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1、52-54集_走遍美国全套文本免费下载(共78集)Making a Difference ACT I I dont believe it! 我简直难以相信 Whats wrong? 怎麽了 Carter Boswell! Carter Boswell Whos Carter Boswell? 谁是Carter Boswell Hes running for the school board. 他正在竞选联合校董会会董事 The elections next month. 选举就在下个月。 Whats wrong with wanting to be on the school board? 想

2、进入联合校董会有什什麽 Nothing. 没有什麽。 But he wants to cut the school budget! 但他想削减学校的预算 Maybe it needs cutting. 也许真需要削减呢。 Cutting the budget is fine, 削减预算是好的 but he wants to do it 但他要削减 by cutting all the cultural programs. 是透过取消所有的文化化活动 No music, no dance, 没有音乐 没有舞蹈 no concert, no stage presentations. 没有音乐会 没

3、有舞 表演。 Why does he want to do that? 为什麽他要那麽做呢 He says its to save the taxpayers money, 他说这是为了要节省 赡伤叭说那 and I think he believes 而我认为他相信 that the taxpayers will vote for him 纳税人会投他一票 if he spends less on the cultural programs. 假如他在这文化活动上上减少开支的话 Hes probably right. 他也许是对的。 Lots of people want their tax

4、es 许多人希望他们缴 乃八敖 used for new books 被用来购买新书 and a new paint job in the schoolrooms. 和重新油漆教室。 Maybe some of us would like to pay a little bit more 也许我们之中有一些人人愿意多付一点 and keep the cultural programs for our kids. 以便为我们的孩子保存存文化活动 Well, Im not sure. Ellen. 噢 我无法肯定 Elleen。 I hear it from my patients. 我是从我的病

5、人那儿听听到这些的 Lots of people are tired of higher taxes. 许多人对於增税很厌烦烦 I know, 我知道 but if Boswell wins 但是假如Boswell赢了 hell be an important decision-maker 他将成为一个重要的决决策 on the school board, 在联合校董会中 and he doesnt know anything 而他毫无所知 about our childrens education. 对於我们孩子的教育。 Whos running against him? 谁与他竞选 Who

6、s running against him? 谁与他竞选 Nobody. Thats the problem. 没有人。这就是问题所所在 Well, it sounds to me like Carter Boswell 噢 听起来好像Carterr Boswell is going to win this seat on the board. 稳登联合校董会董事的的宝座了 Oh, not if I can stop him! 噢 要是我能阻止他 他就甭想 And how are you going to stop him? 那 怎麽去阻止他呢 I dont know. 我不知道。 Maybe

7、 Ill run against him. 也许我与他竞选。 Well, youve got my vote. 哦 那我一定投 的票票 Im serious, Philip. 我是认真的 Philip。 Why shouldnt I run? 为什麽我不该竞选 Why shouldnt you run for what, Mom? 为什麽 不该竞选什麽麽 妈 Your mother is thinking of 你妈妈正考虑 running for the school board. 竞选联合校董会董事。 Hey, thats terrific, Mom! 嗨 太棒了 妈妈 Against C

8、arter Boswell? 和Carter Boswell竞选 Great! 太好了 Well, if I run for office, 嗯 假如我出来竞选公公 the voters will have a clear choice. 投票人可以有明确的选选择 I stand for everything Boswell doesnt. 我代表Boswell所不赞吵傻哪切 立场。 I think a lot of people will vote for you 我想很多人会投票支持 against Boswell, Ellen. 和Boswell对抗 Ellenn。 Ill vote f

9、or you. 我会投 的票。 Ill vote for you. 我会投 的票。 Will you help me if I do run? 假如我真的竞选 会会帮我忙 Absolutely. 当然。 The trouble is 问题是 it takes a little bit of money to run a campaign. 竞选活动需要花一些钱钱 I think you can make a difference, Ellen. 我觉得 可以发挥影响响力 Ellen And in a short campaign 而且这一场短暂的竞选 you wouldnt need as m

10、uch money. 不需要花多少钱。 You know something, Ellen? 知道一件事吗 Elle Why not give the people of Riverdale a clear choice? 为什麽不让Riverdale档 人民有一个明确的 择呢 Im with you. 我支持 。 You can make a difference. 会发挥影响力。 Come in. 请进。 Mr. Maxwell? 您是Maxwell先生吗 Yes, Charles Maxwell. 是的 我是Charles Maaxwell。 My name is Ellen Stewa

11、rt. 我叫Ellen Stewart。 Hello. 哈 。 Please, sit down. 请坐。 You asked to see me. 要求见我。 What would you like to see me about? 找我什麽贵事 Id like your help. 我要请你帮忙。 Well, 噢 Im editor of the most influential newspaper in Riverdale. 我是Riverdale最有影舷 力的报纸的编辑。 Actually, its the only newspaper. 事实上 它是唯一的报报纸 A lot of p

12、eople would like my help. 许多人要我帮助。 Do you have a story? 有什麽新闻故事呢 Im planning to run for the school board. 我打算竞选联合校董会会董事 Against Carter Boswell? 和Carter Boswell打对 Yes. 是的。 Well, that is news. 噢 这可是个新闻。 Will you announce that Im running? 你会发 我参加竞选的的消息 Sure. 当然。 But I need some information. 但我需要一些资料。 O

13、f course. 那当然。 Why will the voters vote for you against Boswell, 为什麽选民会投票支持持 和Boswell对抗 Mrs. Stewart? Stewart太太 Because I care. 因为我关心。 Vote for Ellen Stewart. She cares. “投Ellen Stewart一破 。她关心。” Not a bad slogan. 不错的标语。 But what do you care about? 但 关心什麽呢 Well, I care about the children of our town.

14、 噢 我关心我们镇上的的孩子们 I dont want them to grow up 我不希望在他们成长期期 without cultural programs in our school. 我们的学校 没有文化化活动 Do you have a plan? 有计划吗 I want our children to learn 我要孩子们学习到 more than reading, writing, and arithmetic. 比阅读 写作及算术更更多的东西 I want to keep the after-school programs- 我要保存这些课外活动 the music, th

15、e concerts. 音乐 音乐会。 Its not a bad plan. 这是个不错的计划。 But whos going to pay for all of this? 但谁来为这些付钱呢 We are. 我们呀。 The citizens of Riverdale, of course. 当然是Riverdale的公妹瘛 I plan to get help 我打算争取 from the businessmen and the corporations of Riverdale. Riverdale的商人和企乙到 的支持。 Thats fair enough. 这倒很公平。 Exac

16、tly what do you want from me, Mrs. Stewart? 究竟对我有什麽要求求 Stewart太 You dont know me. 你不认识我。 I cant expect you to take my side against Boswell. 我不敢期望你站在我这这一边来对抗Boswell But I do need some publicity 但我需要一些宣传 so that the people of our town 好让我们镇 的人 know that Im running for office 知道我正在竞选公职 and that I care

17、about our children. 且知道我关心我们的的孩子 Fair enough. 很公平。 I certainly can print the news. 我当然可以刊出这则新新闻 And you are now making news. 而 现在就是在创造新新闻 Why will the voters vote for you against Boswell, Mrs. Stewart? Because I care. Vote for Ellen Stewart. She cares. Not a bad slogan. Ellen Stewart. She cares. It

18、is a good campaign slogan. People will hear it and know what I stand for. I care. I care about our childrens education. Not just the school buildings themselves, but the children. I care about what children study, what they learn. I want them to learn about a variety of subjects, including music, an

19、d literature and art. And I care about our childrens activities after school. I want to keep their music programs, like the orchestra . and the chorus. I want children to experience the joys of music. I play the piano myself, and Ive taught music to many children in Riverdale. I want to keep the oth

20、er after-school programs, too. I have a plan. Ill get local businesses, bands, and other companies in the community to help. We all have children in this town. And I believe that parents care about education. And I want to be on the Riverdale school board. I know its a big responsibility, but I know

21、 I can make a difference. Because I care. ACT II Here are the fliers, hot off the press! 传单来了 刚刚印出来来 Looks good. 看起来很好。 Simple. 简单明 。 Right over here, Grandpa. 请到这 来 爷爷。 You fold the fliers. 你来摺传单 Richard and I will put them into the envelopes. 我和Richard把它们放浇 信封。 We finished addressing over three hu

22、ndred envelopes. 我们写了三百多个信封封地址了 Need another box? 需要另一个箱子吗 Good work, gang. 做得很好 大伙儿们。 Hi, this is Mike Johnson. 嗨 我是Mike Johnsonn。 Can I speak with Mr. or Mrs. Anderson? 我可以跟Anderson先生生或太太说话 Thanks. 谢谢。 Mr. Nelson. Nelson先生 Hi. This is Robbie Stewart. 你好。我是Robbie Steewart。 Did you know 你知道 my mothe

23、r is running for the school board? 我母亲竞选联合校董会会董事 Yes, Miss Kim, Ellen Stewart. 是的 Kim小姐 是Elllen Stewart。 She cares. “她关心”。 Oh, see you at the polls. 噢 在投票所见。 Certainly. 当然。 Ill give her your best wishes, 我会转告她你的祝福 Mr. Nelson. Nelson先生。 Hi, this is Mike Johnson. 嗨 我是Mike Johnsonn。 Can I speak with Mr

24、. or Mrs. Burns? 我可以跟Burns先生或烫 太通话吗 Thank you. 谢谢。 We have done so much 我们已做了这麽多的事 in such a short amount of time. 在这麽短的时间内。 I cant believe it! 我简直不敢相信 Wait till Philip comes home and sees our progress. 等著瞧Philip回来看到到我们进展时的反应 Everyone saw the story in the Riverdale newspaper. 每个人都已看到Riverddale报纸上的新闻

25、。 Mr. Maxwell was very kind Maxwell先生很好心 to print my announcement. 刊登了我宣 竞选的消消息 It helps enormously. 这个帮助很大。 Everybody in Riverdale reads his paper. Riverdale的每个人都靠此 的报纸。 Your photo in it helped, too. 在报纸上的照片也有有帮助 Thanks to you, Richard, 谢谢你 Richard its a good picture. 那是一张好照片。 Well, hi, all. 噢 嗨。 H

26、i, Dad. 你好 爸爸。 Hello, darling. 哈 亲爱的。 May I . may I help? 我能我能帮 忙吗 Licking envelopes. 粘信封。 I fold the fliers. 我摺传单。 We stuff them. 我们装传单。 And I lick the envelopes. 那我就粘信封 。 Hey, everybody, 嗨 大家听著 Mrs. Greenberg is on the phone. Greenberg太太打电话览础 She says Carter Boswell is on the TV right now- 她说Carte

27、r Boswell现现在正在电视上 doing a commercial. 正在做广告。 What channel? 哪个频道 Five. 5号。 Five? 5号 . and if you ask what I care about, Ill tell you. 假如你们问我关心心什麽 我可以告诉你们 I care about the school buildings in need of paint. 我关心学校的建筑物需需要粉刷 I care about more lockers for the teachers. 我关心教师要有更多的的储物柜 I care about new fixt

28、ures in the hallways- 我关心走廊的新灯具 not music or dancing or entertainment. 而不是音乐 舞蹈或者者娱乐 I care about the practical things. 我关心实用的事物。 If you do, vote for me, Carter Boswell. 假如你有同感 请投我我一票 Carter Boswell A lot of people will agree with him. 许多人会赞同他。 I told you. 我告诉过 了。 Too bad kids cant vote. 可惜小孩不能投票。 I

29、ts our school, but we cant vote. 那是我们的学校 可是是我们却不能投票 There are people in favor of the cultural programs, Mom. 会有许多人赞成文化活活动的 妈妈 There are, Ellen. 一定有 Ellen。 Dont be upset by Boswells commercial. 不要为了Boswell的广父 而忧心。 You have to go on television, too. 也应该上电视。 You have to go on television, too. 也应该上电视。 B

30、oswells a powerful speaker. Boswell是个有辩才的蜒菟 家。 You can be, too. 也能做到。 Your ideas are good ones. 的想法很好。 I dont know. 我不知道。 Im not sure Im up to it. 我不能肯定我是否能做做得来 Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Vote! Hey, everybody, heres what we say. Get out and vote on election day. You can make a difference. I

31、ts up to you. We need your vote if you want better schools. So clap your hands! Stomp your feet! Ellen Stewarts running for the school board. And we know she cant be beat! I said clap your hands! And stomp your feet! Ellen Stewarts running for the school board. And we know she cant be beat. So vote!

32、 Vote! Vote! If you want better schools, and if you want your vote to count, Ellen Stewart is the one to choose. Who do we want? Ellen Stewart! Whos gonna win? Ellen Stewart! Who do we want? Ellen Stewart! Whos gonna win? Ellen Stewart! Hey! Hey! What do you say? Ellen Stewart all the way! Hey! Hey!

33、 Hey! Come on, lets fight for Ellen Stewart. Shes the one whos right. So everybody just be aware that Ellen Stewart is the one who cares. Shell make a difference for everyone. Cause Ellen Stewart is number one. She knows the importance of music and art. Cultural programs play a big part. Lets keep t

34、hese programs in our schools. Ellen Stewart for me and you. So lets all give her a cheer. Everythings all right because Ellens here. Who do we want? Ellen Stewart! Who do we want? Ellen Stewart! I say, yeah! Yeah, were yellin for Ellen! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, were yellin for Ellen! Yeah! Yeah, were yelli

35、n for Ellen! Yeah! Yeah, were yellin for Ellen! ACT III . my slogan is I care. 我的口号是 我关关心 I care about people, not things. 我关心人 而不是东西西 Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. 请投我 Ellen Stewwart一票。 I care. 我关心。 How was it? 怎麽样 You were terrific! 真是太棒了 Can I see it? 我可以看吗 Sure. 当然可以。 Hello. My name is Ellen Stewa

36、rt, 你们好 我叫Ellen Sttewart and Im running for the open seat on the school board. 我正在竞选联合校董会会的席次 My slogan is I care. 我的口号是 我关心 。 What does the word care mean? 所谓 关心 是指什麽麽 . I care about people, not things. 我关心人 而不是是东西 Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. 请投我 Ellen Stewwart一票。 I care. 我关心。 I like it, 我觉得不错。 but

37、 now what? 但下一步怎麽办 How can we possibly get it on so Riverdale 我们怎样才能让Riverddale的人 will see it and hear it? 看到和听到它呢 Leave it to me. 交给我来办吧。 . I mean that when I say I care, 我的意思是当我说说 我关心 I care about people, not things. 我关心的是人而不是东东西 Vote for me, Ellen Stewart. 请投我 Ellen Stewwart一票。 I care. 我关心。 What

38、happened? 发生了什麽事 Mom is now on television 妈妈现在出现在电视 in every appliance store in Riverdale, 在Riverdale的每一家档 器行 except Hamlins. Hamlin的店除外。 Hes a Boswell voter. 他是Boswell的支持者 Thats a brilliant idea, Richard! 这主意太棒了 Richar You inherited your fathers brains. 你继承了你父亲的好头头脑 We got our brains from you, Dad.

39、 我们从你那儿继承了好好头脑 爸爸 And guess what? 你们猜怎麽著 I called channel five. 我打电话给了第五频道道 I called channel five. 我打电话给了第五频道道 Their TV news is going to cover it. 他们的电视新闻将报导导这一消息 Housewife campaigns in appliance stores. 家庭主妇在电器行 进行竞选活动 。 And Ill bet 我敢打赌 some magazine will pick up the story, too. 一些杂 也将刊登这项项消息 Mom,

40、 youre going to win! 妈妈 会赢的 I know it! 我知道 Hold it, Robbie! 停停 Robbie Just cool down. 冷静一点。 I know were getting some attention now, 我认为我们现在固然渐渐渐引起一些注 but in the end the voters will have to decide. 但最後却要由选民来决决定 Youre gonna win. 会赢的。 Trust me! 相信我 In the hotly contested race 在这场激烈竞赛中 for the one seat

41、on the Riverdale School Board, 争夺Riverdale联合校抖 会一个席次 Mrs. Ellen Stewart has taken an early lead. Ellen Stewart太太初膊 领先。 Shes winning! 她赢了 Mom, youre winning! 妈妈 赢了 Now returning to other local news . 现在再报导其它地方新新闻 Riverdale High School Riverdale高中 beat its rival Horace Mann in baseball today . 在今天的棒球赛

42、中打败败了对手Horace Mann队 Its too soon to know for certain. 现在还太早 不知道确确切情 Youre ahead. 领先呢。 Thats better than being behind. 这总比落後要好。 More sports after this. 广告後还有许多运动消消息 Its not over yet. 还没有完呢。 Lets just all calm down, 让我们全都冷静下来 and wait for the final results. 等待最後的结果。 Ellen, why dont you go out to the b

43、ackyard Ellen 何不去院子 and get some fresh air? 呼吸一些新鲜空气呢 Thank you, Grandpa. 谢谢你 爷爷。 I need some. 我确实需要。 What happened? 怎麽样 You came very close, Ellen. 差了一点点 Ellen You lost by only a hundred and twenty-one votes. 仅仅以一百二十一票票的些微差距输了 I lost. 我输了。 You tried, Mom. 尽力了 妈妈。 You lost by a very small number of

44、votes. 输的票数非常少。 Only one hundred and twenty-one votes! 仅仅一百二十一票 Im sorry, Mom. 我很难过 妈妈。 There just wasnt enough time. 实在是没有足够的时间间 Look, 看 youve made a very strong impression 已经留下了非常深刻刻的印 on our community. 给我们的社区。 Youll have another chance next election. 下次选举时 还有机会会 Hello. 你好。 Oh, yes, yes, Mr. Maxwe

45、ll. 噢 是的 是的 Maxwwell先生。 Hello, Mr. Maxwell. 哈 Maxwell先生。 How are you? 好吗 I just called to tell you 我打电话是想告诉你 that you are very impressive. 给人们留下了深刻的的印象 You lost the election, 管 输了 but you won the attention of the residents of Riverdale, 但 引起了Riverdale档木用 的注目 of Boswell, and of me. 和Boswell和我的。 Well,

46、 thank you, Mr. Maxwell. 噢 谢谢你 Maxwell舷 生。 I appreciate your kind words. 我很感谢你好心的安 课俊 I needed that. 我正需要这个。 I hear Boswell 我听说Boswell wants to appoint you to a special arts committee. 将任命 到一个特别艺艺术委员会 Im sending over a reporter 我将派一位记者 in the morning to interview you. 在明天早晨来 访 。 You are? 是吗 Im gonna do an article 我准备写一篇文章 on Ellen Stewart-she cares. 叫做 Ellen Stewart 她关心 。 Maybe well all care now. 也许我们大家现在都关关心起来了 Good-bye. 再见。 Thank you- 谢谢你。 and good-bye. 再见。 What was that about? 说些什麽 You were right, Philip. 你说对了 Ph


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