Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译.doc

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1、Punning and the Translation of Puns in English Advertisements英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译摘 要双关语是英语广告中一种较为常见的修辞手段。英语广告中的双关语形式多种多样。双关语的翻译本身就是一个难点;而广告中双关语的翻译则更加复杂,因为除了语意双关之外,还需要考虑到广告本身的风格特点。本文探讨了一些英语广告中双关语的运用技巧及翻译,从语音双关、语义双关、语法双关和成语、俗语双关等几方面对双关语的运用技巧作了阐述。并在考虑双关语的双重含义及广告语体风格的基础上,从契合译法、灵活表义法、加注法、直译法和补偿译法等方面对英语广告双关语的

2、翻译作了初步的探讨。 AbstractPunning is one of the most common rhetorical devices used in advertisement. There are various ways to form puns in advertisements. The translation of puns is difficult because of the double meanings, and the translation of puns in advertisements is even more difficult because one

3、must keep both the double meanings of a pun and the style of the advertisement in mind. This paper is about the techniques of punning and the translation of puns in English advertisements. It expresses the technique of pun by the ways of homophonic pun, homographic pun, grammatical pun and idiom pun

4、. And this paper has some preliminary discussions in punning of English advertisement through the methods of conjunct translation, nimble translation, replenishment translation, transliteration, compensate translations.Key Words advertising language; pun; translationContents1. Introduction.52. The P

5、uns in English Advertisements.52.1 Homophonic Pun.52.1.1 Close Sound Pun.52.1.2 The Same Sound Pun.62.2 Homographic Pun.72.3 Grammatical Pun.92.3.1 Puns Created by Different Collocations.92.3.2 Puns Created by Different Understandings of the Same Words.92.4 Idiomatic Pun.103. Translations of Puns in

6、 English Advertisements.113.1 The conjunct translation.113.2 Nimble Translation.123.3 Replenishment Translation.133.4 Transliteration.143.5 Compensative Translations.164. Conclusion.171. IntroductionWhat is advertising? Advertising is the non-personal communication of information usually paid for an

7、d usually persuasive in nature about products, services or idea by identified sponsors through the various media. 1p4 Whether it is goods advertisement or public service advertisement, the creation of the advertisement is a comprehensive art. The creation of the advertisement involves sociology, aes

8、thetics, psychology, sound of electricity, literature and linguistics etc. The skills needed in this art are more than other forms of writing. It shows the vivid and interesting characters by the principle of salesmanship. And it has special communication to bring the readers attention in a moment,

9、stimulates the desire of buying and facilitates the behavior of buying finally. Therefore, the using of precision and appropriate in advertising literary language will make the influence of advertising language far beyond the advertisement itself. The rhetorical of pun is a common skill, in creating

10、 advertisement. The pun, in Italian, “puntiglio” means “a fine point,” hence a verbal quibble, and is most likely the source of the English punctilious. A pun is defined by Webster as “the humorous use of a word, or of words which are formed or sounded alike but have different meanings, in such a wa

11、y as to play on two or more of the possible application; a play on words.”2 As the game of words, pun will leave a deep impression on readers by its readability, wit, and humor. Therefore it is used in the advertisement with a large amount.2. The Puns in English AdvertisementsThere are many kinds of

12、 puns exist in English advertisements. In this paper, four mainly types of them are talked. There are homophonic puns, homographic pun, grammatical pun and idiom pun.2.1 Homophonic PunHomophonic means two or more words are of the similar or same sound.Because “There exist no information channels of

13、bilingual conversion at the sound level” 3 the partial sound puns are always seen in the daily life. It concludes close sound pun and the same sound pun.2.1.1 Close Sound PunClose pun means pairs or more of words having the same sound but different meanings.(1) AN ideal marriage is one in which the

14、wife is a treasure and the husband treasury.理想的婚姻太太是宝贝 , 而先生是金库 .(2) Nowadays, a pair of dice is made a paradise如今,一副股子就可以成为乐园In the two examples above, both the two advertisements successfully convey the satirical tones of the two English sentences. Nevertheless, neither “宝贝,金库” nor “股子 , 乐园” refle

15、ct the partial tones of “ treasure, treasury ” and “ pair of dice, paradise ” . It just put one layer of the double meaning into Chinese and the pun affect disappears without any trail.(3) Centrum with beta-caroteneFrom A to ZincMore Complete 4 P15富含胡萝卜的珍多美,从 A 到锌,应有尽有,营养更全,口味更新!This is one of food

16、advertisement named centum. “From A to Zinc” harmonics with the English phrase “From A to the Z”, the latter meaning refers “comprehensively, complete”. The pun here wants to explain this kind of food nutrition rich in prominent, all contains from Vitamin A (namely carrot element) to the zinc elemen

17、t, has the extreme power of persuasion.2.1.2 The Same Sound Pun The same sound pun means the words have the same sound but have different meanings.( 4 ) Have a nice trip, buy-buy!5 祝君旅途愉快,拜拜 / 快买! “ Buy-buy” is a varied spelling, and it unison with “bye-bye”. Airport store says goodbye to the passen

18、ger, the purpose is that reminds everybody to buy a present or other thing to bring with just before leaving. “Buy-Buy”! Forms in ones mind ingeniously, humorous to be humorous, makes one thump the table and shout praise.( 5 ) Forget hot taste Only Kool, with pure menthol has the taste of extra cool

19、ness Come up to Kool.6P49 忘掉辛辣的感觉, 只有“酷”牌,纯正的薄荷口味给你特别清凉的酷酷感觉, 想酷你就来! This is one of the cigarette advertisements, in sentence “kool” is a unison pun, it both refer to cigarette and the cool feeling. In order to prominent product out of the ordinary cool characteristic, the advertisement maker fabric

20、ats word “kool” to take the cigarettes name, using the “cool” unison, and the “hot” in first sentence also further strengthened this “cool” meaning, contrasts the Kool sign cigarette by the consumers to the “cool” feeling in the mouth.(6) Foyled again? Try Dillon.7又失望了?那就来 Dillon 书店看看吧。This is adver

21、tisement of the bookstore whose name calls “Dillion”, While “Foyle” is Londons another bookstores name. The advertisement maker intends to add on “d”, then causes union with the “foiled”, the meaning of it is “suffers setbacks” or “get obstructed”, expands the books which cannot be find by the reade

22、rs themselves need. Therefore, this advertisement is actually said to the reader: If you have any books can not to find in the “Foyle” bookstore, welcome to the “Dillon” bookstore, the pun meaning here gives a challenge to the opponent and let he feels stress.2.2 Homographic PunHomographic is one of

23、 important means to create puns. Easily know from its name, homographic pun is a pun created by the homographic of a word. 8 For instance: (7) Golf is no longer a rich mans sport; there are many poor players.“ Poor”is a homographic word, bearing two meanings-“not rich” and “not good at something”. T

24、he Chinese translation conveys just one meaning of the sentence, and the real meaning that the speaker or the writer intends to express in the second clause is not conveyed- “有很多人的技术都很差 . ”From the data above we can see method “e” and “j” are mostly used in dealing with the homographic puns. Why? Th

25、is problem needs to be analyzed through the different semantic capacity of Chinese and English words.As it is known that the Chinese language is a completely analytical language and words are formed mainly through amalgamation. In terms of amalgamation we mean putting two or more characters so as to

26、 make the words precise in meaning. Homographic pun is also seen in the brand of goods. For example:(8) The label of achievements. Black Label commands more respects.9酒是功成名就的标志。黑色标志使您更显尊贵。The example (8) is an advertisement of whiskey, “label” has two meanings, one is “sign”, another is the brand of

27、 wine-“Black Label”. This ad let the people associate with drinking this brand wine when they render outstanding service and is famous by the means of pun. Simultaneity, it can help consumers to remember the brand conveniently by the pun made of brand tag, and then let them interested in whuskey. (9

28、) Spoil yourself and not your figure 10尽情大吃,不增体重 .This is the ad title of Weight-Watcher ice-cream, and this ice-cream is produced for dieter particular. Pun exists not only in the brand tag of product; the “ spoil ” in the title is also a pun. The meaning of “ spoil oneself ” is “ to one s heart s

29、content ” ( 尽兴 ), but the meaning of “ spoil one s figure ” is “ someone s figure is spoiled ” ( 破坏了体形 ).This advertisement makes the dieter accept it spontaneously in the easy and humorous mood by homographic pun and make them buy the product.2.3 Grammatical Pun2.3.1 Puns Created by Different Collo

30、cationsEnglish words, especially phrasal verbs have very flexible collocations. In certain collocations, the meaning of a particular verb can be broadened in a certain way of course; verbs vary from one to another in collocation range. For example “lost game and lost temper” are two relatively fixed

31、 collocations; while “press grape and press cloth” are free lexical phrases which means the two components in each phrase are not closely bound and can appear together with other words. No matter fixed or free lexical collocations, they both lie on the large semantic capacity of English words (verbs

32、), which enable them to combine with other different lexical elements and thus create two or more different phrases having one word in common that make pun by repeating the word in common.2.3.2 Puns Created by Different Understandings of the Same WordsIt has been discussed that for many English word

33、s, different understandings of the same words resulting from its structure also attribute to the homographic. For instance:(10)Coke refreshes you like no other can.11没有什么能像可乐那样令您神清气爽。“ Can ” in the sentence can be the meaning of “ kettle ” ( 罐,听 ) , and also be the meaning of verb “ can ” ( 能 ) , we

34、 can understand the hole sentence with “ Coke refreshes you like drink) can (refresh you). This ad s full of interest and humors that can live the long time in the readers memories. (11)Double delicious, Double your pleasure.12双倍地香甜,双倍地开心Obviously this advertisement realizes the pun meaning by the w

35、ord of “double”. The first double is an adverb, decorates “delicious”; the latter is a verb, “pleasure” is an object, this word game plays quite appropriately.(12)The offspring of spring 泉水的后代。In this advertisement, the meanings of “spring” not only refer to the season but also the water we drink. “

36、The offspring of spring” not only means the PIERRER mineral water the indispensable thing in the spring and the summer, it also means that the water seepage the descendant. Our ancestor drinks the water seepage; certainly everybody of us is the water seepage descendant, why not pay great attention t

37、o the water seepage, and why not to choose PIERRER? 2.4 Idiomatic PunIdioms are fixed phrases, and generally speaking they are stable. However, nothing is absolute and sometimes they could be altered to meet the need of communication. In rhetoric, idioms can be changed through replacement, expansion

38、, omission and hyperbaton. 13 Three examples are provided:(13) On the advertisement of a swimming pool where people can have sunbath: “We leave no stern intoned”.(Leave no stone unturned)(14) On the advertisement of Italian wine:” One swallow makes a summer.”(One swallow doesnt make a summer.)(15)A

39、company is known by the man it keeps.(A man is known by the company he keeps)In the first instance, “ stone ” and “ unturned ” in the original idiom are replaced by “ stern( 臀部 ) ” and “ intoned ” as a verb, “ tone ” means “ to improve the strength and firmness of your skin or muscles ” ; here “ int

40、oned ” is coined by the writer and means “ not to be basked by the sun( 未被太阳晒到 ) : in the second, “ doesn t ” is omitted and in the third the places of “ A(the man ” and “ the(A) company ” are exchanged through hyperbaton. The first two examples alter the idioms in order to help sale certain service

41、 (sunbath) and goods (wine) and create the effect of humor; as for the third, it is another piece of wisdom refitted from the original one.When translating these three sentences into Chinese, the translators could just put them like: 一个提供日光浴的游泳池广告上写着:“我们保证您的每一寸肌肤都能享受到阳光的温暖”;一种意大利酒的广告上写着:“只需一日,清凉一夏”;

42、“ 知其员工,就知其公司。” Obviously, none of the three translations could convey the multi-flavor of the original sentences. The first two Chinese sentences could just function as advertisements but lose the humorous effect created by the“idiom-alteration” puns, and the third one cannot reflect its relationshi

43、p with the original idiom either. In some senses, the puns created through the alteration of idioms of a certain language is totally a problem of culture, and cultural difference may be the greatest difficulty that has to be conquered in translating, which means the impossibility of re-create the hu

44、morous effect of such English puns in Chinese. Unless method ten is used, that is, necessary explanation is given; the puns created by the altered idioms cannot be understood by the Chinese reader.3. Translations of Puns in English AdvertisementsPunning is one of the most utilized rhetoric devices i

45、n advertising English. In order to produce a dynamic equivalent translation or a communication, we need first to identify the pun in the original language and try to turn it into the target language that interpret both the superficial meaning and the meaning hidden in the pun. Sometimes its hard to

46、use only one phrase or sentence to include the double meanings of the original pun in the target language. So it is better to spill the translation into two semantic sections to retain the whole meaning of the advertisement in the source language.3.1 The conjunct translationIt is believed that the p

47、un is made of sound shape and meanings which form the translating barrier, so the pun always cannot translate. But “the translation of some puns is not absolutely. It is possible for bilingual coincidence”. 14 The conjunct translation, which both includes the advertisement pun form and the content base on


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