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1、三江学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译院 系土木工程学院专业建筑学生姓名张融晨班级学号B08084039外文出处附件:1.外文资料翻译译文(约3000汉字); 2.外文资料原文(与课题相关的1万印刷符号左右)。指导教师评语:指导教师签名:年月日附件:1.外文资料翻译译文EN 1992-1-1:2004 (E)第一章 总则1.1 范围1.1.1 欧洲法规2的范围(1)供磷欧洲规范2 适用于建筑设计和利用纯混凝土,钢筋混凝土和预应力钢筋混凝土建造的土木工程. 它遵守建筑结构安全、可靠的原则及要求, 他们设计的基础和检验在EN 1990:结构设计的基础一章中提到。(2) 供磷欧洲规范2 只注重混凝土结

2、构的抗阻性,适用性,耐用性和耐火性. 其他要求例如绝热性和隔音性是不被考虑的。(3) 供磷欧洲规范2 是打算用来同如下内容共同使用的:EN 1990: 结构设计的基础EN 1991:对结构的作用对结构的行动hENs: 有关混凝土结构的建筑产品EN 1997: 土工技术设计EN 1998: 当混凝土结构被建造在地震区时的抗震结构设计(4供磷欧洲规范2 被细分成如下部分:Part 1.1: 总则和建筑规则Part 1.2: 结构的消防设计Part 2: 钢筋混凝土和预应力钢筋混凝凝土桥Part 3: 液体保留和含有 结构1.1.2 1-1欧洲法规2部的适用范围 (1) P部分欧洲规范21-1 列出

3、了正常骨料和轻骨料的纯混凝土,钢筋混凝土和预应力钢筋混凝土的建筑设计的一般基础,以及建筑的详细规则(2)P以下内容在1-1中涉及第一章: 总则Section 2: 设计基础Section 3: 材料Section 4: 耐用性和钢筋保护层Section 5: 结构分析Section 6: 极限状态Section 7: 正常使用极限状态Section 8: 加固和预应力筋腱的细节-总则Section 9: 成员和特殊裁决的细节Section 10: 预制混凝土成分和结构的附加规则Section 11: 轻骨料混凝土结构Section 12: 纯混凝土和少量钢筋混凝土结构 (3)P 第一章和第二章

4、提供了在EN1990中提到的“结构设计基础”的附加条款(4)P 1-1这一部分没有涉及到:- 平原加固的使用- 抗火性;- 建筑特殊类型的详细方面(例如高楼)- 土木工程类型的详细方面(例如高架桥,桥梁,水坝,压力容器,海上平台或挡水结构) ;- 无沙混凝土和加气混凝土结构,以及那些有重骨料或包含性结构钢所建造的建筑(参考Eurocode 4中的复合钢筋混凝土结构)1.2 引用标准(1)P 以下标准文件包含在本文中涉及的规定,关于欧洲标准的基本规定 . 至于过时的参考文献,并没有在随后对这些出版物进行修正和校对。然而,建立在这个欧洲准则基础上的合约双方,他们被鼓励去调查应用那些在下面所指出的的

5、标准文件的最近版本的可能性。因为无日期的参考文献,最新的标准文件版本已被应用。1.2.1 常规参考标准EN 1990: 结构设计基础EN 1991-1-5: 对结构的作用: 力量上的作用EN 1991-1-6: 对结构的作用 在施工中的作用1.2.2 其他参考标准EN1997: 土工技术设计EN 197-1: 水泥: 普通水泥的成分,规格,一致性标准EN 206-1: 混凝土:规格,性能,生产和一致性 EN 12390: 检测硬化混凝土EN 10080: 用于加固混凝土的钢材EN 10138: 预变形钢EN ISO 17760: 允许用于加固的焊接过程ENV 13670: 混凝土结构的施工EN

6、 13791: 检测混凝土EN ISO 15630 用于加固的钢材和混凝土预应力的钢材: 检测方法1.3 假设(1) P 除了在EN 1990中提到的一般假设外,还设计到以下假设- 建筑结构是由有资格的,富有经验的专业人员所设计的- 适当监督和质量管理无处不在,无时无刻在进行着在工厂中,在植物中,和现场。- 建筑由有着适当技术和经验的人员所建造- 建筑材料和产品是根据欧洲规范或相关材料、产品说明书所使用的- 建筑物将会被适当维护- 建筑结构将会与建筑纲要一致地被使用- 在ENV 13670 中提到的施工和工艺的要求要遵守1.4 原则和应用规则的区别(1)P 在EN 1990 中的规则适用于1.

7、5 定义1.5.1 总则 一般(1) P 在EN 1990中涉及的条款和定义适用于(2) 1.5.2 在标准中使用的附加条款及定义1.5.2.1预制结构 . 预制结构的特点是结构构件在其他地方生产而不是在建筑的最终位置. 在这种结构中,要素是为了确保所需建筑的结构完整性1.5.2.2平原或轻轻钢筋混凝土构件. 结构混凝土构件有不加固(素混凝土)或者比在第九章中提到的最小的混料总量性少的加固1.5.2.3无粘结和外部的肌腱。用于后受力杆件的无粘结筋后张预应力成员 有通风管道,那些管道被永久地无粘结、肌腱 处于混凝土横断面的外部 (这可能会在强压或有防护膜的情况下被混凝土包住). 预

8、应力. 预应力过程在于通过对与混凝土构件相关的肌腱提供应力来对混凝土结构提供作用力. “预应力” 在全世界被使用,用来命名那些在预应力过程中的永久作用, 它们包含了对结构中的变形和型材的内力.其他预应力方法在喂在标准中提及 1.6 符号为了这个标准 ,以下符号适用注意: 符号基于拉丁大写字母A 偶然作用A 横截面积Ac 混凝土横截面积Ap 一个或多个预应力钢筋束的面积As 加固的横截面积As,最小的加固横截面积Asw剪切钢筋的截面积 D 心轴直径DEd 疲劳损害因素E 作用的影响Ec, Ec(28) 正常重量混凝土的切线弹性模量C=0应力切线正常体重的混凝土弹性模量并在28天内Ec,eff混凝

9、土的有效弹性模量 Ecd 混凝土弹性模量的结构参数Ecm 混凝土的割线模量Ec(t) 正常重量混凝土的切线弹性模量在C= 0在时间t的压力和切线正常体重的混凝土弹性模量Ep预变形刚的弹性模量的设计参数Es 钢筋的弹性模量的设计参数E抗弯刚度EQU伪静态平衡F 作用Fd 一个行为的结构参数Fk一个动作的特征值Gk典型的永久作用 混凝土截面惯性矩L 长度M 弯矩MEd 应用的内部弯矩的设计参数N 轴向力NEd 应用的轴向力的设计参数 (张力或压迫)P 预应力P0 在压力之后紧接的活性结束的肌腱的内部力量Qk 典型的变量作用Qfat 典型的疲劳负荷R 阻力S 内力和瞬间S SLS地区的正常使用极限状

10、态的静力矩T 扭矩TEd 应用扭矩ULS的极限状态的设计参数V 剪力VEd 应用剪力的设计参数拉丁小写字母a 间隔a 几何数据a 几何数据的偏差b 横截面的总宽,或者 实际凸缘总宽或实际在T或L梁翼缘宽度T,I或L梁体重的网页宽度d 直径 ; 深度d 横截面的有效深度dg 最大量的集料粒度e 离心率fc 砼抗压强度fcd 混凝土的抗压强度的设计参数Fck在28天的混凝土的压钢强度特征特点压缸混凝土强度在28天内fcm 混凝土的圆柱体的抗压强度的平均值fctk 混凝土的轴向拉伸强度特征Fctm混凝土轴向抗拉强度的平均值fp 预变形钢的抗拉强度fpk 预变形钢的典型抗拉强度fp0,10.1的证明应

11、力预应力钢预变形刚有0,1% 的抗压力fp0,1k特征0.1证明预应力钢筋的应力f0,2k特性0,2证明应力钢筋ft 加固的抗拉强度ftk 加固的典型抗压强度fy 加固的抗屈强度fyd 加固的设计抗屈强度fyk 加固的典型抗屈强度Fywd剪切钢筋的设计产量h 高度h 一个横截面的总深i 回转半径k 系数 ;因素l (or l or L) 长度; 跨度m 质量r 半径1/r 一个特殊截面的曲率t 厚度t 所认为的时间t0 在装船时的混凝土年龄u 混凝土横截面的周长, 具有区域交流u,v,w 位移点的成分x 中性轴深度x,y,z 坐标z 杠杆臂的内部力量希腊小写字母 角度 ; 比率 角度;比率;

12、系数 分项系数A 分项系数一个行动的意外C 混凝土的分项系数F部分因素的行动,FF,fat 疲劳行为的分项系数C,fat部分因素的混凝土疲劳G部分因子为永久性的行动,GM 一种材料性能的分项系数, 考虑到材料性能本身和设计模型的不确定性及几何形状误差P和预应力有关行为的分项系数Q 变量行为的分项系数S钢筋或预变形钢的分项系数 S,fat 在疲劳荷载下的钢筋或预变形钢的分项系数未考虑模型不确定性行为的分项系数g 未考虑模型不确定性的永久行为的分项系数m 一种有形资产的分项系数,仅仅考虑了有形资产的不确定性 增量或再分配比例 还原因素或分配比例c混凝土的压缩变形c1 峰值应力为fc的混凝土的压缩变

13、形cu 混凝土的极限压应变u 最大负载下的钢筋或预变形钢的张力uk 最小负载下的钢筋或预变形钢的典型张力 角度 长度直径比 在tendons和它们的通风管道之间的摩擦系数 泊松比 在剪切裂开是的混凝土的强度折减系数 预变形钢或钢筋的粘结强度比值 混凝土的绝干密度 kg/m31000张弛损失的价值,在张力后,并且平均温度为20C的情况下1000的小时l纵向钢筋的配筋率w 剪切钢筋的配筋率c在混凝土中的抗压应力cp 来源于轴向载荷和预应力的混凝土中的抗压应力cu 在极限压下的混凝土中的抗压应力 扭转剪应力 一个钢筋或预应力管道的直径n 一束配筋的等效直径(t,t0) 蠕变系数, 在t 和t0之间定

14、义它,它和在28天中的弹性形变有关 (,t0) 蠕变系数的终值 定义变量行为代表值的因素0 对组合价值来说1 对频繁的价值观来说2对半永久的价值观来说附件:2.外文资料原文EN 1992-1-1:2004 (E)14SECTION 1 GENERAL1.1 Scope1.1.1 Scope of Eurocode 2(1)P Eurocode 2 applies to the design of buildings and civil engineering works in plain,reinforced and prestressed concrete. It complies with

15、 the principles and requirements for thesafety and serviceability of structures, the basis of their design and verification that are given inEN 1990: Basis of structural design.(2)P Eurocode 2 is only concerned with the requirements for resistance, serviceability,durability and fire resistance of co

16、ncrete structures. Other requirements, e.g. concerningthermal or sound insulation, are not considered.(3)P Eurocode 2 is intended to be used in conjunction with:EN 1990: Basis of structural designEN 1991: Actions on structureshENs: Construction products relevant for concrete structuresENV 13670: Exe

17、cution of concrete structuresEN 1997: Geotechnical designEN 1998: Design of structures for earthquake resistance, when concrete structures are built inseismic regions.(4)P Eurocode 2 is subdivided into the following parts:Part 1.1: General rules and rules for buildingsPart 1.2: Structural fire desig

18、nPart 2: Reinforced and prestressed concrete bridgesPart 3: Liquid retaining and containing structures1.1.2 Scope of Part 1-1 of Eurocode 2(1)P Part 1-1 of Eurocode 2 gives a general basis for the design of structures in plain,reinforced and prestressed concrete made with normal and light weight agg

19、regates togetherwith specific rules for buildings.(2)P The following subjects are dealt with in Part 1-1.Section 1: GeneralSection 2: Basis of designSection 3: MaterialsSection 4: Durability and cover to reinforcementSection 5: Structural analysisSection 6: Ultimate limit statesSection 7: Serviceabi

20、lity limit statesSection 8: Detailing of reinforcement and prestressing tendons - GeneralSection 9: Detailing of members and particular rulesCopyright European Committee for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with CENNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for

21、Resale-,-,-EN 1992-1-1:2004 (E)15Section 10: Additional rules for precast concrete elements and structuresSection 11: Lightweight aggregate concrete structuresSection 12: Plain and lightly reinforced concrete structures(3)P Sections 1 and 2 provide additional clauses to those given in EN 1990 “Basis

22、 of structuraldesign”.(4)P This Part 1-1 does not cover:- the use of plain reinforcement- resistance to fire;- particular aspects of special types of building (such as tall buildings);- particular aspects of special types of civil engineering works (such as viaducts, bridges,dams, pressure vessels,

23、offshore platforms or liquid-retaining structures);- no-fines concrete and aerated concrete components, and those made with heavyaggregate or containing structural steel sections (see Eurocode 4 for composite steelconcretestructures).1.2 Normative references(1)P The following normative documents con

24、tain provisions which, through references in thistext, constitutive provisions of this European standard. For dated references, subsequentamendments to or revisions of any of these publications do not apply. However, parties toagreements based on this European standard are encouraged to investigate

25、the possibility ofapplying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For undatedreferences the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.1.2.1 General reference standardsEN 1990: Basis of structural designEN 1991-1-5: Actions on structures: Thermal actio

26、nsEN 1991-1-6: Actions on structures: Actions during execution1.2.2 Other reference standardsEN1997: Geotechnical designEN 197-1: Cement: Composition, specification and conformity criteria for commoncementsEN 206-1: Concrete: Specification, performance, production and conformityEN 12390: Testing har

27、dened concreteEN 10080: Steel for the reinforcement of concreteEN 10138: Prestressing steelsEN ISO 17760: Permitted welding process for reinforcementENV 13670: Execution of concrete structuresEN 13791: Testing concreteEN ISO 15630 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete: Test method

28、s1.3 Assumptions(1)P In addition to the general assumptions of EN 1990 the following assumptions apply:- Structures are designed by appropriately qualified and experienced personnel.Copyright European Committee for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with CENNo reproduction or networking pe

29、rmitted without license from IHS Not for Resale-,-,-EN 1992-1-1:2004 (E)16- Adequate supervision and quality control is provided in factories, in plants, and on site.- Construction is carried out by personnel having the appropriate skill and experience.- The construction materials and products are u

30、sed as specified in this Eurocode or in therelevant material or product specifications.- The structure will be adequately maintained.- The structure will be used in accordance with the design brief.- The requirements for execution and workmanship given in ENV 13670 are complied with.1.4 Distinction

31、between principles and application rules(1)P The rules given in EN 1990 apply.1.5 Definitions1.5.1 General(1)P The terms and definitions given in EN 1990 apply.1.5.2 Additional terms and definitions used in this Standard1.5.2.1 Precast structures. Precast structures are characterised by structural e

32、lementsmanufactured elsewhere than in the final position in the structure. In the structure,elements are connected to ensure the required structural integrity. Plain or lightly reinforced concrete members. Structural concrete members havingno reinforcement (plain concrete) or less reinforceme

33、nt than the minimum amountsdefined in Section Unbonded and external tendons. Unbonded tendons for post-tensioned membershaving ducts which are permanently ungrouted, and tendons external to the concretecross-section (which may be encased in concrete after stressing, or have a protectivemem

34、brane). Prestress. The process of prestressing consists in applying forces to the concretestructure by stressing tendons relative to the concrete member. “Prestress” is usedglobally to name all the permanent effects of the prestressing process, which compriseinternal forces in the sections an

35、d deformations of the structure. Other means ofprestressing are not considered in this standard.1.6 SymbolsFor the purposes of this standard, the following symbols apply.Note: The notation used is based on ISO 3898:1987Latin upper case lettersA Accidental actionA Cross sectional areaAc Cross section

36、al area of concreteAp Area of a prestressing tendon or tendonsCopyright European Committee for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with CENNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale-,-,-EN 1992-1-1:2004 (E)17As Cross sectional area of reinforcementAs,min

37、 minimum cross sectional area of reinforcementAsw Cross sectional area of shear reinforcementD Diameter of mandrelDEd Fatigue damage factorE Effect of actionEc, Ec(28) Tangent modulus of elasticity of normal weight concrete at a stress of c = 0and at 28 daysEc,eff Effective modulus of elasticity of

38、concreteEcd Design value of modulus of elasticity of concreteEcm Secant modulus of elasticity of concreteEc(t) Tangent modulus of elasticity of normal weight concrete at a stress of c = 0 andat time tEp Design value of modulus of elasticity of prestressing steelEs Design value of modulus of elastici

39、ty of reinforcing steelE Bending stiffnessEQU Static equilibriumF ActionFd Design value of an actionFk Characteristic value of an actionGk Characteristic permanent action Second moment of area of concrete sectionL LengthM Bending momentMEd Design value of the applied internal bending momentN Axial f

40、orceNEd Design value of the applied axial force (tension or compression)P Prestressing forceP0 Initial force at the active end of the tendon immediately after stressingQk Characteristic variable actionQfat Characteristic fatigue loadR ResistanceS Internal forces and momentsS First moment of areaSLS

41、Serviceability limit stateT Torsional momentTEd Design value of the applied torsional momentULS Ultimate limit stateV Shear forceVEd Design value of the applied shear forceLatin lower case lettersa Distancea Geometrical dataa Deviation for geometrical datab Overall width of a cross-section, or actua

42、l flange width in a T or L beambw Width of the web on T, I or L beamsd Diameter ; Depthd Effective depth of a cross-sectionCopyright European Committee for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with CENNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS Not for Resale-,-,-EN 1992

43、-1-1:2004 (E)18dg Largest nominal maximum aggregate sizee Eccentricityfc Compressive strength of concretefcd Design value of concrete compressive strengthfck Characteristic compressive cylinder strength of concrete at 28 daysfcm Mean value of concrete cylinder compressive strengthfctk Characteristic

44、 axial tensile strength of concretefctm Mean value of axial tensile strength of concretefp Tensile strength of prestressing steelfpk Characteristic tensile strength of prestressing steelfp0,1 0,1% proof-stress of prestressing steelfp0,1k Characteristic 0,1% proof-stress of prestressing steelf0,2k Ch

45、aracteristic 0,2% proof-stress of reinforcementft Tensile strength of reinforcementftk Characteristic tensile strength of reinforcementfy Yield strength of reinforcementfyd Design yield strength of reinforcementfyk Characteristic yield strength of reinforcementfywd Design yield of shear reinforcemen

46、th Heighth Overall depth of a cross-sectioni Radius of gyrationk Coefficient ; Factorl (or l or L) Length; Spanm Massr Radius1/r Curvature at a particular sectiont Thicknesst Time being consideredt0 The age of concrete at the time of loadingu Perimeter of concrete cross-section, having area Acu,v,w Components of the displac


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