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1、品牌建设策略摘 要:品牌建立在有形产品和无形服务的基础上。有形是指产品的新颖包装、 独特设计、以及富有象征吸引力的名称等。而服务是在销售过程当中或售后服务 中给顾客满意的感觉,让顾客体验到做真正“上帝”的幸福感。让他们始终 觉得选择买这种产品的决策是对的。本文通过对品牌建设策略的阐释,指导企业建立自己独特的品牌。关键词:品牌,品牌建设1品牌建设的定义是品牌管理和IMC运动的主要关切。每一位营销者应该追求长期股权,注重每一个细节的战略。因为一个小的消息失调会导致品牌延伸的巨大失败。另一方面,他在消费者心中的心理过程。干扰变数是一个有用的指标,以评估消费者对品牌延伸评估。在整个分类理论和联想网络理

2、论,消费者是否有能力处理成有用的知识,成为他们的信息。他们将通过测量和比较核心的品牌,适合质量类别,以往的经验和知识,使困难的核心品牌之间的差异及延伸产品。因此,在这篇文章中可以推断什么是消费者对品牌延伸评价的几点:1、核心品牌质量创造了一个品牌和低消费的影响评估适合的强势地位。2、核心品牌之间的相似性和延伸,是消费者对适合知觉的主要关切。较高的相似性是适合高的看法。3、消费者的知识和经验影响评价之前,延伸产品踪迹。4、更多的延伸产品创新时,可以感觉到更大的积极配合。 一个成功的品牌战略依赖于信息沟通和一致的清晰的品牌形象。品牌延伸的负面影响将导致对母品牌及品牌系列极大的损害。从管理和营销的角

3、度来看,一个品牌应该保持在一个长期的一致性和连续性的品牌信息的方式和协会的运作。由于从品牌延伸的影响,负面影响是巨大的,久治不愈。每一个消息或品牌延伸可以稀释性的品牌。 品牌延伸或品牌延伸是一种营销策略,其中一个公司的营销与发展良好的形象的产品用于不同的产品类别中的同一品牌名称。新产品被称为剥离。组织使用这一战略,以增加和利用品牌权益(定义:净资产,距离著名的名称长期可持续性)。品牌延伸的一个例子是果胶,明胶果冻布丁创造持久性有机污染物。它增加了从多个产品类别的产品品牌名称的认识,提高盈利能力。一个品牌的“可扩展性”有多强,取决于消费者协会是该品牌的价值观和目标。 在20世纪90年代,81品牌

4、延伸用于引进新品牌,创造销售推出新产品新产品,不仅费时,但也需要一个大的预算,创造意识,促进产品的延伸,是一有利的品牌和新产品开发战略,可以减少使用母品牌名称,以提高消费者的知觉,由于核心品牌资产的财务风险。 虽然可以在品牌延伸战略的重大利益,也可能有重大风险,在稀释或严重受损的品牌形象造成的。品牌延伸选择不当可能会淡化和恶化的核心品牌,损害品牌权益。绝大多数的文献集中于消费者对母品牌的评价和积极的影响。在实际情况下,品牌延伸的失败是在高于成功率。一些研究表明,负面影响可能会淡化品牌形象和权益。在品牌延伸,负相关和错误的沟通战略的积极影响,但损害母品牌甚至品牌家族。 产品扩展是同父产品版本满足

5、了目标市场,并增加了提供多种。产品延伸的一个例子是,在同一产品的汽水可乐类主场迎战健怡可乐。采取这种策略是由于品牌的忠诚度和品牌意识,他们享受的消费者更倾向于购买一个新产品上有一个审判和值得信赖的品牌名称。这意味着市场是因为他们接受一个他们信任的品牌产品和可口可乐是因为他们可以增加他们的产品组合,他们有一个更大的市场举行了中,他们表演英寸照顾照顾2品牌延伸的类型品牌延伸的研究主要集中于推广和消费者对母品牌态度的评价。 首先,在“补”的是,消费者需要两个产品(延伸和母品牌产品)类作为补充,以满足其特定需求。其次,“替补”表示两种产品是相同的用户情况,并满足他们,这意味着产品类很相似,所以,可以互

6、相替代,相同的需求。最后,“转让”是延伸产品和制造商之间的“反映了企业经营的任何知觉在第一类产品的能力,在第二类产品”的关系。前两个措施,着眼于消费者的需求,最后一个对企业的能力为主。 品牌并不总是遵循一个合理的路线。一个错误可能会损坏所有的品牌资产。一个典型的例子是扩展失败可口可乐在1985年推出“新可乐”。尽管最初接受了对“新可乐”的反弹很快出现在消费者。可口可乐不仅没有成功地开发新的品牌,但原有的风味销售也有所下降。可口可乐不得不做出巨大努力恢复谁已变成百事可乐的客户。研究表明,品牌延伸是一个冒险的策略,以增加销售或品牌资产。它应该考虑的母品牌没有什么类型的推广使用质损伤。为例。 BIC

7、的笔试图生产的BIC连裤袜。 首先,在“补”的是,消费者需要两个产品(延伸和母品牌产品)类作为补充,以满足其特定需求。其次,“替补”表示两种产品是相同的用户情况,并满足他们,这意味着产品类很相似,所以,可以互相替代,相同的需求。最后,“转让”是延伸产品和制造商之间的“反映了企业经营的任何知觉在第一类产品的能力,在第二类产品”的关系。前两个措施,着眼于消费者的需求,最后一个对企业的能力为主。 从线路延伸到品牌延伸,然而,有许多不同的方式推广,如“品牌联盟”,联合品牌或“品牌的延续”。塔伯(1988)提出七个战略,以确定诸如产品与母品牌的利益,有不同的价格或质量等在他的建议,它可以扩展成两个相同的

8、产品的类别延伸宗,与产品相关的延伸和关联非产品的品牌延伸相关association.Another形式,是有执照的品牌延伸。如果品牌拥有者的合作伙伴(有时与竞争对手)谁需要对制造商和新产品的销售责任,支付使用费每一个产品销售的时间。3分级理论 研究人员倾向于使用他们的基本理论,探讨关于品牌延伸的联系“范畴论”。当消费者面对成千上万的产品,他们不仅初步混乱和无序考虑,不过也可以尝试进行分类的品牌联想,或与现有的内存映像。当两个或更多的产品出口在消费者面前,他们可能会重新回忆帧品牌形象,对新引进的概念。消费者可以判断或评估其类别内存扩展。他们划分为特定的品牌或产品类标签的新的信息和储存。这个过程不

9、仅关系到消费者的经验和知识,而且还参与和品牌选择。如果品牌协会是密切相关的扩展,消费者可以感知的品牌延伸契合度之间。一些研究表明,消费者可能忽视或克服扩展名从失调,尤其是旗舰产品,是指不符合旗舰稀释股权的感知的低。品牌延伸失败 文学与品牌延伸的负面影响是有限的,结果发现不一致的揭示。阿克尔和凯勒的早期作品(1990年)发现没有明显的证据表明,品牌名称可以通过品牌延伸成功稀释。相反,洛肯和Roedder,约翰(1993年)表明,稀释效果确实发生时,在产品的品类和品牌的信念不一致的延伸。可拓失败可能来自与母品牌,一个熟悉的相似性和缺乏信息和不一致的法团校董会连接困难。 “综合导向的品牌资产可稀释显

10、着功能和非功能属性基变量”,这意味着确实发生在稀释品牌延伸到母品牌。推广这些失败使消费者产生负的或新的协会,甚至涉及到母品牌的品牌家族或扰乱和混淆的原品牌形象和意义。 此外,马丁内兹和Chernatony(2004)分类两种类型的品牌形象:一般品牌形象和产品品牌形象。他们认为,如果品牌名称强劲,耐克和索尼足够的负面影响并没有对一般品牌形象具体损害和“稀释效应是对产品品牌形象大于对一般品牌形象”。因此,消费者可以维持他们对母品牌属性和感情有关的信仰,但是他们的研究确实表明,“品牌延伸冲淡了品牌形象,改变信仰和消费者心中协会”。旗舰产品是摇钱树一个确定的。营销花费的预算和时间来创造最大的曝光和对产

11、品的认识。从理论上说,旗舰产品通常有最高的销售其产品种类和最高的认识。在阿克尔和Keller(1990)的研究报告说,尽管这些名牌不是从失败的扩展危害,一些证据表明,有很大的稀释效应和即时的损害的主打产品及品牌系列。尽管如此,一些研究表明,尽管整体亲子信念是稀释;的旗舰产品将不会受到伤害。此外,品牌延伸也是“关于减少品牌西文消费者的感情和信仰。”建立一个强大的品牌,有必要建立一个“品牌阶梯”。参考文献 1 亨利阿塞尔消费者行为和营销策略机械出版社 1999 2 菲利普科特勒市场营销学M北京:华夏出版社2003 3 菲利普科特勒新竞争M北京:中国商业出版社1998 4 菲利普科特勒著营销管理中国

12、人民大学出版社20005 安妮T科兰等营销渠道北京:电子工业出版社2004Brand building strategyABSTRACT:Brand in tangible products and intangible service basis. Tangible product is the innovative packaging, unique design, as well as symbolic attractive names. And the service is the sales process or after-sales service to customers sa

13、tisfied with the feeling that allow customers to experience the real God feeling of happiness. Let them feel that the choice to buy the product of the decision. Based on the elaborate brand strategy to guide enterprises to establish their own unique brands. Keyword: brand,brand buildingBrand buildin

14、g Brand equity is defined as the main concern in brand management and IMC campaign. Every marketer should pursue the long term equity and pay attention to every strategy in detail. Because a small message dissonance would cause great failure of brand extension. On the other hand, consumer has his ps

15、ychology process in mind. The moderating variable is a useful indication to evaluate consumer evaluation of brand extension.Throughout the categorisation theory and associative network theory, consumer does have the ability to process information into useful knowledge for them. They would measure an

16、d compares the difference between core brand and extension product through quality of core brand, fit in category, former experience and knowledge, and difficulty of making. Consequently, in this article may conclude some points about consumer evaluation of brand extension:1.Quality of core brand cr

17、eates a strong position for brand and low the impact of fit in consumer evaluation. 2.Similarity between core brand and extension is the main concern of consumer perception of fit. The higher the similarity is the higher perception of fit. 3.Consumers knowledge and experience affect the evaluation b

18、efore extension product trail. 4.The more innovation of extension product is, the greater positive fit can perceive. A successful brand message strategy relies on a congruent communication and a clear brand image. The negative impact of brand extension would cause a great damage to parent brand and

19、brand family. From a manager and marketers perspective, an operation of branding should maintain brand messages and associations within a consistency and continuum in the long way. Because the effects of negative impact from brand extension are tremendous and permanently. Every messages or brand ext

20、ension can dilute the brand in nature. Brand extension or brand stretching is a marketing strategy in which a firm marketing a product with a well-developed image uses the same brand name in a different product category. The new product is called a spin-off. Organizations use this strategy to increa

21、se and leverage brand equity (definition: the net worth and long-term sustainability just from the renowned name). An example of a brand extension is Jello-gelatin creating Jello pudding pops. It increases awareness of the brand name and increases profitability from offerings in more than one produc

22、t category. A brands extendibility depends on how strong consumers associations are to the brands values and goals. In the 1990s, 81% of new products used brand extension to introduce new brands and to create sales Launching a new product, is not only time consuming but also needs a big budget to cr

23、eate awareness and to promote a products benefits.Brand extension is one of the new product development strategies which can reduce financial risk by using the parent brand name to enhance consumers perception due to the core brand equity. While there can be significant benefits in brand extension s

24、trategies, there can also be significant risks, resulting in a diluted or severely damaged brand image. Poor choices for brand extension may dilute and deteriorate the core brand and damage the brand equity. Most of the literature focuses on the consumer evaluation and positive impact on parent bran

25、d. In practical cases, the failures of brand extension are at higher rate than the successes. Some studies show that negative impact may dilute brand image and equity. In spite of the positive impact of brand extension, negative association and wrong communication strategy do harm to the parent bran

26、d even brand family. 待添加的隐藏文字内容3 Product extensions are versions of the same parent product that serve a segment of the target market and increase the variety of an offering. An example of a product extension is Coke vs. Diet Coke in same product category of soft drinks. This tactic is undertaken du

27、e to the brand loyalty and brand awareness they enjoy consumers are more likely to buy a new product that has a tried and trusted brand name on it. This means the market is catered for as they are receiving a product from a brand they trust and Coca Cola is catered for as they can increase their pro

28、duct portfolio and they have a larger hold over the market in which they are performing in. Types of brand extension Brand extension research mainly focuses on the consumer evaluation of extension and attitude of the parent brand. First of all, the “Complement” is that consumer takes two product (ex

29、tension and parent brand product) classes as complement to satisfy their specific needs. Secondly, the “Substitute” indicates two products have same user situation and satisfy their same needs which means the products class is very similar so that can replace each other. At last, the “Transfer” is t

30、he relationship between extension product and manufacturer which “reflects the perceived ability of any firm operating in the first product class to make a product in the second class”. The first two measures focus on the consumers demand and the last one focuses on firms ability. Branding does not

31、always follow a rational line. One mistake can damage all brand equity. A classic extension failure example would be Coca Cola launching “New Coke” in 1985. Although initially accepted a backlash against “New Coke” soon emerged among consumers. Not only did Coca Cola not succeed in developing a new

32、brand but sales of the original flavour also decreased. Coca Cola had to make considerable efforts to regain customers who had turned to Pepsi cola.Although there are few works about the failure of extensions, literature still provides sufficient in depth research around this issue. Studies also sug

33、gest that brand extension is a risky strategy to increase sales or brand equity. It should consider the damage of parent brand no matter what types of extension are used. Example. BIC Pens tried to produce BIC pantyhose. You can read some more here First of all, the “Complement” is that consumer tak

34、es two product (extension and parent brand product) classes as complement to satisfy their specific needs. Secondly, the “Substitute” indicates two products have same user situation and satisfy their same needs which means the products class is very similar so that can replace each other. At last, t

35、he “Transfer” is the relationship between extension product and manufacturer which “reflects the perceived ability of any firm operating in the first product class to make a product in the second class”. The first two measures focus on the consumers demand and the last one focuses on firms ability.F

36、rom the line extension to brand extension, however, there are many different way of extension such as brand alliance, co-branding or “brand franchise extension”. Tauber (1988) suggests seven strategies to identify extension cases such as product with parent brands benefit, same product with differen

37、t price or quality, etc. In his suggestion, it can be classified into two category of extension; extension of product-related association and non-product related association.Another form of brand extension, is a licensed brand extension. Where the brand-owner partners (sometimes with a competitor) w

38、ho takes on the responsibility of manufacturer and sales of the new products, paying a royalty every time a product is sold.Categorisation theoryResearchers tend to use “categorisation theory” as their fundamental theory to explore the links about the brand extension. When consumers face thousands o

39、f products, they not only are initially confused and disorderly in mind, but also try to categorise the brand association or image with their existing memory. When two or more products exit in front of consumers, they might reposition memories to frame a brand image and concept toward new introducti

40、on. A consumer can judge or evaluate the extension by their category memory. They categorise new information into specific brand or product class label and store it. This process is not only related to consumers experience and knowledge, but also involvement and choice of brand. If the brand associa

41、tion is highly related to extension, consumer can perceive the fit among brand extension. Some studies suggest that consumer may ignore or overcome the dissonance from extension especially flagship product which means the low perceived of fit does not dilute the flagships equity. Brand extension fai

42、lureLiterature related to negative effect of brand extension is limited and the findings are revealed as incongruent. The early works of Aaker and Keller (1990) find no significant evidence that brand name can be diluted by unsuccessful brand extensions. Conversely, Loken and Roedder-John (1993) ind

43、icate that dilution effect do occur when the extension across inconsistency of product category and brand beliefs. The failure of extension may come from difficulty of connecting with parent brand, a lack of similarity and familiarity and inconsistent IMC messages.“Equity of an integrated oriented b

44、rand can be diluted significantly from both functional and non-functional attributes-base variables”, which means dilution does occur across the brand extension to the parent brand. These failures of extension make consumers create a negative or new association relate to parent brand even brand fami

45、ly or to disturb and confuse the original brand identity and meaning. In addition, Martinez and de Chernatony (2004) classify the brand image in two types: the general brand image and the product brand image. They suggest that if the brand name is strong enough as Nike or Sony, the negative impact h

46、as no specific damage on general brand image and “the dilution effect is greater on product brand image than on general brand image”. Consequently, consumers may maintain their belief about the attributes and feelings about parent brand, however their study does show that “brand extension dilutes th

47、e brand image, changing the beliefs and association in consumers mind”.The flagship product is a money-spinner to a firm. Marketer spends budget and time to create maximum exposure and awareness for the product. Theoretically speaking, flagship product is usually had the top sales and highest awaren

48、ess in its product category. In spite of Aaker and Kellers (1990) research which reports that prestigious brands are not harmed from failure of extensions, some evidence shows that the dilution effect has great and instant damage to the flagship product and brand family. Still, some studies suggest that even though overall parent belief is diluted; the flagship product would not be harmed. In addition, brand extension also “diminishes consumers feelings and beliefs about brand name.” To establish a strong brand, it is necessary to build up a “brand ladder”.Reference 1 Henry.


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