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1、中国纺织业的对外贸易障碍外文翻译 外 文 翻 译外文:On Trade Barriers to Chinas Textiles Industry Abstract: Firstly we shall introduce the development situation of Chinas textile industry from international trade perspective, and then analyze the current international trade competition focusing on international trade barrie

2、rs which consist of tariff and non-tariff barriers respectively. Finally we propose that increasing non-tariff barriers to Chinas textile exportation are due to lower tariff, trade protection, rapid growth and keen competition of the industry.Keywords: Trade barriers, Textiles industry, Exportation,

3、 China 1. Introduction According to classical theories of international trade and global economy circumstances currently, free trade as one of the essential aims of WTO is the main tendency for international trade development. Therefore plenty of trade agreements among different countries and region

4、s have led to lower, even no tariff in categories of products importation and exportation. Nowadays tariff barrier is less important due to tariff agreements are rather apparent documentarily, thus no one would like to take this risk to limit importation. So a great deal of more flexible, more impli

5、cit non-tariff barriers, which are carried out to protect national industries and products, appeared subsequently Chinas textile industry with long history and high reputation in the world plays important role in economics development and foreign trade in China. Taking advantage of low labour cost a

6、s one of basic factor, Chinas textile industry improves rapidly and deeply in different aspects, such as owners structure, regions structure, investments structure, consumptions structure, markets structure, and technology structure. But it also has to face the keen competition in the world market a

7、nd trade restriction from some developed countries. 2. Chinas Textiles Trade and Competitive Status The incremental exportation is one of the significant impetuses of getting the rapid development in textile industry. With the promotion of integrated international textiles trade, textiles industry i

8、s more and more dependent on global markets. It is very necessary to analyze and evaluate Chinas textiles industry within the world market environments from international perspective, and find how China textiles trade is going on, where the position of Chinas textiles industry is, and how to reform

9、and adjust it.2.1 Trade Scale and the Position in World Market2.1.1 Trade Scale and Importation and Exportation Structure Textiles and clothing industry of China is going on with relative large surplus. But the advantages are limited in medium-and-low grade products, and deficits exist in wool, fabr

10、ics, bombazine, worsted, high grade textiles and apparel, and so on. Chinas textiles industrial structure and products structure are rather weak. And one of the disadvantages in Chinas textiles industry is the low capacity in producing high technology involved up-and-medium products.2.1.2 Chinas Tex

11、tiles Industrys Status in World Market Chinas textiles and clothing play important role in world market, which hold a large global share in many categories. And US are the second largest textiles and clothing market in world market, followed by Japan, ranking third. Also China is the biggest textile

12、s supplier to Japan, and second to USA which is the second biggest textiles and clothing market. In fact, EU is the biggest cake here; however its member countries shared most of the market, leaving very small room for China compared to Japan and USA. Anyway it is the most attractive textiles and cl

13、othing market thanks to the big consumption capacity In 2005 China gross imp. & exp. value of textile and apparel reached 134.634 billion dollars, increasing 17.90% compared with the same period of last year, and taking up 9.47% of China gross imp. & exp. value of foreign trade. Gross export value o

14、f textile and apparel in China was up to 117.535 billion dollars, increasing 20.69% compared with the same period of last year, and taking up 15.42% of gross export value of foreign trade in China. Among them, textile export was 43.969 billion dollars, increasing 22.93% compared with the same period

15、 of last year; and apparel export was 73.566 billion dollars, increasing 19.40% compared with the same period of last year. Gross import value of textile and apparel reached 17.099 billion dollars, increasing 1.76% compared with the same period of last year, and taking up 2.59% of gross import value

16、 of foreign trade in China. Among them, textile import was 15.490 billion dollars, increasing 1.42% compared with the same period of last year; while apparel import was 16.09 billion dollars, increasing 5.08% compared with the same period of last year. Through Jan.-Dec.2005, favorable balance of tex

17、tile and apparel trade reached 100.436 billion dollars. Among main export countries and areas of textile and apparel, U.S. became top one, Japan and Hong Kong was the top two & top three. Through Jan.-Dec.2005, China exported to USA reached 19.576 billion dollars, increasing 66.09% compared with the

18、 same period of last year; export to Japan was 18.10 billion dollars, increasing 5.54% compared with the same period of last year; export to Hong Kong was up to 14.843 billion dollars, down 14.59% compared with the same period of last year. Total value of export to the three regions reached 52.522 b

19、illion dollars, taking up 44.69% of total export of textile and apparel. Export to EU in 2005 reached 188.63 billion dollars, increasing 55.30% compared with the same period of last year. Export to USA &EU reached 38.439 billion dollars, increasing 60.02% compared with the same period of last year.

20、Among main import countries and areas, Japan, Taiwan area and South Korea became top three. Through Jan.-Dec.2005, import textile and apparel from Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea was 3.362 billion dollars, 3.212 billion dollars, and 2.631 billion dollars, falling 4.12%, 2.61%, and increasing 1.18% se

21、parately2.2 Competition of Chinas Textiles Exportation2.2.1 Price Competition Price advantage is one of the primary reasons of rapid growth in Chinas textiles products exportation; furthermore it will be the dominant factor for promoting exportation growth in the near future. But price competition d

22、eteriorated terms of trade gradually. Also costs advantage has not been transferred into profits advantage. Actually price competition T&C industry mostly derives from low labor costs, while for China this advantage is weakening due to the competition from some developing countries with even lower s

23、alaries.2.2.2 Non-Price Competition Non-price competition consists of quality competition, non-quality competition and technique competition. With the updating of consumption tendency, products should be more advanced and differentiated. Switching from price competition to non-price competition is t

24、he fundamental step to implement products differentiation strategy. While China T&C industry has low non-price competition, with low capacity in producing high value-added products as a result. In quality facet, quality management system and quality control and evaluation system could catch up with

25、the process of internationalization and products periodization. Non-quality competition includes fashion style, marketing, and services after sale, company image, management, branding and so on. With respect to textiles products, particularly clothing, fashion i.e. seeming value is the basic factor

26、concerning quality. Seeming value demand, which is the main factor for creating high value chain, is much dependent on income elasticity and little dependent on price elasticity. The value of textiles and clothing consists of not only costs but also seeming value. Exportation of domestic brands acco

27、unt for low percentage, while international up-to-date styles enjoy great popularity in China. Regarding to technique competition, China has been catching up with industrial countries in synthetic fabrics and cotton textiles productions skill. Nevertheless there is still big gap in new synthetic fab

28、rics technique and hyper speed spinning level between them. It is hard to obtain core technique without enough R&D investment. So it is very important to accumulate experiences and skills by hard working in order to lessen technique disparity.3. Trade Barriers on Exportation3.1 Tariffs Trade Barrier

29、s Tariffs may be designed to collect revenue for the government or to protect domestic industries against foreign competition. In order to perform revenue function better, governments have to set the tariffs rates on proper level to imize tariffs revenue. Thus import tariffs applied by this purpose

30、can not be regarded as tariff barriers. As tools of national economics policy designed to regulate the international trade of a nation, normal tariffs collections are commonly acceptable methods also, especially in previous industries age. Actually only those extremely high and additional import tar

31、iffs as quantitative measures of restriction are the real tariffs barriers, i.e. surcharges with emergency, short-lived character After acceding to WTO formally in 2001, China could benefit from trade liberalization and greatly improved market accession. The positive influences on textiles trade hav

32、e been bringing new opportunity. However, up to now industrial countries keep the average tariff rate on manufactured products around 5%, while tariff peak on textiles. Taking the main textiles importing countries from China for instance, import tariff on textiles is four times than average tariff i

33、n USA, 10% in EU and 8.5% in Japan with tariff escalation, which hinders well manufactured products.3.2 Non-Tariff Trade Barriers As the industrial countries have progressively cut tariff rates under the auspices of the GATT and WTO, non-tariff trade barriers have become more and more prominent, and

34、 are used more generally and frequently.3.2.1 Import Quotas Import quotas are applied in three major types throughout the world, i.e. unilateral quotas, negotiated bilateral or multilateral quotas, and tariff quotas. In the last few years by the end of 20 century China faces strong restrictions on i

35、ts exports of textiles and clothing products to the four trading partners that maintain import quotas, namely the United States, European Union, Canada and Norway. Import quotas policy is commonly regarded as the biggest barrier in global free trade on textiles products previously, but it is limited

36、 and abolished gradually for general disapproval on unilateral or multilateral negotiations in WTO in recent years. Since 1 January 1995, international textiles and clothing trade has been going through fundamental change under the 10-year transitional programme of the WTOs Agreement on Textiles and

37、 Clothing ATC. Before the Agreement took effect, a large portion of textiles and clothing exports from developing countries to the industrial countries was subject to quotas under a special regime outside normal GATT rules. Under the Agreement, WTO Members have committed themselves to remove the quo

38、tas by 1 January 2005 by integrating the sector fully into GATT rules.3.2.2 Anti-Dumping According to the Agreement on implementation of Article VI of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade 1994 dumping exists if the export price of the product exported from one country to another is less than t

39、he comparable price, in the ordinary course of trade, for the product when destined for consumption in the exporting country Dumping and anti-dumping have already been significantly global issues in recent years. As a type of legal tool to maintain impartial trade within the framework of WTO anti-du

40、mping is frequently applied by many countries to protect domestic industries and markets. Chinese textiles and clothing exportation incurred anti-dumping lawsuits from different developed countries and developing countries. Developed countries seldom raised anti-dumping lawsuits on Chinese exportati

41、on of textiles and clothing previously due to commonly used import quotas restrictions. However it does not mean they will behave as before after quotas disappearance some day in the future. On the contrary, some developing raised more and more anti-dumping lawsuits on it, moreover account for large

42、r proportion. From economics perspective, when import country and export country have similar factor proportion, the competition advantage on trade mainly depends on economies of scale, products differentiation and market structureFor many developing countries, textiles and clothing industry played

43、important role in primary age of economics development and the process of industrialization. Due to the imbalance in developing industrialization, some developing countries with the same factor proportion as China began to import Chinese textiles products characterized with economies of scale and un

44、iqueness since 1990s, meanwhile the disputes on anti-dumping are more and more intense, such as the lawsuits from Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia and so on, accounting for 57% already among global anti-dumping lawsuits to Chinese textiles exportation. China has not been acknowledged as

45、 the country of market-oriented economy by some developed countries up to now. Actually this issue is quite important in anti-dumping investigation with regard to price comparisons. The prices of similar products in substitute countries are applied, instead of the prices in domestic market, to confi

46、rm dumping on condition that China is not a completely market-oriented country. Consequently many Chinese enterprises including textiles companies incurred big losses due to the assumed prices.3.2.3 Green Trade Barrier During the developing process of the world trade liberalization, green trade barr

47、ier is now becoming a new non-tariff trade barrier along with the gradually weakening of the traditional trade barriers. Some industrial countries have been accelerating construction of green barrier, for example in textiles and clothing trade filed, ten more new regulations or rules came up in 2002

48、. Green barriers are being extended to authentications of textiles and clothing products. Currently more than forty countries are carrying out green marks authentications, that is to say products will be allowed to enter domestic market as long as it has green mark. Exporters have to apply for these

49、 marks from import country, through strict inspections, tests, thorough evaluation and pay some fees after getting pass. Usually there is time of validity to use these marks, so that they must apply for them once again after the expire date. There are several main trade barriers nowadays, such as ISO9000 quality management certificate, ISO14000 environment management certificate and Europe Ecological textiles mark. But Chinese


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