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1、中国铁路工作效率低外文翻译 外文翻译原文Chinese Railways Current Sources of Inefficiency Material Source:Chinese Railways Reform and Efficiency Improvement OpportunitiesAuthor:Kairin Luger This chapter will first present some hypotheses on the main inefficiencies in Chinese Railwaysoperations derived from the key perfo

2、rmance indicators introducedIn order to ease application, the inefficiencies will be grouped according to the business fields holding, freight, and infrastructure. Inefficiencies Shown by Key Performance Indicators.The KPIs have been surveyed for 11 countries and 15 railway companies,plus the UKs ro

3、ughly 25 private passenger train operating companies and its four largest private rail freight operators .More than 70 per cent of the railway companies in the sample are stateownedwithout UK. Overall, the analysis does not show a correlation between state or private ownership and business performan

4、ce, in other words, the widespread assumption that state-owned companies are financial under performers cannot be confirmed for the railway sample. Chinese Railways financials show mixed results: they have the highest revenue growth over 2003 21 per cent, and also by far the highest EBIT growth more

5、 than 160 per cent over 2003. A comparison of EBIT margins however reveals a profitability problem: Chinese Railways have an EBIT margin of less than 3 per cent, which is the lowest of the benchmark samplethe benchmark average is almost 11 per cent, and only the seventh highest of the entire sample.

6、 The reasons can be manifold: low amount of performed transport kilometers, low prices for passenger and freight services,or a high cost base, to name just a few. However, the financials also reveal a positive fact: Chinese Railways have the second highest gross investmentafter the US Class 1 railro

7、ads, indicating that the more plans for network upgrade and expansion in an attempt to enable the railway for future growth. Chinese Railways carry by far the largest amount of freight measured in tons, and have also seen the second highest right growth rate 9 per cent. More than two thirds of the f

8、reight volume transported by all the benchmark railways travel on Chinese Railways track. Despite of these astounding volumes and growth rates,revenues in both the passenger and freight business are substandard. If revenues are calculated by the kilometer, Chinese Railways only rank fourth in both p

9、assenger and freight, well behind all the other benchmark railways. Combining these insights with the profitability analysis above,the hypothesis of low performed transport kilometers does not hold. The findings do confirm a very low price level for both passenger and freight services though, as alr

10、eady suspected above. The role of operating cost is hard to tell without internal data to compare. In terms of infrastructure, Chinese Railways operate the third longest network measured in kilometers. The technical standard of the track infrastructure is not too advanced though. Only a quarter of t

11、he network is electrified and one third is double-tracked, which puts Chinese Railways well behind all other sample railways and on equal terms with Indian Railways, which is known for a notoriously underdeveloped and poorly equipped network. At least, Chinese Railways have the advantage of its netw

12、ork operating under one standardized gauge nationwide unlike India,which has significant shares of network kilometers under three different gauges. However, different gauges in one railway network do not necessarily imply poor performance, as the example of the Japan Railways Group shows, where the

13、highly successful Shinkansen trains operate on a different gauge from the conventional network. Chinese Railways relatively large network is complemented by the second highest number of locomotives and wagons of the entire sample. More than 90 percent of the wagons are dedicated to freight, although

14、 the freight traffic density is only 77 percent, and even more interesting freight contributes only around 50 percent of the revenues. In other words,the high utilization of freight wagons is not adequately reflected in freight kilometers let alone in revenues, another indication for freight tariffs

15、 being too low. In the passenger business, the situation is even more remarkable:only 7 percent of all wagons are dedicated to passenger transport, but 23 percent of all kilometers performed are passenger kilometers, contributing 33 per cent of all transport revenues. Obviously the ratio of rolling

16、stock dedication to transport pricing to kilometers traveled is unbalanced. Analysis of other productivity indicators yields further insights: Although comparatively long in terms of kilometers, Chinese Railways network is rather small considering the land mass it covers. Chinese Railways have the s

17、econd lowest route density by territory and together with Indian Railways the lowest route density by population a ratio that is admittedly distorted by the exceptionally large populations of the two countries. Nevertheless, taking the route density and the rolling stock numbers into account it can

18、be noted that in China one of the largest fleet of locomotives and wagons travels on one of the least dense networks, moving the worldwide largest amount of freight and a by comparison medium amount of passengers. A look at asset productivity should provide further insights on whether this transport

19、 task is performed efficiently: passenger wagons and track infrastructure are the highest utilized of the entire sample, freight wagons are the second highest utilized, only surpassed by the exclusively freight dedicated US Class one railroads. The locomotive utilization lags behind and ranks fourth

20、 in the entire sample, a hint towards the earlier hypothesis that Chinese Railways operate long trains with many wagons rather than shorter trains running at higher frequency. It is debatable which role this finding plays with regard to the severe capacity shortages that are constantly observed in C

21、hinese Railways: is the network just too small? Is the amount of passenger and freight wagons insufficient? Could the utilization especially of freight wagons be even higher if there were more network kilometers to operate them on? The US Class one railroads for instance have a much higher utilizati

22、on of freight wagons but have a network at their disposal which is two and a half times larger than Chinese Railways so the US have the highest route density by territory of the entire sample. Regardless of whether or not mere expansion of the network would be a way to ease. Chinese Railways bottlen

23、ecks, it can be noted here that the insufficient capacity of the network and the rolling stock seem to be more severe than poor utilization of these assets.Finally, it should be discussed which role the workforce plays in operating and managing Chinese Railways assets. Chinese Railways have the seco

24、nd highest number of employees of the entire sample behind Indian Railways, which is known to be the worlds largest commercial employer Lister 2004. Both indicators for Chinese Railways personnel productivity are relatively low. Employee productivity ranks fifth over the entire sample, but is the th

25、ird highest in comparison with the benchmark railways.It could indicate a commitment to social obligations rather than a stringent profit orientation, e.g., by running unprofitable local lines instead of committing all efforts to the volume intensive freight transport. The relatively low labor produ

26、ctivity hints at a high amount of freight transported freight kilometers are more labor intensive to produce than passenger kilometers, and at the above mentioned policy of preferring longer and heavier passenger and freight trains over shorter ones at higher frequency.This finding also corresponds

27、to the above conclusion that such a policy is usually found in railway companies operating a capacity constrained network.To sum up, the KPI analysis has yielded a handful of hypotheses on Chinese Railways current sources of operational inefficiency. The main problems revolve around a lack of string

28、ent profit orientation, inadequate pricing of passenger and freight services, and a very high asset utilization linked with insufficient capacity of both network infrastructure and rolling ,The hypotheses developed on the basis of the key performance indicators will now be supplemented by informatio

29、n regarding inefficiencies in Chinese Railways operations obtained from the research interviews and literature search. The interview findings will be structured according to the internal sources of influence shown on the vertical axis of the efficiency improvement framework, namely holding, passenge

30、r, freight, and infrastructure. In connection with Chinese Railways holding does not refer to a classic holding company owning several subsidiaries, but rather summarizes topics which concern the entire MOR, and thus do not have a specific connection with the passenger, freight, or infrastructure bu

31、sinesses. These topics are grouped under the efficiency levers competition & deregulation, resources, and operations. First, the competition and deregulation part will analyze MORs current organizational setup and recent organization reforms. In addition, MORs business activities will be discussed,

32、whose scope goes well beyond mere railway operation. The importance of these various activities will be explained and complemented by an analysis of Chinese Railways profit and loss statement, where key points regarding cost structure and profitability will be highlighted. Second, the resources part

33、 will examine the choice of investment projects and the central purchasing and tendering process which includes the relationship with external suppliers. Third, the operations part will deal with schedule and line planning, which is an over arching operations task. It integrates both the passenger a

34、nd freight business and therefore has to be analyzed in its entirety.Analysis of the current organizational setup of the MOR reveals a very complicated structureIn addition to the functional departments there are the project centers, the MOR affiliated enterprises, and the regional railway bureaus r

35、unning the daily operations. There is no doubt about railways being a complex business, however, such a complicated organization is always prone to dilution of responsibilities, which hinders stringent management, a problem, which is not restricted to Chinese Railways.Although MOR abolished all rail

36、way sub-administrations in March last year,this attempt to reduce bureaucracy and streamline management has been perceived as a public relations activity demonstrating reform initiative rather than having real impactOne interviewee suggested that the move had no effect on operations whatsoever inter

37、view no.10: 4. The fact that one level of an organizational structure can be abolished with hardly any effect on the business indicates significant over staffing, a fact actually mentioned by several authors. Despite of railways being a technology and capital intensive industry rather than a labor i

38、ntensive industry,many railroads worldwide retain excessive staff .Wu and Nash cite a representative of the State Council regarding overstaffing in the state-owned enterprises in China: The enterprises can be operated as well as usual if one third of staff is removed. Furthermore, it will be even be

39、tter for some enterprises if half the employees are removed. The authors conclude that this problem certainly applies to Chinese Railways, which is also indicated by the low personnel productivity shown by the KPI. 译文中国铁路工作效率低 资料来源:中国铁路改革与效率改进机会作者:卢杰 本章将首先从目前的关键绩效指标推导中国铁路的运营效率低下的主要介绍了一些假设为了简化应用程序,效率

40、低下将分组根据业务领域控股,货运和基础设施介绍。 由关键绩效指标显示效率低下。关键绩效指标已经统计了11个国家和15个铁路公司,以及英国的大约25个私人客运列车运营公司和它的四个最大的私营铁路货运经营者。超过70%国有铁路公司(不包括英国)。总体而言,分析并没有显示出国家或私人之间的所有权和经营业绩的相关性,普遍假设,即国有企业的财务表现不能确认铁路的业务表现。中国铁路的财务状况好坏参半的结果显示:它们具有最高的收入比2003年增长21%,并且迄今为止最高的息税前利润增长比2003年超过160%。息税前利润的对比揭示了盈利问题:中国铁路已不到百分之三,这是最低的基准样本(基准平均接近11%),

41、仅仅是整个样本第七最高纪录。原因可能是多方面的:低量完成运输公里,客运和货运服务,或成本高基数低价格,仅举几例。然而,金融股也揭示了积极的事实:中国铁路有总投资的第二位(仅次于美国),这表明网络升级和扩张计划,希望未来能使铁路增长。 中国铁路实施货运迄今为止最大数量(以吨计算),同时也看到了第二个最高权利增长率9%。超过三分之二的货运量用所有的基准铁路的中国铁路轨道。尽管这些惊人的数量和增长速度,无论在客运和货运业务收入标准。如果收入是由公里计算,仅排名第四的中国铁路在客运和货运,远远落后于其他所有的基准铁路。结合上述情况,执行运输的短公里的假设并不成立,通过盈利性分析这些见解。调查结果也证实

42、了客运和货运服务非常低的价格水平。经营成本的作用还很难说,没有内部的数据进行比较。 在基础设施方面,中国铁路运营网络排第三位(以公里计算)。轨道的基础设施的技术标准不是太先进,只有四分之一的网络,三分之一是电气化复线,在中国铁路将所有其他范例铁路和在同等条件与印度铁路公司以一个臭名昭著的发达、装备很差的网络。至少,中国铁路已在一个标准衡量它的网络运营优势,在全国(不象印度,它有三种不同的计公里重要的网络股)。然而,在一铁路网络中的不同计不一定意味着性能差,作为日本铁路集团的例子表明,在大获成功的新干线列车上从传统的网络不同的操作规范。 中国铁路的比较大的网络的补充,第二高的机车和车厢的整个样本

43、数量。超过百分之九十的货车致力于货运,货运密度虽然只有77%是,而且更有趣,货运占收入的贡献只有大约50%。换句话说,货运车厢利用率高,没有充分反映在运费收入仅让公里,货运运价的另一个迹象是太低了。在客运业务,情况则更为显著:但是23%的行程占运输收入的33%。显然比奉献运输车辆行驶公里数价格不均衡。 其他生产力指标分析产生进一步的见解:虽然相对而言的公里长,中国铁路的网络是涵盖了相当小的质量。中国铁路有第二低密度的路线,配以印度铁路境内人口密度最低的路线比例固然扭曲了特大两国的人口。不过,考虑到航线密度和机车车辆的数字可以看到,在一个中国的机车和货车上最大的船队旅行最稠密的网络之一,通过比较


45、网络扩张将是一个单纯缓解的方式。 中国铁路的瓶颈,它可以在这里指出能力不足的网络和车辆比这些资产的利用率更差。最后,应该被讨论了哪个的角色的劳动力运营、管理中国铁路的资产。中国铁路已在印度铁路的后面,这是已知世界上最大的商业雇主(李斯特2004年)整个样本的雇员人数名列第二。中国铁路人员的生产力这两个指标都是比较低的。员工的工作效率在整体中排名第五位,但是相比铁路排第三。这可能表明了一种社会责任的承诺,而不是一个严格的利益取向。例如,通过本地线路运输体积密集的货物做了很多努力但无利可图。相对低廉的劳动力在高运输量的货运(货运公里的更多的劳动密集的生产比客公里),在上述提到在较短的时间,更高的频


47、于中国铁路的控股连接并不是一个典型的控股公司,拥有数家子公司,而是涉及的主题进行了综述,并对整个铁道部,因此也没有一个特别的连接客流,运费或基础设施的企业。这些体现在竞争和效率自由化,资源,和操作。 第一,竞争和放松管制部分将分析当前情况的组织形式和最近的组织改革。此外,铁道部经营活动都将被讨论,它的范围远远超越仅仅是铁路运营。这些不同的重要性进行了阐述和活动将为我国铁路的分析和损益表,那里的关键方面和盈利能力的办法进行成本结构会高亮显示。第二,资源部分的选择将考察投资项目和中央采购和招标过程包括和外部供应商的关系。第三,操作部分将处理时间表和轨道交通线路规划,这是一种对拱操作的任务。它集乘客



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