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1、毕业设计(论文)论飘中斯嘉丽的婚姻观Scarletts View of Marriage in Gone with the Wind毕 业 设 计(论文)任 务 书题 目:论飘中斯嘉丽的婚姻观 专题题目(若无专题则不填):原始依据(包括设计(论文)的工作基础、研究条件、应用环境、工作目的等):玛格丽特. 米契尔 (Margaret Mitchell) 的巨作飘展现了美国南北战争时期南方动乱的社会现实,以女主人公斯嘉丽为主线,描写了几对青年的爱情纠葛。作品一问世就引起了广大读者和评论家的极大关注。其中有些评论家对女主人公斯佳丽的婚姻观进行了评述。在性别研究浅谈斯佳丽的婚姻悲剧中,作者分析了文学名



4、水一般的温柔与火一样的热烈,这种性格使其对爱情有着特殊的理解,既勇于追求爱情,又把爱情当做生活的交换条件。为了生活,她自由的穿梭于各色男人之间,却忽略了自己内心的真实感情,所以她的婚姻不是建立在爱情上的,每一次婚姻都是为了满足的她的不同需要,虽然最后她重建了塔拉庄园,得到了自己梦寐以求的金钱、地位,却失去了最宝贵的爱情。日程安排:2010年7月至9月:搜集相关资料,对资料进行汇总2010年9月至11月:完成开题报告2010年11月至2011年1月:完成初稿2011年1月至3月:论文修改2011年3月:论文答辩主要参考文献和书目:1 牛冀莲. 战争中的铿锵玫瑰从女性主义角度看乱世佳人中斯佳丽的形

5、象J.黑龙江大学学报,2009,5.2 马佳瑛. 多重性格的结合体浅析J.西安翻译学院学报,2010,43 韩艳莉. 郝佳丽:“逝”不去的梦和人论中郝佳丽的女性主义意识J. 南昌高专学报, 2008,44 丁芸.思嘉精神及其形象和审美价值J.浙江大学报(社会科学版), 1990,35 陈煜强. 斯嘉丽的婚姻观. 马斯诺“需要理论”解读 M 云南师范大学外语学院 2007年6 杨云 试论乱世佳人中郝思嘉的艺术形象J. 大同职业技术学院学报,2004,9 7 Dong Hengxun. The History of American Literature. Beijing:People Liter

6、ature Press,20038 Guo Yuanzhong. “On Tendency of Ideology in Gone with the Wind.” Henan Teachers University. 2005, 4:123-124.9 He Yuanyuan. “Gone with the Wind Will Never Gone with the Wind.” Hunan Metullurgical Professional Technology College 2006, 3: 377-379.10 Hu Guoxian. “A Dream of America-A Re

7、al Story about Scarlett”. Guangxi University Wuzhou Branch 2005, 2: 52-55.11 Jing Xinmei. “On Feminism in Gone with the Wind.” School of Foreign languages. Nanjing Normal University 2005, 2: 76-80.12 Li Yanbo. “A Study about the Rebellion in Scarletts Character.” Journal of Mudan Teachers University

8、 2005, 2: 13-14 13 Mitchell, Margaret. Gone with the Wind. Yili:Yili People Press,2001AbstractMargaret Mitchells novel Gone with the Wind is based on the civil war which happened in the united states. In that period, the situation of society was turbulent and unrest. It described a few youth love im

9、broglio around the heroine Scarlett. Scarlett was born in the mid-nineteenth century, living in a wealthy family plantation owner in the southern Georgia. On one hand, she has kinds of good quality, quite, good-hearted, full of ability like her mother Aland-a French seaside noble, but on the other h

10、and, she is ruggedly gracious like her father-a Frenchman. She has courage to pursue love, but also regards love as a life of an exchange. She can shuttle freely in all kinds of men, but neglects her own hearts feelings, so her marriage is not based on love, just for satisfying her need. In retaliat

11、ion for Ashley, she married Charles, in order to live, she married Frank, and in order to satisfy the vanity, she married Rhett. Eventually, she got the money, position which she was dying for, rebuilt the Tara manor, but she lost the most precious thing-love. But she is a strong girl, dare to face

12、any difficulties after experiencing the ups and downs of life, and raise the whole family. After reading her marriage story, we can understand the American culture in the nineteenth century and know American feminist forming process. Whats more, we can establish the correct view of love through the

13、research of her love, lest posterity to repeat.Key words: Scarlett; Love; Life; Marriage摘 要玛格丽特. 米契尔 (Margaret Mitchell) 的巨作飘展现了美国南北战争时期南方动乱的社会现实,以女主人公斯嘉丽为主线,描写了几对青年的爱情纠葛。故事的女主人公斯嘉丽出生于十九世纪中期,生活在美国南方开化较晚、不拘礼仪的佐治亚州,那里有着独特的历史人文背景,孕育了一代具有极为浓厚的“南方性”情节的人们,这样的环境为斯佳丽性格的形成提供了自由的空间。于是特殊的家庭和特殊的社会环境造就了其特殊的性格-水一

14、般的温柔与火一样的热烈,这种性格使其对爱情有着特殊的理解,既勇于追求爱情,又把爱情当做生活的交换条件,每一次婚姻都是为了满足她的不同需要。为了报复艾希礼,她嫁给了查尔斯,为了生活,她嫁给了弗兰克,为了满足虚荣心,她嫁给了瑞德。虽然最后她得到了自己梦寐以求的金钱、地位,重建了塔拉庄园,却失去了最宝贵的爱情。我们可以透过斯嘉丽每次婚姻的背景、特点,来看当时的历史,了解十九世纪的美国,了解美国女性主义的形成过程,也可通过研究斯嘉丽的爱情,树立正确的爱情观,以免后人再重蹈覆辙。关键词:斯嘉丽;爱情;生活;婚姻ContentsAbstractI. Introduction.1II. Scarletts

15、Living Background.1III. Scarletts Marriage.23.1 Scarletts First Marriage.23.1.1 Background of Scarletts first marriage.23.1.2 The characteristics of Scarletts first marriage.23.1.3 The result of Scarletts first marriage.33.2 Scarletts Second Marriage.33.2.1 Background of Scarletts second marriage.33

16、.2.2 The characteristics of Scarletts second marriage.33.2.3 The result of Scarletts second marriage.43.3 Scarletts Third Marriage.43.3.1 Background of Scarletts third marriage.43.3.2 The characteristics of Scarletts third marriage.43.3.3 The result of Scarletts third marriage.53.3.4 Set up the corr

17、ect love view.5IV. Conclusion.6Bibliography Acknowledgement目 录摘要第一章 引言.1第二章 斯嘉丽的生活背景.1第三章 斯嘉丽的婚姻.23.1斯嘉丽的第一次婚姻. .23.1.1斯嘉丽第一次婚姻的背景.23.1.2斯嘉丽第一次婚姻的特点.23.1.3斯嘉丽第一次婚姻的结果.33.2斯嘉丽的第二次婚姻.33.2.1斯嘉丽第二次婚姻的背景.33.2.2斯嘉丽第二次婚姻的特点.33.2.3斯嘉丽第二次婚姻的结果.43.3斯嘉丽的第三次婚姻.43.3.1斯嘉丽第三次婚姻的背景.43.3.2斯嘉丽第三次婚姻的特点.43.3.3斯嘉丽第三次婚姻的

18、结果.53.3.4树立正确的爱情观.5第四章 结束语.6致谢参考文献I. Introduction The novel “Gone With The Wind” written by American writer Margaret Mitchell shocked me deeply, and she finished this great work with one billion words in 1936. The story started from April, 1861, spanning 12 years, and the background was US Civil War

19、. The writer not only created a myth, but also shows her own personal charm to the world. Heroine Scarlett is a simple but very complex figure. On the surface she has kinds of good quality, quite, good-hearted, and full of ability like her mother Aland, but the vast majority of cases, the restless t

20、emperament to her behavior. Shes so beautiful that almost all the young men in the book are tempted by her. She seems to have become accustomed to dealing within these young men, like a cold hot fire but locked of love to blame, which almost makes many men crazy. She has strong cravings in all the g

21、ood things, and she wants to take away the entire boys heart.At first, Scarlett is like a proud, attractive princess. She tends to conquer the entire world and seize all the happiness. She loves Ashley very much though she doesnt know him at all. Being angry, she gets married with Charles Hamilton w

22、ho is Ashleys wifes brother. Unfortunately, Hamilton dies in the war and Scarlett becomes a widow. But the war destroys her life and makes her back to her motherland. Although she is strong and brave to make a living in the wartime, its not enough. In order to protect her families and industries, sh

23、e gets married with Frank Kennedy who is Scarletts sisters finance. After Kennedys death, she finally marries Rhett Butler who really loved her very much. However, Scarlett still loved Ashley from the bottom of the heart. But she never tries to know Rhett. She continues to pursue the unreal love tow

24、ards Ashley. Until Melanie died did she know that Rhett is the only person who really loved her. But its too late. Rhett determined to leave her without hesitation. In the end, Scarlett had to tell herself that tomorrow is another day. From the story, we can see that Scarletts special spirit leads h

25、er special experiences and life.II. Scarletts Living BackgroundBefore the war, she lives in the traditional and conservative plantation and the life style forms her plantation masters character of loving land than anything else in the world and her rebellious character spontaneously. And Scarlett wh

26、o is his first daughter gains much more love from her father, Gerald, and is impressed less than anyone else by his tempers and his roaring. Gerald had drifted it onto a habit of treating her in a man-to-man manner.13 Naturally, Scarlett forms a particular character. We can say Scarletts father give

27、s her brisk and restless vitality and dauntless quality. When Scarlett was a child, she had confused her mother with the Virgin Mary. As far black as Scarlett could remember, her mother had always been the same, her voice soft and sweet whether in praising or in reproving, and her manner efficient a

28、nd unruffled. To her, Ellen represents the utter security that only Heaven or mother can give 13. She learns kindness, firmness and strong faith from Ellen. When Scarlett must face with all kinds of troubles, the love for Ellen gives her courage.The American Civil War was one of the most violent tim

29、es in the History of the United States. Scarletts character matures in the war. She has experienced so many things. She leads an extremely poor life during and after the war, and that abominable environment molds her character to confront the reality bravely and her independence and selfishness to o

30、vercome difficulties. The rich life experience before war; the unstable life during the war and the extremely poor life after war provide the foundation to form the character of Scarlett. And thus in such environment, Scarletts character can be complicated. But the unforeseen events make her become

31、destitute, homeless and poverty-stricken suddenly. III. Scarletts Marriage3.1 Scarletts First Marriage3.1.1 Background of Scarletts first marriageIts an unprepared marriage, it happened in a ignorant situation. To pursue the attachment that she carves for, unexpectedly, Scarlett decides to confess t

32、o Ashley audaciously at the barbecue and elope with him 12. Her exaggerated performance doesnt work on Rhett Ashley Wilkes, and makes completely different effects. Scarlett cant grasp the heart of Ashley Wilkes. Whats more, Rhett butler knows the relationship about them, and saw the scene when Scarl

33、ett told Ashley she loved him, and wanted to marry him, so she felt embarrassed and hated both of them. Scarletts hasty makes her pay a great price! After being refused by Ashley, Scarlett transfers all the emotions including love, anger and vanity to Charles who becomes her first husband. 7 3.1.2 T

34、he characteristics of Scarletts first marriageAt that time, she is just a willful child; consequences and responsibility dont seem to have relations to her. Soon after the war broke out, Charles die, Scarlett become a widow. According to the traditions among the Southerners, a widow had to wear hide

35、ous black dresses without even a touch of braid to enliven them, no flower or ribbon or lace or even jewelers, except onyx mourning brooches or necklaces made from the deceaseds hair. And the black crepe veil on her bonnet had to reach to her knees, and only after three years of widowhood could it b

36、e shortened to shoulder length. The widows could never chatter vivaciously or laugh aloud. Even when they smiled, it must be a sad, tragic smile. And, most dreadful of all, they could in no way indicate an interest in her; she must freeze him with a dignified but well-chosen reference to her dead hu

37、sband. For Scarlett, widow might as well as be dead 13. Due to her rebellious character, the “moral standard” doesnt work on her, she even cant cry for Charles, but keep widow life away from plain and boring. For Scarlett, widow might as well as be dead. So she continues to show her own charm and st

38、ill attracts a lot of men again. She behaved as she had behaved before her marriagewent to parties, danced, went riding with soldiers, flirted, did everything she had done as a girl. 13However, war has changed Scarlett, the inward spirit in Scarlett burst. She took courage to take a baby for Melanie

39、 by herself. In order to get away from the war, she carried Melanie and the baby to her motherland. But her family changed. Her mother died and her father became crazy. Unavoidably, she became the bread winner in the family. She kills the Northern soldiers at the critical moment, and creates an extr

40、eme poverty. It all reflects her strong, courage, indomitable.3.1.3 The result of Scarletts first marriageIts a completely failing marriage. Scarlett and Charles Hamilton didnt gain anything from the marriage, and they didnt feel happy. Scarlett utilizes Charles to fulfill her selfishness. She never treated Charles as her husband. She married with him, because it makes her feel more close to Ashley. If Charles didnt die in the war, they will divorce someday, because t


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