: What does the successful business produce?pauseWoman: These

36、articles about new business are interesting.Man: Especially the one about the woman whose company sells a game she invented herself.Woman: Mm. Shes doing really well. The one that made soft drinks failed within six months.Man: Yes. And the people publishing the magazine did well at first, but then t

37、hey couldnt find any more investors.Woman: Pity. Seemed a good idea.pauseSix: In which department does Ben work now?pauseWoman: Hello Karl! How are you?Man: Im fine thanks. How are things at the company?Woman: Oh, there have been so many changes since you left!Man: I hear Bens moved?Woman: Yes they

38、needed someone with an engineering qualification in Marketing, so they transferred him there.Man: Whos replaced him in Sales then?Woman: No-one yet!pauseSeven: Which chart shows the banks current network of branches?pauseMan: at the moment a quarter of the banks branches are in Europe, and a third i

39、n Asia. The rest of their business is, of course, in the States. But todays news is that theyre planning to close some US branches pauseEight: What do they still need to put in the hall?pauseMan: Ive just been over the hall to check the arrangements for the shareholders meeting.Woman: Is everything

40、set up OK?Man: Almost. They havent got the microphone in yet. Everything else was all right though the OHP was there Woman: What about the video player?Man: Oh, we changed our minds about that, so I didnt book one in the end.pauseThat is the end of Part One.讲解1 Why is the man late for the meeting? A

41、 The meeting time was changed. B His train was delayed. C There was an emergency in his office.diary 日程,安排 bring sth forward 把什么事情提前了2 Why is Timtex performing badly? A Its profit margins are too narrow. B It is targeting the wrong market. C Demand for expensive clothing is low.总结:如果以后再碰到了题目问的是why,这

42、种题大家要重点听因果词3 Which graph shows the companys sales?4 Where do they decide to hold the seminar? A at a conference centre B at a Trade Club C at a hotelLets go with your idea. 还是听你的吧。5 What does the successful business produce?6 In which department does Ben work now? A Engineering B Sales C Marketing7 Which chart shows the banks current network of branches?8 What do they


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