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1、Analysis on the Developing Strategies of E-commerce in Manufacturing Industry in China I. Introduction After more than 20 years of development and effort, through government support, marketing guidance, as well as the enterprises own construction, Chinas manufacturing industry in the information tec

2、hnology has made considerable progress in the vast majority of enterprises in different stages of implementation of information technology projects for the manufacturers to the construction of e-commerce system has laid a good foundation. Although the information in the process of Chinas manufacturi

3、ng industry has begun to start, but their application scale, scope, depth and there is a large gap between the developed countries. This difference is mainly reflected in the information technology of Chinas manufactured goods are low, the low level of information production processes, business mode

4、l and management model of the organization behind the three areas. In addition, the entire manufacturing sector, information technology gap between different levels of comparison: There is strength in medium-sized enterprises annually invested heavily in information technology has yielded notable re

5、sults; some poor efficiency of enterprises subject to financial and personnel constraints, as well as business management awareness of the restrictions on information technology may be just getting started, have not even started. From the view of the reality of the whole industry, manufacturing ente

6、rprises do not have the wide range of micro-foundation for e-commerce and macroeconomic conditions, only a minority percentage of enterprises have already implemented ERP, or just corporate information through the Internet to carry out the interaction part of E-Commerce the initial stage of the appl

7、ication.II. Elements of e-commerceElements of e-commerce can be summed up as follows: business, service, technology, security. 2.1 BusinessOn the business in terms of e-commerce to expand their markets and increase the number of clients; through the World Wide Web of information connected to the dat

8、abase, companies can record each visit, sale, purchase forms and purchase dynamics and customer preferences for products, so enterprises Fang you can be informed by statistical data to the most customers want to buy the product is. E-commerce as a new way in many parts of the deal a success. For exa

9、mple, a service company (Speed Serve Inc.) in United States created a set of e-commerce program, set up an online store. As the rental store savings, hiring store sales and other expenses enable them to sell at low prices to millions of books, games and CD-ROM. There is no doubt that this company ha

10、s had tremendous success. 2.2 Service In the e-commerce environment, customers are no longer subject to geographical restrictions, As previously, faithfully an old house near the store patrons, they are no longer simply focus on finding the lowest prices. Thus, the quality of service, in a sense bec

11、omes a key business activities. Technological innovation to bring new results, the World Wide Web Application enables companies to automate business processes, and algorithms as theyre no longer stressed the division of labor within the company. Now! Internet many enterprises can provide customers w

12、ith complete services and the World Wide Web in the improvement of the service to act as a catalyst role. Enterprises through the process of customer service moved to the Web, so that customers in a simple manner than in the past in the past they are more trouble to get service. If funds from a depo

13、sit account will be moved to a checking account, see a credit card balance of payments, records delivery request, as well as search for and purchase rare products, which can stay at home and in real-time. Clearly, e-commerce customer service with an obvious feature: easy. This is true not only for c

14、ustomers, for enterprises, also can benefit. Let us look at an example. Belgium Sierra Bank, through e-commerce, allowing customers around the clock access to capital account, and speed-reading, such as deposit interest rates, the lending process and other information, which makes the quality of ser

15、vice greatly improved. 2.3 TechnologyE-commerce is an emerging product, which uses a large number of new technologies, but it does not mean that the emergence of new technologies must lead to the death of the old equipment. World Wide Web, the real business value lies in the coordination of new and

16、old technology that enables users to more effective use of their available resources and technology to more effectively carry out their tasks.Technology In order to help businesses analyze, plan their e-commerce development strategy to guide the design and build applications and better integration o

17、f old and new resources, make full use of existing resources, IBM has established a scalable model of network computing model for NCF. This model is open, and is in the real product and a wealth of development experience based on the proposed. NCF of the concepts, principles will be under Chapter VI

18、I of this book to do a detailed description. 2.4 Safety For the customers, no matter how attractive line of goods, if they lack of assurance about the safety of transactions, they do not dare to buy or sell online. In e-commerce, security is the core issue must be considered. Deception, eavesdroppin

19、g, viruses and hacking are threatening e-commerce, thus requiring the network to provide end to end security solutions, including encryption mechanisms, signature mechanism, distributed security management, access control, firewall, secure Web server, anti-virus protection. In order to help companie

20、s create and implement these programs, international companies have undertaken joint technical standards for secure electronic transactions and programs in research, and published the SET (Secure Electronic Transaction) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol standard, etc., so that enterprises can

21、the establishment of a secure e-business environment.E-commerce is quick and easy, with a user friendly interface, feedback tool, must those who were able, through its access to high-value business intelligence, to identify hidden business relationships and grasp the future trends. Thus, they can ma

22、ke more creative, more strategic decision-making.III. Obstacles to e-commerce development of manufacturing industry in ChinaCompared with the manufacturing sector of developed countries, Chinas traditional manufacturing industries in the development of e-commerce, faces the following obstacles: 3.1

23、Irrational governance structureGovernance structure of enterprises in Chinas manufacturing sector is irrational and still accounts for a considerable proportion. Most managers of these enterprises does not care the business strategy, they did not fully understand the concept of e-commerce, as well a

24、s how tremendous business opportunities and interests can it bring about. Therefore, the state-owned enterprises reform and cultivation of the managers to the market is needed to improve the operating power. 3.2 Management system generally lags behindCompetitive pressures of Chinas traditional manuf

25、acturing enterprises in the original market conditions is small, most of the staff are accustomed to a more loose environment, the same time, traditional enterprise equipment is simple, the staff work at a single field for a long time whose ideas lags behind, is still the traditional business model

26、thinking. The transmission of information between the upper and lower levels and feedback from the system is slow in the pyramid-shaped traditional enterprise management system which will affect the speed and quality of leadership decision-making. Mode of transmission of this information and e-busin

27、ess requirements is of a big gap between the principles of real-time response, a serious obstacle to enterprise e-business.3.3 Lack of a large number of management personnel, technical personnel and compound talentsAlthough China has implemented more than 20 years of reform and opening-up policy, in

28、itially established a socialist market economic system, but plans to cover long-term economic dominance of the supply of human resources and economic development, the huge gap between, resulting in Chinese education, especially in management education have lagged behind. Although the mechanism of th

29、e human resources market has been gradually play a role, but the cultivation of human resources will take some time, which makes Chinese enterprises currently in the planning and development, the lack of e-business managers and technical staff.3.4 Backwardness of manufacturing technologyCAD technolo

30、gy in Chinas machinery manufacturing industry coverage rate is only 5%, the lack of design data, design method and backward, high-quality, high efficiency, energy conservation, and materials technology penetration is less than 10%, is still in the stand-alone automated, rigid automation stage, the m

31、achine tool numerical control of rate of only there is 0.7%. In addition, only a small number of local businesses using computer-aided management, and the majority of enterprises still remain in the experience of management phases. 3.5 Information technology lags behind Developed countries, within t

32、he company in the manufacturing industry began extensive use of computer network technology in the 1980s, to improve internal information sharing, improve operational efficiency. Information technology has become the organizational structure of enterprises in most of them indispensable basis for the

33、 environment. In China, most of the manufacturing enterprises to invest in a serious shortage of information technology, information processing equipment, backward, still facing a familiar application of computer-based network management issues. . E-commerce development of manufacturing industry in

34、China4.1 The groundwork for the improvement of ecommerceChina is a populous country, and with the popularization of higher Education in the labor supplies on the show a huge advantage.2007, the domestic Wholesale and Retail sales value exceeded 24 trillion Yuan. Foreign direct investment in China to

35、 nearly 1% of the average annual growth rate in 2001 to less than 470 trillion Yuan in 2007 to 747 trillion Yuan.Except in a few high-tech fields, the Chinese have formed a relatively complete processing system.4.2 Developing direction for Chinas manufacturing industry 4.2.1 To raise the level of sc

36、ience and technology On the one hand, business investment in equipment has to be strengthened, and on the other hand, scientific research and technology investment funds should be increased. Chinas manufacturing industry in the first 20 years of rapid development, mostly by virtue of the State of id

37、le land, cheap natural resources. And now, the construction of soft power is the focus point and business model should be innovative.4.2.2To change patterns of technological innovation Establish a technological innovation system and strengthen the manufacturing sector R & D investment. The introduct

38、ion of foreign advanced technology and innovation focuses on digestion and absorption. Strengthening R & D investment in Chinas manufacturing industry, increase the intensity of independent innovation in order to achieve localization, led the traditional Chinese Manufacturing conversion upgrade.4.2.

39、3 The construction of “green-based” manufacturing industryConstruction of “green manufacturing” measures are: the introduction of policies to encourage and strengthen industry mergers and acquisitions between and improve the efficiency of resource allocation; speed up eliminating backward production

40、 capacity, according to law, serious damage to the environment of the enterprise; strictly control high energy consumption and high polluting enterprises, to prevent the blind expansion of production. Strategies of speeding up the e-commerce development of manufacturing industry in China 5.1 Compreh

41、ensive boost of information societyThe face of new challenges, manufacturing companies should rethink their organizational structure and management mode, and consciously be reformed to adapt to the needs of e-commerce development, so that the entire enterprise to respond rapidly to changes. In this

42、process, with particular emphasis on the use of information technology to enhance processes, production processes, management processes, transformation, strengthening internal information technology.待添加的隐藏文字内容25.2 Phase in principleE-commerce as a new business model is an evolving process, not an ov

43、ernight process. We should not expect to be able to begin to develop a complete enterprise e-business operations model, and improvements from different aspects, so that different aspects of the work of mutual promotion, enterprise e-business strategies can be implemented steadily. Manufacturing ente

44、rprises should be based on business development needs, according to progressive principles, develop specific e-commerce development goals and planning, taking into account the experience at home and abroad, choose their own business model, implemented progressively and gradually move into higher sta

45、ges of e-commerce.5.3 To strengthen human resource developmentManufacturing enterprises, while the introduction of new technologies, pay attention to peoples creative play, in order to achieve the state of technology and human harmony. We should pay attention to staff training, emphasis on informati

46、on flow within the enterprise fluency. To establish a good incentive and restraint mechanisms, to ensure rewards and punishments and orderly are also ways to strengthen human resource development. In addition, the enterprises not only to take advantage of superior information systems to assist emplo

47、yees to supervise lower level employees, but also to help employees at all levels of creative work.5.4 Combination of e-commerce promotion and advanced manufacturing mode This is a manufacturing enterprise to remain competitive in the contemporary market, an effective means. E-commerce is an advance

48、d modern business model, while the agile manufacturing, lean production is an advanced manufacturing mode of production, the organic combination of the two inevitably produce enormous benefits, thereby changing the operating rules of the entire economic system.5.5 Strengthen the guidance and support

49、 of governmentTo strengthen the demonstration and guidance of government is to carry out manufacturing enterprise e-commerce demonstration project, targeted to support key enterprises to develop e-commerce, to promote the lessons learned through the pilot. Meanwhile, the government should play the guiding role of higher education and encourage institutions of higher learning to open e-commerce expertise to foster high-quality, complex e-commerce pers


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