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1、附录A单片机应用技术简介摘要单片机的出现是计算机技术发展史上的一个重要里程碑,它开辟了计算机技术的另一个领域嵌入式(Embedded)计算机领域。目前单片机已成为工控领域,军事领域及日常生活中最为广泛使用的计算机。单片机作为微型计算机的一个重要分支,它的发展和应用越来越引起人们的重视。从单片机诞生至今,已发展为上百种系列的近千个品种。本文是 对单片机的 详细介绍,包括:单片机简介、单片机发展历史、单片机特点以及单片机的应用与发展趋势等五个方面。关键字:单片机;应用;特色;发展趋势1 单片机简介 单片机是一种集成电路芯片,采用超大规模技术把具有数据处理能力(如算术运算,逻辑运算、数据传送、中断处

2、理)的微处理器(CPU),随机存取数据存储器(RAM),只读程序存储器(ROM),输入输出电路(I/O口),可能还包括定时计数器,串行通信口(SCI),显示驱动电路(LCD或LED驱动电路),脉宽调制电路(PWM),模拟多路转换器及A/D转换器等电路集成到一块单块芯片上,构成一个最小然而完善的计算机系统。这些电路能在软件的控制下准确、迅速、高效地完成程序设计者事先规定的任务。 由此来看,单片机有着微处理器所不具备的功能,它可单独地完成现代工业控制所要求的智能化控制功能,这是单片机最大的特征。 然而单片机又不同于单板机,芯片在没有开发前,它只是具备功能极强的超大规模集成电路,如果赋予它特定的程序

3、,它便是一个最小的、完整的微型计算机控制系统,它与单板机或个人电脑(PC机)有着本质的区别,单片机的应用属于芯片级应用,需要用户了解单片机芯片的结构和指令系统以及其它集成电路应用技术和系统设计所需要的理论和技术,用这样特定的芯片设计应用程序,从而使该芯片具备特定的功能。 不同的单片机有着不同的硬件特征和软件特征,即它们的技术特征均不尽相同,硬件特征取决于单片机芯片的内部结构,用户要使用某种单片机,必须了解该型产品是否满足需要的功能和应用系统所要求的特性指标。这里的技术特征包括功能特性、控制特性和电气特性等等,这些信息需要从生产厂商的技术手册中得到。软件特征是指指令系统特性和开发支持环境,指令特

4、性即我们熟悉的单片机的寻址方式,数据处理和逻辑处理方式,输入输出特性及对电源的要求等等。开发支持的环境包括指令的兼容及可移植性,支持软件(包含可支持开发应用程序的软件资源)及硬件资源。要利用某型号单片机开发自己的应用系统,掌握其结构特征和技术特征是必须的。 单片机控制系统能够取代以前利用复杂电子线路或数字电路构成的控制系统,可以软件控制来实现,并能够实现智能化,现在单片机控制范畴无所不在,例如通信产品、家用电器、智能仪器仪表、过程控制和专用控制装置等等,单片机的应用领域越来越广泛。 诚然,单片机的应用意义远不限于它的应用范畴或由此带来的经济效益,更重要的是它已从根本上改变了传统的控制方法和设计

5、思想。是控制技术的一次革命,是一座重要的里程碑。 2 单片机发展概述 1946年第一台电子计算机诞生至今,只有50年的时间,依靠微电子技术和半导体技术的进步,从电子管晶体管集成电路大规模集成电路,现在一块芯片上完全可以集成几百万甚至上千万只晶体管,使得计算机体积更小,功能更强。特别是近20年时间里,计算机技术获得飞速的发展,计算机在工农业,科研,教育,国防和航空航天领域获得了广泛的应用,计算机技术已经是一个国家现代科技水平的重要标志。 单片机诞生于20世纪70年代,象Fairchid公司研制的F8单片微型计算机。所谓单片机是利用大规模集成电路技术把中央处理单元(Center Processin

6、g Unit,也即常称的CPU)和数据存储器(RAM)、程序存储器(ROM)及其他I/O通信口集成在一块芯片上,构成一个最小的计算机系统,而现代的单片机则加上了中断单元,定时单元及A/D转换等更复杂、更完善的电路,使得单片机的功能越来越强大,应用更广泛。 20世纪70年代,微电子技术正处于发展阶段,集成电路属于中规模发展时期,各种新材料新工艺尚未成熟,单片机仍处在初级的发展阶段,元件集成规模还比较小,功能比较简单,一般均把CPU、RAM有的还包括了一些简单的I/O口集成到芯片上,象Farichild公司就属于这一类型,它还需配上外围的其他处理电路方才构成完整的计算系统。类似的单片机还有Zilo

7、g公司的Z80微处理器。 1976年INTEL公司推出了MCS-48单片机,这个时期的单片机才是真正的8位单片微型计算机,并推向市场。它以体积小,功能全,价格低赢得了广泛的应用,为单片机的发展奠定了基础,成为单片机发展史上重要的里程碑。 在MCS-48的带领下,其后,各大半导体公司相继研制和发展了自己的单片机,象Zilog公司的Z8系列。到了80年代初,单片机已发展到了高性能阶段,象INTEL公司的MCS-51系列,Motorola公司的6801和6802系列,Rokwell公司的6501及6502系列等等,此外,日本的著名电气公司NEC和HITACHI都相继开发了具有自己特色的专用单片机。

8、80年代,世界各大公司均竞相研制出品种多功能强的单片机,约有几十个系列,300多个品种,此时的单片机均属于真正的单片化,大多集成了CPU、RAM、ROM、数目繁多的I/O接口、多种中断系统,甚至还有一些带A/D转换器的单片机,功能越来越强大,RAM和ROM的容量也越来越大,寻址空间甚至可达64kB,可以说,单片机发展到了一个全新阶段,应用领域更广泛,许多家用电器均走向利用单片机控制的智能化发展道路。 1982年以后,16位单片机问世,代表产品是INTEL公司的MCS-96系列,16位单片机比起8位机,数据宽度增加了一倍,实时处理能力更强,主频更高,集成度达到了12万只晶体管,RAM增加到了23

9、2字节,ROM则达到了8kB,并且有8个中断源,同时配置了多路的A/D转换通道,高速的I/O处理单元,适用于更复杂的控制系统。 九十年代以后,单片机获得了飞速的发展,世界各大半导体公司相继开发了功能更为强大的单片机。美国Microchip公司发布了一种完全不兼容MCS-51的新一代PIC系列单片机,引起了业界的广泛关注,特别它的产品只有33条精简指令集吸引了不少用户,使人们从INTEL的111条复杂指令集中走出来。PIC单片机获得了快速的发展,在业界中占有一席之地。随后的事情,熟悉单片机的人士都比较清楚了,更多的单片机种蜂拥而至,MOTOROLA公司相继发布了MC68HC系列单片机,日本的几个

10、著名公司都研制出了性能更强的产品,但日本的单片机一般均用于专用系统控制,而不象INTEL等公司投放到市场形成通用单片机。例如NEC公司生产的uCOM87系列单片机,其代表作uPC7811是一种性能相当优异的单片机。MOTOROLA公司的MC68HC05系列其高速低价等特点赢得了不少用户。 Zilog公司的Z8系列产品代表作是Z8671,内含BASIC Debug解释程序,极大地方便用户。而美国国半的COP800系列单片机则采用先进的哈佛结构。ATMEL公司则把单片机技术与先进的Flash存储技术完美地结合起来,发布了性能相当优秀的AT89系列单片机。包括中国的台湾HOLTEK和WINBOND等

11、公司也纷纷加入了单片机发展行列,凭着他们廉价的优势,分享一杯美羹。 1990年美国INTEL公司推出了80960超级32位单片机引起了计算机界的轰动,产品相继投放市场,成为单片机发展史上又一个重要的里程碑。 此期间,单片机园地里,单片机品种异彩纷呈,争奇斗艳。有8位、16位甚至32位机,但8位单片机仍以它的价格低廉、品种齐全、应用软件丰富、支持环境充分、开发方便等特点而占着主导地位。而INTEL公司凭着他们雄厚的技术,性能优秀的机型和良好的基础,目前仍是单片机的主流产品。只不过是九十年代中期,INTEL公司忙着开发他们个人电脑微处理器,已没有足够的精力继续发展自己创导的单片机技术,而由PHIL

12、IPS等公司继续发展C51系列单片机。 3 单片机的特色由于单片机的结构形式及其所采取的半导体工艺,使之具有很多显著的特点,因而在各个领域都得到了迅猛的发展。其主要特点可归纳如下:1)优异的性能价格比。绝大部分单片机的价格只有几个美金。2)集成度高、体积小、有很高的可靠性:单片机把各功能集成在一块芯片上,内部采用总线结构,减少了各芯片之间的连线,大大提高了单片机的可靠性与抗干扰能力。另外,由于体积小,对于强磁场环境易于采取屏蔽措施,适合在恶劣环境下工作。3)控制能力强:为了满足工业控制的要求,一般单片机上午指令系统均有丰富的转移指令、I/O口的逻辑操作以及位处理功能。单片机的逻辑控制功能及运行

13、速度均高于同一档次的微机。4)低能耗、低电压,便于生产便携式产品。5)外部总线增加了C及SPI等串行总线方式,进一步缩小了体积,简化了结构。6)单片机的系统扩展和系统配置较典型、规范,容易构成各种规模的应用系统。4 单片机的应用领域 单片机广泛应用于仪器仪表、家用电器、医用设备、航空航天、专用设备的智能化管理及过程控制等领域,大致可分如下几个范畴: 1在智能仪器仪表上的应用 单片机具有体积小、功耗低、控制功能强、扩展灵活、微型化和使用方便等优点,广泛应用于仪器仪表中,结合不同类型的传感器,可实现诸如电压、功率、频率、湿度、温度、流量、速度、厚度、角度、长度、硬度、元素、压力等物理量的测量。采用

14、单片机控制使得仪器仪表数字化、智能化、微型化,且功能比起采用电子或数字电路更加强大。例如精密的测量设备(功率计,示波器,各种分析仪)。2在工业控制中的应用 用单片机可以构成形式多样的控制系统、数据采集系统。例如工厂流水线的智能化管理,电梯智能化控制、各种报警系统,与计算机联网构成二级控制系统等。 3在家用电器中的应用 可以这样说,现在的家用电器基本上都采用了单片机控制,从电饭褒、洗衣机、电冰箱、空调机、彩电、其他音响视频器材、再到电子秤量设备,五花八门,无所不在。 4在计算机网络和通信领域中的应用 现代的单片机普遍具备通信接口,可以很方便地与计算机进行数据通信,为在计算机网络和通信设备间的应用

15、提供了极好的物质条件,现在的通信设备基本上都实现了单片机智能控制,从手机,电话机、小型程控交换机、楼宇自动通信呼叫系统、列车无线通信、再到日常工作中随处可见的移动电话,集群移动通信,无线电对讲机等。 5单片机在医用设备领域中的应用 单片机在医用设备中的用途亦相当广泛,例如医用呼吸机,各种分析仪,监护仪,超声诊断设备及病床呼叫系统等等。 此外,单片机在工商,金融,科研、教育,国防航空航天等领域都有着十分广泛的用途。 5 单片机的发展趋势 现在可以说单片机是百花齐放,百家争鸣的时期,世界上各大芯片制造公司都推出了自己的单片机,从8位、16位到32位,数不胜数,应有尽有,有与主流C51系列兼容的,也

16、有不兼容的,但它们各具特色,互成互补,为单片机的应用提供广阔的天地。 纵观单片机的发展过程,可以预示单片机的发展趋势,大致有: 1低功耗CMOS化 MCS-51系列的8031推出时的功耗达630mW,而现在的单片机普遍都在100mW左右,随着对单片机功耗要求越来越低,现在的各个单片机制造商基本都采用了CMOS(互补金属氧化物半导体工艺)。象80C51就采用了HMOS(即高密度金属氧化物半导体工艺)和CHMOS(互补高密度金属氧化物半导体工艺)。CMOS虽然功耗较低,但由于其物理特征决定其工作速度不够高,而CHMOS则具备了高速和低功耗的特点,这些特征,更适合于在要求低功耗象电池供电的应用场合。

17、所以这种工艺将是今后一段时期单片机发展的主要途径。 2微型单片化 现在常规的单片机普遍都是将中央处理器(CPU)、随机存取数据存储(RAM)、只读程序存储器(ROM)、并行和串行通信接口,中断系统、定时电路、时钟电路集成在一块单一的芯片上,增强型的单片机集成了如A/D转换器、PMW(脉宽调制电路)、WDT(看门狗)、有些单片机将LCD(液晶)驱动电路都集成在单一的芯片上,这样单片机包含的单元电路就更多,功能就越强大。甚至单片机厂商还可以根据用户的要求量身定做,制造出具有自己特色的单片机芯片。 此外,现在的产品普遍要求体积小、重量轻,这就要求单片机除了功能强和功耗低外,还要求其体积要小。现在的许

18、多单片机都具有多种封装形式,其中SMD(表面封装)越来越受欢迎,使得由单片机构成的系统正朝微型化方向发展3主流与多品种共存 现在虽然单片机的品种繁多,各具特色,但仍以80C51为核心的单片机占主流,兼容其结构和指令系统的有PHILIPS公司的产品,ATMEL公司的产品和中国台湾的Winbond系列单片机。所以C8051为核心的单片机占据了半壁江山。而Microchip公司的PIC精简指令集(RISC)也有着强劲的发展势头,中国台湾的HOLTEK公司近年的单片机产量与日俱增,与其低价质优的优势,占据一定的市场分额。此外还有MOTOROLA公司的产品,日本几大公司的专用单片机。在一定的时期内,这种

19、情形将得以延续,将不存在某个单片机一统天下的垄断局面,走的是依存互补,相辅相成、共同发展的道路。附录BBrief Introduction of Single-Chip Microcomputer TechnicalAbstractThe appearance of Single-Chip Microcomputer is a important milestone on computer technical development history, it has opened up computer technical another field embedded( Embedded) co

20、mputer field. Now, Single-Chip Microcomputer has become work to control the computer most used extensively in field, military field and daily life. Single-Chip Microcomputer is a important branch of personal computer, its development and application more and more arouse the attention of people. From

21、 Single-Chip Microcomputer birth so far, have developed for 100 kinds of last series near 1000 kind. This paper is the detailed introduction for Single-Chip Microcomputer , includes: Single-Chip Microcomputer brief introduction and Single-Chip Microcomputer development are historical, single the 5 a

22、spects such as development tendency and the application of flat machine characteristic as well as Single-Chip Microcomputer .Keywords: Single-Chip Microcomputer ; Apply; Characteristic; Development tendency1 Single-Chip Microcomputer brief introduction Single-Chip Microcomputer is a kind of chip of

23、integrated circuit , adopts super large-scale technology have data handling ability( such as arithmetic manipulation, logic operation and data deliver and suspend handling) tiny processor ( CPU ), radom access data memory ( RAM ), read-only program memory ( ROM ), input export circuit ( the mouth of

24、 I/O ) and possibility still include timing counter and serial communication mouth ( SCI ) , show drive circuit ( LCD or LED drive circuit ), the circuits such as pulse wide modulation circuit ( PWM ), simulated multichannel converter and the converter of A/D intergration forms on a chip of single b

25、lock one minimum the computer system perfected however. These circuits can under the control of software accurate , quick , complete efficiently the task that programming person stipulates in advance.From this, Single-Chip Microcomputer has tiny processor the function that place does not have , it m

26、ay complete modern industry alone to control the intelligent control function that will be asked for , this is the biggest feature of single flat machine. However, Single-Chip Microcomputer is again different from single board machine, chip before having not developed , it has function merely very s

27、trong super large-scale integrated circuit, if giving it specific program, it is a minimum complete control system of personal computer and its and single board machine or personal computer ( personal computer ) have essential difference, the application of Single-Chip Microcomputer belongs to chip

28、level application and needs, user knows the other application technology of integrated circuit and instruction system as well as the structure of Single-Chip Microcomputer chip with system technology and theory that design needs , so make this chip have specific function with such specific chip desi

29、gn application program.Different Single-Chip Microcomputer has different hardware feature and software feature, their technical feature is not the same, hardware feature depends on the internal structure of Single-Chip Microcomputer chip, when use some single flat machine, user must know whether thi

30、s type product satisfies the function of needs and application system the property index that will be asked for. The technical feature of here includes function property, control property and electrical property etc., these information needs get from the technical handbook of manufacturer business.

31、Software feature denotes instruction systematic property and development to support environment , instruction property the Single-Chip Microcomputer that has familiar us seek address way, data handling and logic handling way, input export property and the requirement for power source etc. The enviro

32、nment developed to sustain include instructing compatible and transplantability, support software ( contain may support development to apply the software resource of program ) and hardware resource. Will develop own application system using certain model single flat chance , grasp its structural fea

33、ture and technical feature is must.Single-Chip Microcomputer control system, before replacing , uses the control system that complex electronic line or digital circuit forms , may software control realizes , can realize intelligence , current Single-Chip Microcomputer control category is omnipresent

34、, the application field that has machine flat only such as communication product, electric home appliances, intelligent instrument appearance, process control and special control equipment etc. is more and more extensive. Indeed, the application meaning of Single-Chip Microcomputer does not be confi

35、ned to its application category or the economic benefits that bring from this , more important is it the control method and design thought that has already changed tradition from foundation. It is one revolution of control technology , is a important milestone.2 single slices of machine development

36、general state In 1946, the first computer birth has only the progress of semiconductor technology, dependence microelectronics technology and the time of 50 years so far, from electron tube transistor integrated circuit the circuit of large scale integration, a current chip finishes may intergrate m

37、illions completely even go up must transistor, make computer volume less, function is stronger. , in the time of near 20 years, computer technology gets fast development, computer when industry and agriculture, research is educational, national defence and aerospace field have gotten extensive appli

38、cation, computer technology has been the important sign of a national modern level of science and technology.Single-Chip Microcomputer birth in 20 century 70 decade, resemble the F8 single flat personal computer of Fairchid companys R&D. So-called Single-Chip Microcomputer is using the circuit techn

39、ology of large scale integration handle central government unit ( Center Processing Unit, also CPU that claims frequently ) are with data memory ( RAM ) , program memory ( ROM ) and the other communication mouthes of I/O intergrate on a chip, form a minimum computer system, modern Single-Chip Microc

40、omputer has added suspension unit , the more complex more perfect circuits such as timing unit and the conversion of A/D, make the function 1of Single-Chip Microcomputer more and more powerful, application is more extensive.20 century 70 decade, in microelectronics technology is being in development

41、, stage and integrated circuit belong to , scale develops period, various new material new technologies have not ripened , Single-Chip Microcomputer is still in elementary development, stage and element integrated scale still have less comparison, as function has more simple comparison, CPU and RAM

42、are some on have still included some simple mouthes of I/O to intergrate go to chip, elephant Farichild company belongs to this type , it need to still match other peripheral handlings, circuit forms complete calculation just now system. Similar Single-Chip Microcomputer still has the Z80 tiny proce

43、ssor of Zilog company. In 1976, INTEL company has put out MCS-48 single flat machine, the Single-Chip Microcomputer of this period is just 8 genuine single flat personal computers , and pushes to market. It with volume is little, function is whole, price lows have won extensive application, have est

44、ablished foundation , become the important milestone on Single-Chip Microcomputer development history for the development of single flat machine.In MCS-48 lead , its rear each most conductor company develops and develops own Single-Chip Microcomputer in succession , resembles the Z8 series of Zilog

45、company. Have been beginning of 80 decade, Single-Chip Microcomputer has developed high performance stage, the MCS-51 series Motorola companys 6801 of elephant INTEL company is with 6802 serieses, 6502 serieses of etc. and the 6501 of Rokwell company, besides, HITACHI and famous electrical companys

46、NEC of Japan have developed in succession the Single-Chip Microcomputer special that has own characteristic.80 decade, world is each big the Single-Chip Microcomputer that company develops product kind muti_function winner eagerly, have the tens of series kinds more than three-hundreds approximately

47、, right now Single-Chip Microcomputer belongs to genuine single flat to melt, have intergrated CPU, RAM, ROM and number numerous I/O mostly interface and various suspension system, the Single-Chip Microcomputer and function that even still has some tape converters of A/D are more and more powerful,

48、the capacity of RAM and ROM also more and more big, seek address space may even reach 64kB, in other words, Single-Chip Microcomputer development has gone to a brand-new stage, application field is more extensive, a lot electric home appliances move towards the intelligent development road that uses

49、 Single-Chip Microcomputer control.After 1982, 16 single flat machines come out , represent that MCS-96 whose product is INTEL company is series, 16 single flat machines have increased one time compared with 8 machines and data widthes, the ability of real time of handling is stronger, main and frequently higher, integrated degree has reached one hundred and twenty thousand


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