1、 2012 届本科毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 学 院: 物理与电子工程学院 专 业: 电子信息工程 外文出处: S7-200新版英文手册 Creating a Program for the Position Module 附 件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。附件1:外文资料翻译译文创建位控模块程序1、位模块的特性1.1位模块可提供单贮轴、开环移动控制所需的功能和性能提供高速控制,从每秒12个脉冲至每秒200,000个脉冲支持急停(S曲线)或线性的加速,减速功能提供可组态的测量系统,既可以使用工程单位(如英寸或厘米)也可以使用脉冲数提供可组态的螺距误差补偿支持绝对、相对和手动的位控方
2、式提供连续操作提供多达25组的移动包络,每组最多可有四种速度提供4种不同的参考点寻找模式,每种模式都可对起始的寻找方向和最终的接近方向进行选择提供可拆卸的现场接线端子便于安装和拆卸。1.2位模块编程STEP7-MicroNVIN为位控模块的组态和编程提供便捷的工具。遵循以下步骤即可:组态位控模块。STEP7-MicroNVIN提供一个位控向导,可生成组态/包络和位控指令。测试位控模块的操作。STEP7-MicroNVIN提供一个EM253位控面板,用以测试位控模块的输入、输出接线组态以及移动路径的执行。创建S7-200的执行程序。位控向导自动生成位控指令。可以将这些指令插入你的程序中:- 要使
3、能位控模块,插入一个POSx_CTRL指令。用SM0.0(始终接通)以确保这条指令在每个循环周期中都得到执行。- 要将电机移动到一个指定位置,使用一条POSx_GOTO或使用一条POSx_RUN指令。POSx_GOT指令使电机移动到在程序中输入的指定位置。POSx_RUN指令则使电机按照在位控向导中所组态的路线移动。- 要使用绝对坐标进行移动,必须为应用建立零坐标位置。使用一条POSx_RSEEK或一条POSx_LDPOS指令建立零位置。- 位控向导生成的其它指令为典型应用提供功能,对于特定的应用来说,这些指令是可以选的。编译您的程序并将系统块、数据块和程序块下载到S7-200中。2、 组态位
4、控模块 要进行位移控制必须为位控模块创建组态/包络表。位控向导引导您一步一步完成整个组态过程,非常便捷。使用位控向导可离线创建组态/包络表。您可以在不连接S7-200CPU 及位控模块的情况下进行组态。要运行位控向导,必须对项目进行编译并选择符号寻找方式。启动位控向导,可以点击浏览条中的工具图标,然后双击位控向导图标,或者选择菜单命令ToosMotion Controlwizard2.1输入位控模块的位置 您必须输入模块类型和位置以便定义模块参数并为您的应用定义移动包络。位控向导可自动读取智能模块的位置,从而简化这个任务。您只需点击模块按钮。对于硬件版本1.2之前的S7-200 CPU,智能模
5、块必须安装在紧邻CPU的位置以便使用位控向导对模块进行组态。2.2选择测量类型您必须选择测量系统,以便在整个组态使用。您可以选择使用工程单位或脉冲。如果您选择脉冲则不必再定义其它信息。如果选择工程单位,您必须输入以下数据:使电机转一周所需的脉冲数(参考电机或驱动的参数),测量的基本单位(如英寸、英尺、米或厘米),以及电机转一周所引起的位移量(或“单位”)。STEP 7-Micro/WIN 提供一个EM253控制面板,对已组态的位控模块,通过该面板可修改每周的单位数。如果您在以后改变了测量系统,必须删除整个组态,包括位控向导生成的所有指令。您必须输入与新的测量系统一致的选项。2.3输入点动参数点
11、不止一步,只需点击新一步标签(New Step)并输入包络中每一步的信息。点击步骤画图标签(Plot Step),您能够看到由位控向导计算,以图形方式表达出来的步。这样,您就能够很容易的随时浏览并编辑每一个步。2.9完成对位控模块的组态当您完成对位控模块的组态时,只需点击完成(Finsh),然后位控向导会执行以下任务:将模块的组态和包络表插入到您的S7-200程序的数据中。为位控参数生成一个全局符号表在项目的程序中增加位控指令子程序,您可以在应用中使用这些指令要修改任何组态或包络信息,您可以再次运行位控向导。3、 由位控向导生成的位控模块位控向导能够根据位控模块的位置和您对模块的组态生成唯一的
13、是双整数,对于工程单位,这些参数是您所选的参数的实数值。例如:选厘米(cm)为单位,位控参数单位则存为以厘米为单位的一个是数值,速度参数则选择一个每秒若干厘米的实数值(cm/sec.)。以下是特定的运动控制任务所需的位控指令:在您的用户程序中插入POSx_CTRL,并以SM0.0为条件使之每个循环都执行。要指定到一个绝对位置,您必须首先使用POSx_RSEEK或POSx_LDPOS指令建立零位置。要移动到某个特定位置,根据您程序在的输入,使用POSx_GOTO指令。要运行您在位控向导中所组态的运动包络,使用POSx_RUN指令。其它位置指令是可选的3.2 POSx_CTRL指令POSx_CTR
15、peed提供模块的当前速度。如果您组态的模块的测量系统是脉冲,C_Speed是一个每秒脉冲数的长整数。如果您组态测量系统工程单位。C_Speed是一个每秒若干个所选工程单位数的实数。参数C_Dir指示电机的当前方向。3.3 POSx_MAN指令POSx_MAN指令(手动模式)将位控模块置于手动模式。这种模式下,电机可以以不同的速度沿正向或反向点动。当POSx_MAN指令使能时,只能运行POSx_CTRL和POSx_DIS指令。RUN、JOG_P或JOG_N的输入你只能同时使能一个。使能RUN(RUN/Stop) 参数则命令位控模块指定方向(参数Dir )加速到指定速度(参数Speed )。你可
16、以在电机运行时改变速度值,但参数Dir必须保持恒定。禁止参数RUN则命令位控模块减速至电机停止。使能参数JOG_P(点动正转)或JOG_N (点动反转)命令位控模块沿正向或反向点动。如果JOG_P 或JOG_N 有效的时间短于0.5秒,位控模块则输出脉冲运动到JOG_INCREMENT所指定的距离。如果JOG_P或JOG_N的有效时间等于或长于0.5秒,位控模块则开始加速到JOG_SPEED所指定的速度。3.4 POSx_GOTO指令指令POSx_GOTO命令位控模块走到指定位置。接通EN位使能该指令。确保EN位始终保持接通直到Done位指示指令完成。接通参数START向位控模块发送一个GOT
17、O命令。当参数START接通且位控模块不忙时,每一循环都会向位控模块发生一条GOTO命令。要确保只发送一条GOTO命令,使用边沿检测来触发START参数。参数POS包含一个表示运动位置(对于绝对运动)或运动距离(对于相对运动)的值。基于所选的测量系统,该值可以是一个脉冲数(双整数)或工程单位数(实数)。参数Speed决定了运动的最大速度。基于测量单位,该值可以是每秒脉冲数(双整数)或每秒工程单位数(实数)。3.5 POSx_LDOFF指令POSx_LDOFF指令(装载参考点偏移量)建立一个新的零位置,它与参考点位置不在同一处。执行这条指令之前,必须首先决定参考点的位置,还要把机器移动到起始位置
19、 POSx_LDPOS指令POSx_LDPOS指令(装载位置)改变位控模块的当前位置。你也可以使用这条指令为绝对命令建立一个新的零位置。接通EN位使能该指令。确保EN位始终保持接通直到Done位指示指令完成。接通参数START向位控模块发送一个LDPOS命令。每一循环周期,参数START接通且位控模块不忙时,该指令向位控模块发送一条LDPOS命令。要确保只发送一条该命令,使用边沿检测来触发START参数接通。参数New_Pos提供一个新值替换位控模块在绝对运动中报告并使用的当前位置值。基于测量单位,该值可以是一个脉冲数(双整数)或工程单位数(实数)。模块完成该指令时,参数Done接通。3.7
20、POSx_DIS指令POSx_DIS指令可接通或断开位控模块的DIS输出。您可以使用DIS输出来使能或禁止,电机控制器。如果您要使用位控模块上的DIS输出,那么,这条指令可以在每一循环周期内调用,或者只在您需要改变DIS输出时调用。EN位接通时使能该指令,参数DIS_ON控制位控模块的DIS输出。3.8 POSx_CLR指令POSx_CLR指令(触发CLR输出)命令位控模块在CLR输出上生成一个50ms的脉冲。接通EN位使能该指令。确保EN位始终保持接通直到Done位指示指令完成。接通参数START向位控模块发送一个CLR命令。每一循环周期,参数START接通且位控模块不忙时,该指令向位控模块
21、发送一条CLR命令。要确保只发送一条该命令,使用边沿检测来触发START参数接通。模块完成该指令时,参数Done接通。3.9 POSx_CFG指令POSx_CFG指令(重新装载组态)命令位控模块从组态/包络表指针所指定的地方读取组态。位控模块将新的组态与现有的组态进行比较并执行所有需要的设置改变或重新计算。接通EN位使能该指令。确保EN位始终保持接通直到Done位指示指令完成。接通参数START向位控模块发送一个CFG命令。每一循环周期,参数START接通且位控模块不忙时,该指令向位控模块发送一条CFG命令。要确保只发送一条该命令,使用边沿检测来触发START参数接通。模块完成该指令时,参数D
22、one接通。附件2:外文原文Creating a Program for the Position Module1、Features of the Position Module1.1 The Position module provides the functionality and performance that you need for single-axis, open-loop position control: Provides high-speed control, with a range from 12 pulses per second up to 200,000 pul
23、ses persecond Supports both jerk (S curve) or linear acceleration and decelerationProvides a configurable measuring system that allows you to enter data either as engineering units (such as inches or centimeters) or as a number of pulsesProvides configurable backlash compensationSupports absolute, r
24、elative, and manual methods of position control Provides continuous operationProvides up to 25 motion profiles, with up to 4 speed changes per profileProvides four different reference-point seek modes, with a choice of the starting seek direction and the final approach direction for each sequence Pr
25、ovides removable field wiring connectors for easy1.2 Programming the Position ModuleSTEP 7Micro/WIN provides easy-to-use tools for configuring and programming the Position module. Simply follow these steps: Configure the Position module. STEP 7Micro/WIN provides a Position Control wizard for creatin
26、g the configuration/profile table and the position instructions. Test the operation of the Position Module. STEP 7Micro/WIN provides an EM 253 control panel for testing the wiring of the inputs and outputs, the configuration of the Position module, and the operation of the motion profiles. See page
27、274 for information about the EM 253 control panel. Create the program to be executed by the S7-200. The Position Control wizard automatically creates the position instructions that you insert into your program. Insert the following instructions into your program: To enable the Position module, inse
28、rt a POSx_CTRL instruction. Use SM0.0 (Always On) to ensure that this instruction is executed every scan. To move the motor to a specific location, use a POSx_GOTO or a POSx_RUN instruction. The POSx_GOTO instruction move to a location specified by the inputs from your program. The POSx_RUN instruct
29、ion executes the motion profiles you configured with the Position Control wizard. To use absolute coordinates for your motion, you must establish the zero position for your application. Use the a POSx_RSEEK or a POSx_LDPOS instruction to establish the zero position. The other instructions that are c
30、reated by the Position Control wizard provide functionality for typical applications and are optional for your specific application. Compile your program and download the system block, data block, and program block to the S7-200.2、Configuring the Position ModuleYou must create a configuration/profil
31、e table for the Position module in order for the module to control your motion application. The Position Control wizard makes the configuration process quick and easy by leading you step-by-step through the configuration process. The Position Control wizard also allows you to create the configuratio
32、n/profile table offline. You can create the configuration without being connected to an S7-200 CPU with a Position module installed. To run the Position Control wizard, your project must have been compiled and set to symbolic addressing mode. To start the Position Control wizard, either click the To
33、ols icon in the navigation bar and then double-click the Position Control Wizard icon, or select the Tools Position Control Wizard2.1 Entering the Location of the Position ModuleYou must define the parameters for your module and the set of motion profiles for your application by entering the module
34、type and location. The Position Control wizard simplifies this task by automatically reading the position of the intelligent module. You only have to click the Read Modules button.For an S7-200 CPU with firmware prior to version 1.2, you must install the intelligent module next to the CPU in order f
35、or the Position Control wizard to configure the module.2.2 Selecting the Type of MeasurementYou must select the measurement system to be used throughout the configuration. You can select to use either engineering units or pulses. If you select pulses, you do not have to specify any other information
36、. If you select engineering units, you must enter the following data: the number of pulses required to produce one revolution of the motor (refer to the data sheet for your motor or drive), the base unit of measurement(such as inch, foot, millimeter, or centimeter), and the amount of motion (or “uni
37、ts”) provided by one revolution of the motor. STEP 7Micro/WIN provides an EM253 Control Panel that allows you to modify the number of units per revolution after the Position module has been configured.If you change the measurement system later, you must delete the entire configuration including any
38、instructions generated by the Position Control wizard. You must then enter your selections consistent with the new measurement system.2.3 Entering the Jog ParametersThe Jog command is used to manually move the tool to a desired location. Using the Position Control wizard, you specify the following J
39、og parameters values:JOG_SPEED: The JOG_SPEED (Jog speed for the motor) is the maximum speed that can be obtained while the JOG command remains active. JOG_INCREMENT: Distance that the tool is moved by a momentary JOG command.2.4 Entering the Acceleration and Deceleration TimesAs part of the configu
40、ration for the Position module, you set the acceleration and deceleration times. The default setting for both the acceleration time and the deceleration time is 1 second. Typically, motors can work with less than 1 second. You specify the following times in milliseconds:ACCEL_TIME: Time required for
41、 the motor to accelerate from SS_SPEED to MAX_SPEED. Default = 1000 ms DECEL_TIME: Time required for the motor to decelerate from MAX_SPEED to SS_SPEED. Default = 1000 ms2.5 Entering the Jerk TimeJerk compensation provides smoother position control by reducing the jerk (rate of change) in accelerati
42、on and deceleration parts of the motion profile. See Figure 9-9. Reducing jerk improves position tracking performance. Jerk compensation is also known as “S curve profiling.” Jerk compensation can only be applied to simple one-step profiles. This compensation is applied equally to the beginning and
43、ending portions of both the acceleration and deceleration curve. Jerk compensation is not applied to the initial and final step between zero speed and SS_SPEED. You specify the jerk compensation by entering a time value (JERK_TIME). This is the time required for acceleration to change from zero to t
44、he maximum acceleration defined by MAX_SPEED, SS_SPEED, and ACCEL_TIME, or equivalently for DECEL_TIME. A longer jerk time yields smoother operation with a smaller increase in total cycle time than would be obtained by simply increasing the ACCEL_TIME and DECEL_TIME. A value of zero indicates that n
45、o compensation should be applied. (Default = 0 ms)2.6 Configuring the RP Seek SequenceYou can configure the sequence that the Position module uses to search for the reference point.You can select the following options for the RP search sequence: RP Seek mode 0: Does not perform a RP seek sequenceRP
46、Seek mode 1: The RP is where the RPS input goes active on the approach from the work zone side. (Default) RP Seek mode 2: The RP is centered within the active region of the RPS input. RP Seek mode 3: The RP is located outside the active region of the RPS input.RP_Z_CNT specifies how many ZP (Zero Pu
47、lse) input counts should be received after the RPS becomes inactive.RP Seek mode 4: The RP is generally within the active region of the RPS input. RP_Z_CNT specifies how many ZP (Zero Pulse) input counts should be received after the RPS becomes active.2.7 Configuring the Motion Profiles for the Posi
48、tion ModuleA profile is a pre-defined motion description consisting of one or more speeds of movement that effect a movement from a starting point to an ending point. You do not have to define a profile in order to use the module. The Position Control wizard provides an instruction subroutine (POSx_GOTO) for you to use to control moves.Number of profiles: You can select up