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1、35个新托福口语高频真题加答案模板(by:秋姐) 特点:1.高频2.代表性3.话题丰富-TASK1包括人物类、物品类、地方类、事件类和其他类话题,TASK2包括教育类、科技类、媒体类、文化类、生活类和工作类话题。4.8句无敌模板标准优势:1. 语言地道2. 精准用词3. 漂亮句型4. 实用模板5. 高分必备适合人群:1.正在备战新托福的同学。2.对口语感到迷茫的同学。 3.想获得高分的同学。 使用方法:1.认真研读。2.总结出地道表达和模板。3. 根据自己的情况相应减量。4. 适当更改,避免重复。 学之所得:1.拿到经典之作。2.熟悉各种题材。3.得到原始库存。4.开始储备未来。Task 1【

2、人物类】about people 1. What charactereristics do you think a good teacher should have? (06. 3.3; 07. 11.3考题)Sample answer:In my view, a good teacher should have different characteristics. First, a good teacher should be faithful and dedicated to the job. If a teacher is faithful to the job, then s/he n

3、ever cheats and will be impartial(偏向) and students will respect such a teacher. If a teacher is dedicated towards his/her work, then s/he will teach with his/her heart.Another most important characteristic of a good teacher is patience.Teachers should never lose their patience in class when students

4、 ask questions repeatedly. A teacher should explain each and every aspect of the topic in the easiest way.Most of all, a good teacher should update his/her knowledge cause further learning can make a good teacher re-discover the beauty of the teaching profession.2. What are important characteristics

5、 you look for in friends?(06. 5.12; 06. 6.24; 07.1.27考题)Sample answer:I think what makes a good friend is someone who is honest, supportive, and has a good sense of humor. I just look for someone whos honest to me no matter what. He should not tell stories behind my back; he should tell me my short-

6、comings at my mouth, but never praises me in front of me. It is a well known saying that A FRIEND IN NEED IS A FRIEND INDEED. Therefore, a friend should stand by you in the hour of any sort of need. I just think that a good friend wont leave me if Im in trouble. They can be my friends in sunshine an

7、d in shade, care for me even when the times are bad and even more when the times are great. Also, Id love to spend more time with someone who can make me laugh and is fun to be around. 3. Describe a person that influenced you most.(06. 5.26; 06. 3. 17;06.10.22考题;与06.5.26类似)Sample answer:The person t

8、hat really influenced me most was Ms. Xing-my college teacher who taught us English literature. Her class was quite different from the other teachers. In her class we were not expected to sit there and listen. We had to get more involved in the class activities, like discussions, comments or debates

9、 sometimes. Our creativity and imagination were developed enormously through the active participation. On the other hand, she let us think more about life by sharing her experiences and more importantly, she taught me how to live on my own. So thats why I was greatly influenced. Not only did she giv

10、e me knowledge, but also she gave me courage and confidence as well.【物品类】about objects4. Describe a book that you think is the most useful and explain why it is the most useful. Include reasons and examples to support your response.(05. 11.19考题)Sample answer:The book that I think is the most useful

11、is OG, Official Guide for new TOEFL. Im a book lover and have lots and lots of collections. But OG is of the greatest use cause Im taking TOEFL Test, which is a must for a student who is gonna finish his or her overseas study in America. Not only does it give the brief introduction of the test, but

12、it also provides test candidates with practical tips. On the other hand, some basics of English language are offered following the main parts, which is very helpful for those who dont have a good command of English. Most of all, it helps me get well prepared for TOEFL iBT and improve my performance

13、on the four skills as well. This definitely leads to the academic success in my future study. Thats why I think OG is the most useful book for me. 5. Which do you like to read, magazines, novels or poems? And why? (06. 2.3; 06. 10.28; 07. 1.6考题)Sample answer:I prefer magazines to fictions or poems,

14、especially monthly magazines cause they are like colorful flowers in a garden.They are good in some way and fill current trends and demands in different ways. My definition of a good magazine is one that doesnt just stick to the same writers and trends. The presentation, theme, and subjects should v

15、ary to grab the interest of readers. And a magazine should be a place where new writers can blossom. I would like to see more magazine stories and features on the new generation of writers and I hope to read more about new trends and new ideas. I read five or six magazines per month and I buy two ma

16、gazines regularly-fashion and beauty magazines, cause they are worth reading for their entertainment news and fashion and beauty tips. Sometimes the personality profiles(个人档案/简介) of successful business icons(这里指“人物”) are also fun to read.6. Describe the most efficient transportation in your country.

17、 (06. 4.8; 06. 12.15考题)Sample answer:The most effective means of transport, Id say, is bicycle, an indispensable companion of most Chinese even though the private cars are on the rise. Each Chinese family possesses at least one bicycle and it is especially popular among college students. Compared wi

18、th cars, bicycle still has some advantages. First, it is very convenient due to its small size. It does not need special parking space and can be parked almost everywhere. Second, driven by man power, it doesnt need fuel, so it has nothing to do with air pollution and energy crisis. Third, most peop

19、le can afford a bicycle, but not a more advanced car. With so many advantages, bicycle will remain to be the most effective means of transport in China in the following years. 7. Describe one of the most important inventions in the last 100 years. (06. 4.28; 07.3.10考题)Sample answer:Some people might

20、 think computer is one of the most important inventions in the last century. But Id say television. Since the invention of TV, human history has started a new page. First, TV allows people to learn about whats going on in the world. With such information, they are able to get a better understanding

21、of the world they live in. Whats more, TV provides a lot of interesting programs that many people enjoy after a long days work. Its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and more relaxed. Most important of all, Television has a great influence on the way people think and talk.8. If you get a

22、 chance to choose a job, what will you do? (06. 7.29; 06. 11.18; 08.3.2考题)Sample answer:If I could freely choose any job, I would choose a job where I could do something constructive and beneficial for ordinary people. Definitely it would be something helping people. Teaching of course is sort of th

23、at kind of job- if you do it properly you can certainly help people. Traditionally in China teachers have been very respected; we have a saying a teacher for a day is a father for life. Nowadays, attitudes are changing, and perhaps people are more realistic. But my dream isnt changing. I wouldnt be

24、helping them materially but I could give them a lot of pleasure and lighten their days. I love teaching and I want it to be my whole lifes career cause I feel I really am contributing something to peoples lives, to help them. 9。Talk about an composition that is important to you, ex: essay, poem, let

25、ter, and explain the reasons. (07. 3.23; 08.5.17考题)Sample answer:The most important letter that I can remember was a letter applying for a job. I had seen this job advertised in a local newspaper, the evening editon. It suited me very much and I was immediately attracted to it. It said to apply in w

26、riting, giving details of your experience, your education and when you were available,and you had to give the names and contacts of two references. I was qualified for the job and eager to get it. When I was finished writing I was pretty satisfied and a little pleased, posted it off to the address g

27、iven and waited! Thankfully, before I sweated too much, I got a letter after a couple of days, saying they wanted me to come in for interview. I was very pleased to go for the interview and got the job, my first job! 【地方类】about places10. Where do you like to go when you are with friends? And why? (0

28、6. 1.14; 06. 2.11考题)Sample answer:When Im with friends, I like to go to the restaurant. We would head for some exotic (异国情调的,外国的)restaurant where we would choose our favorite dishes. And also, it should be one of the restaurants where the waitresses do not talk too much or disturb you. I would like

29、to find a secluded(隐蔽的,角落里的) table just for 3 or 4, perhaps with a panoramic view(全景) over a river or the lights of the city. We would have some very mellow(醇香的), warming red wine in sparkling glasses twinkling in the candlelight, the hues(色调) and aroma(香味) filling our senses. We would eat slowly an

30、d carelessly for the joy of sharing and of being together. Our senses heightened, breathing deeply to the point of silent sighs, we would enjoy an endless evening there. Thats the right place where I dont want to end our gathering. 11. Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state w

31、hy you visit it frequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation. (06. 1.21; 06. 11.17考题)Sample answer:I usually go to Beihai Park when I have the time and opportunity. I can go for a stroll in the park to relax. The park has some trees, and interesting and winding paths, whe

32、re I can wander listlessly and contemplate my own thoughts or admire the various stages of nature. Sometimes I just like to feel the breeze on my face and savour(尽情享受) its coolness. It gives me a sense of freedom. It also has a lake on which I can go boating. I often go to the park with my friends o

33、n weekends. And well have a picnic if we stay there for the whole day. 12. Describe a school youve ever attended. (06. 9.23考题)Sample answer:The school Id like to talk about is Beijing New Oriental School where I took my TOEFL course. What I like about the school is that I can meet almost the best te

34、achers in the country. They are so talented, eloquent(有口才的), knowledgeable and humorous that I dont feel any bored in class. A 2.5 -hour class passes very quickly. One more good thing about the school is that I can meet people from different parts of the country and make friends with them. We have a

35、 lot in common, sharing the same passion, the same stage, even the same learning difficulties which we encounter(遇到) and then discuss and finally work out together. Living on campus offers us much time to communicate and to share experiences. Actually theres a lot to say about my school, but the poi

36、nts above are what I mainly want to cover.13. Describe your favorite room either of your own house or in other places and explain why. (07. 1.13; 07.9.12; 08.4.27考题)Sample answer:My favorite room is the living room. I like lots of open space and a sense of expansiveness, of freedom(宽敞和自由的感觉). Also,

37、its a place where I can look around and not feel agitated(不安的) or confined(受限制的). All different but natural colors have a such lovely warm effect that I would never get tired of it. Everything is in harmony- large digital TV on the wall, glass-made tea table, beautiful plants, couch and sofa, a good

38、 book, a good wine. It gives me a sense of satisfaction and away from hurly burly(喧嚣). It is at times a place to contemplate and at times a place to share with friends. In a word, it is graceful, refined, comfortable and restful . 14. Describe a place you have never been to but like to go someday. (

39、07. 1.19考题;与2008. 2. 2 类似)Sample answer:A place that I have always wanted to go but have never been to is America. Perhaps its a bit corny, but as far as Im concerned, America is a country, which is vast and open, a sort of freedom. Its also a place where if you work hard you will be successful. The

40、 second reason for me to go there is that I would like to visit some natural places like Grand Canyon, and Niagara Falls and some cities like NY, LA, SF, and Miami, where there is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.But most important of all,I would get my Masters in a different country i

41、f I had a chance. That country would be America, which has the most prestigious universities worldwide. Hence I can get the finest education. I guess that would be the biggest attraction for me, to discover myself in a different world and be successful. 15.Describe a place for a trip. (07. 8.11考题; 与

42、2007. 1.19,2008. 2. 2 类似)Sample answer:I would go to New Zealand for a trip if I had a chance. Its a lovely country, made up two islands. It is very lush(青葱的) and green because it rains a lot there. I would do a lot of different things and one thing I would definitely do is to swim with the dolphins

43、. One of my friends ever did it, which she said was very interesting. At first, she was only brave enough to pat them and then she got braver and held on to ones fin while it took her for a swim. They moved very quickly and gracefully through the water and it was fascinating(棒极了). So the place for a

44、 trip would be New Zealand! 【事件类】about events16Describe the most important decision that youve made in your life. Include reasons and examples to support your response. (05. 12.2; 07. 10.17考题)Sample answer:A particularly significant decision Ive made in my life was that I came to work and live in Be

45、ijing. I had just finished my contract on a very decent job and I suppose I wanted freedom, or at least a long break. So I decided to come to Beijing even though I knew it is a challenging and demanding(要求苛刻的) city. But I still thought life was wonderful and the world was big. Besides, I was always

46、a bit tempestuous(心潮澎湃的) and I liked to do things on the spur(鞭策) of the moment. Arriving in a new city was exhilarating. Just walking out of the station with a suitcase and two bags and with a dream of doing something for the Olympic Games, I felt I had arrived and I felt life was mine and I could

47、make of it what I wanted. That summer, I realized again and saw clearer that life never ought to be boring, but on the contrary is full of adventure and challenge and is exciting, too. 17. Describe a social or political celebration event in your culture. (05. 12.17; 2006. 2. 11考题, 2008. 2. 16考题)Samp

48、le answer:A type of social event celebrated in my culture is the flag-raising ceremony on National Day. Oceans of(表示“许多”) people from all across the country come to Beijing the day before. They are very excited to see the ceremony with their own eyes instead of on TV. Some even have been planting this dream in their mind for years. They arrive around 6:00 early in the morning, waiting for the special moment. I guess they are all overwhelmed(震撼的) and thrilled(激动) by the wonderful scene


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