1、中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题 目: 中西方餐桌礼仪的差异 姓 名 : 00000000 班级、学号 : 000000000 系 (部) : 经济管理系 专 业 : 商务英语 指导教师 : 000000 开题时间: 2009-4-10 完成时间: 2009-10-25 2009 年 10 月 25日目 录毕业设计任务书1毕业设计成绩评定表2答辩申请书3-6正文7-23答辩委员会表决意见24答辩过程记录表25 课 题 中西方餐桌礼仪的差异 一、 课题(论文)提纲引言1.餐桌礼仪的重要性;2中西方餐桌礼仪的差异;2.1中餐主要餐具的使用2.1.1筷子2.1.2勺子2.1.3盘子2.1.4茶
2、杯2.1.5餐巾2.1.6牙签2.2中餐席位的安排2.3西餐主要餐具的使用2.3.1刀和叉2.3.2勺子2.3.3餐巾2.4西餐席位的安排2.5进餐礼仪的差异2.5.1中餐进餐礼仪2.5.2中餐上菜次序和礼仪2.5.3西餐的进餐礼仪2.5.4西餐的上菜顺序结语二、内容摘要With the rapid development of economy, the world has grown so small that we all depend on each other now. What happens in one place of the world affects other place
3、s. And frequent contacts are showing the importance of table manners. Different countries have different table manners. The different table manners between Chinese and western countries are the core of this paper .This paper introduces the use of main tablewares and arrangment of seats and the order
4、 of dishes and table manners between Chinese and western countries.We must have a good knowledge of table manners between Chinese and western countries in order to work and live properly during the international communication.随着经济全球化的日益发展紧密,世界变得越来越小,并相互依存相互影响。国际间人与人之间的交往日趋频繁,也就突显了餐桌礼仪在国际交往中的重要性,不同的国
5、家有着不同的餐桌礼仪。本文主要介绍中西方餐桌礼仪的差异,主要从主要餐具的使用,座位的安排, 进餐礼仪,上菜次序来比较中西方餐桌礼仪差异的.人们需要了解中西方国家在餐桌礼仪上的差异,以便能在国际交往中更好地交流,给生活和工作带来更大的便利。三、 参考文献1李元授. 礼仪训练 M 华中理工大学出版社, 2005-52 魏志国, 餐饮服务饮食管理 M 北京: 旅游教育出版社, 2002-93 中餐座位主客座的位置坐法及其相关用餐礼仪常识 中国旅游2007-4-2 4精致生活 西餐餐具摆放中国时尚品牌网 浙2006-2-4 5西餐席位应如何安排南京日报社 南京龙虎 The different tabl
6、e manners between Chinese and western countries00000Abstract:With the rapid development of economy, the world has grown so small that we all depend on each other now. What happens in one place of the world affects other places. And frequent contacts are showing the importance of table manners. Diffe
7、rent counties have different table manners. The different table manners between Chinese and western countries are the core of this paper .This paper introduces the use of main tablewares and arrangment of seats and the order of dishes and table manners between Chinese and western countries.We must h
8、ave a good knowledge of table manners between Chinese and Western countries in order to work and live properly during the international communication. 中文摘要:随着经济全球化的日益发展紧密,世界变得越来越小,并相互依存相互影响。国际间人与人之间的交往日趋频繁,也就突显了餐桌礼仪在国际交往中的重要性,不同的国家有着不同的餐桌礼仪。本文主要介绍中西方餐桌礼仪的差异,主要从主要餐具的使用,座位的安排, 进餐礼仪,上菜次序来比较中西方餐桌礼仪差异的.人
9、们需要了解中西方国家在餐桌礼仪上的差异,以便能在国际交往中更好地交流,给生活和工作带来更大的便利。关键词:餐桌; 礼仪 ; 差异; 座位;Keywords: table ; manners ; difference; seats;Introduction:With the development of opening-up policy, foreign etiquette enters to our daily life day by day. Besides the commercial etiquette, the table manners is very important, too
10、. It have effect on the quality of the people,especialy childern.You should train yourself in proper table manners,whether alone or with family. Because it will become a natural part of you behavior,and you will be at ease at the table.1.The importance of table mannersThe table manners express ones
11、quality and education so whatever age its worth to advocating. A large number of white-collor and leader go to manner training institution,which prove its importance.In our dialy life we often use table manners so it cant be ignored and should be received considerable concern by parent.If you want y
12、our children have excellent table manners, please start to teach them in their childhood.Britain attach great attention to childrens manner education. In order to help children develop excellent table manners and have all sorts of commendable quality or characters, they begin to teach the children t
13、able manner from the first day children on the table. The majority of British parents believe that if you children want to eat their own,which indicated they desire to personal independence .That is no doubt that we should give them encourage. The British general agreement that childrens bad habits
14、are caused by early childhood that they parents dont care. Its will not only influence ingestion of a comprehensive and adequate nutrition, but also make the child develop self-willed, selfish and self-control personality.Table manners is a mirror that reflect the peoples quality and family educatio
15、n.2.Different table manners between chinese and western2.1The use of chinese food main tablewares 2.1.1 Chopsticks The chopsticks are the main tableware of Chinese food. It should be held between the thumb and fingers of the right hand.Chopsticks are traditionally held in the right hand only and a f
16、ew people still consider that use chopstick with left hand is improper .When public chopsticks are offered on the table , it is considered impolite to use your own chopsticks to pick up the food from the public plate or eat using the public chopsticks. An exception to this rule is made in family din
17、ners that family members may not mind using ownchopsticks. Never wave your chopsticks or bang them like drumsticks or use them to move bowls or plates.Decide what to pick up before reaching with chopsticks. Do not use chopsticks move around in shared dish. After you have picked up an item, do not pu
18、t it back in the dish.Chopsticks can be put quitely on ones plate or bowl.Never stab chopsticks into a bowl of rice, leaving them standing upwards.2.1.2 Spoon Its main fuction is scoop the food and dish. Sometimes you can use the spoon and chopsticks together to get food, but try not to separetely u
19、se the spoon to pick up dish.Please be careful when you get the soup with spoon and dont take full suop in case the soup overflow. It will make you cloths and table got dirty. After you get the soup, you can pause a moment when the soup is not further downstream and then move it back and enjoy. The
20、spoon should be placed on the plate when you temporarily not use and please dont put it directly on the table or in the dish. And if the food you have got is too hot, not to use a spoon to scoop and scoop or blow with mouth. You can put it on your own bowl first and wait a moment when it become cool
21、, then eat them. Also dont use the spoon stuffed into you mouth or lick with your tongue repeatedly.2.1.3 Plateplate is mainly used for holding food and the function as well as the bowl. Generally plate must be stayed in one place at the dinner and dont stack it together.We need to give a importance
22、 presentation for dish plate because of special useful. The main role of the dish plate is used for holding food that take from the public dish to enjoy. Please dont get many dish each time. It will not only appear disorder but also like a hungry ghost. Do not put a variety of dishes stacked togethe
23、r, it will not good-looking and become bad taste and not delicious. The residue,bone ,gill you not eat shouldt splited on the ground or on the table but should be taken lighty on the front of dish plate. If the dish plate is filled with food, you ask the warter for changing.2.1.4 CupsIts manily used
24、 for holding water. Such as soft drinks ,fruit juice ,cola and others. Do not use it to hold wine and do not turn it over. In addition, the drink into the mouth cant be sprited back.2.1.5 NapkinThe waiter prepared a wet napkcin for you before dinner. Its used to clean you hands and should be put bac
25、k into the plate that be taken by waiter. Sometimes before the formal end of the banquet, the waiter also bring a wet napkin for you is to wipe you mouth rather than face.2.1.6 ToothpickTry not to pick you teeth in public. When you have to do that please cover you mouth with your other hand. After p
26、icking, do not hold the toothpick in your mouth for long time. And not use it to take food.2.2The arrangement for Chinese food seats Chinese and western people use different arrangement for table to treat their guests. The different arrangement require different types of table seating。In the traditi
27、onal Chinese banquets, people use the square table. The square table is also called a traditional Chinese table for eight. As its name shows, square table is square shape and can provide four sides for seating. Each side can have two seats and eight seats in all. The seats facing the door are consid
28、ered as the honored seats and the other seats are for ordinary guests. In the banquet, the guests of honor sit on the honored seats and the host and the hostess sit on the seats opposite to them. The other guests take the rest seats in order. In the Chinese tradition, the south is usually considered
29、 as the position of honor while the north is less favored. As a Chinese saying goes, “the seat of the king faces the south.” So in the Chinese feast, the seats facing the south are usually saved for the important guests or the elderly. Before the Chinese people get into the seating they always decli
30、ne modestly about the seats facing the south.2.3 The use of western main tableware 2.3.1 Knife and forkThe fork is held in your left hand and the knife is held in your right. You should hold your knife with the handle in your palm.At first you hold down the food with a fork, then cut it into small p
31、ieces with a knife, and then fork it into your mouth. American use the fork in your left hand while cutting, and then switch to right hand to pick up and eat a piece while europeans not change hands. The fork is used to convey any solid food to the mouth. The knife blade should be placed on the edge
32、 of your plate when not in use. The blade should always face inward. If there are a number of knives or forks, then you should start from the outside set as each course is served. 2.3.2 SpoonWith the righ hand held the spoon and the finger must be maintained at the end of spoon handle. In addition,p
33、lease use the spoon to get the soup and do not use it to get other food. When you have finished eating soup, the spoon should be placed to the side of the saucer, not left in the bowl or put on the shared dish. When eating soup, you should hold your spoon in your right hand and tip the bowl away fro
34、m you, scooping the soup in movements away from yourself. 2.3.3 Napkin. During dinner large naplcins can be folded outward and covered steadily on the lap, but small napkin can be stretched in the legs directy. Please be careful not hung it on the chest and clean you face or tableware.Please use the
35、 inside of napkin to wipe mouth if you make a mess rather than outside. Never blow your nose on your napkin. Your napkin should never be screwed up. When finished, fold it neatly and leave it to the left of your plate.2.4 Western countries seats arrangement The western banquets are used to using the
36、 long table . In normal situation which both the host and the hostess attend, the host and the hostess sit on the two ends of the table. The guest of honor sits on the right side of the hostess while the wife of the honored guest sits on the right side of the host. The other guests sit according to
37、their status and one man should sit next to one woman. But the western traditional table seating pays more attention to the positions of left and right. The right is more favorable than the left. That is because the western people think that the sun rises from the east which is just the right side t
38、o them. So right means motivave in their eyes. The honored guests are normally sitting at the right side of the hosts and all guests sit in a clockwise order according to their importance. There is a rule that each person seated, or leave his seat, should be left out from the seat.2.5 The difference
39、 dinning manners between western and Chinese2.5.1 Chinese food dinning mannersPlease keep a excellent gusture during dinner so you should maintain your body straight and keep your feet on the ground without moving.During dinner your have many options about how to place your hand.You can put your wri
40、st at the bottom edge of the table or put hands on the knees. But the most important things is that your hands must remain stationary. Chinese traditionally eat rice from a small bowl held in the left hand. The rice bowl is raised to the mouth and the rice pushed into the mouth using the chopsticks.
41、 The thumb must always be above the edge of the bowl. And not use a spoon to scoop rice from the bowl.when souping chinese people do not want make any voice as well as westerners. Chinese people scoop the soup from outside to inside while the westerners are scooped from inside out.When dinning in we
42、stern the cellphone almost not turn on unless you have a very important things. In this situation, the ring tones should be turned quietly. If ringing you need to say sorry to all guest and then go out. This rule is also used in Chinese.During dinner you need invite the guests to eat first and do no
43、t hurry to take the dish. Each time get less dish and take less dish far away from your. No matter what particular food you eat, dont make any voice.It is acceptable to take food to people who are having difficulty in picking up the food far away from himself. Also it is a sign of respect to pass fo
44、od to the elderly first before the dinner starts .Traditionally, it is polite for the youngest members of the table to talk each and everyone of the elderly members of the table before a meal starts and tell them to eat rice, which means go ahead and start the meal, to show respect. The host should
45、always make sure the guests drinks are sufficiently full. You should not pour for yourself first, but should offer to pour for a neighbor. When your drink is being poured, you should not say thank you but may tap your fingers on the table to show appreciation. When people wish to put drinks together
46、 in the form of a cheer, it is important to observe that younger members should put the edge of their drink below the edge of an elder to show respect. 2.5.2 the order of dishes in chinese foodAccording to traditional manners ,the meal usually begins with a set of at least four cold dishes, to be fo
47、llowed by the main courses of hot meat and vegetable dishes. And then the soup will be served,to be followed by dumplings or noodles or fruit.Hot food should be served on the left of honored gustes opposite.Serving manners are as follows: If the dish include the pattern of peacocks, phoenix ,it should be served on front of the first honored guest and the master